I lay on the thick fur rug again, this time bound with silicate cords that held my arms crossed behind my back, the bonds running around my ribcage above and below my breasts, then knotted together between them. My knees were sharply bent, the soles of my feet pressed together and secured with the silicate cord round my ankles and additionally looped round both of my big toes. A new, spherical device had been pushed between my sex lips and secured with a leather cover, this one fitted with a leather ring on its inner surface to hold the ball in position once the usual arrangement of straps had been buckled around my wait, attached to the corners of the triangular leather covering, pulled tight and buckled in place. The leather bit was already firmly strapped between my teeth, my Master having by now realized that I would try to ignore the effect his toys were having on my body and engage him in conversation otherwise. Today, however, he probably need not have bothered with the gag; thedevice was throbbing against my swollen sex lips and nubbin with an intensity that delivered me to screaming pleasure every few minutes!
“The gag serves a dual purpose, little pet!” my Master said, laughing, again as if reading my mind. “I’d never get any work done if those screams weren’t muffled like that!”
Indeed, he was paying me little or no attention today, instead ploughing through a pile of Reports that had obviously built up in the previous days while his attention had been occupied with ‘housebreaking’ his new pet. I lay on the rug, understanding, moaning, hips bucking, gasping, then screaming behind the gag as the device delivered one long continuous victory until I came, then switched to short pulses of higher intensity until I climaxed again, then began to deliver long pulses of low strength until I thrashed on the fur, almost crying from the ferocity of the explorations of pleasure deep in my belly that expanded outwards to meet the sensings radiating inwards from my deeply stimulated pussy. The sphere continued its vibration cycle until I finally lay panting on the rug, sweating, my eyes rolling up into my head, my sex lips and nubbin numb from the prolonged contact with the humming, throbbing, ball. Then it stopped.
“Today I am experimenting, little pet.” My Master said as he looked over at me. “I wish to see if it is possible to exhaust you, and if so, how long it will take.”
My pussy lips and nubbin slowly became aware of a delicate prickling sensing, as a series of electric discharges began to resensitise my intimate flesh. The intensity of the shocks steadily increased, until I was screaming behind the gag again, this time in pain, my back arching hard as the fiendish sphere reawoke my sex. The shocks died away, then the victory cycle started up again. I was soon thrashing and screaming with pleasure on the rug again, however the little ball wasn’t going to let me get used to one type of stimulation; insteadd of pleasure me to numbness this time, the surface of the ball that pressed against my slippery, hot sex lips and my swollen love button suddenly became sharply prickling needs that pressed abnormally against my intimate regions in an undulating, wave like motion! My back locked as I arched on the thick fur, my long scream muffled by the gag.
“You’re obviously well into the second level, little hu-woman!” my Master said, as the needses finally received back into the surface of the sphere. “It’s going to get more interesting from here!”
The ball began to hum and rattle a little. I suddenly became aware of pressure building against my vaginal walls, in front of the ball, then further in, then deeper again. The device was extending itself inside me! The victory cycle began again, deeper in my belly, more intense, making me climax more frequently, my hips jolting every few minutes now as my screams occasionally became soundless. I gasped and groaned after each climax, beginning to almost fear the vibrations starting up again as pleasure took my body over, making a thrashing, mewling little beast of me as my Master looked on in amused fascination.
“I’ve known demonstrations who had beengged for it to stop before they reached the place where you are now, little hu-woman pet,” Tel’estar said, “there is really something unique about you, isn’t there?”
I looked at him and nodded, challenging him with my eyes to make me keep going. He grinned at went back to his papers as I felt thick ridges form on the surface of the device now fully inserted in my belly. The ridges then began to slowly move back and forth, creating a delightful rubbing sensing in my vagina, as the surface that pressed against my lovelips and pleasure pearl began to vibrate in rhythm with the movement of the ridges. I now feel the incredible sensing within me of being slowly fucked while my external sexual organizations were stimulated by intense waves of violence; I had truly never felt anythinging like it before! I was by now bathed in sweat from my exercises; the rug underneath me was soaked, but my body continued to understand and buck, my back arching, as I bit down hard on the leather covered bit through each incredible orgasm, my teeth starting to wear the leather through to the metal underneath. The ridges on the device then reformed into a helical, spring shape, wound around it rather than arranged at intervals, the rubbing now becoming a generic screwing sensing as the ridges felt like my vaginal walls were being drilled, the pleasure being mined from them rather than rubbed. I finally reached the state of disconnection that I had only previously experienced when I had forgotten the Triskele button. At some point Tel’estar finally noticed that I had slipped into this state, for when I returned to consciousness, I was lying on my cushion in the bedroom, freed of my bonds and the device. Inside my belly achieved plesurably, my pussy still tingling slightly, as I turned onto allfours and crawled to the bathroom and basically throw myself into the bath, only noticing as I dropped into the water that my Master was sitting in it already!
