I bit down hard on the leather covered bit, strapped almost cruelly tight in my mouth as a punishment for continuously trying to talk to Tel’estar, struggling to hold back the long deep moan of pleasure that would result in the vibrating crystal that was currently slowly struggling my swollen sex lips and throbbing nubbin being removed, and the strong intense spanking recovering. I was buckled into a corset made of stout leather that forced my back into a shallow arch, so that my pussy was slightly lifted as I lay on my Master’s lap on a long leather couch. My forearms were encased from wrist to elbow in cuffs of the same leather, my arms folded behind my back and each buckled to the back of the corset at three attachment points. Thin leather straps tightly encircled each of my breasts, making them feel like they might burst through my nipples; more Straps led from the back of the corset and down across my collar bones and were buckled to circular metal rings attached to these ‘boobie cuffs’.
I had never felt so completely in someone’s control as I did at that moment, the crystal seeming to resonate with my body, the exact frequency that would bring me to orgasm having been identified to deepen and strengthen its vibrations, my vaginal walls beginning to spasm in response, the pool of pleasure deep in my belly becoming more liquid as it heated, expanding towards the spinning point. My nostrils flared, snorted, and inevitably a little squeal of delight gradually became a deep moan of need and satisfaction. The crystal was immediately lifted away from my love lips; I grunted and thrashed in frustration, but with the thick leather bindings on my body, I simply rocked back and forwards on Tel’estar’s lap, kicking my feet furiously.
“You are a joy to play with, my little pet!” said Tel’estar, laughing softly as he rubbed my left bottom cheese, a prelude to the resumption of him spanking my ass to burning heat!
I looked round and glared at him, making himlaugh louder, before an almost perfect ‘crack’ sound, coupled with an immediate sweet sting in my bum, on the left side, echoed round the room, my defiant star rendered pathetic by my squeal of pleasure-pain! That He-demon sure know how to spank! He slapped almost gently at the curve of my bottom, a series of teasing spanks deepening the shock and sting of a really hard one! My body arched hard as I almost screamed Behind the bit of the gag, air snorting through my nostrils. I grunted sexually as the teasing slaps began again, more this time so I couldn’t tense up in anticipation for the hard spank that I knew was coming, a long groan now muffled by the gag as he immediately switched to spanking the joins of my bottom cheeses and the backs of my thighs, making me squeal and bounce on his lap. He spanked methodically, missing no part of my upturned bottom, until it burned like fire all over, tears forming in the corners of my eyes as my breathing began to sound rarely like a steam train,long snorts of exercise followed by deep sucking inhalations. Then the crystal was lightly touched against the little hood over my nubbin, beginning the stimulation of my sex anew as hot blood flowed through my labia and pleasure button, making me bite down hard on the gag again, struggling to not moan and thereby end the pleasure before I came…
This delicious torque continued until, at last, when Tel’estar saw proper tears in my eyes, the imprint of his individual fingers now sering my bottom in places from the strength of his spanks, he began to slowly rub my bottom gently. I gasped at first, then relaxed as my sex suffused with greous heat, my soft sobs of pain becoming low moans of pleasure as the scalding pain in my bottom became a glowing furnace instead, arousal simmering in my belly. I looked up as a string of highly pollished black beads were lowered in front of my eyes, twelve in total and of various sizes, the fifth and sixth being the same size and the sevenththe largest, the third being about the same size as the fifth and sixth, the rest of equal dimension. I had seen such strings of beads before of course, and had used them to pleasure masters during my days as a slave in the Red House, they had also been used on me almost as frequently. I nodded my head, to show my understanding of what Tel’estar intended to do next. The beads disappeared from my field of view, the first little Polished sphere began to press at the tight ring of muscle between my bottom cheats almost immediately. I grunted sexually as my little sphincter relaxed to receive the smooth intruder, stretching round its circuitry, until my bottom completed the insertion by contracting involuntarily and drawing it inside me. I moaned a little as I felt it vibrate within me, my eyes widening at this unanticipated additional feature of my Master’s latest pleasure toy! Slowly, my bottom received the full count of the quivering little beads, my moans deepening as the vibrations began to intensify, my vaginal walls beginning to spasm, the simmering deep in my belly building slowly to the boil. Although the thick leather of the corset preventing me from feeling my Master’s erection against my body, I could tell from his deep breathing that he was also deeply aroused by our game. I squealed in frustration at Tel’estar’s next words, my collar insuring that I had no choice but to obey!
