I arched my back hard, lifting up onto my toes, offering my pussy to the thongs of the miniature flogger, the singing of which was again just about to make the pool of pleasure in my belly overflow into the delight of climax, moaning deeply against the leather covered bit in my mouth. As before, the thongs of the whip flicked hard against the upcurve of my belly instead, the sudden shock and singing bringing my body back from the edge of release again! I grunted in frustration and glared up at Tel’estar as he smiled down at me wickedly.
“We’re not even near finished, my little pet!” he said, laughing softly, as he took up the next instrument of torture he was going to use on me, two long, slim but flexible sticks, joined at both ends with thin things. Twisting the sticks, they opened widely so they could be slipped over my left nipple. He pushed this clamp down as far as my aureole before letting it snap shut, laughing again as I squealed aloud, the light clamping letting enough blood flow to the tea so that it hurt continuously rather than simply going numb. I glared at him again as he repeated the process with my other nipple. This pain would make it harder for me to focus on the pleasure that the delicious stinging of the miniature floater would make slowly build deep inside me!
“I have heard that it is possible to make a pet year so much for her pleasure to be brought on this way, that it becomes the only way it can happen for her.” my Master then casually remarked. I squealed behind the gag, shaking my head wildly!
“I didn’t hear a ‘no’ my pet.” he said, laughing heartily as I squealed even louder!
My ankles were wide apart, bound in silver cord, joined through a thick hollow reed, the cord that bound the left running through the reed and also binding the right. My arms were folded behind my back and secured there in coils of the silican rope, which was double looped around my ribcage, above and below my breasts. The cords above and below my boobies were pulled together and tied in place on the left, in the centre and on the right of the heavy orbs, trapping them between the cords, not unfortunately. A cord led from the bindings on my arms and bosom to the reed that separated my ankles, which kept my knees bent. I could lift my hips up and lower them, but I could not close my legs against the singing of the thongs, which Tel’estar had already begun to deliver in light, skilled flicks of the tiny flogger, my sex lips and nubbin throbbing deeply as he stung them so skillfully that it was deeply pleasant rather than painful. I resisted the urge to lift my hips, knowing Tel’estar would simply amuse himself by forestalling my orgasm again when I did, but the as pleasure grow deep inside me, my vagina walls beginning to contract in delightful spasms, the need to have the tos sting me more deeply to bring me on made my hips lift almost involuntarily, expposing my sex to the whip as I moaned wantonly, not caring about revealing my need to my Master. The thongs now suddenly flicked hard at the upcurves of my breasts instead, making me scream behind the gag in shock, pain and frustration!
“Having fun, my pet?” he asked, smiling at me with affection.
The collar making me comply with his order to be truthful, I nodded as I lowered my hips again. Tel’estar and I had become friends, in a peculiar sense; while he remained my captor, and continued to maintain a certain distance between us accordingly, he had proved to be both delightful company and a wonderfully innovative Master. When we played together, it had become very easy to forget that the collar I wore placed me completely under his control, which made me feel some ashamed later when I remembered the circumstances under which I was in his ‘care’. The slender leather thongs now began to flick my mound, sex lips and hooded nubbin again lightly, almost deliciously, Tel’estar ensuring that the singing was the delicious kind that arouses, teases, makes the recipient want it to go on rather than stop, my blood surging through my veins, the pool of pleasure deep inside me expanding as the spasms of pleasure that the expert whipping of my sex lips and nubbin was inducing in my vaginal walls heated it to boiling, making me moan deep and lift up onto my toes, arching my back strongly to expose my sex as fully as possible for deeper whipping, silently begging my Master to finish me with stronger strokes. I received harder strokes, but to my sensitive inner thighs and, as that suddenly shocking pain made my back arch even harder, to the top of my mound. I grunted back a scream against the thick leather bit and glared at Tel’estar again, denying him his moment of pleasure in revenge for his once again forestalling mine!
“You are becoming quite defiant, little hu-woman, aren’t you?” he observed, smiling down at me as he flicked my lower belly sharply with the flogger, waiting for my pleasure to receive a little more before he began again. “I’m beginning to wish that you really were MY pet!”
The cycle of pleasure-induced whipping with the tiny flogger, followed by the deep stinging denial of release, continued throughout the morning; my Master would sometimes tease me with slow time strokes, waiting just that little bit too long between them, so that I lifted my pussy willingly rather than in response to the need burning within me, then punishing me more sharply as he laughed at my anger for showing him how much I was enjoying his use of me! Sometimes my pleasure would be dampened by quick whipping of my breasts, sometimes the soft little things would make a satisfying crack and sting the upcurve of my belly. Tel’estar took particular delight in punishing me by using the whip on my inner thighs, making a game for himself of whipping my shaft Between the strokes to my thighs, or whipping both of those most tender areas first and then attempting to sting my shaft before my hips dropped again. It was therefore such a shock when the flogger finally did sting my offered sex to bring me on, that my pussy clamped tight on the first stroke, resulting in a frustratingly brief, shallow climax that had me screaming into the gag in frustration during its unsatisfying contracts! Tel’estar however declared himself the ‘winner’ of the game, as I had failed to earn myself the orgasm I had wanted by being unprepared when he decided to finally ‘reward’ me!
