The Triskele Consort Ch. 07

The days had passed quickly as the preparations for the Great Festival of Discipline gathered pace. It was now the evening before the Opening Ceremony, and after my weeks of preparation, the allotted time for my discipline trial had at last arrived.

“Can’t you just tie me up and spank me for a while?” I asked.

Tr’skel laughed as he secured my wrists behind my back in the familiar metal cuffs.

“This is a trial of discipline, girl, not a lovers’ game!” he replied. “The penalty for failure is severe. But it will serve as a true test for you, and the rewards could be incalculable for you, for Gyn and for Demonkind if you succeed!”

“No pressure, then!” I replied, wishing I was as confident as I was trying to sound!

I was standing at the edge of a circular pit, almost as wide as a football field is long, the narrow balance beam that I was about to use to cross it traversing its widest point. A huge web stretched across the pit itself, about three metres belowthe beam, slender filaments stretching from it to an opening in the pit wall a metre or so below the web itself.

“In that burn,” Tr’skel said, pointing to the opening in the pit wall, lives a drel, one of the most potential of all Pain-demons. She has stretched her web beneath the beam as she knows that the Pleasure imp is about to attempt to cross her pit.”

“Why do you keep a Pain-demon locked up down Here?” I asked, not comfortable with the notion that she was a prisoner, even if she did have nasty designers on me!

“She is NOT a prisoner,” he replied, “she works with my artisans to produce pleasure stone devices. She lives apart from the rest of my staff because she prefers to.” He then lowered his voice and whispered to me. “Most of my staff are glad that she choses to do so, much as it embarrasses me to admit!”

“I HATE spiders!” I said, honestly. I always had. Even as a fully grown man, before my transformation by my stranged beloved, the sight and skittering sound of a large arachnid running across a polished floor was enough to make me feel physically sick!

“Then don’t fall in!” he said, smiling grimly! “The upper walls of the pit are too smooth for her to climb up to you, she can only ensnare you if you fall from the beam.” He pointed to a gate on the far side of the pit. “However, if you do not reach the gate and pass through it before your allotted time to Complete the trial expires, the first gate will close automatically and a second gate at the back of Sp’drel’s burrow will open. The tunnel behind it will allow her access to the platform and to you!”

“And then what happens?” I asked.

“She ensnares you in her web and you spend some time as the plaything of a Pain-demon.” he answered. “How long I cannot say for certain. She has many burrows in the pit and I do not know where all of them are! You may be in there until she tires of you, and she is unlikely to quickly tire of tormenting the Pleasure imp!”

“Now that the moment has finally arrived, I am afraid, my lord!” I said. “What if I fail? What will it mean for our future, Gyn’s and mine?”

“You will never be certain that you can control your nature unless you test yourself in some way, Lindsay.” he replied. “I have designed a trial for you that only self-discipline will see you safely through, but the decision to attempt it is yours and yours alone!”

“I do need to know if I can truly control my lust, my lord.” I conceded. “Best start the clock, so!” I said, smiling a little. “It’s just the same as before only higher, really, so long as I don’t think about Spiderella down there!”

“One moment,” he said, “You’re not fully prepared yet!”

He then cinched a thick leather belt around my belly and my heart sank as I realized what was coming next! He then placed a lozenge shaped glowing crystal stone against my lovelips, expertly rubbing my labia with it and twisting it gently until they separated around it. I was already moaning softly from the pulses of pleasure as he strapped it in place, the final strap passing between my bum cheats and buckling to the back of the belly stick. The High Lord waited until my hips were trembling, my bottom tensing and relaxing in time with the pulsing of the stone pressed against my vagina opening, before slapping me lightly on the bottom to start me forwards.

I stepped onto the balance beam, focused on the gate on the far side and maintaining my centre of balance above my feet. The patient coaching I had received from my beautiful Leopard-demon girlfriend, an expert in the field of keeping her balance, had prepared me for this moment of truth and I had no trouble maintaining myself upright and making slow but steady progress across the beam. The pulsing, vibating stone strapped against my now throbbing pussy was another matter altogether, however. Several times I had to stop moving altogether, biting my tongue and relaxing my belly muscles, resisting the wavesof pleasure that threatened to engulf my wanton body, my whimpers echoing off the walls that enclosed Sp’drel’s pit. But my time in the boar forest as a hogglig had helped condition me to resist such animal urges, so the waves of delight eventually passed, each time more agonisingly slowly than the last, allowing me to resume my slow movement towards the gate and safety.