“Hold your pleasure back for as long as possible, my little pet!” he said.
Tel’estar now gripped the thong attached to the beads and began to draw them slowly from within me. My sphincter began to throb with pleasure as the first bead pressed against it, the tension in the cord gradually making my little bumhole grip the smooth sphere, the violences intensifying so that I squeezed my belly tightly, moaning in frustrated delight as the quivering bead’s full width stretched my bottom open, until it suddenly tightened and popped the bead out. I groaned aloud, slowly relaxing my lower body to prevent the intense release that I would only be able to forestall for so long, but would do my utmost to resist as my Master had commanded!
“My Lord, the Lady Gyn’estar requests an interview.” a service’s voice suddenly said!
“Show her in!” my Master instructed, to anguished squeals and head shaking from me! I didn’t want my beloved to see me being played with like this! But as a bound and gagged pet, I had neither voice nor rights in the matter.
My beloved entered, looked at me, smiled tenderly. She was putting on a brave face, but I could clearly see that while I had been shamelessly enjoying my capacity, she looked bereft, lost, without me. I began to burn with shame in her presence, but unable to stifle a moan as the second stone was pulled slowly into the grip of my sphincter, its vibrations then making me groan with delight before my bottom explored it. I squeezed my lower bellytight, obeying Tel’estar’s command, forestalling my climaxa second time.
“Lady Gyn’estar, welcome to my home.” Tel’estar into graciously, as if it were perfectly normal for him to receive a visitor with a bound and gagged girl across his lap!
“Tel, I have come here for one reason only.” my beloved said, softly. “I humbly beg you to return my sweet Linzi to me.”
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, sister.” Tel’estar said, as he increased the tension on the cord connecting the beads, pulling the third outwards so it began to quiver intensely against the muscle of my bumhole, my moans deepening even as my cheeks burned crisis with shame and guilt. “This creativity is in my care due to your negligent handling of its welfare. She is also my guarantee of your non-interference in my plans for the future direction of the Hu-man Realm. Besides, she likes being my pet, don’t you, little hu-woman?” He asked as he strengthened his pull on the leather cord, quickly drawing the third bead through my bottom, making me almost scream behind the gag as I fought to hold back my climax, the intense violences of the larger bead radiating spasms of delight into the muscles of my vagina, even as I squeezed my belly almost painfully tight to prevent them from coalescing into the contractions of an explosive orgasm. I looked into my beloved Gyn’s eyes helped with an expression of anguish, my face critic with shame, as the collar made me answer Tel’estar’s question truly by nodding my head.
“Then I hope you two are very happy together!” snapped Gyn, before turning on her heel and storming out!
That was too much for me; the hold the pleasure of Tel’estar’s game had over me was broken. I began to cry, hot burning tears of deep shadow, heartache at my separation from my beloved and guilt over my betraying her by enjoying my bondage so much When I should have been struggling against it! Tel’estar understand that he had gone too far; he carefully withdraw the remaining beads from within me, released me from therestraints and the gag, then left me alone to cry out my feelings of pain and desolation.
It was late afternoon, almost time for dinner, when I went to him in his study and knelt before him.
“Master, the pet requests that she be permitted to communicate with the Lady Gyn’estar,” I began, “if Master does not grant my request, I will henceforth refund to eat or drink, even water…”
“Granted.” he said simply, before I could finish my ultimatum! “Go outside, find somewhere comfortable and go to sleep, my little pet. Come back when you are ready.”