Tel’estar had matters to attend to that afternoon, so I was again left to my own devices in the garden. I decided that my still singing sex needed some time to recover, so I took a light run round the open areas of the estate. I came to a stop at a low grassy bank, sitting down at its top and looking out at the land beyond the estate. A large green hand, wrist and forearm, covered in very familiar iridescent scales, suddenly appeared before my face! A large juicy red apple was balanced on its palm.
“Can I interest you, inan apple, Linzi?” Saur’ex asked from behind me!
“Are you trying to be funny, you belly crawling asshole?” I replied angrily, slapping the apple from his hand. He went after it as it rolled away, his tail flexing and extending to move his body.
“These aren’t easy to grow here!” he said as he picked it up, then took a bite from it himself, grinning.
“How do you know about growing apples in the Demon Realm?” I replied, acidly. “Don’t tell me you’re the gardener in this little ‘eden’?”
“As a matter of fact, I am!” he replied, smiling widely, before taking another bite from his apple. “Rept’ex and I reside at the very centre of the garden, where I have succeeded in growing an apple tree!” he said proudly, taking another bite. “And as an ex, I don’t crawl on my belly, Linzi.”
I laughed aloud at the irony of a Snake-demon growing apples. “It’d be a bit hard for you, I suppose, what with that huge ball sac of yours!” I said, laughing.
“Yes.” he said, grinning. “I miss you sitting on it!”
“Well, you shouldn’t have kidnapped me then, should you?” I snapped back at him. “It hasn’t exactly made me happy to see you again!”
He then lay down on the bank beside me, uninvited. I made to get up and leave, but he put his hand gently on my arm.
“Please Linzi, I would like to be allowed to explain my actions.” he said. “I am deeply upset at the damage that I have caused to our friend, both yours and that of the Lady Gyn’estar. I did not like doing what I did, but the Lord Tel’estar convinced me that it was necessary. He was my Captain in The Great Cataclysm, and is also second father to my son. When he and the Lady Gyn’estar began to oppose each other, my loyalties perforce lay with him!”
I sat back down. “I’m not going to be convinced so easily!” I snapped at him, wishing that his beautiful cock didn’t look so inviting, even as it lost against his abdomen!
Saur’ex continued. “First, let me say that I have ALWAYS lovedthe Human Realm, the beauty, the abundant flora, the beautiful Hu-man girls!” he said, smiling. “I’m particularly fond of Eriu, the little island on the western edge of…Europa, is it?”
“Europe.” I said. “And ‘Eriu’ is called ‘Ireland’ these days.”
“Quite!” he replied. “So…Ireland! Beautiful land, so green. And the cal’e’ens!” he licked his lips, reminiscing.
“The what?” I asked.
“Sorry, that’s ‘girls’ in Gael. The Irish hu-women.” he explained, smiling. “Gorgeous red hair, many of them anyway, pale skinned and beautiful. And so willing, until that uptight Ta’prick showed up!”
“I think you mean ‘Patrick’.” I corrected him.
“That’s NOT what many of the Gaels called him!” he Replied, a little angrily. “With that petty, controlling, pleasure denying cult of personality of his!”
“It’s one of the Hu-man Realm’s largest organized religions nowadays.” I advised him. “Didn’t turn out too well for Ireland in the end, or so I hear.”
“I’m not surprised!” he said “The Gaels aren’t really suited to that whole ‘abstention’ thing! Anyway, I haven’t been able to go back there since. Not me, nor even a harmless grass snake can survive there now, thanks to the incantation Ta’prick invoked on the whole island!”
“So that’s YOUR fault!” I said, laughing loudly.
He smiled back at me. “Well, anyway, I care deeply about what happens to your Hu-man Realm. I have worked closely with the estar right from the beginning, since the aftermath of The Great Cataclysm, when they basically saved Demonkind, not to mention helping us become immortal, long-lived as we might have been before that!” he said.
“And this excuses you betraying Gyn and me, and kidnapping me so Tel’estar could make me his pet and trap me in this sex garden, Because…” I said sarcastically.
“I was getting to that!” he replied. “Your Mistress and Tel’estar are stranged. Lady Gyn’estar chose to break with my Lord, who is High estar, in case you didn’t know, and pursue her own strategy for the Hu-man Realm, in defiance of the High estar! Lord Tel’estar has made numerous attempts to negotiate with her, without success. Despite her interference in his own strategy, Tel would NEVER dream of harming his sister, even if it were possible!”