Having spent time as prey, both in innocent childrens’ games and in deadly earnest, my senses had by now developed a routine for examining my environment for clues that danger might be near, my eyes scanning from right to left, my ears attuned to the noises around me, alert for anything different or out of place. I therefore took notice of the several filaments leading from one of the many holes around the pit that opened into Sp’drel’s burrows, filaments that led up to the platform in front of me! I kept moving, until forced to stop to fight off the next expansion of the pool of pleasure in my belly, the wantoness burning through my body as my resistance to the building fountain of release began to fail, the need to let climax overcome me becoming almost irresistible. My encounter with Slith’oph a few weeks earlier had introduced me to the joys of sharing pain and pleasure with a Pain-demon, but her warning to me rang in my ears as the pulses and violences of the pleasure stone strapped between my love lips intensified, the urge to let myself fall from the beam and into Sp’drel’s trap becoming stronger and stronger as the lust burned hotter and hotter in my belly. Only my will to succeed was keeping me moving forwards now. But I stood in place a moment longer than I needed, watching the burn entrance and spotting eight red eyes observing me, eyes that disappeared the moment their owner suspected that I was ready to begin moving again! Sp’drel had set a trap for me; somehow she had attached sufficient strands of her web to the platform to allow her to climb up to it before I could reach itmyself!

I had no choice but to try to run the last twenty metres to the platform, to get there before she could react and cut me off. If I slipped and fell, she had me for certain, but if she managed to trap me on the beam my fate would be exactly the same! I focused on the gate, pulled my arms in behind me as tightly as I could and ran as fast I dared along the narrow surface. I could hear hissing and the horrifying scrapbling clicking of some kind of claws below me, the horrible sensing the sound produced in my stomach quenching the burning arousal that I had been constantly on the very edge of yielding to until that moment, helping me ignore the noises and keep running, throwing myself onto the platform the moment I felt it was near enough, then scrambling to my feet and running for the release mechanism for my cuffs. I turned and squatted, Feeling for the slot in the device into which the lock set between the cuffs needed to be fitted to open them. I looked towards the gate, which hadn’t yet began to close automatically; I had made far better time than expected.

The opening that the gate was supposed to block was then suddenly filled with one of the most horrifying demonstrations I had ever seen! A recognized humanoid body, but with an unusually slender wait, supported eight spider-like limbs, the drel walking on two that were longer and more developed than the others, the rest functioning as arms. A cluster of glasses on her lower belly, that I deduced to be her web-producing spinnarets, pulsed and throbbed. Her head bore little or no resemblance to a human at all, two large glowing red eyes were flanked by three smaller ones on each side and her jaw consistent of terrifying snapping mandibles with what looked like long taloned fingers above and below the mouth that the mandibles concealed. Sp’drel then spoke to me, a ghastly, screeching parody of human or demon speech.

“Come to me, sweet little pleasure imp!” she said, hissing and drooling disgustingly! “You have no understanding of the pleasure I can produce in your body. All I ask is that you please me in return!”

“No thanks, Spiderella, I’m spoken for!” I replied, as the cuffs finally opened and fell from my wrists. I got to my feet and sprinted for the wheel that would lower the gate manually.

“Your resistance is hopeless!” she shouted as a long thick net of filaments launched from her spinnarets and snared my ankles in sticky strings! I fell heavily, winded, as she began to draw the web back towards herself, hand over hand, like a fisherman reeling in a catch! I tried to kick, grab a handhold, but it was no use. My mind reeled frantically, trying to think of anything I could use as a weapon; then I suddenly realized that I had one! I opened the belt around my waist and pulled the pleasure stone From between my sex lips, my terror having driven all thoughts of pleasure from both my mind and body. I waited until the moment that Sp’drel’s arms reached for me and pulled me to her, her claws reaching for my wrists. Then I pressed the stone against her face as hard as I could, counting on her inverse relationship with pleasure to cause her immense pain from contact with it. It worked even better than I expected; she screamed in agony and released me, staggering backwards towards the gate, which now finally began to close! Unfortunately, sending a burst of extreme pleasure into Sp’drel’s brain in an effort to harm her instantly did the exact same to me; I collapsed to the floor in a sensory overload, my mind adrift.

