I was in the clearing from where Canis the Wolf-demon had chased me into the forest three days earlier. My beloved Gyn was standing in its centre, calling my name, over and over. She saw me and knelt down as I ran to her squealing in delight, as she opened her arms wide to me. My heart filled almost to bursting as she hugged me tightly. Then she spoke.
“Linzi, my darling, I’m here! Come to me baby, COME HOME!”
I opened my eyes. I could still hear her voice, calling to me. She was really there!
In the days that I had been lost in Lal’estel’s boar habitat, I had been with Gyn every night almost immediately upon falling asleep. Gyn realized immediately what had happened to me as soon as she saw the collar around the neck of the hogglig that appeared to her in her dreams that first night. She would knee beside me, her arms round my neck, telling me to hold on, that she’d find me, that everything was going to be all right, even though I could tell from her voice that she wasn’t sure that was the truth.
During daylight, I had avoided and escaped from so many male hoggligs that I’d lost count. My games of ‘stalking’ with Tigi’bel and her brothers had taught me much about avoiding predatory creativity; I had also masked my own scent by rolling in whatever sinky substances I could find, or camouflaged myself by rolling in mud and slime. Sometimes I was able to simply move downwind of boars as they passed by; often I had simply run from them when I heard them coming. I had twice had to fight my way free of their disgusting intentions, kicking with my back legs and biting vividly, when unexpectedly cornered. I had also heard and seen glimpses of a truly huge and monstrous boar, that I had so far managed to avoid and successfully hide from. It was becoming increasingly agitated, its angry grunts and squeals more frightening each time it came in search of me without discovering my hiding place, or when it finally lost my scent; it wasn’t going to give up searching for me until it cornered me and, since I would never give it what it wanted, killed me.
I had managed to find an excellent hiding place; a small crevice near the opening to a large cave, home to a large colony of bat-creatures, the smell from within masking my own cent very effectively. It overlooked a wide area of the forest, so I had ample warning of the approach of any threats. I was only vulnerable when I was in the forest itself, going to the stream to drink or foraging for food. Now that Gyn was here, calling to me, safety had to be sacrificed; she would never find me, I had to go to her! I crept down into the forest and got myself as mud and slime streaked as I could before moving in the direction the sound of her voice was coming from. I stopped to eat and drink as little as possible, sometimes having to make detours when I smelled boars neary, sometimes needing to wander about until I could hear her voice most clearly before moving off again. Once or twice I heard the thunderous crashing and squealing of the huge hogglig neary, but I somehow continued to avoid crossing its path.
It was beginning to get dark again before I could finally hear my beloved’s voice clearly enough to be certain that she was close by. I began to run towards the sound of her voice, still calling my name as she had been doing all day without stopping for even a moment. I entered the clearing and saw her standing there, exactly as she had been in my dream. She saw me as I ran to her and knelt down, reaching for me as I rushed to her squealing with joy, trying to thank her, to tell her how much I loved her, my heart full to bursting as she hugged me, her hot tears splashing on me as she laughed and cried with relief at finding me. Suddenly, the foliage on the far side of the clearing burst apart as the huge boar rushed into the clearing! It looked around, saw me in Gyn’s arms. I squealed with fear for my beloved Gyn, not for me. I began to move towards it, thinking that maybe I could distract it so that Gyn might escape, but she held me tight and wouldn’t let me go!
“Whatever happens now, without YOU there is no ME, my beloved!” she whispered in my ear as she squeezed me tightly to her!
The huge beast charged us. Gyn wrapped her arms around me protectedly, but there was nothing else she could do against such a creativity. It was Almost upon us when a ferocious growl echoed all around the clearing! The boar suddenly left the ground and crashed onto its side several metres away as Felis’bel, moving so fast I could barely see her, slammed her should hard into the charging beast’s flank! It got to its feet almost instantly, but she had already crossed the clearing and pounded on it. Sharp claws extended from the ends of her fingers, with which she ripped chunks of flesh from the boar’s back as it thrashed and bucked, trying to shake her off. She bit deeply into its neck before leaping clear, taking up a position on the oppositee side of the clearing to where Gyn and I were. She spat out a large chunk of hogglig meat and wiped a hand-paw across her lips, grinning at the boar as it lowered its head and charged her.
