The Triskele Collar Ch. 04

“My father, Tar’estar, was our greatest general.” my Master began. “He died in battle, the last battle of The Great Cataclysm. Tor’kelar was at his side and died defending him, before they were both overcome by a phalanx of Hyena-demons.”

I sat, mesmerised, my food and drink almost untouched, listening to my Master remember the tale of what demonstrations now call ‘The Final Battle’. The battle that ended the war known as ‘The Great Cataclysm’.

“How did the war start, Master?” I asked.

“No one knows for certain, now.” he replied. “Some say it was for power, some say for control of the Hu-man Realm, some say the High Lord Tr’skel was behind it in a quest to exert domination over all things, but it is also known that he was one of the strongest opponents of the war, and shut himself up in his citadel for its entire duration. What is definite is that the High Lords who were most directly involved in The Great Cataclysm persisted during it. Demon-kind was left leaderless, directionless and close to extinction because of it.” He looked wear as he continued his discussion, doubtless remembering lost friends and loved ones.

“What happened then?” I asked.

“I brought their bodies home.” he continued. “My mother succeeded to grief, and followed my father through the Dark Portal into the Netherlands-realm, as did the mates of almost all of The Fallen. Gyn wished to go too, to be with Tor, but I convinced her to remain with me, to aid me in my quest to ensure that not only would our kind not become extinct, but that we would never destroy ourselves in another pointless war!”

“That sounds like you and Gyn were the ones who created the law against demon on demon violence, Master.” I said.

“Not quite, little pet,” he answered, “but we were its strongest advocates, and with the estar behind it, the movement became unstoppable. But we achieved far more than that. As transformation demonstrations, our energy catalysed the rebirth of Demon-kind, including the discoverage of Demonic rejuvenation!”

“You were the ones who found out how to make demonstrations immortal?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“It was a little more complicated than that, but basically, yes.” he replied.

“So, what about the Human Realm?” I inquired.

My Master paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts, then continued.

“Gyn and I have tried to use our transformation energies to aid Hu-mankind twice, after each of the Human Cataclysms, without success, unfortunately.” he explained. “About thirty of your years ago, we actually believed we had succeeded. Do you remember when the ‘Berlin Wall’ was dismantled, when what Hu-mankind called ‘The Cold War’ ended?”

“Wasn’t born then, Master!” I said, smiling.

“Gyn and I were there, we provided the last burst of energy that pushed the people to begin to dare to begin breaking it down,” he said, smiling as he reminisced, “it was an incredible night!”

“But it didn’t work out.” I said.

“No, it did not.”he agreed.

“What about right now?” I asked.

“Gyn’estar believes we should direct our energies into stopping the next Human Cataclysm.” he explained. “I don’t doubt the sincerity of her aim, but I consider it misguided. Hu-mankind, in my opinion, will NOT direct its own energies to saving itself until a cataclysm sufficiently devastating to shock it out of its greed and stupidity occurs. Any attempt to guide hu-mans to some sort of enlightenment without one is, in my opinion, doomed to failure.”

“That’s pretty bleak, Master!” I said.

“It is the voice of experience, little hu-woman.” he replied. “Now, eat and drink up, I wish to try your ability at the game of chess!”

I awoke the next morning, face down on my cushion, to find breakfast already laid out on the low table. Tel’estar had waited for me to wake and join him, again giving me the odd feeling of being a guest in his house who walked around naked except for a black metal collar. He completeented me on my clever defensive chess game before offering me some of the bread that had been baked in his own kitchen that morning, once again prompting me to comment on how delicious the food in the Demon Realm tasted. After I had eaten and bathed, he had me attended upon him in his study.

“I will be busy today, hu-woman pet, but I want that you take your exercise.” he commanded, then indicated a plan of his estate on the wall of the study. “Familiarise yourself with the pathways of my gardens; you are free to roam them as you please.” he continued. “My groundskeepers and tenants will be happy to assist you should you lose your way, but be advised, they will expect you to spend some time in their company in return!”

