The Triskele Consort Ch. 09

“This is truly one of the most erotic sights I have ever seen!” Tel’estar exclaimed.

My Master was lying on his side on the huge fur-covered bed in his quarters, sipping champion from a crystal goblet. Felis and I were all fours on the bed in front of him, my slippery crisis bottom pressed against her sexy ass, her tail wrapped around my upper thighs, helping to keep us close together. We wriggled our bumps Against each other’s, her close shacked fur rubbing deliciously against my smooth rubbery ass cheats, my gorgeous Leopard-demon girlfriend meowing deeply as I groaned with pleasure. Both our bumholes were pushing against either side of a gold sphere, a little smaller than a tennis ball. Two long and incredibly thick pleasure stone dildoes extended from each side of the sphere, now deep inside our bottoms, our anal rings stretched tight around their flared bases. The long crystal phallus vibrated and pulsed more strongly inside me than any I’d ever experienced before, makingme gasp and pant as Felis yowled and arched her back harder, her tail wrapping even tighter around my upper legs. Delicate weighted chains hung from the underside of the gold sphere, attached to tiny clamps that gripped each of our swollen nubbins, miniature pleasure stones inside them pressing against our love buttons, making us both arch our backs involuntarily at the sensings they produced and push our arses harder against the gold ball between us.

At Tel’s request, Felis and I were performing for my Master’s entertainment. Gripping the fur beneath my fingers tightly, I began to move my hips back and forwards a little as Felis held still, squeezing my inner muscles tightly on the ribbed pleasure stone cockshaft, gripping it with my bottom, squealing with delight as the pulses and vibrations radiated into my lower body more strongly. The curve of the gold sphere remained pressed against my little bumhole as I worked Felis’s dildo in and out of her tightly stretched sphincter, feeling it slide more easily the more I moved my ass back and forth. My cat-girl lover meowed and groaned more deeply at the delicious friction in her bottom now accompanying the pulsing and vibrating of the crystal cockstem moving inside her, the swinging and tugging of the chains on our little clamps adding a delicious painful contrast to the delightful penetration of our asses. Tel breathed more deeply as he watched me pleasure Felis in this way, the leather thong binding my pussy lips closed straining against the little silver grommets as the chain between my nipples swung slowly in time with the movements of my hips, my teas like stone around the thick rings passing through them.

My bottom bounced against Felis’s now as I pushed back harder and faster, her jowls and meows of delight becoming continuous as the pleasure stone dildoes began to resonate inside us, the ribbed shaft stimulating her little bumhole as her back flexed more deeply. The weighted chains pulled hard on the clamps that nipped and squeezed our pleasure buttons, our climaxes slowed by the darts of pain radiating from our nubbins up inside our bellies, making us wronger against each other, gradually bringing ourselves to release. Tel’estar knelt up on the bed now, watching closely as the amazingly powerful double dildo began to bring both of his lovers to orgasm, our bottoms pressing hard against each other’s again as we Both throw back our heads and screamed in unison, my beautiful girlfriend’s tail curling tighter around my thighs as she came. My head dropped for a moment as I gasped and panted, the pulses and vibrations in my bottom and pussy still amazingly strong, the pleasure not fading as it usually did once I had climaxed.

“The new design double anal dildo seems to work wonderfully!” Tel said. “Watching you two beautiful She-demons enjoying it is absolutely bewitching!”

I turned my head and looked over at him, grinning wickedly!

“Testing a prototype again, Master?” I asked, moaning softly. “It works incredibly well!”

“I agree completely!” Felis said, gasping and panting as the incredible sensings began to build inside us both again.

“This device is a gift for you, from Kal’skel.” my Master explained. “The Consort’s personal sexual discussion inspired him to create something completely new, and he therefore insisted that you receive the first one!”

Felis’s bum began to grind back against mine as the deep pulses and violences began to slowly send her over the edge into orgasm again, the movements of the little chain transmitting sweet shafts of pain deep into my pussy, and hers. I held still as she gave herself to the pleasure, loving her sweet throat meows as she came, my own climax still building as I focused on conversing with my sweet Master a little longer.

“Were the clamps his idea, or yours, Master?” I asked, gasping softly as the swinging chain tugged at my pleasure pearl as Felis’s body bucked and jolted in ecstasy.

Tel knelt in front of me, rubbing his glorious cockhead against my lips slowly as he smiled down at me.