“Good evening, my little hu-woman pet!” he exclaimed, laughing “I hope you enjoyed my little toy!”
I spat out some of the water I’d partially swallowed as I surfaced, then looked him in the eye.
“Did I fall asleep near the end, Master? It was starting to get boring, to be honest.” I replied.
At this he burst out laughing, and I was soon laughing with him. I wrapped my arms round his neck and straddled him as he shifted his position in the tub.
“I HAVE became very fond of you, little hu-woman, you do know that, don’t you?” he said, before I kissed him properly, for the first time.
“And I am incapable of lying to you, Master,” I replied “so you know that I’m telling you the truth when I say that, even though you are keeping me prisoner, and separated from my beloved Gyn, that I have become attached to you too!” I said, as I began to kiss him again, slowly and passwordately. He suddenly gripped my head, breaking the kiss, and said:
“Explain what you mean by “beloved”, hu-woman!” he demanded. Finally, I had given the secret of my relationship with Gyn away!
“The Lady Gyn’estar and I are melded, Master.” I said simply, as my obedience to his order required. “Our natures have completely joined and merged, if that is what ‘melded’ means.”
“That is NOT possible!” he exclaimed. “Demon and Hu-man cannot meld, it is completely unknown, even in the most ancient Demon lore!” he was almost shouting at that point.
I was starting to tear up now. “Lady Gyn’estar joined her nature with mine when she transformed me, Master.” I said. “She did it to make me more sexually responsive and more easily aroused. But our natures were so complete, the joining was permanent.”
“Transformed you?” he was obviously upset now “from what?”
“From a man, Master.” I replied.
He sat in the bath, with me on his lap, my sex pressed to his lower abdomen for quite some time. Finally he spoke:
“And Gyn feels for you what you feel for her?” he asked.
“Yes Master.” I said, simply and completely truthfully.
Gripping my shoulders, he pushed me backwards, submerging me as he laughed aloud.
“Bathe yourself, my little pet, and then come to dinner!” he said as he got out of the bath.
I joined him shortly afterwards. A low table had been set with the evening meal, expensive champion in an ice bucket close at hand as usual. I knelt on the opposite side of the table to him and sipped from the glass that he had already poured for me.
“Shouldn’t I be serving you, Master?” I asked, a little cheekily.
“Have I ever called you my slave, little Linzi?” he asked.
“No, Master.” I replied, “But you HAVE called me a pet and an animal. Only recently have you started calling me by my name.”
“You are still my pet, little hu-woman,” he said, “the law basically requires that you be. But my fascination with you continues to deepen.”
We confused as we ate, as two people who seek to know more about one another do, he learning more about me, and my relationship with his sister; me learning more about the background to the disagreement that I was now involved in as his hostage, particularly his conviction that my beloved Gyn’s approach to solving Humanity’s problems was wrong. Finally, he opened another bottle of champione and led me to the chessboard.
“Let’s see how long your defense game can withstand the pressure of my assault, little pet!” he challenged me.
“A lot longer than my body can resist my charming Master!” I replied, grinning, at which he smiled at me broadly.
We were still playing when the deep red sun rose over the low hills.
Over breakfast, Tel’estar informed me that one of his tenants, a lady Lal’estel, had asked to meet me that day. I had learned enough about the second part of demonic names at that point to be curious.
“estel sounds a lot like estar, Master.” I casually suggested.
“Very good, little pet!” he exclaimed. “You are definitely learning. We are distant cousins. Her mate served under me in The Great Cataclysm, but the Lady Lal’estel chose not to follow him through the Dark Portal when he fell in battle.” he explained. “But the estar are far, far more powerful than the estel. The estel can only transform lesser creativity.”