I had more than a vague idea of ​​what he had planned for me, so I studied the map carefully, determined not to fall into his little ‘trap’. I eventually left the house by the main entrance, crossing the portico and heading for the low hills that I had already estabilized were to the east of the house. The ground underfoot seemed suitable for running, even in bare feet, so I set off in a slow trot. My breasts jiggled a little uncomfortable without support of any kind, but I put it out of my head as I began to pant and sweat a little as the path began to rise underfoot, only to be expected as I was running uphill! I could soon see the gates of the estate, at which point I turned to the north, down the widest of the pathways through the woods, which I had selected as the one I would be least likely to accidentally stray from. I had been running on the path for about fifteen minutes when I suddenly heard the sound of padding feet off to my right, which was soon accompanied by the panting sound that a very large dog makes. Knowing that the boundary of the estate was on my right hand side, I began to get very nervous; I broke into a run, ignoring the now painful bouncing of my naked boobies as I desperately tried to outpace the animal pursuing me.Suddenly, a huge wolf leaves from the treeline in front of me, blocking my path! I came to a sudden stop, glancing left and right for a possible escape route as it approached me, growing softly.

“Nice doggy!” I said softly, rapidly getting scared! “Where’s your owner gotten to?”

The ‘wolf’ then stood up on its hind legs and replied.

“I am not a DOG!” he said. “I am Lup’kar, head groundskeeper of Lord Tel’estar’s estate. And who or what are you, naked creativity running unattended around the grounds?”

“The hu-woman pet of Lord Te’estar,” I replied, “may I be allowed to pass, Sir?”

“I believe the Lord Tel’estar has already prohibited the pet from referring to herself in the first person!” Lup’kar quite literally snapped, Although now that he was standing closer to me, I could make out the humanoid qualities of his body, including his head, more clearly. I could now also see that he wore brown leather breeches and a sleepless open waistcoat over his glossy brown fur, as well as stout leather bracers on his forearms. His paler belly fur was closely shabby, under which a set of the most well defined abdominal muscles I’d ever seen were clearly visible. He looked at me more closely, a truly wolfish grin on his short maw.

“The pet apologises, Sir!” I said, still a little uneasy! “May she be allowed to go on her way?”

“It would seem you are lost, little hu-woman pet!” he said. “My Lord Tel’estar gave us all specific instructions as to what to do if we were to discover you in this prediction.” he said, grinning again and extracting what looked suspiciously like a very small wooden stock from the dispatchel at his waist.

“Oh, the pet is sure of her way, Sir!” I said, “no assistance required!”

“I will be the judge of that!” he snapped, as he gripped my upper arm and turned me away from him. The two piece wooden device he was holding open on a hinge in one end, the two semi-circular cutouts in each fitting closely to my wrists, cuffing my hands behind me as he closed the hasp on the opposite end to the hinge and secured it with a small wooden peg. Now his prisoner, he knotted one end of a short coil of rope round the front of my collar, then turned and began moving down the path in a light loping trot, me struggle to keep up with him without losing my balance. We soon arrived at a stone cottage with tiny windows and a roof of neighborly cut slates. He tugged sharply on the rope, so that I was brought to my knees near the wooden front door of the structure.

“I guess I’m standing in for Red Riding Hood today!” I said. He scratched his head as he looked at me, obviously not understanding the reference, then finally spoke.

“The groundskeeper patrol will pass by in about two hours, hu-woman pet,” he said, “I cannot leave you unattended, so we will have to find some way to pass the time until then…”

I looked up at him, looked into his intelligent yellow eyes, then I appraised his lean, incredibly muscle body, noticing the impressive bulge in the front of his breeches for the first time. His tail passed through a small opening in the back of his leather pants; it began to wag as I smiled up at him.

“Why don’t we see if we both understand the same thing by ‘doggy style’?” I said, watching him lick his chocolates with relish as he began to unlace the front of his breeches.

