“I can’t for the life of me understand why I’m being so nice to you, Saur’ex!” I exclaimed, gasping with delight, “after the way you doubled crossed Gyn and me!”
“But Linzi, haven’t we already been over this?” the Snake-demon replied “How could I refuse he who was my Captain during The Great Cataclysm, the Second Father to my son?”
I moaned loudly, my vaginal walls squeezing and relaxing on his cock, feeling its unusual coolness inside me, as I basically rode his tail like I was straddling a horse, my bottom bouncing up and down on his huge balllocks, something I knew he enjoyed immensely. His legs, tendril-like appendage gripped my ankles as usual, keeping me from falling off, as he rose upwards, extending and straightening his tail out beneath me. I wrapped my arms around him and spread my thighs wider apart so his thick shake pushed deeper inside me, his cockhead pressing against the front of my vagina as the thick stem arched harder. I contracted my inner musclesMore strongly, then relaxed them, building up a rhythm on his gorgeous iridescent cock, milking him with my body as he hissed slowly and loudly in deep pleasure.
“We’re just too sexy for this little hu-woman to resist, father!” said Rept’ex, who had been using his own tendril appendage to whip my ass lightly, but who now began to slowly push the cool, smooth head of his equally rigid, equally impressive cock into my bottom, making me pant with joy as I felt both hard cockstems rub against each other and fill me tightly both in the front and the back. His leather ‘second tail’ now wound around my wrists, lifting them above my head and drawing them tightly together. I was now trapped and squeezed between both Snake-demons as they brought me slowly to panting, groaning, screaming release. They then wrapped me in their coils, one on each side of me, almost up to my breasts, my hands free as I sucked on one of their cocks, then the other, my fingers round the thick bases of each, pumping the iridescent shake of the father’s while my tongue flicked at the emerald green head of the son’s, exploring the ridges and sensitive frenulum area with my tongue tip and my little stud, then sliding my lips over the cool smooth surface of the bulb to suck slowly. Then I would seal my lips behind the cap of the father’s cockhead, tightening them on his shake and sucking, while I slowly stroked and pumped the thick shake of the son’s, finally watching in fascination as both cockheads spat long, green, thick strings of cold Snake-demon come extremely.
Later that afternoon, as I wandered back from the Snake-demons’ pit-like dwelling in the centre of the estate, through the pleasure garden that my Master had set out for me, to the main house, I reflected on how my sexual nature had developed since my beloved Gyn had brought me to the Demon Realm. Sexual activity was becoming less and less about physical pleasure for me, incredibly intense and enjoyable as that was increasinggly becoming, but more about a deepening sense of satisfaction and pleasure in the performance of sexual acts for their own sake. My sexual curiosity was continuously getting the better of me, causing me to experiment with some unlikely household objects, as well as constantly explore Tel’estar’s toy chests for devices that I hadn’t yet tried. I had been easily aroused from the moment of my transformation, but the sweet lickerishness in my belly had recently become an ever present tickling within me; I found myself unconsciously watching the crotch of every He-demon I encountered, assessing their likely length and girl from the outlines of their cocks through their garments. I had become such a nuisance in this regard that my Master had finally ordered me to stop seducing his staff after finding me in a barn with two of his Lynx-demon groundskeepers that I had made friends with during my captivity on his estate!
I entered the house through the main door, heading for the bathroom. I passed the open door of my Master’s study on my way, spotting me, he called to me to attend upon him. Although my capacity and my enforced separation from my beloved Gyn, he and I had been together so much by this time that I now actually accepted his Mastery over me; I smiled as I ran to where he sat, dropping to my knees and coming to a sliding stop before him, making him laugh softly.
“And what has my little pet been up to all morning?” he asked, smiling.
“Visiting the Snake-demons, Master!” I replied, gasping lightly, sexy, something else that I had begun doing recently whenever I found myself near any attractive demon.
“I expected as much!” he replied “Apart from myself, they seem to be the only ones who can…satisfy you properly these days. I have been giving that fact some attention lately, to be frank.”
“I have just been thinking about it myself, Master!” I replied, again in a breathy, sexy gasp.
“At first I suspected that Lal’estel’s evil had left some kind of residual traces in your nature.” he continued, “but as the changes in you began prior to your encounter with her, I decided to consult the Demon Lore. I could only theory, as there is no direct correlation with your specific situation, but I believe my conclusions to be sound.”
“Yes, Master?” I asked, curious now.
