The Triskele Collar Ch. 12 – Epilogue

Gyn’s fingertips gently caresed my upturned bottom, the hem of my short leather dress having slipped upwards as I knelt on the floor. My knees slide further apart as I pushed my body lower; she then began to slowly rub my sex lips, a fingertip pushing the little hood over my nubbin upwards as I moaned softly…

“Can you please stop doing that?” I asked as I snapped the last speaker cable connector closed. “I’m trying to work here!”

“That’s something I never expected to hear my little Pleasure imp say!” said Gyn, laughing lightly, as I wiggled my way out from behind the home cinema system I was installing in Tel’s most comfortable lounge. She picked up the circuit board I’d finished constructing moments earlier and inspected it as if she knew what it did, while I connected up the disc player and amplifier to the huge ultra high definition TV and checked that the cables that I’d installed to bypass the AC power supplies for the components were correctly connected.

“Wasn’t easy to resist you, my beloved!” I said, grinning as I took the board from her hand and carefully inserted it into the power supply unit I’d spent weeks designing and building. “But we don’t want any screw-ups with this expensive equipment, do we?

“Will this thing work?” Gyn asked.

“I used to do this for a living, my darling,” I replied, “so long as your Lightning-demon friend is right about the charge he fed to the storage units, then we’re good to go!”

“Were you good at it?” Gyn asked. “And please tell me why we’re installing these eye-wateringly expensive Hu-man Realm devices in Tel’s house rather than ours!”

“To answer your first question, NOT funny by the way, yes I was, and my dainty girl’s hands have made me even better!” I replied tartly. “And we’re installing it here because Tel doesn’t visit the Hu-man realm as much as we do, so he’ll make more use of it.” I crossed my fingers and snapped the switch of the power unit on, breathing a sight of relief as the little standby lights on all the components started glowing red. “Also, I think we should have movie nights with your brother, my beloved, don’t you?” I asked. “Before I came, you were each all the other had, and you managed to grow apart. I’m going to fix that!”

She smiled at me. “Weren’t you a man once? I spent time with him, even had very enjoyable sex with him, but it’s getting harder and harder to believe that he became you!”

“Thank you!” I said, smiling at her as I fiddled with the remote.

“For what part?” she asked, smiling back. “That you think and behave so much like a girl, or that you were good in bed as a man?”

“The part about acting like a girl, of course!” I answered. “I don’t care how good that young man was in bed, he was just someone I pretended to be!”

She smiled tenderly and stroked my cheek. “Very true, my darling. And of course you’re right, Tel and I do need to reconnect!” she continued. “But I still get to pick the movies, since I’ll be the one buying them!”

“Just don’t get too many chick flicks!” I said. “Becoming a girl didn’t make me like them any better, funny enough!”

“When you have real love in your life, they seem so trite and unfunny!” my She-demon beloved replied. “I’m much more interested in that Roman Empire movie you never shut up about, and that oldie with the soldiers fighting the alien in the jungle!”

“Wow, that movie really IS old!” I said. “The lead actor in it is a pensioner now!”

A few days later, I knelt naked in the uncuffed pose, a lean of lightweight chain clipped to my collar. Gyn sat beside me holding the free end in her hand. We were at the Forum, where the High Lords of the Demon Realm held Council, passing and amending the laws of Demon-kind. The Council had been called to session by Tel’estar, who was in the Council Chamber, discussing my status with the High Lords.

True to her word, Gyn was taking no chances. The slave laws required me to be collared and leashed, and naked, in public places, so even though Tel’estar was at that moment not only seeking to have my status as a lesser Demon confirmed, but was also arguing for the final abolition of the slave laws themselves, we were in full compliance at all times, ensuring that no Demon who had heard of the possible existence of a Pleasure imp, currently classed as a slave, would be tempted to try to claim me for themselves!

The doors of the Council Chamber swung slowly open, and the High Lord Tel’estar strode out. As usual with my boyfriend, he’d only told me that he was a High Lord once I’d asked him straight out! He sat down beside us and grinned.

“An interesting result indeed!” he said. “First things first. Gyn, take that collar from around her neck and give Linzi her clothes!”

“I’m not a slave anymore?” I asked, as my beloved handed me the satchel with my favourite leather dress and sandals in, having unlocked and removed my collar.

“There are NO slaves anymore.” he replied. “The slave laws have been struck out forever!”

Gyn hugged me tight and smiled, then tossed the collar and lean into the open dispatchel as I adjusted the thongs of my dress. “What about Linzi’s Demon status?” she asked.

“That’s the interesting part!” he said, smiling mysteriously.

“Can you skip to the end for once, my Lord, or shall we have the usual question and answer session?” I said, grinning.

He smiled back. “Oh very well!” he said, feigning impatience, as we could clearly see he couldn’t wait to tell us! “Linzi, you are now to be known as Linzi’estar!”

“What?” said Gyn. “But she’s a Pleasure imp, not a transformation demon!”