“Time for you to stop talking, my little pet!” he said as the crown of his manhood slide into my mouth and down my eager, willing throat. I tightened my lips around his wonderfully thick shake and sucked deeply, moaning softly as I completely forgot what we had been talking about and let the pleasure stone send its amazing waves of delight deep into my lower body.

“No fair!” said Felis, as I wriggled my bum against hers. “We’re supposed to be PUNISHING Lindsay, yet she’s been given a new toy and now she’s nurselling from your cock!”

“My little pet’s needs must be attended to, Felis.” my Master replied, singing softly. “I have my duty as her master to discharge, before we repay her for her little jest at our expense!”

Having politely endured Felis’s incredibly sharp teeth biting his nipples progressively harder for several days, Tel’estar had finally solved the problem of how to explain to her that I was playing a trick on her by simply ordering me to tell my Leopard-demon girlfriend the truth. My insight that he was taking the coward’s way out did nothing to weaken his resolve! He had then arranged with Tr’skel for me to be relieved of my duties for an evening, so that he and Felis could take their ‘revenge’.

The pulses of pleasure and waves of vibration now began to emanate from within the gold sphere itself, channeling deep inside my bottom to the tip of the pleasure stone dildo, waves of delight radiating through my bottom and vagina before pleasure swelled outwards from the deep pleasure point inside me as the gold sphere stimulated my tightly stretched sphincter muscle with equal intensity. Felis was obviously experiencing the same pleasure deep within her, as she began to make a continuous high pitched mewling sound, more like a kitten than a grown Leopard-demon, as I began to moan deeply around Tel’slong thick cockshaft, his big glans now deep in my throat as my lips vibrated around his rigid manhood. Her bottom rubbed harder against mine, both of us pressing our bumholes tighter against the pulsing gold sphere, driving the heads of the dildoes deeper inside us as the chains pulled harder on the tiny clamps on our nubbins, the sharp darts of pain counterbalancing our growing pleasure to prevent us from reaching climax until the pleasure stones transmitted at their full intensity inside us. Her mewling became more trial, her pleasure intensifying as surely as mine was. Each wave of pleasure from the dildo made me moan progressively louder, sending visas into the throbbing shake of my Master’s magnificent cock, his grunts and sights of pleasure deepening with every passing moment. I squeezed my bottom tightly on the ribbed surface of the poisoned crystal phallus, my moans becoming a continuous groan as almost unbearable pleasure swept through my convulsing vaginal walls andbelly, swelling and intensifying as the muscles of my little love funnel began to contract involuntarily, Master’s cockshaft arching in my throat as the glans pushed deeper. Felis and I came together, her screams and meows of release louder and longer than I had ever heard from her before, as Tel’s cock pumped and jolted in my mouth, muffling my squeals of joy, his wonderful thick gift eagerly received and swallowed by his adoring little Pleasure imp. I finally let Tel’s wonderful cock slip from my mouth with a deep moan of satisfaction, licking my lips as I looked up into his eyes, the sensings from my wonderful new toy finally fading. Felis was purring softly, her cheek resting on her folded forelimbs.

“If Kal senior needs an endorsement,” I said, gasping softly, “I’ll be happy to write one for him!”

“Maybe in the morning!” Tel replied, before tossing what closely resembled one of the flying harnesses that I’d had my Master’s saddler make for me, only in black leather,onto the bed. This version had a set of ankle cuffs attached. “Meanwhile, you have a punishment to endure, little imp, courtesy of a design of your own, I believe, that Lord Tr’skel was kind enough to lend me!”

Tel and Felis strapped the borrowed leather work onto my body carefully, cinching each stick gently tight, the silver grommets in my inner labia squeezed tightly by my engorged sex lips, the leather cord binding them firmly closed. I moaned wantonly as Felis folded my arms behind my back and secured the wrist straps, then pushed me down gently to my knees, my thighs spreading wide apart as Tel buckled the ankle cuffs and tightened the straps that attached them to the harness proper. They lifted me between them onto a low table and turned it so I had a clear view of the fur-covered bed.

