The Triskele Collar Ch. 07

I kept my body low to the ground, crawling on all fours through the heavy undergrowth, as quietly as I could. I had twisted my collar round so the medallion was behind my neck, so it wouldn’t jingle and give my location away to the sensitive ears of the demonstrations who stalked me. I carefully peered through the foliage, into the clearing ahead, to locate the small pile of stones that marked the only spot in the area where I would be safe from my hunters. I noted the point where the undergrowth was closest to the little marker and altered my route through the undergrowth to take me there. On reaching the point where I intended to break cover, I looked through the low hanging leaves again; the clearing was empty. I thought for a moment that I saw a tail swish in the foliage on the other side of the clearing, but it vanished so quickly it may have Just been my imagination. It was now or never, I thought, getting my feet under me, my thigh muscles bunching to launch me into the fastest possible running speed that I could manage; I burst through the leaves, heading for the marker in a dead sprint…

“Oooooof!” I grunted as small hand-paws landed right in the centre of my upper back, knocking me flat on my belly on the mossy ground, as I heard a growl of triumph and delight behind me. A paw swiped at my shoulder, turning me on my back, then the little hand-paws pressed me to the ground. I looked up into the face of my pursuer, her golden eyes wide as she lowered her face to mine and licked my cheek!

“I caught you!” Tigi’bel, the little Leopard-demon girl shouted. “I’ve won, mother!”

“Yes, you have, my darling!” Felis’bel, her stunningly beautiful mother, who Tigi’bel closely resembled, squealed. The little Leopard girl’s brothers, Felix and Leon, Now padded up to where their sister had successfully stalked and caught me, looking suitable crestfallen. “Now, children, time to get washed up for dinner.” Felis’bel now ordered.

“Yes, mother.” they all said in unison, in the universal frustrated voices of children everywhere who have been told that playtime is over for the day. They padded off on all fours, back to the cottage, tails swishing. Tigi looked back over her shoulder at me and smiled as she left her mother and me together. I continued to watch them walk towards the house, still finding it hard to believe that I had just helped three Leopard-demon ‘cubs’ practice their stalking skills!

“They like you!” Felis’bel said.

“I like them too!” I replied.

“Felix and I still play that game,” Felis said as we followed her younglings down the path back to their cottage, “when the younglings aren’t around of course!”

“Yes,” I said. “I’ll bet it gets very…passionate between you two!”

I was making the return Visit I had promised to Felis’bel a few days earlier. She had earlier introduced me to Felix’kan, her mate and her three delightful ‘cubs’, who had almost immediately decided that I would make anexcellent playmate! Felix’kan proved to be every bit as congenial as his mate, who despite being stunningly beautiful, like a covergirl who’d been somehow partially transformed into a leopard, continued to insist that she was merely ‘reasonably attractive’ by Leopard-demon standards, something her mate clearly did NOT agree with!

“Truly, there is NO Leopard-demon like her! Even now, after she has borne our beautiful younglings, I still find it hard to believe that I am melded with such a glorious beauty!” Felix conspiratorially whispered to me later that evening, while Felis was putting the ‘younglings’ to bed. “Me, a simple groundskeeper!”

“None like her in the current generation!” I corrected him, smiling.

“True, our little Tigi has her mother’s beauty!” he agreed, smiling proudly.

“And her father’s courage, strength and intelligence, like her brothers!” said Felis, returning from the children’s rooms. She undid her leather halter and tossed it onto a nearychair, her tiny skirt following close behind it, before curling up at her mate’s feet like the big cat she partially was. Her gorgeous almond-shaped golden eyes regarding me intently; I began to feel like I was playing ‘stalking’ again!

“Can only melded demon couples have children?” I asked.

“Yes.” he replied. “Even Demon Lore is silent as to why, but the preferred explanation is that the Ancient High Lords intended that younglings should only ever be the result of love.”

“That’s a nice explanation.” I concurred. There was certainly no doubting both parents’ love for their offspring; the smile of pride and delight of Felis’s face when young Tigi had caught and pinned me made that abundantly clear!

