The Triskele Consort Ch. 10

“I went to the east, deep into croc territory.” Gyn said. “I was transformed and had to suppress my telepathic abilities, as I couldn’t contact anyone for fear of being discovered.”

“WHY?” I almost screamed at her, terror seizing my heart at the thought at what would have happened to her if she had been found out! “What was so important that you risked your life to go there?”

We were Now in Gyn’s quarters in Tr’skel’s family residence. She had apparently travelled to the citadel by horse-beast, as her luckage consistent of a large set of leather saddlebags that were on the floor near the door. She crossed the room and rummaged around inside one to find her phone, a device she almost never carried when in the demon realm. She switched it on and scrolled through her photos, then held it out to me with the screen showing.

“Linz’carn,” I said, looking at an image of what looked like a wall fresco, badly faded by time. But it was quite clearly the same girl that represented the Pleasure imp part of my nature when Merek’mes had used his healing abilities with me!

“You know who this is?” Gyn said in obvious astonishment. “How?”

“I have a feeling you’re about to tell me how I know her.” I replied sharply. “Continue, please.”

She looked at me with a slightly hurt expression, but I was in no mood to feel sorry for her. We were nowhere near reconciled yet!

“I first met Tor when he came to live with us, when he and Tel were training at Tr’skel’s citadel. But his family home was in the east of the Demon Realm as it was then. When we mate, and his training was completed, we went to live there.” Gyn continued. “Linz’carn was part of the household, a family slave.”

“I’m not following you.” I said, then moved to a chair and sat down, tired now from the exercises of the previous night. She followed me and sat down opposite me.

“The eastern slaves always referred to Linz and her kind as ‘Pleasure imps’, because of their small stature and deeply sexual nature.” Gyn continued. Tor’s father, also Tor, purchased her at auction for an exorbitant sum, to save her from a life as a brother slave, which was where she was headed otherwise.”

“So carn aren’t really ‘Pleasure imps’ at all?” I asked, getting interested now.

“Linz told us that she was actually a princess of the Kingdom of the gal, an island far across the eastern sea,” she replied, “and that she was in fact a vel. ‘carn’ is apparently a design that the eastern slaves made up!”

“So how did she end up in the Demon Realm?” I inquired.

“Shipwrecked when her vessel was blown off course in a storm, as she said was how all Pleasure imps came to our realm.” Gyn answered. “She had the misfortune to be found on a beach by scangers, who sold her to slaves.”

“Why didn’t Tor’s father send her home?” I asked.

“The eastern sea is extremely dangerous for shipping.” Gyn replied. “Demon sailors have always stayed inshore inthat region, so there were no suitable vessels to attempt to take her home. She had no idea what course we would have needed to set, in any case.”

“So, she became part of the household, and…” I said, knowing what was coming next!

“My lover, and eventually, my bonded slave.” she answered, a tearing forming in the corners of each of her eyes.

“So, you were matered with Tor, but had a Mistress-slave bond with Linz too?” I asked, trying not to smile! “I’m sure Tor was delighted!” I said sarcastically.

She actually grinned sheepishly! “That’s NOT how I’d put it!” she said. “It was a source of deep discord in our relationship.”

“You don’t say!” I replied. “But you still thought it was a good idea to use her as some sort of template when you transformed me?”

“HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?” she replied, obviously shocked. “And how do you know who she was, anyway?”

“It’s not my turn yet!” I replied.

She was silent for a moment, looking at me intently, tryingto read me. Although my earlier outburst at the observation tower, I was deliberately being distant towards her. She had so far offered explanation without any sign of remorse.

“Tor and I quarrellelled a lot about my bond with Linz, that is true.” she continued. “He found it difficult to accept that I was melded with him, yet had a similar…connection with someone else.”

“Sounds strangely familiar.” I said. I saw anger flash in her eyes for a moment, her body stiffening, then she slumped a little in her chair.

“Melding should provide a demon couple with security in each other.” she said. “An absolute certainty that no number of other sexual partners can possibly weaken the couple’s love for each other. This has become even more important now that we are immortal.”

“But the Master-slave bond undermines that security.” I said. “One of the partners is basically in love with two demonstrations at once, I understand that. But as you apparently are well aware, once the bond isformed, it is as unbreakable as melding! I can’t be without Tel any more than I can be without you.”

She smiled at me, making my heart fill up!

“I was too stubborn to accept that.” she replied. “I tried to force you to choose, even though I knew that it’s not possible for you to do that, any more than it was for me when Tor tried to make me do the same thing. And I am truly sorry, my beloved Linzi.”