The little wooden cot bed Creaked and heaved like an old fashioned sailing ship in a storm as Lup’kar ran his clawed fingertips over my ribcage and down to my hips as I wriggled my bottom slowly against the hardness of his lower abdomen and squeezed and relaxed my vaginal muscles on his shake. Once his long thick cockstem had piloted his large glans deep inside my belly, the glans itself had swollen still further, as it does in canine creativity, so that we were now locked tightly together until he had spent within me. My smooth, hairless skin fascinated him; his sharp school pressed against the curves of my bottom cheats and scratched lightly, making me moan with pleasure and squeeze myself even tighter on his deep thrust shake. He grunted his enjoyment as his hot saliva drooled onto my lower back and bottom, gripping my hips harder and pulling my bum more tightly against his lower belly, the shaken fur there prickling my sex lips deliciously as his swollen head pushed even deeper inside me. My arousal Burned hot within my belly, the feeling of our bodies being locked together in this intimate way deepening the pleasure building deep inside me, as my rhythmic massaging of his throbbing shake began to transmute into the involuntary spasms of climax, my juices bathing his trapped cockhead hotly three times before he finally howled with delight as his cock pumped strongly, over and over, delivering me to a fourth orgasm that had me screaming in ecstasy to accompany to his howls of release. Having slowly withdrawn from me, licking my upper back almost tenderly as he did so, he then insisted on cuffing me again and placing me face down on the bed; my only revenge for this indignity being the satisfaction of feeling a growing pool of wetness beneath me as our mingled fluids slowly dripped from within me to soak into the covers of the bed. Eventually he lifted me from the bed and set me down in a kneeing posture beside his chair at the kitchen table. He had prepared a cold lunch for us both, feeding me from his own plate, cutting my food into small pieces and making me lunge and catch it in my mouth, like a hungry pet, as he tossed it in the air in front of me. He was still entertaining himself with me this way when the cottage door suddenly opened and a feminine voice spoke bemusedly.

“Playing with the lord’s pet, I see, Lupie!” the voice said.

I twisted round. Standing in the doorway was possible the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, despite the fact that she was quite obviously a Leopard-demon! Her skin was that golden tan colour of leopards, herspotted body as graceful as any big cat. Her face and features were almost completely human, and although her nose was flatter and wider than a human nose, so deliciously was it shaped that it enhanced rather than detracted from her overall beauty. Her lips were full, and dark golden, almost caramel coloured. Her teeth showed as she smiled, more cat than human, but small and as beautiful as the rest of her face. The arrangement of the deliciously spotted fur on her head, beginning at roughly the same place as hair on a human, gave the impression of a close cropped hairstyle. Her ears were situationed as human ears are, but delicately pointed at the top and partially covered in spotted fur. Golden irises shone in her almond shaped eyes. Her majestic bosom was barely restrained by a leather halter top, lacened at the front. Her white belly fur was closely held, so the toned muscle of her torso and lower abdomen was revealed, only a tiny leather skirt covering the tops of her hips to conceal her intimate regions. A beautiful slinky tail swung slowly behind her, lifting the back of her skirt slightly to reveal a very human, very athletic and very sexy bottom.

“Well, Tel did say she was to be kept amused, Felis!” ‘Lupie’ replied, laughing. “And she has entered me most wonderfully in return!”

I was beginning to get suspicious. It seemed to me that the Leopard-demon had expected me to be here!

“Did Tel’estar arrangement for me to be intercepted by ‘Lupie’ here?” I asked.

“I believe the hu-woman pet has already been warned about referring to herself in the first person!” the Leopard-demon reproached me, before she and Lup’kar looked at each other and laughed.

Lup’kar released me from the cuffs and turned me over to the Leopard-demon, telling me that I was welcome to visit him again at any time. Although her apparent earlier strictness, once she had introduced herself as Felis’bel and had learned my name in return, we were soon chatting like two girlfriends on a summer hike as we walked along the forest path. Eventually, we reached a clearing, where a cottage of similar design to the one we had just left stood.