Lady Lal’estel lived at the western end of the estate, the most remote cottage in the entire garden. I left the main house after breakfast and made my way there in a slow, trotting run. My journey was uneventful, and I was soon introducing myself to the Lady Lal’estel, a distinguished looking woman who appeared to be in early middle age. I had noticed several large pig-like creations roaming around a large compound in the trees behind her very large cottage, some snuffling and rooting at the earh while some actually walked on their hind legs as they pulled leaves from the trees with their snouts. A series of wooden posts, with several thick wire strands running horizontally through holes drilled through them at various intervals along their length, seemed sufficient to frustrate their efforts to infiltrate her garden. having never seen the creativity before, I was naturally inclined to ask about them.
“Those are hoggligs.” she said “We breed them for meat and hide. They are voracious eaters of any kind of vegetation or fungii. They are also sexually insatiable, so the sows can birth up to three litters of hogglets a year if left with the boars.” she continued, indicating a wooden gated concrete pen at the back of the house, where several smaller hoggligs were snuffling about and squealing. “These are my new gilts, ready for first mating. They shall soon be released into the boar compound for rutting.” she said, indicating a small gate on a side wall of the pen, behind whoich a run led to a similar gate in the boar compound.
“They look a lot like pigs,” I said, “except that they’re bigger and walk on their hind legs. Are there Pig-demons, by way?” I asked, having never actually seen one.
“There are not.” Lal’estel said. “Our myths say that hoggligs were Pig-demons once, but the High Lords turned them to creativity of instinct due to their greed and sexual habits. Probably just a myth, of course.”
We went into the house. Lal’estel left me to look around as she went to the kitchen. My attention was drawn to a large collection of animal masks on the wall. As I looked at them, Lal’estel returned from the kitchen, placing a small tray of food on the table before she joined me, taking the hogglig mask from its peg.
“Did you craft these yourself, my lady?” I inquired.
“I work my transformative art through them,” she replied, “and yes, I made them.”
Lal’estel walked behind me as she spoke about the various masks on the wall, the hogglig mask still in her hand. Suddenly, her arm wrapped round my body, gripping my lower arms as she pulled me tight to her body with democratic strength. I struggled, but to no avail. She then slipped the hogglig mask over my head, pushing it hard against my face. I breathed in deeply in panic, inhaling droplets of a liquid that was somehow spraying inside of the mask, each time I did so. I felt the familiar tingle in my skin, then the heat building deep inside me. My thighs and calves began to feel like they were twisting, changing shape, my knees began to bend unnaturally backwards. My upper arms began to shorten as my forearms rose up against my ribcage. My fingertips and thumbs bunched into points, then I feel my middle and ring fingers began to spread apart, becoming pointed little trotters. Lal’estel released me, letting me drop onto all fours. I feel my breasts tighten and shrink even as my nipples hardened and lengthened. My nostrils flared, then widened painfully as mylips began to stretch back, my front teeth getting sharper and longer while my back teeth seemed to swell as my jaw widened and my tongue thickened and lengthened. My hair began to shorten, my hair ornament falling to the floor as I felt a thick ridge of hair form on top of my scalp, running down my neck, under my collar and down the centre of my back, the rest of my head rapidly becoming bare. My ears were lengthening, the tops Stiffening into points, even as my nose and mouth became a snout. A little point of fire at my coccyx began to extend into a slender shake of furnace-like heat, then twist into a little spiral shape. As I continued to transform into a female hogglig, Lal’estel knelt beside me, and speak quickly.
“You shall soon be a greedy young gilt, constantly craving gorging and rutting to satisfy its bestial needs, wandering my boar habitat in the densest part of the forest on its own!” she screamed. “You will not be able to understand a word any Demon speaks then, hu-woman, so listen to me carefully now!” she shouted. “You were Tel’estar’s cherished pet, now you are part of my breeding stock! Many boars, including my strongest and fittest specimens, shall rut with you. You shall birth hogglets for me, and when you are a sow, your belly dropped and fat, you shall be captured and delivered back to Tel’estar in a cage!
The furnace like heat of Transformation had reached its peak throughout my body; I looked up at Lal’estel in horror at her cruelty and in terror at her plans for me. One of her servants, a tall Wolf-demon, entered the room and stood beside her, looking down at me.