“I believe you, baby.” I replied, smiling at her now. “So, how did you and Tor sort things out?”

“We didn’t.” she replied, the sadness showing on her face. “Tor went off to war with Tel, and my mother asked me to come home. My parents were implicably opposed to slavery of any kind, so Linz stayed with Tor’s family. When the croc overran Tor’s home and took over the eastern region, Linz disappeared. I never saw her again. And then I lost Tor…”

She was crying freely now. I went to her and took her in my arms soothing her, stroking her hair.

“How did you endure such pain, beloved?” I asked, crying with her now, hugging her tight.

“Tel was a constant source of support and inspiration to me, giving me the will to endure, to help give the sacrifices of the Great Cataclysm meaning by helping to ensure that such a thing never happens again.” she replied. “Then, centuries later, in the Hu-man Realm, I met a man, a quite impressive young man…”

“…nearly ran me over, more like!” I said. “But I somehow reminded you of Linz, even as a man?”

“You walked out in front of my car without looking!” she replied. “But, yes.” she said. “When you smiled at me that day, I saw her in you, felt her in you, somehow. I can’t really explain it. It didn’t even intuitively occur to me, it was only…afterwards.”

“After you’d sold me.” I said, quietly.

“Yes.” she replied, even more quietly. “I suddenly realized what it was, who it was, that I’d seen in you, and why I was so drawn to you. I also realized that I had used the resonancewithin me from my bond with Linz to transform you, to change you from a man nearly two measures tall and weighing over ninety cubics into a tiny girl!”

“I LOVE being a tiny girl!” I shouted. “I can NEVER repay you for what you did for me that day, my beloved! I will do anything, ANYTHING that you ask of me, except stop being with my Master, which I cannot do, even for you.”

She smiled. “Well, no one can say that you haven’t embedded the change!” she said. “What is that substance on your face and arms? And is that a chain between your nipples?”

I stood up and slipped my toga dress off my shoulders, wriggling my hips so it slip down my body and gathered in a heap around my feet, then stepped out of it. Gyn’s eyes widened as he looked me up and down for a long moment before she squealed in amazement!

“You look INCREDIBLE!” she said, gasping. “How does that stuff stay on? And is that a leather tying your sex closed?”

“It’s a kind of artistic skin,” Isaid, “and yes, my pussy is bound and sealed, it has been since the festival started.”

“You’ve been like that for TEN DAYS?” she asked, incredulously. “How did you pee?”

“Through a lovely golden catter.” I replied, grimacing, then giggling!

“Say no more!” she said. squealing with laughter. “Seriously!”

“So,” I said, “you sold me…”

“I denied the cruelty of what I did to you to myself until you slapped me in the face with it.” Gyn replied. “I reacted…very badly.”

“And?” I said, her anguish making my own heart ache, but I needed her to keep going!

“The guilt of it was corroding me inside,” my beloved continued. “and I avoided dealing with it by being spiteful towards you and Tel, by focusing on something else between us that I knew in my heart that neither of you have any control over instead.”

“I understand, baby, truly I do.” I replied.

“After you left that night,” she continued, “I decided that you needed to know everything. So I went to Tor’s family estate, or what’s left of it, in the east…”

“To find an image of Linz’carn to show me, or Linz’vel, more correctly.” I said. “But I already know about her!”

“But HOW?” Gyn asked. “Tel never knew about her, unless Tor told him. He certainly never met her!”

“I kind of met her.” I replied. “A mes helped me reconcile both aspects of my dual nature. Linz represented the Pleasure imp part of me, she told me that I was transformed using her resonance.”

“To reconcile the aspects of your dual nature?” she asked. “Whatever for?”

“I was trying to develop greater discipline, to have greater control over my democratic nature.” I replied. “Nothing I tried worked, until Merek’mes brought Linz and I together in my mind. We’re reconciled Now, I have the self control I need thanks to her emotional strength, by which of course I mean that I finally realized that I just needed to trust in myself!”

“The conflict within you, the fight for control,is resolved at last, I can feel that.” she replied. “You remind me of her even more now! There is also something else different about you, something I can feel, but…”

“…but as she told me herself, I am not Linz’carn, nor am I Linzi.” I answered, interrupting her. “You memories of her are a resonance within me, but I am Lindsay’estar. Not your bonded slave, but your mate!”

“I remade you in her image to honour her memory, or so I told myself.” Gyn said. “I didn’t realize that I had really made you like her because you were taking her place in my heart, after all those centuries! Then I betrayed you, watched and laughed while you were violent and humiliated, then exchanged my beloved for money!” she was in tears now, her face a mask of anguish as she admitted her shame and guilt to me, and to herself. I hugged her tightly to me.