“My Lord Tel’estar directions that I introduce you to his tenant, Tal’mes,” she said, a little nervously, “but I should warn you in advance, Linzi, that he exerts a powerful influence on his visitors!”

I wasn’t sure what she means, but my collar interpreted this as a command from my Master, so I turned towards the cottage, almost without thinking. Felis’bel followed slowly behind me, on all fours, her tail low to the ground.

My lips gripped the shake of Tal’mes’s cock as my head moved slowly up and down, the large plum pushing a little deeper each time. I was kneeing on the couch beside him, his long cockstem sideways in my mouth and throat. Twisting my head from side to side on each downstroke made him moan with pleasure, the thick shake throbbing and twitching slightly as I enjoyed the feeling of cockstem rubbing the inside of my throat. Felis’bel knelt before him, her cat’s tongue licking his close shacked balllocks in long slow strokes. I rarely recalled , as if it were a dream, lying on my back earlier, her tongue caressing and exploring my open sex, the nodules on her tongue’s warm wet surface driving me wild with the amazing sensings they caused in my swollen lovelips, as Tal’mes knelt beside me, smiling in delight as he watched Felis’bel lick me to a deep shuddering climax. This triggered another dream like memory, of me on my knees behind Felis, my tongue pushing into her little star shaped anus, as she pursued and meowed loudly, her tail over my shoulder, flicking against my back, as Tal’mes watched from the side again. I wriggled my tongue inside her bottom, savouring the strong musky taste and smell of her, her prickly rump fur singing my lips lightly as I thrust my tongue deeper still, folding it into a little spear shape, like the head of a cock, to thrust it in and outof the now relaxed little ring of muscle between her groaneous bum cheats.

Tal’mes’s fingers now slipped inside the band of my collar, pulling my head fully downwards so my lips stretched tightly round the base of his shake, as Felis’s tongue began to move faster against his sac, massaging the shake beneath the thick skin. He held my head in place as his cock pumped thick, salty fluid deep into my throat as he groaned with satisfaction. Time again lost meaning; I now found myself standing behind Felis, her rump presented as she bent almost double, tail curled tight over her own back, her swollen sex lips the same gorgeous dark caramel colour as those of her full and delicious mouth. A long dildo had been inserted deep inside me, a corresponding transparent cockstem jutted out in front of my lower abdomen, an intricately crafted balllocks seperating the two. The dildo glowed slightly from inside, in deep pink and purple hues. Tal’mes guided the head of the dildo into Felis’s vaginalopening, before pushing at my back to make me push the shake deep inside her; Felis surprised, then moaned and purred as I drove my hips hard against her upturned bottom, the dildo inside her obviously vibrating strongly, the same as the one in my own vagina. I drew my hips back for another thrust; the dildo immediately stopped vibrating, prompting me to grip Felis’s hips tightly as I rammed my lower belly to her sexy ass, wriggling against her as the pleasure built within us both, Felis meowing and groaning in concert with my moans and soft grunts of pleasure, Tal’mes clapping with delight as we both eventually thrashed against each other in mutual orgasm.

“Do you actually remember going in there?” Felis asked me as we walked away from the cottage, Tal’mes standing at the door waving goodbye. I had to admit that I did Not, nor could I recall how he had made us his living sex toys for the afternoon!

We took the route back to the main residence, with only a slight detour so that Felis could show me the way to her own cottage, where she, her mate and their three children lived. Only me being expected back for the evening meal prevented me from going there with her there and then, as I had wanted to meet actual Demon children from the moment I’d first arrived in the Demon Realm! We hugged warmly as she left me near Tel’estar’s residence; my Master awaited me at the huge front door.

“I see you and Felis’bel have become good friends, my little pet.” he observed, smiling. “Bonded through shared experiences, perhaps?”

“That doesn’t even begin to cover it, Master!” I replied, grinning.

“Well, there are quite a few tenants and staff living on my estate, little hu-woman,” he said, “feel free to visit them all!”


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