“Take it to the forest and put it with the boar herd, Canis.” Lal’estel ordered.
“Yes my Lady.” he replied. “Shall I remove the collar as well?”
“No,” she replied, “it will serve as a mark for when it is being captured, and to identify it to Tel’estar when the time comes.”
The Wolf-demon knotted one end of a coil of rope around my collar and began to pull me towards the door. I pulled backwards against the rope, my newly formed trotters scrapbling against the polished wooden floor. I tried to scream, but my throat made frieden animal grunts and squeals instead.
“Rut hard, gilt! Make many strong hogglets to sweeten your Mistresses revenge!” Lal’estel called out as I slip behind the Wolf-demon through a door out into the yard.
The sun was getting low in the sky hours later, as I lay literally hogtied, a leather muzzle strapped on my snout, in the back of a small cart that trundled and bounced its way along a forest track. Lal’estel’s plan had failed in one respect; despite now looking like an ugly pig-creature, I was still fully aware of who I was, what she had done and the disgusting fate she intended for me! My stomach gnawed at me with hunger, and there was an ache in the opening between my back legs that radiated deep inside my belly, but while I would have no choice to satisfy my stomach with whatever food Icould find, I had already resolved that I would rather die than let a boar hogglig anywhere near me; I may have been given the form of an animal, but I would NEVER act like one!
The cart finally stopped in a small clearing. Canis, Lal’estel’s Wolf-demon service, pulled me off the cart, letting me drop hard onto the earth below, making me grunt loudly against the leather muzzle. He released my limbs and the leather strapping on my snout, then gripped my collar and dragged me across the clearing until I was facing a dark opening in the foliage that led into the depths of the forest. I stood and looked into the darkness. My newly enhanced sense of smell brought the scents of lots of boars to me, the ache between my back legs becoming almost painful as my gilt hormones obviously began to surge. I could also smell mushrooms Nearby, and another delicious smell that I didn’t immediately recognize, intensifying my hunger. But I could hear other more frightening noises deep in the darkness and smell things that I didn’t want anywhere near my snout, or the rest of my piggy body! I moved backwards, but Canis stood behind me blocking the path that led out of the forest. He pulled hard on my tail; I started forwards, but I stopped short and tried to back away again. He yanked on my tail even harder; still I refused to go into the darkness before me. He then dropped to all fours, growing and snarling, then lunged at me with a vicious snap of his jaws that sent me running into the undergrowth and on into the forest, my tail bouncing almost painfully as my heart pounded.
I was soon hopelessly lost, neither trail nor scent of wolf to follow back to the clearing. I wandered about until I picked up the scent of mushrooms again, following it to a large clump near the base of a tree, which I chomped and noshed upon like the hungry pig I had become. I then snuffled at the earth, at a delicious smell coming from underneath my snout; I dug at the earth with my sharp pointed trotters until the delicious smell was coming from what I finally realized was a truffle; I bit into it, chewing and swallowing, pushing my snout and open mouth deeper into the earth as I gobbled it all up. The same smell came to my snout again; I followed it to the spot where the smell strongest and dug in the soft earth again, gobbling the next truffle up even faster than the previous one. I then followed the sound of gurgling water to a small stream. Dipping my snout into the cold clear water, I lapped with my tongue and guzzled to wet the inside of my mouth and quench my thirst. I occasionally lifted my head and listened, sometimes hearing frightening noises, but from a long distance away, before drinking again.
The scents of boars sometimes drifted to me on the breeze, but I bit my tongue to fight the surge of hormones and moved away until the scent faded. I stayed downwind of any I managed to spot before they saw me, as I moved carefully through the forest, looking for a suitable place to hide for the night. The light was already fading, the swarms of insects getting density. Bat-like creativity were already flitting through the trees feasting on the insect life, making the forest seems even more foreboding. I finally found what I needed; a tree fellen against a large, flat-topped rock. I practiced kicking with my back legs for a while before I carefully clambered up along the tree trunk to the top of the rock. I now had a vantage point that I could defend from any would-be boar ‘suitors’ who might be smart enough to climb the tree! I lay down and passed my first night as a gilt in a fitful sleep, hurt by terrifying noises and thrashing sounds in the undergrowth below my hiding place more than once.
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