“Gyn combined your natures at the time of your transformation, correct?” he asked.
“Yes, Master.” I answered.
“And your natures are now melded, each one bound to the other, what you Hu-mans call ‘soulmates’, yes?” he continued.
“As I understand it, yes, Master.” I replied.
“And my sister continued to infuse you with her essence, to rejuvenate you, prolong your life?” he added.
“This is true, Master.” I said.
“And, of course, Gyn and I reformed your body by combining all of our abilities.” he concluded. “I did mention the possibility of unforeseen effects, did I not?”
“Yes, Master.” I replied.
“Then there is only one hypothesis that fits, consistent with our lore,” he concluded, “but will you trust me to test it on you?” he requested.
I needed to know as much as he did! “Yes, Master, do whatever it is you need to do.” I said.
He grasped my left hand and, unsheathing his long dagger, sliced it across my palm! I screamed aloud, looking at him in pain, shock and disbelief. But then he held up his own left hand, palm open, revealing that his own hand was also bleeding, a sliced cut of the same length on it! He spat thickly into my hand, then rubbed it with his fingers until my cut was completely healed and had disappeared; his own hand he simply banded.
“Forgive me, Linzi.” he said , in a tone that seemed to suggest he was asking for my pardon for far more than just a cut to my hand.
“What does that mean, Master?” I asked.
“First, it means that you are no longer required to address me as ‘Master’, nor must you refer to yourself as ‘the pet’, orany other variation of that description.” he said, releasing me from those commands. “It also means that you are free to leave at any time you wish, although I humbly request that you remain here as my honoured guest until such time as I can arrange your safe return to Lady Gyn’estar.”
“But what does it really mean, Mas… I mean, my Lord Tel’estar?” I asked.
He smiled at my politeness. “It really means, Linzi, that we should have paid a little more attention to Demon Lore!” he exclaimed. “We have inadvertently made a little demon out of you!”
I sat back on my heels, dumbfounded. “I…I’m a demon?” I stuttered.
“Well, a part-demon, more accurately, but not fully hu-man any more, definitely.” he said, “no demon can now do you harm, for instance. Exactly how much of a demon you are, I am not sure, to be honest.”
“But shouldn’t I have demon powers of some kind, then?” I asked, still not fully able to accept what he was telling me.
“If the Demonic Laws apply to you, and we have just established that they do,” he explained, “then you are now immortal. But be warned, immortal does NOT mean invulnerable! As for your ‘demon powers’, how much have you slept recently?”
“Very little, my Lord.” I answered.
“You have not slept for more than two to three hours a night for the past three weeks, Linzi.” he stated. “I have been keeping track. The last night few nights that we played chess, you did not sleep at all. Also, how much champione do you need to ‘get drunk’ as I believe Hu-mans call it?”
I thought about that. “More than I’ve drank lately, my Lord.”
“Please, call me Tel’estar, or Tel, Linzi.” he continued. “You have twice drunk three bottles Without any effect while you have been my, my guest. You are already displaying highly demonic traits.” he said, laughing softly.
“Then I’ve basically become a half-demon?” I asked, no longer surprised.
“I imagine that would be the basic proportion, more or less.” hesaid, smiling.
“You mean I’m a nymph, or something like that?” I asked.
“A nymph would be a lesser goddess, I believe,” he suggested, “you are a lesser She-demon. Imp, I think would be the category that fits you best.” I considered that for a moment, Gyn’s favourite pet-name for me apparently not a conflict!
“So, what kind of imp am I then?” I asked.
“Concentrate, Linzi.” he said. “What other areas of your nature have become…enhanced, lately?”
I considered my increasingly developed sexual skills, the sheer joy and bliss I felt in performing sexual acts, my intensity and continuously expanding curiosity for all things sexual. I reflected on the sensitivity of my body, the depth of my sexual response, the intensity of my orgasms. Then I contemplated the lickerishness in my belly, the little fire of arousal inside me that never really died down, that so easily became a cause of molten, delicious pleasure within me…
“I’m a PLEASURE imp, aren’t I?” I half groaned, half wailed.
“That would seem to be your ‘classification’, yes.” Tel replied, fighting to keep a smile from his lips. “Your general behavior and attitude to the bestowing and receiving of sexual pleasure are highly consistent with what Demon lore has to say on this subject. I haveten to add that Pleasure imps were very rare, even before The Great Cataclysm; you are the only one in existence at this moment, as far as I am aware. They were very highly priced as both lovers…and slaves.” he concluded.