“It doesn’t matter baby!” I said as I stroked her hair, crying myself now. “I’ve long since forgiven you, but now you need to forgive yourself!”

“You knew that I couldn’t admit to myself how cruel I was to you, didn’t you?” she asked.

“When we’re melded, I know what you know Gyn.” I replied. “I also know what you know but don’t want to accept!”

“I wouldn’t accept that you forgive Tel, but you forgive me for far, far worse!” she said, sobbing.

“I understand Your reasons, beloved, like I understand Tel’s.” I replied. “And it wasn’t too hard for me to forgive you, after all you’d done for me, how you fixed what you did wrong afterwards. And we are melded. Things would have turned out very differently if we hadn’t been, but it doesn’t matter now.”

I kissed her, softly, tenderly. She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me close, the heavy chain between my nipples pulling on them until it hurt, but I squeezed her even more tightly to me. She returned my kiss, lips parting, our tongues entwining and caressing. I sat on her lap, moaning softly, the Pleasure imp reunited with her beloved at last!

“So, you waited until the festival ended to…resurface?” I asked, as I began to unlace the body of her leather bustier.

“Yes, I didn’t want to distract you from your work as Consort of Tr’skel.” she replied, as she lifted and gently tugged on my nipple chain. “Tr’skel made up that role to get YOU here, you do realise that, don’t you?”

“Tel and he were working “Between the two of them, they’ve trained me for a particular purpose.”

“What purpose?” she asked.

“I generated transformation energy during the festival.” I said, truly but not completely accurately, as I slipped her leather corsetry from around her body and dropped it to the floor. “To help promote goodwill among the festival goers!”

“How would a Pleasure imp generate transformation energy?” she asked.

“All stars have transformation abilities, beloved.” I replied. “Tel says that I have helped influence the festival goers towards harmonious coexistence!”

“But you’re not a true estar, Lindsay.” she said, shaking her head.

“Neither was Gyn’infer,” I replied, “but she made her daughter one!”

“That’s a story my mother told me.” Gyn said. “I was some sort of accident, not the result of her acquiring transformation powers!”

“Your mother made you an estar, my beloved.” I Replied. “She used your father’s transformation powers through their melding to give you her external appearance and your father’s abilities. Tel and Lord Tr’skel are absolutely certain of it!”

“Isn’t Tr’skel’s promotion of ‘harmonious coexistence’ nowadays hypocritical?” Gyn answered sardonically, “Is he trying to atone for the past, or something?”

“High Lord Tr’skel Feels guilt for things he did in the past, yes.” I said. “But he didn’t start the war. He told me he didn’t and I believe him. And Tel knows he didn’t start it, Tr’skel is like a father to him.”

“You are certain of this?” she asked.

I knelt before her and took off her riding boots.

“I am absolutely certain that Tr’skel did NOT have any hand, act or part in The Great Cataclysm.” I said, looking up at her earnestly. “If anything, he feels guilty for not trying hard enough to prevent it!”

My beloved’s face took on a look of incredible relief!

“Uncle helped me to develop the self-discipline required to use my abilities, particularly my ability to transform others.” Gyn said. “We wouldn’t be together if it wasn’t for the guidance and encouragement he gave me. I am so happy that the rumour about him isn’t true!”

“I’m supposed to keep it secret, but he actually started that rumour HIMSELF.” I replied. “He felt that Demonkind needs someone to blow, rather than continuing to blow themselves, or each other.”

“Now THAT is what I should have believed!” she answered. “That is exactly the kind of thing my uncle WOULD do!” she smiled and slide her riding breeches down her thighs and kicked herfeet out of them, now standing before me in all her statusesque naked glory, my heart filling to bursting as I looked upon her. “And yes, I CAN feel estar energy from you now, my beloved Lindsay, now that I understand what has happened.”

We embraced, kissing softly, hugging each other tight, moving back towards the bed. She turned me and pushed me down onto the bed, looking down at me lovingly. Then she kissed me again, pushing her tongue into my mouth as I parted my lips for her. I moaned softly, our tongues entwining as she tugged gently on my nipple chain, darts of pleasure radiating throughout my breasts. I pushed her away and looked up at her.

“Can you unseal me please…Mistress?” I asked, lifting my hips.

She knelt up on the bed, ran her finger along the bindings on my pussy lips, examined the metal seal on the ends of the leather thong. She rubbed my nubbin slowly and gently with her thumb, until the swelling of my inner labia pulled the bindings tight in the ir silver eyeselets. I moaned aloud, my belly and thighs jolting a little.