A huge bat-like shape suddenly flew at the Pain-demon, its huge wings beating to force her steadily backwards through the gate and then off the platform altogether. The last thing I saw before I passed out was the gate slamming shut. I could only have been unconscious for a moment before Sp’drel’s shrinks and hisses brought me around. Tr’skel was standing on the edge of the pit, looking down into it. I went to the back of the chamber and used the wheel to reopen the gate, then joined him. He turned and grinned at me.

“She is trapped in her own web!” he said, laughing! “No less than she deserves for trying to ruin your discipline trial! Well done for successing, by the way, I never doubted you for a moment.”

“Thank you my lord, for your confidence in me and for your assistance!” I replied.

“Clever girl, using the pleasure stone to disable her!” he continued. “I had already decided to intervene, but you did most of the work for me!”

“It was nice to strike a blow of my own, for once!” I admitted. “What about Sp’drel though, does she need assistance herself?”

“Your empathy with the misfortunes of others does you great credit, Lindsay’estar.” Tr’skel said. “She’ll chew herself out of the mess she got herself into eventually, don’t worry about her. As for you, little imp, I will see you early tomorrow morning at your preparation to be my Consort. Then we shall open the Great Festival together!”

We left the Pain-demon hissing and cursing at her own self-inflicted predicament and ascended to the upper levels of Lord Tr’skel’s keep.

I lay back on the fur covered bed, my arms spread wide apart. Felis gently gripped my inner thighs, moving them outwards before lying face down between them, her hind limbs tucked beneath her like a big cat. Her hand-paws slid under my bottom and lifted me a little as she nipped gently at my mound with her sharp little cat’s teeth, the way she now knew that I loved, biting my intimate flesh lightly and sucking in delicious pulses as I moaned softly and stroked her gorgeous short hair. She suddenly stopped and looked up at me.

“Lindsay,” she said, “May I ask you a…personal question?”

“Felis, you are my best friend, you may ask me whatever you like!” I replied.

“And you are mine, little lesser Demon!” she answered. “which, considering that I was two hundred rotations old when we first met, is something of a surprise to me!”

“You are over TWO HUNDRED YEARS OLD?” I asked in amazement. “I always thought that you were around my own age!”

“In demon terms, I am probably a little younger than you.” she said. “I mated when quite young, at one hundred and fifty rotations. Felix is a hundred rotations older than me.”

“So, you’re saying that I’m Actually OLDER than you, mother of three beautiful children?” I asked, slightly bemused.

“Older, relatively speaking,” she replied, grinning, “but considerably less mature!”.

She prevented me from retorting by sinking her teeth into my little shaft and sucking so strongly that I squealed with delight instead, my hips jolting as I thrust my throbbing vulva hard against her lips and chin.

“Well then,” I said later, as I stroked her hair slowly, her head resting lightly on my lower belly, her lips glistening with my juices, “you wanted to ask me something?”

“Well then,” she said, “do you ever miss your life as a man?”

I sat up and looked down at her. “What makes you ask me that?” I asked.

“When I was younger, before I mate, I preferred females to males.” she explained. “Discovering my heritage, learning that I am by nature a warrior, has made those feelings resurface very strongly.”

“So you’re an Amazon at heart, then!” I replied, smiling.

“Amazon?” she answered, “so, not a gladiatrix then.”

“Amazons are part of hu-man legend.” I explained. “A tribe of female warriors who, it is said, preferred female intimacy. Their relationships with men were for the purpose of procreation.”

“I see.” she replied, sliding her body over mine a little, her breasts now pressed against the upcurve of my belly as she stroked her tongue tip in the hollow of my navel.

“So how did Felix manage to win your heart?” I inquired.

“Felix makes me feel truly female, not just when we are together but in all aspects of life. Very few other males do!” she replied. “It is the purest joy forme to be his mate, to give myself to him, to feel his paws hold me and guide my body, to feel his cockhead stretch my belly open, his barbs pressing and rubbing against my vaginal walls, to squeeze myself tight on his shake and rubb my bottom against his rock hard abdomen…”

“So, if I’m hearing you right,” I said, reluctant to interrupt her wonderful discussion, “you wonder what it’s like to be the one doing the guiding, opening a girl’s belly with the head of your cock, feeling that belly squeeze on you.”

“Yes!” she replied, blushing a little.

“Felis, I spent the first day of my life as a woman sucking cock.” I answered. “It felt completely natural to me, like it was what my mouth was for. My transformation to a Pleasure imp had already started, so I can’t give you a completely human opinion on this, but having been a woman, I’d sooner die than go back to being a man!”

She grinned widely. “So that’s an emphatic ‘NO’ then!”