As we sat and chatted, I compared the two partners. Felis was a ‘bel’, as I’ve already described, gorgeous and very human-like, while her mate was a ‘kan’, more definitely like a leopard, his head being shaped much more like a big cat, although his jaw indicated his humanoid character, as did the deep intelligence in his eyes. Their children were of both types; Tigi very much a bel, while young Felix and his brother Leon were both kans. Despite their physical differences, their love for each other was palpable; Feli lovely licking her mate’s lower leg while he scratched her head affectionately

“Feli told me of the encounter you both had with Tal’mes,” he said, abruptly changing the subject to more adult matters, “she was highly complimentary of your skills!”

“She’s none too shabby in that regard herself!” I replied.

We chatted for a while longer, until Felix took the bottle of champion from the wooden cooling bucket, which finally prompted me to make a mental note to find out where they were actually getting all the expensive ‘cold fizz’ from, then stood up and walked towards their bedroom, cleverly located on the opposite side of the building to the childrens’ rooms. Felis rose onto all fours and padded softly behind him, her tail swishing. She looked back at me over her shoulder.

“Care to try some of the games grown-up Leopard-demons play, Linzi?” she asked, purring softly.

I resisted the temptation to crawl behind her on all fours, instead following her slowly on my hind legs as usual, through the now open bedroom door.

“Mmmmmm, I’ve decided.” I said, sometimes later. “Leopard-demons are my favourites!”

I was on all fours, from convenience as well as manners, on a huge rug of some kind of fur. Felix stood in front of me as my tongue tip caresed the hundreds or so tiny nodules that formed a ring around the base of his glans, tasting them, feeling their hardness.

“So, in their natural state, these are little barbs?” I inquired, as I flattened my tongue out against the underside of his otherwise fairly normal, respectably sized cockhead, my tongue stud rubbing softly against the pleasure nexus where the head joined the shake.

“Yes.” he replied. “It is good etiquette by the male to keep them clipped and filed smooth, as otherwise they are highly irritating to the female! However, when properly groomed, they generally have the opposite effect.”

“Must be a very delicate task.” I observed.

“It usually forms part of our foreplay, when required.” said Felis, pausing from slowly licking my sex lips from behind me, the feeling of the raised nodules on her tongue rubbing my swollen inner labia almost unbearably pleasurable. “I attend to it for him. But that was last night!”

I pressed my tongue harder against the underside of Felixes noduled glans, still massaging his frenulum with my own metal node, the little stud fixed in my tongue back when I was a slave in the Hu-man Realm, making him purr softly as he ran scratched my head lightly, almost making me purr in return. Felis resumed her licking of my sex lips, then pushed her tongue deep inside me, folding it and twisting it slowly, making my back arch deeply as I opened my mouth and pushed mylips over her mate’s cockhead, feeling the hard little bumps against my tongue. I sucked softly, rubbing the little rock-like profiles with my tongue, feeling them press against the roof of my mouth. Felis’s tongue now wriggled and twisted inside my bottom, the rows of tiny bumps all over it making my eyes roll up in my head now and then as they rubbed against my most sensitive little opening. I wriggled my ass for her, feeling her Teeth now pressing deliciously against my bum cheats as her tongue slide deeper. I relaxed my throat, opening my mouth wider, as the desire to feel the hard little bumps on Felixes glans rubbing against the inside of my throat suddenly became overpowering; my head moved forwards as my lips gloved his cockstem all the way to his furry balllocks, which prickled my chin as I groaned on his full length, almost immediately wanting the sensing of the little profiles in my throat again.

My head was soon bobbing, moving back and forwards, drool beginning to drip from my chin, my bottom beginning to squeeze involuntarily on Felis’s tongue as she slowly turned her head from side to side, the bumps on her tongue creating the most delightful friction inside me. I could feel my vaginal walls spasming with pleasure, my belly almost at the point of bursting into an explosion of ecstasy that was lately becoming deeper and more prolonged with my every erotic encounter. I began to twist my mouth on Felixes cock as my head moved up and down his shake, the nodules enhancing the corkscrewing sensing as his glans slide in and out of my throat, the act of fellatio now a pleasure for me in and of itself; I could have happily spent the entire evening with my mouth wrapped tightly around this Leopard-demon’s amazing cock. Felix had other ideas, however; after holding my head gently in his hand-paws for a few moments and taking advantage of my cock-sucking delirium by thrusting deep and hard into my willing throat, he slid his cock from my mouth, to a strangely frustrated sounding gasp from me, and gently twisted me round so that Felis’s delicious little star shaped bumhole and beautifully plump dark caramel coloured inner labia, glistening with her mood, were now right before my lips, her swollen golden hued pleasure bud only partially covered by the little fleshy hood surmounting her sex. I wiggled my ass at Felix as I inhaled his mate’s delicious musky scent, letting it aroom me even more deeply.