She grinned down at me! “I haven’t seen my little Pleasure imp for over a month, so I’m going to use the rest of her very hard before I even consider breaking the seal on that sweet little belly hole of hers!”

“Yes, my beloved!” I almost screamed with joy.

“Kneel on the floor, my little living pleasure doll.” she said, as she lay back on the bed. “How did you put that skin on, anyway?” she asked, as I slip off the bed onto the floor.

“I bathed in it, swam around in it, to be more exact. It fizzed on my skin in millions of bubbles and then stuck to it.” I answered. “It poisons up, but so far none of it has come off!”

Lowering my head, I ran my tongue tip slowly along Gyn’s sex lips, savouring the taste of her, wriggling my tongue against her little fleshy hood, singing softly. She ran her fingers through my hair, then gripped a large handful of it. Her fingers tightened as she pressedmy lips harder against her pussy. I pulled my head back despite the tension at my scalp and looked up at her.

“Gyn darling,” I said quietly, “a moment ago I mentioned that your mother gave you her external appearance, but you paid me no heed.”

“It’s not something I really think about nowadays.” she replied. “Since I’m an estar, I assumed the appearance of one.”

“What would your mother have thought of that?” I asked.

“She’d have understood, I suppose.” my beloved said in an offhand manner.

“Gyn,” I said, “tell me the truth.”

“I had difficulty accepting that I looked like her but had my father’s abilities.” she replied. “In the end, I opted to look like what I am, an estar. Mother might have accepted my decision, but you’re right, she wouldn’t have been happy with it.”

“I feel something when we meld.” I said. “That you feel sometimes that you should somehow be… different. But it didn’t make sense until Tel told me that you looked like your mother when you were a child!”

“I stopped being a Fire-demon on the outside, since I was an estar on the inside.” she replied. “It wasn’t what Mother wanted for me, but it was what I needed to be.”

“Maybe that’s why you help transgenders.” I said. “You feel a kinship with people who aren’t their true selves!”

“Yes.” she said simply. “I understand how they feel!”

“Can you be your true self with your beloved?” I asked. “I need to see you as you truly are. You don’t need to hide yourself from me!”

“Of course, my darling!” she replied. Closing her eyes, her skin began to darken. She stood up as she became a beautiful Fire-demon, her red-bronze skin glowing like molten metal, her lips a deep bronze. A flame shaped red and gold patch of hair now covered her sex.

“You have never looked so beautiful to me as you do now, my Lady Gyn’estar!” I said, gasping in adoration and awe! She knelt down and drew me into her embrace, kissing me with deep password, her tongue exploring inside my mouth. Then she sat back on the bed and leaned back as before.

“Now, my little love doll, you have a pussy to worship!” she said, smiling down at me!

“Yes, Mistress!” I said happily as my tongue tip flicked at her deep bronze coloured inner labia. I pressed above her little fleshy hood with a fingerprint, exposing her fiery red nubbin so I could tease it with the pointeded tip of my tongue, then slowly circle the little bud with my tongue stud. As her hips lifted against the little silver ball in my tongue, the fingertips of my other hand began to cares her deep bronze inner labia, pinching them lightly, plumping them as my beloved began to groan with pleasure, her skin began to glow brighter!

“Your fingers are so incredibly smooth!” my beloved said, breathlessly. “What HAS Tr’skel covered my little imp’s body with?”

I ran two of my fingers down between her love lips, breathing faster myself now as they parted for me, as I kept my tongue stud in contact with her pleasure pearl, rubbing it a little harder now as I slide the fingers inside her, feeling her muscles tense, then relax as the smoothness of my second skin made them almost frictionless. I twisted them one over the other, then began to move them slowly back and forth, her bottom tensing and relaxing in response as her moans became longer, louder, more deeply arousing to her little pleasure doll, my sex lips swollen tightly against their bindings as the pool of pleasure in my belly began to simmer. I turned my fingertips upwards, pressing the front wall of her vagina near the front and rubbing in a circular motion, sucking on her nubbin. Her thighs opened wide and flat on the bed as she lost herself in pleasure. I withdraw my fingers until only the tips were still gripped in her vaginal entrance, then pushed the tips of the other two fingers into her as well, wriggling them and gently opening them as I pushed them within her to the knuckles in the middle of my fingers. Gyn groaned with delight and lifted her hips, bending her knees more deeply as I pushed my thumb between my bunched fingers and began pushing and twisting my hand deeper into my beloved’s relaxed and waiting pussy. She squealed and panted as the opening into her belly stretched around the widest part of my hand, her back arching so her hips lifted off the bed, my hand gradually slipping fully inside her to the wrist.


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