“So,” I said, “are there any otherr males I might know who makes you feel like a woman?”

She smiled at me shyly. “Promise you won’t be jealous?” she asked.

“Of course not!” I answered, curious now!

“Your Master, the High Lord Tel’estar!” she replied. “Please do not tell him!”

“That’s something of a surprise, although I obviously can’t blow you!” I answered, smiling. “You’ve never shown any real interest in him when I’m around!”

“We regularly pair up for sparring during training.” my Leopard-demon girlfriend replied. “I like his physique, the way his body moves, how his sweat smells. Until now, he has been a High Lord, remote and inaccessible. Now he has become a fellow warrior and a friend!”

I was silent for a moment, thinking.

“You say Tel pairs up with you regularly?” I inquired.

“Yes, almost every day.” she replied.

“Then I have an idea.” I said. “Let’s go see Lara for a moment!”

I unsheathed my claws and rapped sharply on the panelled wooden door of Tel’estar’s quarters. It opened. My master was partially dressed, his shirt open. He had removed his boots, so he stood before me in stocking feet. My tail swished excitedly as I caught his scent, smelling him with my borrowed cat’s senses for the very first time. My vulva began to throb softly as my inner labia swelled and thickened. I smiled at him, my eyes widening as my arousal deepened. He looked at me Thoughtfully, quite aware that all was not what it seemed. Then he saw the crystal in the silver collar around my neck, glowing with deep pink and red hues, and smiled knownly.

“So where has Felis gone with your body?” he asked, grinning. “Lara’s antique collection is far more extensive than I had imagined, by the way. I have not seen essence transfer collars in centuries!”

I looked to my right. He leaned out of the door to see the Pleasure imp standing in the corridor with a matching collar around her neck, its little gemstone glowing with a rich golden colour. She looked alittle appreciate, uncertain about what was possible about to happen!

“Even if I did not know what you two have done,” he said, laughing a little, “Felis’s face would have told me that something was amiss. You have never wrong that expression in all the time I have known you, my little pet!”

“Felis has come to see you differently during her training, Master.” I said softly, my voice like Felis’s and mine speaking at once. “She would like to get closer to you, now that your friend has grown.”

“I would like that too.” he replied, looking between us both. “But is essence transfer really necessary, Felis?”

I watched as my own body walked slowly towards us. Then a voice like mine and Felis’s speaking together answered him, almost shyly.

“I have not been with any other male than my Felix since before I bore Tigi, my lord.” she said hesistantly.

“So she’s a little skittish.” I said, smiling at her. “We thought she might be more comfortable getting to kNow you, initially, in the form of someone that you already know well. If you agree, of course, Master.”

He smiled widely.

“And what were you planning to do, in that grogeous Leopard-demon body, while your own exhaustively petite body was with me?” he asked.

“Oh, slink naked through the forest maybe, catch a kervi for the kitchen, scratch a fencepost or two, Maybe nose around the offal pit…” I replied, studying my claws as my tail swished idly.

“Yuk!” Felis said. “Do NOT drag my body through the offal pit, Lindsay! And be careful with my claws, I’ve only just sharpened them!”

“Oh, get in here, BOTH of you!” he said, grinning as he swung the door wide open. “Felis, my close friends call me Tel.”

“Hey, there’s that scent of sex again!” I remarked, as Felis passed by me as she entered the room, my sexy little ass wiggling as she walked. My tail began to flick more excitedly still as both their scents mingled, Felis now snuggling against my master’s chest and looking into his eyes before they embraced and kissed softly.

“Smells even better mingled with your master’s!” Felis said as we all moved towards the wide fur covered bed.

I ran my tongue slowly up along Felis’s inner thighs as she straddled Tel, facing away from him, so that I could see her sex lips stretched tightly around the base of his cock, his glans deep inside her taut little belly, her abdomen tensed as she squeezed her vaginal muscles hard on his steel hard manhood. She groaned with pleasure as my tongue now slide over the upcurve of her belly, while Tel gripped her hips and sent deeply. She continued to squeeze and relax her pussy on my master’s long thick cock, savouring the sensing of his rigid flesh inside her. I used the claw of my middle finger to gently lift her fleshy hood away from her swollen pleasure button, a little squeal escaping her lips at the sensing, then swirled the tip of my tongue around the little nubbin until she panted and moaned with delight. I pursued my lips around the sensitive pleasure pearl and sucked in long slow pulses, her body arching backwards to make the cock inside her press against the front of her vagina.


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