The ground shook as the massive boar charged her at full speed, but like all demonstrations, one moment Felis was standing still in front of it, the next her claws were raking deep in its flank as she seemed to change positions without Actually moving, her growl sounding both savage and excited at the same time. The beast turned and jumped at her, trying to crush her with its body, but she grabbed its forelegs and throw it to one side, pounding on it again immediately, slashing and biting at its now bleeding flesh, driving it into a frenzy of rage and pain. Felis then let it charge her blindly, grunting and snarling, its tiny mind focused on nothing except destroying its torqueor, no longer understanding why it was even fighting her. She leaves out of the path of its charge so the huge boar smoked head first into the thick trunk of a tree. As it lay there, stunned, she gripped it tightly by its hind legs. Then, spinning herself in place several times, like an Olympic hammer thrower, she lifted it from the ground, whirled it around herself to gain momentum, then hurled it across the clearing into the undergrowth on the far side. The huge boar thrashed in the bushes, grunting and squealing, but the noises grow weaker as the moments passed until it was gone, back into the woods to lick its wounds. Felis’bel stood in the centre of the clearing for a moment, panting, as Gyn and I got up and approached her. She knelt and throw her arms round my neck, licking my ugly hogglig cheese, as Gyn hugged us both, crying and laughing.
I opened my eyes. I saw familiar surroundings, felt cool air on my skin. My fingertips moved, the delicious sensing of a silk sheet beneath them. I sat up in the bed with a gasp.
“Linzi!” squealed the voice of my beloved. My Gyn was sitting at the window. When she realized that I was awake she rushed to the bedside.
“Gyn?” I asked. “What are you doing here? What am I doing here? I was…”
My mouth fell open as I remembered. “Lal’estel! She made me a hogglig!” I began to cry, realising that my transformation into a gilt had been undone. “She wanted me to…to have hogglets! Something about revenge…”
Gyn had already sat on the bed, now she was holding me tightly as I sobbed against the leather of her bodice. “It’s OK baby, you’re safe now. We found you and were able to restore you to the sweet little imp that I love!”
“I remember now.” I said. “I’m pretty sure Lal’estel thought that I was just going to be a hogglig, and that it was permanent. But I remember everything that happened, Everything I did, and everything I didn’t do.” I looked up into Gyn’s face, at the love in her eyes, and squeezed her even more tightly than she was hugging me!
“You would have been completely transformed and lost to us, except that you were melded with an estar!” said Tel’estar from behind me. He joined Gyn and me on the bed, sitting down on the other side to her and taking my hand.
Gyn glared at him. “Just because I needed your help to restore her, it doesn’t mean that I don’t hold YOU responsible for what happened!” she hissed at him “so much for her being SAFE with YOU! I suppose it was only to be expected, since you would have had no calculation about killing her yourself if I hadn’t compiled with your demands!”
He looked at her negatively, then at me. “I am dismayed that my own sister continues to believe that I ever had the slightest intention of harming you, sweet little Linzi!” he said. “However, I hold myself completely responsible for your ordeal. The idea that Lal’estel had been waiting for nearly two millennia for revenge is almost inconceivable, but that she would perpetrate it by brutalising an innocent young hu-woman is unconscionable.” He looked devastated, his own part in what had happened to me weighing heavily on him.
Gyn actually softened. “I’m sorry brother, for letting my concern for Linzi’s safety cloud my judgment in respect of your character. I should have realized that you could never do such a thing.” she answered. “Regarding Lal’estel, if you had ever been melded, brother, you might be able to accept that she could act that way. She blamed you for her mate’s death, held you responsible for the absence of the meld in her life. Only our work together kept me on this side of the Dark Portal without Tor, until Linzi came into my life.” Then she grew fierce again. “And I want her BACK, Tel, NOW!”
Tel’estar replaced some of his normal demeanour. “Linzi will be remaining with me, sister,” he replied, then conceded, “at least, until I am certain that she is fully recovered. I also need to observe her for a while longer.” He looked at me. “I will, however remove the collar, Linzi. You have long since become dear to me, and I really shouldhave acknowledged that earlier!”
“I’ve understood that for some time, Master!” I replied. “But it’s nice to hear you say it! But I’ll keep the collar on for the moment, thanks. I have a funny feeling that I wouldn’t be here without it!”