“Stupid Gyn made me a pleasure imp!” I wailed. “Now she never stops teasing me about being a FUCKING PLEASURE IMP! I HATE HER!”
“Demon lore also records Pleasure imps as being passwordate and highly emotional little creativity.” Tel’estar said, trying and failing to not laugh!
“And you can fuck off too!” I shouted, picking up a vase to throw at him, then thought better of it, as the law against demon harming demon applied to me as much as it did to him. “YOU helped make me like this, with your sex playground and your kinky toys!” I waited. I replaced the vase, then throw myself face down on the rug, sobbing. He knelt beside me and stroked my shoulder tenderly.
“I’m not sure that this is simply an unintended consequence of Gyn’s deep love and desire for you, little Linzi.” Tel’estar said. “After all, both of us reformed you. I would suggest that your recent trauma and…recovery are what finally completed your transformation, not my providing you with a place to…entertain you.”
“So now I’m an immortal SLUT!” I shouted, tears streaming down my face. “And an accident, a mistake as well!”
“I’m sure many would gladly accept being a Pleasure imp as a small price to pay for the eternal bliss of their nature being melded with another’s!” Tel said.
“But I’ve become a Pleasure imp SINCE Gyn transformed me!” I replied, starting to get a little hysterical! “Gyn had already endowed me with an impish nature, what willshe think when she finds out I have actually become one, and a Pleasure imp at that? It’s all very well her rejoicing in my pleasure when we’re having fun together, but how will she feel when she learns that the democratic nature I’ve developed is completely wanton?”
Tel’estar was beginning to understand the source of my distress. “You fear that your new nature may damage your melding with Gyn, that the bond between you will weaken.”
“YES!” I cried. “What if she leaves me? What will I be then? Nothing but a pathetic, lust driven little beast, forever seeking and giving pleasure but without the love I need, HER LOVE! I may as well have stayed a hogglig!” I buried my face in the rug and cried, in terror and grief.
Tel’estar then spoke to me with authority. “Linzi the hu-imp, you are now a member of my family. We will resolve this as families should. I will invite Gyn’estar to dinner this evening!”
I awoke an hour or two later, having cried myself to sleep, face downon the rug. Tel’estar was nowhere to be seen. I left the study and went to the bathroom to bathe. When I went into the bedroom, there was a red leather corset dress, long sleeped and short skirted, along with a pair of red leather sandals, on the bed. There was also a small black key on a wrist chain, lying on top of the dress. I twisted the collar around my neck and tried the key in the collar’s lock; it clicked open. I took the collar off, Taking a moment to look at it properly; it had been badly scratched and nicked during its time in the forest, the namel of the medallion chipped and cracked. I thought for a moment and put it back on, clipping the chain of the key around my wrist, so that now I controlled the collar I was wearing myself. Having dressed and adjusted the leather things so that the body of my dress was suitable tightened and revealing of my cleavage, I Gyn’estar was already there in her usual long black leather dress and high heeled boots, standing on the veranda and sipping champione. Her eyes went wide with delight as she ran to me, but I headed for the ice bucket instead, lifting the bottle from it and taking a long drink of the cold delicious liquid, my lips sealed round the neck of the bottle as if I were sucking on the bulb of a cock.
“Linzi!” Gyn’estar squealed. “Come here, my sexy little…”
“Please, don’t say ‘imp’, my Lady Gyn’estar!” I said sadly.
“My beloved, what’s wrong?” she asked, her gorgeous green eyes tearing up.
She looked so beautiful, so magnificent, her raven black hair falling in soft waves over her shoulders that my voice was hoarse when I next spoke, my eyes full of tears as I asked the question I needed to ask her, the possible answer to which had already seized my heart with terror!
“Am I still your beloved, my Gyn?” I asked, my voice a nervous squeak. “Are we still melded, our natures completely joined?”
Gyn’estar paused for a moment. “Why would you ask me that?” she said, her face now grave. “Why would you think anything is different between us?”
“Because I’ve changed, my darling Gyn!” I began to cry. “In saving me from Lal’estel, you and Tel made me part-demon. I’m a hu-imp!”
Gyn walked over to a chair and sat down. She reached down to put her glass on the floor, but it slipped from her limp fingers and fell over sideways, spinning the contents. She reached out with both hands for me; I placed my hands in hers and knelt in front of her.