“Do I detect a note of prejudice, Miss high and mighty full-Demon?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, of course not, my darling!” she quickly replied. “I’m just confused.”

“To be honest, so am I!” I admitted, looking at Tel, hoping to get more information without further questions.

“The Council initially proposed that you be designed as a ‘carn’, which is the Pleasure imp classification.” he said.

“As in ‘carnal’?” I asked.

“Most likely!” Tel replied. “But the High Lord Tr’skel argued that, as you became an imp through transformation at the hands of an estar, that you should be classified as one. On reflection, I decided that he was right!”

“Isn’t he the High Lord of Domination?” I asked.

“Yes, and he has taken a great interest in you, Linzi.” Tel’estar replied. “We discussed you at length before the Council meeting started.”

“Only the good stuff, I hope!” I answered, grinning.

“Tr’skel seems to believe that the experiences you have had, your numerous transformations, may serve a higher purpose someday.” he continued.

“Shouldn’t we be celebrating right now?” asked Gyn, steering the conversation away from my recent ordeal, but managing to change the subject before I’d actually finished inquiring about my mysterious sponsor!

“Of course!” Tel’estar replied. “I know a nice place not far from here, with a good selection of vintage Dom Perignon!”

“Where DO Demons get all the champion from, anyway?” I asked.

“Bacchus wasn’t actually a god!” said Tel’estar, laughing!

“Mmmmmm…number three please, Master!” I gasped, as my bottom contracted and relaxed, pushing bead number two out! The next bead, which I knew was larger than the previous one, was now gripped in my sphincter, its vibrations radiating through my pelvic region into my vagina, as Tel’estar increased the tension in the thong that joined them all together. I grunted sexually as the tension increased still further, the bead moving outwards as my involuntary muscles forced it from within me, my belly squeezing hard to hold back my climax, a little squeal of frustrated delight escaping my lips before my bottom tightened on the fourth quivering little sphere. My eyes rolled up in my head as I gasped and moaned a little, clamping my vaginal walls tight as they began to spasm in concert with the throbbing in my bottom as bead number four now slowly squeezed from inside me. My hips began to pump a little, but I fought to control them as the fifth vibrating bead now engaged in the grip of my bottom muscles, slowly moving under the tension in the thong and the contractions of my little anal ring. I bit my lower lip in an attempt to hold back the pleasure, focusing on the singing in my bottom from my Master’s earlier delicious spanking of my ass, prelude to the insertion of the beads inside me. The bead popped from my little bumhole to a loud groan from me, the sixth already being drawn into my sphincter to be pushed out slowly, the pleasure becoming harder and harder to resist!

“That’s my good little pet!” my Master said, encouraging me, as my body arched a little despite the restriction of my stout leather corset, the forearm length cuffs that held my arms folded behind my back. I grunted again, a deep spasm of pleasure in my pussy almost bringing me on.

“Thank you, my Master!” I gasped, completely loving being in his control now that he and my beloved Gyn were reconciled. I gritted my teeth as the largest bead, the seventh, now began its quivering, vibrating passage through my bottom hole. I squealed, grunted, gasped, fighting to hold back the volcano of delight that was so close to erupting into orgasm from inside my belly, then cried out in ecstatic release, my juices spraying hotly onto my Master’s bare thighs, the contractions of my bottom that delivered the seventh bead sending my vaginal walls into the contractions of climax.

“Well done, my dear little pet!” Tel said. “First time you made it to seven!” He rubbed my scalded bottom gently, making the heat build again as the blood flowed, then slowly Pulled the remaining beads out. He reached to undo the straps, but I wriggled against him, making the buckles slip from his fingers.

“Please put your pet on her knees before you Master, she begs!” I pleaded. “She needs to worship!”

He grinned as he set me down between his open thighs, his cock rock hard and glistening where my own body had splashed him. I licked my lips as I edged forwards, looking up at him. A bead of clear fluid had already well in the opening in his glans. I slowly licked his long thick shake from the join of his sac right to the tip, Dipping my tongue tip into the crystal fluid before drawing my head back. A glistening thread of liquid joined my tongue tip to his cockhead as he breathed deeply, his cock arching a little harder. I looked up at him and smiled.

“The pet wants to taste every part of her Master’s gorgeous cock!” I said, before beginning to cares the mushroom-like cap of his manhood gently with my tongue tip, occasionally flicking the little point directly against the frenulum, struggling the flanged ridges along their sensitive underside until I heard his breathing quicken. I then extended my thighs, my bottom tightening, so I could sip from the little well in the tip of his cockhead, looking deeply into his eyes as I did. I was beginning to slowly spread his fluid over the crisis hued flesh of his glans, occasionally pausing to kiss its warm tender flesh, when he spoke.

“I’m almost glad Gyn and I fell out, since it brought you to me, my dear little pet!” he said, a very light gasp accompanying his words as I leaned back, flicking my tongue in a beckoning movement, inviting his cockhead to push between my lips.