“Ooooooh, take my pussy, please, Felix” I asked, “ooops, no offence!” I said, before I began to slowly lick at Felis’s nubbin, caresing it with the pointed tip of my tongue.

“None taken!” said Felix, as his barb-embossed cockhead began to nuzzle at the entrance to my belly, “we cats call it that too!”

The next morning, after breakfast, the ‘cubs’ managed to persuade ‘Auntie’ Linzi, as they had now decided to call me, to play another game of ‘stalking’; I was expected back at Tel’estar’s residence by lunchtime,but I couldn’t say no to Tigi’s little mewls and her sweet face! Anyway, after the way he had treated my beloved Gyn and me recently, I was feeling in a defiant mood, despite his subsequent concessions in that regard. This time I slithered through the undergrowth on my belly, initially heading towards the place I’d made my break from the previous day; I noticed at least one gently swishing tail in that general area when I stopped to peer through the foliage to see if any of the cubs had fallen for my bluff. I then broke cover in a different place entirely, but was once again caught and pinned almost immediately by clever little Tigi, who had stalked me properly, while her brothers had fallen for my bluff and decided to stake out the spot I’d made my dash from the last time, as I were a deer or a similar creation of fixed habit!

“I win again, Auntie Linzi!” she said, meowing happily.

“Tigi, you are a credit to your mother!” I exclaimed. “If I wasn’t nakie and covered in dirt and leaves, I’d hug you tight!”

She looked at me with her mother’s gorgeous golden eyes in that quizzical way cats sometimes do. “But I’m nakie too, Auntie Linzi!” she said.

There was no answer to that! “Come here, my little furry kitten,” I squealed, hugging her tightly to me. “’re so cute and fluffy!” I said as I licked her face the way she’d licked mine the previous day, as she wriggled and giggled like any other little girl would!

It was with great reluctance that I finally said my goodbyes to the first real demon family that I’d met, my time with them having almost felt like freedom. My route back to the main residence led past a wide lake. I sat down, paddling my bare feet in the soothingly warm pink water as I looked out over the flat expansion of the lake’s surface, before I made a shallow dive under the surface, turning onto my back as I came up for air, then letting myself float in a sort of semi-trance, only moving sufficiently to keep close to shore. Almost like a dream, I felt smooth slender arms wrap around me from underneath, as a slim body pressed itself to me from behind. I twisted my body into the embrace of a pretty, blue-skinned girl, who pressed her lips to mine, softly at first. As I returned her kiss, embracing her as I did so, her mouth opened, her tongue caressing mine as my lips parted in response. Her lips then sealed themselves to mine as she pulled me under the surface; I began to struggle as the movements of her strong legs propelled us deeper, but she squeezed me more tightly to herself and gripped the back of my head, her lips compressing hard against mine as air continued to fill my lungs, calming me as she carried me through a long underwater tunnel and then upwards into a large, air-filled chamber, lit from above by openings drilled through the rock of the cavern to the surface. A set of steps carried into the rock where the cavern met the water’s edge gave us access to the chamber. The Water-demon thensmiled at me and spoke.

“Welcome, Linzi!” she said. “I am A’quelle, and I have been so looking forward

to spending time with you!”

A few weeks earlier, my response to being effectively kidnapped by a blue water-breathing girl would probably have been to throw things at her and demand that I be released, but now I was both aroused by this new development in my capacity and curious about where this tenant of Tel’estar’s would lead me in the sexual odyssey he had arranged for me! I smiled at A’quelle, stepping back into her embrace, our wet bodies slippery against each others as we kissed slowly and deeply. Apart from obvious, fish-like fins on the backs of her forearms and calves, and delicately formed gills on either side of her neck, A’quelle looked very much like a girl of my own age, although her fingers were webbed to the knuckles in the middle; I later learned that her toes were fully webbed as well. She drew me her bed, a large seashell-shaped stone edifice, carved and shaped from the rock of the cavern itself, but with a large, soft, water-filled membrane positioned within it as a wonderfully warm and comfortable mattress, into which we both sank a little as we kissed and ran our fingers over each others bodies.