“There’s some truth in that, baby.” Gyn said “Our first communication after that service of hers, Canis, bring you to the woods would have just been a strange dream about a hogglig in my bedroom if you hadn’t been wearing it. Once I saw it on your neck I knew instantly what had been done to you, my poor darling!”
“We then confronted, Lal’estal, who claimed that you left her to return home for the evening meal after your visit.” Tel’estar continued. But Felis’bel picked up your scent in the house, and we Found your hair ornament where it had rolled under a chair. Lal’estal doesn’t like cats, it appears, particularly angry Demon ones! She very quickly confessed!”
“Then I contacted you and sent you a message,” Gyn said “and we headed out for where Canis had left you. I stood in the clearing calling your name, and almost at last light, you appeared!” Gyn hugged me tightly to her, as if afraid that I might suddenly be taken from her again. It appears that a huge boar had taken a shine to you, as he attacked us. But Felis’bel drove him off!”
“Felis saved us! She kicked its ass!” I shouted, as it came back to me. “Where is she?”
“She’ll be here soon,” Gyn answered, “Tigi’bel wanted to come see you too, so she asked that I contact her once you were awake.”
“Your melding with Gyn protected your essence from the transformation.” said Tel’estar. “estel powers are pathetic compared to what an estar can do! Gyn and I found a way to undo the transformation by combining all three of our natures. We basically reconstructed your body from our memories and placed your essence back within it. It may have had some…side effects…”
“Side effects?” I asked, curiously.
“You have now been both transformed and re-formed by the two most powerful estar,” Tel explained. “That is unprecedented in Demon Lore! You are also melded with one of us. There is no way of knowing what the results will be, but so far…”
“…so good?” I asked tenatively. “And where is Lal’estel now?”
“Firstly, yes. So far so good!” Tel’estar replied. “As for Lal’estel, she is Currently living in her own gilt pen.”
“Won’t she escape?” I asked.
“Not as a hogglig!” he replied, laughing. “I had considered putting her in the forest with her boars, but I am not capable of that kind of cruelty. But it won’t do her any harm to get a taste of her own medicine. Lup’kar is making sure she eats well, well for a hogglig that is!”
“She can’t change back?” I asked.
“I took her powers from her permanently.” Tel’estar replied. “She insisted she had committed a minor offence, animal misreatment, due to your status as a slave, Linzi. But as I pointed out forcibly, causing grave harm to the beloved of an estar, as well as a dear friend of the High estar, carries a heavy penalty!”
“How long will you leave her like that?” I asked.
“I will let her age for a while, maybe twenty years, so that when I restore her she’ll be an old woman.” Tel’estar said. “That should be sufficient punishment for an immortal!”
I reflected on that. “That’s too cruel, Master!”
He looked at me, stunned. “After what she did to you, you would be merciful?” he asked.
“Her mind is unbalanced after being without her mate for so long.” I said. “She needs help rather than punishment. Isn’t there something you can do, with your regenerating abilities?”
He looked at me for a long time, a new appreciation of me in his eyes. He then looked over to Gyn.
“I now understand just how unique this little Hu-woman truly is, sister.” he said “I give you my word that I will keep her here no longer than I need to. You and I will settle our differences some other way.”
“Thank you, brother.” Gyn replied.
Tel then turned to me. “I am uncertain if a mind can be healed the same way a body can, my little pet, but I will try.”
“AUNTIE LINZI!” a young Leopard-demon squealed, before leaping onto the bed, knocking me gently onto my back and then licking my face! “We were all SO WORRIED! Are you all right now?”
“I’m fine, my little furry kitten!” I answered, hugging her tight and licking her face in return. “Where’s your beautiful and brave mother, I have some serious thanking to do!”
“Right behind her,” Felis replied, entering the room, “no thanks necessary. I couldn’t have Tigi’s favourite aunties being squashed by a dirty great hog, now could I? She’d never have forgiven me!”
“Bet Felix and the boys are proud of you!” I said, smiling at her.
“I could swear Felix’s chest has swelled since Lady Gyn’estar told him the tale, with some embellishment I might add.” she said, looking at Gyn archly.
“Untrue!” Gyn replied. “I told himthe parts you wanted me to leave out, is all.”
“Linzi hasn’t eaten in days,” Tel’estar then said, “and she needs more rest. So I think visiting time is over for today.” he continued in a commanding tone.