“Please believe me that right from the moment I first saw you, when I somehow saw the sexy girl that I could free from inside your male form, I always knew what I was doing, my darling Linzi!” she said.
“You mean I’m NOT a mistake, that you Always wanted me to be an imp?” I asked.
“Yes, I originally made you impish, so you’d be a good little slave, but really because it was what I wanted.” she said. “I’ve ALWAYS fantasised about having a little imp of my own! Your becoming an imp hasn’t weakened our melding, in fact it’s made it stronger. But we melded at first not because of WHAT we were, but because of WHO we were. Now you’ve become what I wanted, and I’ve become what you wanted, and our melding has deepened because of it!”
“What do you mean Gyn, you’ve become what I wanted?” I asked, confused.
“I enjoyed playing at being your Mistress, knowing it was what you needed from me.” she said. “But since your reforming, the desire to be Mistress to the little imp that I love has become a physical need in me!”
I unclipped the chain with the key to my collar on it from my wrist and put it on hers. She looked down at it, then at the collar, and nodded to me, smiling at me lovingly.
“I now wear YOUR collar, my Mistress.” I said. “Linzi the hu-imp is yours to own, command and love!”
She seized me in her arms and crushed me to her. We kissed, softly, lovingly, deeply, each giving ourselves to the other.
“So, you ARE a Pleasureimp, right?” Gyn said as she looked down at me adoringly. I nodded, smiling. She then kissed me like she owned me, which of course she did. Her fingers slide beneath the hem of my skirt to gently stroke my sex lips, fanning the little fire of arousal deep in my belly, teasing her little slave. I moaned into her mouth, my hips bucking a little, pushing my pussy against her fingers.
“I’m delighted to see you two happily reunited!” Tel’estar exclaimed, having seemed appearing out of nowhere. “Hopefully our other family dispute can be resolved as easily!”
Gynestar pressed her fingers, wet and slippery with my own juices, to my lips; I licked and sucked them slowly, savouring my own taste, as she spoke sharply to Tel’estar.
“If she’s an imp, then the slave laws have neither force nor authority over her!” she said. “She’s free to do as she pleases, and it pleases her to be with me!”
“Of course, sister!” he replied “As soon as we learned the truth, I released her from my charge. She may leave with you as soon as she is ready.”
I turned to face them both, my lips wet and slippery, somewhat undermining the seriousness of what I then said.
“Just a moment, you two!” I shouted. “Nobody’s going ANYWHERE until you are both reconciled!”
I sat at Tel’estar’s huge desk, doodling with a piece of charcoal on a velvety sheet of paper, trying to design a suitable impish outfit for myself. I was thinking of very low-rise leather pants, calm length, lacened from the very back of the waistband under the crotch, tying in a bow just above my mound. The stars’ discussions had meanwhile taken in the crisis of leadership in the United States, deforestation, species extension, the increasing murder rate for human rights workers, the fracturing of the European Union, the ineptitude of the United Nations, the International Space Station, the West’s mishandling of Russia in the post-Cold War period, coal fired power stations, protests against carbon taxesin France. I was certain Gyn had even made reference to Captain America at one point. The arguing was circling back to the United States again when I throw down the charcoal and shouted.
“Okay, ENOUGH!” I shouted. “Gyn, give me that key!” I said, as I held out my hand. She dropped the little black key into my palm. I reached up behind my neck and unlocked the collar, tossing it onto the table. Then I spoke again. “Now listen up, you two! As the only Hu-man here…”
“Part Hu-man!” they said, in unison.
“Shut up!” I replied. “stars! You’re squabbling over nothing as far as I can see. I have a possible solution.”
“Oh yes?” they both said, slightly condescendingly.
“Uh huh…sort out your differences, or, there’ll be no sexy fun and games with the only known Pleasure imp in existence for EITHER OF YOU!” I said.
Gyn looked at me disbelievingly “But we’re melded!” she complained.
“Not down there, we’re not!” I replied. “One of you is half of me, the other is my dearest friend. I will NOT LET you be stranged any longer!”
They looked at each other, then at me. “So, what is your proposal?” Tel’estar asked.
“Yes, do tell, hu-imp!” said Gyn, a little too bemusedly!
“OK, Gyn, you’re on the couch tonight one way or the other for that wisecrack!” I said. “Tel, you’re going to make Gyn your Lieutenant in the Hu-man realm, then you’re going to give her complete autonomy over Demon operations there!”
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