Her lips slowly moved down my throat, to the hollow between my collar bones, then my breasts and nipples were kissed and sucked, her nails indenting the skin of my heavy orbs slightly as she squeezed them a little, clearly fascinated by their shape and weight, her own bosom much smaller than my own. She then continued to kiss her way down my body, pausing at my belly to trace its taut upcurve with her tongue, her fingers now spanking my mound lightly, before stroking and pinching my swollen inner labia softly, sliding back the little fleshy hood over my pleasure pearl before blowing air lightly upon it from her lips, my sex lifting to her mouth as my back arched, a deep moan of arousal and pleasure escaping my lips as this newexotic creativity became my newest sexual partner.

I then felt her bunched fingers press and wriggle between my pouting sex lips, seeking the entrance to my belly; before this moment, I had never felt comfortable with this form of pleasure, the idea of ​​someone’s hand pushed into my body simply feeling too ‘wrong’ for me. But in this moment, I spread my thighs wider, lifting my hips a little as I smiled at A’quelle, the pressure of her fingers beginning to stretch the little opening around them as she continued to twist them from side to side gently, pushing them deeper, as I witnessed and relaxed my vaginal muscles, feeling the knuckles in the middle of her fingers pushing inside me as she paused a moment to open her fingertips outwards, my back arching as the arousal deep within me began to liquify into a pool of pleasure, biting my lip as I moaned with delight now, an unspoken plea to her to continue what she was doing to me.

She continued to twist her hand slowly left and right, maintaining the pressure, until the widest part of her hand now stretched me open, my moans becoming independent, urging her to keep pushing her fingers deeper. I gasped and arched my back hard as her hand suddenly slipped inside me to her slender wrist, my vagina walls contracting on her whole hand now, loving the unusual feeling now where previously it had almost turned my stomach! A’quelle looked up at me, smiling as she began to rotate her hand, smiling more widely as my eyes widened at the sensing, the pool of pleasure within me beginning to overflow as my vagina spasmed around her fingers. I screamed with delight as she slowly closed her hand into a fist within me, then twisted it from side to side a little, before moving it back and forwards, the intense moving, stretching sensing triggering a powerful orgasm that drenched her hand in my hot juices.

Keeping her hand inside me, but relaxed now, she began to softly kiss, then suck upon, the smooth skin of my mound, licking the outer labia, then lifting my nubbin with the tip of her tongue and pursing her lips round the little pleasure button. Her tongue then slipped under my nubbin, pushing inside my pussy over the back of her hand, until a row of small suckers, near the back of her tongue, pressed against my clipty, one of them slipping over it, pulling the little bud it into its grip as I moaned aloud again. A’quelle slowly withdraw her hand, her long tongue now exploring and caressing the inside of my vagina as the little sucker drew on my pleasure pearl in pulses; some long and soft, some fast and strong. I compromised with pleasure beneath her lips as she drew another deep and powerful orgasm from me, bathing her tongue in my fluids as they gushed from within my drum tight little belly.

The Water-demon now twisted her body around, until her wet and slippery sex was positioned over my face. I spread her dark green sex lips gently with my fingers, my tongue gently caressing and exploring the tight little entry point, but A’quelle’s skeletal structure prevented me from pleasure her in the same way that she had done for me, I could barely push three of my fingers inside her there. I instead rubbed at her little fleshy hood with my thumb, sliding it back to reveal an almost perfectly spherical nubbin, pinkly pearlescent in colour, that I kissed almost as a reflex, then began to suck slowly as I stroked and pinched softly at her lovelips. A’quelle’s tongue slide inside me once more, twisting, caressing, the tip occasionally slapping lightly at the inner walls of my vagina, as I deepened the suction on her gorgeous pleasure pearl, until her hips began to pump her sex against my mouth. I opened my mouth wide, licking her nubbin, flicking it gently with my tongue tip, as cool salty fluid began to gush from the little tight entrance to her belly onto my face and into my mouth, my body squirting hotly on her own tongue as I climaxed again, drinking deeply of her juices as she tasted and swallowed mine.

We lay side by side for a while, kissing softly, as she pinched and spanked my breasts gently. Suddenly, Tel’estar’s voice echoed round the chamber!


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