“Thank you, Master.” I replied, and got up to leave.
“Tell Gyn that I apologise,” he said as I turned towards the door, “and please remind her that, despite our differences, she is welcome to visit my home to be with you Whenever she pleases.”
“Yes, Master!” I answered.
“I also apologise to you, little hu-woman.” he added. “I had no right to shame you before your lover in that way.”
“The Lord Tel’estar appears to have forgotten that, while he may have claimed mastery over the pet’s body, the Lady Gyn’estar is, and always will be, the Mistress of her heart!” I snapped back, leaving the room before he could reply.
I settled myself on a blanket that I had taken from the bedroom, at the base of a large tree and was immediately asleep, a trick I had mastered without any actual practice. Instead of finding myself in our home, however, I was instead standing at the base of a low hill, so symmetric in its hemispherical shape that it could only have been artificially constructed. The top of the hill was flat, as a huge memory of granite stand upon it, a cenotaph, almost an exact replica of the one in central London, but without the flags or attachments that hold them in place on that famous memory to the fallen of the two World Wars; the First and Second Hu-man Cataclysms as Demonkind referers to them. A narrow path of flagstones led from where I stood to the other side of thehill; I followed it to where a small rectangular opening in the artistic feature led inside, underground. I found myself in a large circular chamber. Marble slabs were arranged in concentrated rows from the outer walls to the centre. At the very centre was a huge, oval-shaped piece of black marble. I was moving closer to take a better look, when suddenly Gyn’s voice called from behind me!
“Don’t go too near to the Dark Portal!” she shouted! “If your essence passes through it, you can’t come back!”
I turned around. My beloved was standing close to the rear of the chamber, her face more pale and drawn than when I saw her earlier that day. I ran to her and hugged her tightly and kissed her passwordately. She gripped my upper arms, pushing me away slightly, looking at me somewhat concernedly.
“Oh Gyn, please forgive me!” I pleased. “I don’t know what’s come over me recently, I just can’t help myself when he does things like that to me! But he only has control of my body,it’s you who own my heart and soul!”
“There’s nothing to forgive, my sweet little imp,” she replied, “I’m sorry for what I said, I gave you your impish nature so I understand that there’s nothing you can do to resist him. I just don’t know how to get you back from him!”
She stepped a little closer to the black marble edit. I tried to follow her, but she motioned me to stay back. “I’m actually here, my darling.” she explained, pointing behind me. I turned round to see her sitting on the floor at the back wall. cross-legged, hands in her lap, head bowed in sleep. “I’m not sure how your hu-man spirit could find me here, but it’s much more dangerous for you to approach the Dark Portal than it is for me, since your body isn’t present to anchor you here.”
I looked from ‘sleeping’ Gyn to ‘essence’ Gyn and then to the forbidding marble ‘doorway’. “Why?” I asked. “What is this ‘Dark Portal’, exactly?”
“This is the gateway to the Netherlands-Realm.” she stated matter-of-factly “where the mates of those who have died may join them in the next life. Almost all of those who have known the bliss of melding pass through it, rather than be alone again. I sat where I am now,” she said, pointing at her sleeping self on the floor, “for many days after my beloved Tor’s body was brought back to me, considering whether or not to join him in death.”
“Is that REALLY a gateway to the ‘next life’?” I asked, some doubtful.
She actually grinned at me before answering. “There’s no real way to be certain, is there?”
“So…” I dared continued, “you chose not to go, not to be with Tor?”
“Tel convinced me that those of us who had survived The Great Cataclysm had a duty to The Fallen, and the loved ones who followed them through the portal, such as our mother.” she replied. We chose to stay, to preserve and rebuild. Tel became my captain, as he had been Tor’s.”
“You said ‘we’ that time,” I noted, “as if Tel would have gone too, maybe?”
“Tor and Tel were closer than brothers,” my beloved continued, “we grew up together. Tor and I melded when we were little more than children.” Tel and I determined to stay, to help our race and honour his memory, that of our parents and The Fallen. I have never regretted that decision, until very recently.