“So he sent you and Rept’ex to behind us and spy on us, didn’t he?” I spat at him. “Send a snake to do a snake’s work, eh?” I was still unable to take my eyes off his long rainbow-hued cock, something he was well aware of, as it began to twitch slightly, lengthening a little more as it started to harden!
“Lord Tel’estar is High estar, by right.” Saurex continued. “There is NO conflict in my loyalty whatsoever. I am NO traitor!”
“That’s a matter of perspective!” I replied, “You Befriended US, then betrayed that friendship!”
“And I feel terrible about having to do it!” he answered, looking generally upset, an extremely difficult thing for a ex Serpent-demon to do, what with his cobra-like features and everything! “I have not had a hu-woman friend for centuries, until you, sexy little Linzi! And now I have betrayed the best hu-woman friend I have ever had!”
“‘Had’ being the operating word, in every sense.” I replied, coldly.
“I still consider you my friend, little hu-woman,” Saur’ex replied, “and I would very much like to be yours again.”
“I’ll bet!” I replied sarcastically, although for some reason, I had already started to warm to him again! I straddled his tail, resting my chin on his huge balllocks, the size of a volleyball, looking up at him as his beautiful cock started to obviously stiffen. “So…why IS your ball sac so big, anyway?” I asked, grinning.
“You know how thick my…fluid is, Linzi!” he replied, “In mating, it needs to be pumped strongly to properly inseminate the female.”
“So the two snake bodies pressing together rationally force the semen deeper into the female?” I asked, generally curious, as his emergencygreen glans swelled before my eyes.
“Yes,” he replied, “that is why I enjoy your little bottom bouncing on it so much!”
I had moved forwards, my teeth gripping the very base of his cockstem, at the front, sucking softly. I stopped and looked up at him, smiling.
“If you want to make it up to me, you’ll have to make sure that I enjoy myself FIRST!” I said, grinning, before gripping his cockshaft lightly in my teeth again, a little further up, sucking a little more strongly. His long leathery tendril wrapped itself around my wrists, drawing them together behind me. He then lifted my wrists slowly, so that I shifted my knees backwards and leaned forwards to relieve the tension in my shoulders, my bottom rising from his tail as I did so. The tip of his leathery extra appendage began to wriggle at my tight little bumhole. I slowly worked my mouth up the thick rigid stem of his cockshaft, loving the feel of his scales against my lips, as his tendril pushed slowly into my bottom. I moaned softly, my mouth vibrating against his now fully erect cock. My lips now suckered to the underside of his cool emerald green glans. I kissed and sucked the bulb of his cock as his tendril wound itself into a helical shape inside my bottom, the living bindings on my wrists slipping slowly around them as he played out more and more of the flexible leathery appendage from the base of his tail. My bottom became tightly filled, plugged, my little ring of muscle stretched deliciously open, as I slipped my lips fully over the head of his cock, pressing my tongue stud against the frenulum, caresing the sensitive nerve cluster, as I felt the scaly leather pressing tight against my perineum as it looped itself and pushed into my already wet and slippery vagina, wriggling upwards deep inside my belly, before twisting on itself into a thick Plait, the folds of which I could feel against my vaginal walls, my eyes rolling up in my head at the intensity of the sensing. My moans had beCome deeper and more prolonged throughout this sexual insertion, Saur’ex’s cockhead twitching in my mouth as I stroked my tongue stud over the smooth cool flesh, stimulating him, keeping him erect without doing enough to actually bring him on. His plained tendril began to move up and down inside me now, like a thickly ridged dildo, rubbing and struggling my vaginal walls, my plugged bottom increasing the pleasure of the sensing of the pumping, thrusting leather plait rubbing against the back of my vagina. I slipped my mouth from off Saur’ex’s plum, slowly licking his cock from base to tip now, as he pumped the living dildo harder and faster, varying the angle and depth of thrust, the pool of hot molten pleasure within me beginning to expand, the tight muscle funnel that both fueled that pleasure and channeled its release squeezed and relaxing spasmodically now, as I panted and groaned like the sexually voracious little beast that Tel’estar’s pleasure garden seemed to be making ofme. Saurex then pulled on my wrists, forcing me upright. I began to bounce my bottom against his tail, riding his plained tendril now as he began to slowly withdraw the thick scaly leather plug from my bottom. I screamed in orgasmic release as the contractions of my lower body gradually explored the plug from my bottom, Saur’ex pushing back against it slightly to prolong my orgasm. I finally opened my eyes, panting and smoking as I looked up at the Snake-demon, grinning wickedly.
“OK, that was a lovely start to our getting reacquainted!” I said, as I wriggled free of him and got to my feet. “Maybe next time I’ll be ready to do something for you!”
“I do hope so, my little Linzi!” he replied. “I take it that my apology is accepted, then?”
“Let’s just say that you’re on probation, Saur’ex!” I replied, laughing. “And have you got any more apples on you?”
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