I watched Helplessly, my wrists and ankles pulling and tugging fruitlessly at the straws and cuffs that bound them, as my dear Master lay back across the fur covering on the hugebed, his body positioned so that I had a clear view of his erect manhood, its wonderfully large glans bobbing a little as Felis settled on the bed on the opposite side of him to me and began to slowly lick and flick her tongue against his long thick shake. I moaned softly in frustration, my already swollen sex lips tightly squeezed by their leather enrapment and now throbbing deeply as my best friend now slide her delicious golden lips over the crown of Tel’s cock. Her mouth slipped slowly downwards, her lips squeezed tightly around my wonderful master’s thick cockstem, her low purring audible as she enjoyed the feel of his cockhead pushing deep into her willing throat, Tel now singing and grunting softly with pleasure. Felis’s mouth gloved the cock all the way to the base, holding Tel’s full length in her mouth and throat for a moment as she looked over at me, then her head began to move slowly and violently up and down, my Master’s shake now glistening with her saliva. As I watchd her begin to twist her head slightly on each downstroke, a move that I had taught her, my deeping arousal and frustration was suddenly swept away by a terrible sensing of desolation, a feeling of aching loneliness seizing me, the pain so intense that I began to cry freely, tears running down my face, sobbing loudly. So loudly that Felis stopped in mid-stroke, Tel’s cock halfway down her throat as my Master called out to me in alarm!

“What is the matter, my sweet Lindsay?” he said as they both climbed from the bed and approached me. “Surely you are not REALLY jealous of Felis?”

“It’s not jealousy, Master.” I replied, still sobbing softly. “I was prepared to take my punishment in the good-natured way it was intended, but as I watch Felis please you, a feeling of abandonment tears at my heart! I do not understand why.”

“I believe I understand, Lindsay.” my Master replied, as Felis leaned over and caressed my cheek. “The bond between us is even stronger than we thought. Your need to give pleasure is now so strongly focused on myself that to see me being pleasured by another cause you emotional pain, a feeling of exclusivity, as if you have been replaced by another!.”

I nodded, smiling a little now. Tel turned to Felis.

“Felis, Lindsay played a harmless prank on us,” he said, “and we intended her punishment her in kind…”

“But we cannot cause her emotional distress in response to a joke, Tel.” my friend replied, grinning at me. “That would be cruelty rather than teasing, which is most certainly NOT deserved.”

My Master began releasing the buckles on my harness.

“Come back to bed, my sweet little slave.” he said, smiling. “But you WILL spend the rest of your night pleasure us both!”

“Yes Master!” I said, grinning as I dried my tears.

As Arya had requested, I had been successful in attracting several of the lithe and beautifully muscled female demonstrations who normally entered the Athletics Disciplines, as well as girls from the Sexual Disciplines who were more enthusiastic about competing against young men than becoming their casual sexual partners, to try the Martial Disciplines instead! They had bested He-demons in target archery and javelin throwing, which I had arranged would be judged on accuracy and not distance. In their ornate armour, they had fought demonstration matches against each other, except for Felis’bel and a Cheetah-demon, who had demonstrated sufficient skill with their chosen weapons to be selected for the arena. The Cheetah-demon and Felis had fought to a draw in their first match, one of the best attended in the history of the Martial Disciplines. While the Cheetah-demon had lost her next contest to the reigning champion, Felis’bel rapidly became the sensing of the Martial Disciplines, each successful match in which she fights being better attended than the last, as she beat a succession of He-demons, some better armed, some much stronger than her; none of them withstanding her agility, speed and skill. In her magnificent golden armour, the sculpted contours of her breastplate a perfect copy of her own torso; her helmet, a replica of the one wound by Korbis’bel himself, fashioned after a leopard; a magnificent ceremonial dagger at her hip and her glaiming short sword and round shield, she looked every inch the warrior. Her fans included He and She-demons of all ages, throngs of little girl demonstrations of her own daughter Tigi’bel’s age attending her matches and chanting her name as she fight! I was of course delighted for her when she defeated a huge Tiger-demon by ensnaring him in his own bolas to earn herself a place in the final contest against the reigning champion, Kal’taur the Bull-demon, with whom I had become acquainted the previous year when he had visited Tel’estar’s home while I was still his ‘little pet’!

Tr’skel held a reception in honour of all participants in the Martial Disciplines the evening before the final contest, at which Kal’taur and Felis were the Guests of Honor. Felix’kan, Tigi’bel, little Felix and Leon were all obviously invited. I had opted for a short black toga dress for the evening, with my wedge sandals, due to the younglings being in attendance. Little Felix and Leon had only their fur for clothing, like all Leopard-demons of their age, but Tigi was wearing a very fetching leather dress with a medium length skirt. She looked at me in amazement as we stopped in front of them.

“My Lord Tr’skel, please meet the family of our Challenger.” I said, presenting Felix and the younglings.