“And you, Master, are exactly what the pet needs in her life!” I replied, before opening my mouth and letting the crown of his manhood brush against my lips as it slide between them. True to my word, I pressed my taste buds against every part of the glans that I could, moaning aloud, feeling more of His fluid slowly run onto my tongue as I worked my lips left and right, my new tongue stud pushed gently under the ridges on the plum, his hips pushing a little as theurge to push deeper into my throat overcame him, making me moan with pleasure. I accommodated his slight involuntary thrust, wanting him to keep going, but flattening my tongue against the veined skin, tasting him as I moved my head downwards, my lips stretching tighter as his glans rubbed softly against the inside of my throat. I took him deeper into my mouth as slowly as I could, savouring the light friction as his shake Grazed the membrane of my throat, making the insertion of his plum into my throat last as long as possible, his cockstem throbbing now as he moaned softly. His hands now moved to each side of my head, gripping it lightly, holding it in position, as I looked up at him, my eyes indicating that I understand and wanted what he was about to do. His hips began to move, slowly at first, letting me relax my throat and prepare myself as his cockhead slid progressively deeper with each thrust. My lips stretched wide as I looked deeply into his eyes, my tongue stud pressing upwards against the underside of his shake, the mushroom-like cap of his manhood driving deep into my gullet, my nostrils flaring slightly. His balllocks now pressing against my chin, my Master began to thrust faster, groaning with pleasure, holding my loving gaze as his cockshaft arched harder inside my throat, began to throb, then pump his hot, thick fluid, which I swallowed eagerly. He smiled at me tenderly as I carefully licked the last drops from the opening in his cock, then leaned down to kiss me slowly and passwordately.

“Where is Gyn this evening again?” Tel’estar inquired as he handed me a glass of champione.

I lay on my belly, my entire bottom glowing like a delightful little furnace from my Master’s expert spanking, looking at him adoringly between sips.

“An Audrey Hepburn retrospective, for one of her charities.” I replied.

“And you’re spending the evening with me, because?” he inquired, smiling.

“Audrey who?” I said, grinning. “Also, my old hu-man Master is supposed to be attending. I didn’t feel like seeing him again, even temporarily transformed for the evening to disguise me. I’ve kind of had enough of transformation for a while!”

“I quite understand, my pet!” Tel replied. “Audrey was an incredible hu-woman. I mourned her passing, as did Gyn.”

“She was a friend of yours?” I asked.

“A little more than that!” he replied, grinning.

“Do either of you know any movie stars I might like to meet?” I inquired.

He laughed. “Not too many who are still alive! Modern Hu-man social media has pretty much made friend with celebrations, even the non-vacuous, interesting ones, impossible. We now need to work through hu-man intermediaries, staying in the shadows ourselves”

I sipped my delicious champione, loving the cold bubble on my tongue. I held out my glass to him for refilling, smiling seductively at my incredible He-demon boyfriend, like lovers all over the world do all the time.

“Master, Isaid, can your pet make a request?”

“Of course, Linzi!” he replied, smiling.

“Can the Master and pet sometimes simply make love, like boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked, smiling seductively.

Putting the glass down on the floor, he rolled me onto my back and gently spread my thighs apart, kissing the smooth skin of my little moon. “Of course, Linzi, if you will call me Tel When we do!” he replied, smiling. I felt his teeth gently gripping the intimate flesh he’d been kissing, sucking, making me sight softly.

“Of course, Master Tel!” I replied, giggling. “Have you been discussing my secret hot spots with your sister?” I asked as he sucked on my mound in long slow pulses. I lifted my hips, pushing my sex against his chin. In that way demonstrates have of moving Without actually appearing to move, in an instant his body was positioned over mine, supported on his muscle arms, my vaginal entrance gripping the head of his cock.

“Oh, Tel!” I half moaned, half squared as his long thick shake slowly pistoned his plum deep, deep inside my belly.

*Linzi’s adventures conclude in ‘The Triskele Consort’*

‘Author’s’ Note:

I’d like to thank my readers for their continued interest and support! I’m deep into the final book in Linzi’s adventures, with many of the key chapters awaiting final poisoning. As I’m trying to tell a more involved story this time, Some chapters won’t contain actual sex scenes, although others will more than make up for it! The intervals between the publishing of each chapter will most likely be longer, as will most of the chapters themselves! So, please indulge me and stick with it, if you like what you’ve read up to that point, of course. And I LOVE reading feedback, so if you have any, please let me see it! I’m particularly interested in what you all thought of the ‘hogglig’ interlude, as from the stats it didn’t look very popular, even if it was important to advance the story.

Although ‘The Triskele Consort’ will be Linzi’s last adventure, for reasons the ending will make obvious, I am thinking about a story set before ‘The Great Cataclysm’, from the point of view of a female slave stolen from the Earth of that time; I’d love to know if anyone would be interested in reading it!

And thanks again for reading!

PS: irishsexstorylover, just in case you were wondering, Saur’ex’s run in with St Patrick was inspired by you!


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