“Please don’t say that!” I begged, tears in my eyes. “What would I be, what would I do, where would I be, without you, my beloved?”
“First Tel and I fell out over our different approaches to aiding Hu-mankind,” she continued, “a pain that I could not even speak of, so much so that I never even told you that I have a brother. And now he has taken YOU from me!” she waited plainly, stepping closer to the menuing black marble ‘gateway’. I risked running to her, grabbing her arm. Immediately I feel like gravity had just become a hundred, maybe a thousand times more intense, pulling me towards the surface of the Dark Portal. Gyn immediately pushed me back to the wall, holdingme there.
“You’re NOT going to the Netherlands without me!” I shouted. “And I’m NOT ready to go there yet, NOT by a LONG way!”
My Gyn looked at me, her beautiful green eyes wide with love and admission. “You would make that sacrifice for me?” she asked.
“Without YOU, there is no ME, my beloved!” I cried aloud. “Where you go, I go, even to the Netherlands Realm!”
“But what about Tel?” she asked. “He has his obedience collar locked around your neck and he holds your life in his hands! You are HIS slave now! What can we do?”
“I know something you don’t know, my Gyn!” I said, surprised that the collar allowed me to say even that much!
“What?” she asked in surprise.
“I can’t tell you Any more,” I replied, obedient to the command I’d been given, “but I swear to you, my TRUE Mistress, we will find a way to be together again!”
Gyn pulled me close, then looked at the Dark Portal. “W Why would we want to go there anyway?” she asked, smiling now.
We kissed, as deeply, warmly and unselfishly as we always did, before I found myself awake and slightly chilly under the tree, my bottom still throbbing and singing from my earlier spanking. I went back inside, rolling up the blanket as I walked back to the house. Tel’estar was at the low table by the fire, already dining; I tossed the blanket on the couch where he had shamed me earlier and joined him, eating silently for once, until he finally decided to risk engaging me in conversation.
“Did you apologise to Gyn on my behalf, my…I mean, little hu-woman?” he inquired.
“Call me ‘my pet’ if you want, Master, since I clearly have no say in the matter anyway.” I replied. “And the subject never came up, what with my having to convince Lady Gyn’estar not to go through the Dark Portal and Everything!”
He literally went as white as a sheet. “Your capacity has affected her that much?” he asked anxiously.
“There was something about her strangement from her brother too,” I replied, “but she’s not dealing with your claiming me as your property at all well, my Lord.” I said, as sarcastically as I could manage!
Tel’estar got up, went to his desk and wrote a note. He summoned a service and handed him the sealed message, instructing him to deliver it to Gyn immediately. He then returned to the low table and sat back down.
“I had hoped we would play chess this evening, my pet, but I doubt either of our minds would be on the game.” he said.
“My Lord, when did you last see a movie, or anything like that?” I asked him. “If you could find me some clothes, I’d happily go to the Hu-man Realm with you to see one sometimes…”
‘We will discuss such matters another time, little hu-woman.” he replied. “Finish eating, then bathe and perfume your body. Then go to the bedroom and sit on the bed.”
“Yes, Master!” I replied, again sarcastically, “but the pet’s mind isn’t really going to be on those sorts of games this evening either!”
“We shall see.” he replied, smiling indulgently.
An hour later, I was lying back on Tel’estar’s huge bed, trying to think of the most unsexy things I might be able, when my beloved Gyn sat down beside me!
“Hello, my dear sweet little imp!” she said, smiling. I throw myself into her arms, my heart filling to bursting as having her close brought the pain of her absence into proper perspective. I kissed her passwordately, squeezing myself against the leather bindings of her bodice.
“Oh Gyn! You’re really here!” I squealed, before kissing her again. She kissed me back, our tongues caresing for a moment, before she unwrapped my arms from her and began to unlace her dress front.
“For a few hours, my beloved!” she said tenderly. “Let’s make the most of them!”
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