“A great honour, my Lord,” said Felix, as Tr’skel shook his hand-paw warmly.

“Your family honours me and the festival, Felix’kan!” Tr’skel responded, “by sending me a descendant of the legendary warrior Korbis’bel as as your taxi! I know your father well, and I remember you when you weren’t much older than these two.” he continued, rubbing the heads of the twin Leopard-demon boys. “And who is this beautiful young lady?” he asked, turning to Tigi, who blushed furiously as he kissed her hand-paw while her brothers grinned at her disappoint!

“Tigi’bel, my Lord.” my little furry kitten niece answered, with a curtsey! “I am honoured to meet the High Lord of Discipline himself.”

“The honour is mine!” Tr’skel replied gallantly.

The reception guests then began to applaud as the Guests of Honor entered. Kal’taur escorting Felis’bel into the Great Hall. Both wore matching knee length breeches and short open jackets of royal blue silk, Felis’s closed across her bosom with a delicate silver chain. As champion, Kal wore a gold silk sash at his waist, Felis, the challenger, wearing a silver one. I grinned to myself to see a Bull-demon wearing what closely resembled a bullfighter’s uniform! They both walked through the guests until they stood in front of the High Lord Tr’skel and his Consort. Both bowed deeply.

“Welcome, Champion and worthy Challenger!” I said in the formatl case of the Demon language, as Tr’skel had instructed me earlier. The High Lord of Discipline congratulates you!”

“The High Lord Tr’skel honours Champion and Challenger both, by facilitating the Martial Disciplines.” Kal replied. The formal greeting completed, he then turned to me, taking my offer hand and kissing it chivalrously. “Lady Lindsay’estar, Consort of Tr’skel, I am delighted and honoured to be in your presence again!” he said, as I struggled to keep the memory of how he had so thoroughly used my trusted up body, several months earlier, out of my mind!

“Thank you, Kal.” I replied. “Your challenger is my dearest friend, so please forgive me if I don’t cheer for you tomorrow!”

“I understand perfectly, my Lady!” he replied. “And may I say,” he continued, turning to Felis, “I am delighted to face a descendant of Korbis’bel as my challenger!” he declared. “I have watched your contents with great interest, Felis’bel, and I am certain that tomorrow will be a day the crowd will not soon forget!” He then saluted Felis, his closed fist strking his chest lightly. Felis returned the salute, smiled and nodded to me, then went over to Felix and her cubs.

“He is possible the most gentlemanly creation I have ever met!” I said to Tr’skel, as Kal wandered over to chat with some of the Martial Disciplines contestants, including those he had bested in the earlier rounds, who greeted him warmly, I noticed. “It’s hard to believe he’s the Martial Disciplines Championship!”

“His skills live those of Korbis’bel himself, or Tel’estar!” Tr’skel replied. I noticed Tel had joined Kal’taur, who greeted him like the old friend he rarely was! “And he has a harem of well over one hundred Cow-demons!”

“How does he ever get time to train?” I wondered aloud! Tr’skel chuckled, then moved across the room to where Arya was deep in conversation with Kara’infer. Kara smiled at me as I raised my glass to her.

I was making small talk with some of theAthletics Disciplines Tributes when I noticed that Tigi’bel was alone, standing before the status of her ancestor Korbis’bel. I wandered over to her.

“Love your dress, my little furry kitten!” She stuck her tongue out at me, then smiled.

“Not you as well, Auntie Linzi!” she said, then laughed, a more grown up laugh than I’d ever heard from her before. Then she looked at me with a serious expression on her face. “I’m so proud of Mother, but I’m afraid for her too!”

“Why is that, Tigi honey?” I asked.

“Kal’taur is very polite, but he’s the biggest demon I’ve ever seen! And he’s been Champion for nearly a century!” she said, a note of deep concern in her voice. “Mother could get hurt!”

“Tigi’bel, you need have no concerns.” I said. “I saw your mother fight and defeat a giant boar! It’s Kal’taur who may need healing when she’s finished with him!”

“So she really is as great a warrior as they’re saying?” Tigi asked, eyes wide with excitement.

“Oh yes, indeed she is!” I replied. “Kal’taur himself has just been saying how impressed he is at her skills!”

“She is the fiercest, most agile demon I’ve ever seen with a weapon in her hand!” Tel’estar said from behind me. “Quite frankly, I’m amazed at how proficient she has become in such a short time. Kal’taur will have a true challenger this time, and he knows it!”


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