“Can I stay and help look after Auntie Linzi, Mother?” Tigi asked.
“Only if the Lord Tel’estar and Linzi agree, little one.” her mother replied.
“I’d like that very much!” I said, looking at my Master hopefully.
“Well,” he said, “another pair of hands would be very useful!” rubbing little Tigi’s early playfully as she grinned at me.
I spent the next few nights with a little Leopard-demon girl sleeping beside me, as Tigi’bel took her duties as my caregiver every bit as seriously as her mother might have wished!
I watched the little Leopard-demon girl intently as she lay silent on the branch of a tree, her ears twitching as she listened, her head moving slowly from right to left as she carefully scanned the ground beneath her. Grinning, I moved slOwly and carefully behind her, making almost no sound, staying downwind of her. Since I had finally realized that she was using the trees in the play area to observe the movement on the ground below, something her brothers had yet to figure out, I had adapted my own strategy accordingly. She could, of course, only use one tree at a time and rarely used the same one twice in succession, although some gave her a better field of view than others. The one she was in today wasn’t one of the better ones in that regard, and I had been waiting for her to make that mistake! She couldn’t track me if she couldn’t see me, and once I’d spotted the tree she was using as her observation position that day, I had covered my naked body in green and brown stripes from two large tubes of body-paint that I’d brought with me and hidden in the ‘play’ area earlier.
I flattened myself out in a clump of long grass as Leon and little Felix slowly crawled past me, searching for me in a kind of patrolling pattern but now going the wrong way, my camouflage obviously working even against their teamed-up senses. I slowly and carefully worked my way to the very nearest point that Tigi’s restricted field of view covered, then watched her carefully from my hiding place. As her head looked fully away, I crept slowly forwards, dropping flat as her eyes were about to look in my direction again. She suddenly looked away as a bird flapped its wings to her left, allowing me a little extra time to move closer. She continued to search and listen, but now I could see her and she still couldn’t see me! Although my advantage, I was still some surprised when I finally reached the small pile of stones that marked ‘safe’, meaning I had evaded the stalking Leopard-demon younglings at long last! I slowly stood up, took three of the stones from the top of the moon and started juggling them, a trick I had taught myself in hopes of this day ever arrive!
“Auntie Linzi, I can barely see you!” said Tigias she dropped from the tree and padded over. Her brothers turned to see their sister lose the game at last, grinning like siblings always do in these situations, even though they had lost too!
“It’s called camouflage, little tree climber!” I said, laughing. “Prey hides from predators, you know!”
“Ssssshhhhh! Don’t tell my brothers!” she said, looking around to see if they’d hear how she was continuously beating them at the game.
“Don’t worry, my furry little kitten, your secret is safe with me!” I grinned, hugging her and rubbing her fluffy tummy playfully, tickling her.
“Nice work!” said Felis, as we walked towards her, little Felix and Leon trailing behind. “but my little Tigi won’t be fooled so easily a second time!” she said, rubbing her beautiful daughters ears affectionately.
“Well, it’s nice to win for a change,” I said, “even if it never happens again!” as I picked up my tiny leather skirt and halter top, a look I’d borrowed from my gorgeous Leopard-demon friend now that I’d started wearing clothes again, but decided to wash the paint off myself before I got dressed. I put my leather roman-style sandals on before we walked back to the cottage to get ready for dinner.
“You missed a spot here!” Felis said as her tongue gently caresed the back of my thigh. “Shall I clean it off?”
I was face-down on the fur rug in the Leopard-demons’ bedroom. Felix was putting the younglings to bed as Felis and I chatted while we waited for him to join us, Felis gently licking me all over as we did!
“It’s OK,” I murmured softly, “I’m sure Gyn will enjoy scrubbing it off!” I rolled onto my back and looked up at her, into her grogeous eyes. She grinned at me and then ran her amazing node studied tongue over each of my nipples. “I have no idea how I’m ever going to repay you for what you did for me in the forest, Felis!” I said. “But please know how grateful I am to you. You risked your life for me!”
“You are my friend, Linzi, and a friend of my family.” the beautiful Leopard-demon said, matter-of-factly. “It was my honour and privilege to be there when you had need of me.” I reached up and pulled her to me, squeezing her tightly, sobbing softly as she hugged me back.
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