The Triskele Collar Ch. 03

“Ow! Ow! Eeooooow!” I squealed, as I rolled over on my side again to relieve the prickling, singing sensing in my sex lips and nubbin.

“Careful, little hu-woman pet, or you’ll end up in the fire!” Tel’estar said, laughing softly.

I was lying on a huge, thick fur rug, in front of the alienated fire. My ankles and wrists were cuffed and cross linked with short chains, my back arched to relieve the stress on my sharply bent knees, making my body form a bow. However, the real source of my disappoint was the leather covering that was secured tightly to my sex with straws and buckles. When it was first strapped carefully onto my mound, I had felt the slim, rubbery, finger-like fronds lining the inside of it wriggling and caressing my pussy lips, massaging and squeezing my swollen love button. I had rolled myself onto my belly on the soft fur, luxury in the sensing on my bare skin, my nipples hard and tight as the fronds stimulated me to deep moans of pleasure, mybottom tightening and relaxing on the thick leather strap that ran from the belt round my wait, down the cleft in my bottom to attach to the bottom of the leather pouch.

I knew Tel’estar was watching me as I sawed, gasped and compromised with pleasure, but as he considered me an animal anyway, I couldn’t have cared less. However as I began to rock my arched body back and forth, increasing the pressure on the fords as my mound pressed down harder on the rug, the pleasure building within me expanding to coalesce with the sensings in my throbbing, pulsing sex, the hundreds of caressing fronts became long spines that prickled my lovelips and pleasure bud like needs of fire, making me yelp with pain and roll over onto my side again! I looked over at my Master as the singing between my thighs slowly became soft intimate rubbing again.

“Why are you doing this, Master?” I asked, as my inner labia and climate began to swell again.

“I wish to keep my pet amused,” he replied, smiling, “and I’m also enjoying watching her being amused.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t just lock me in a cage and throw the key away!” I said, half to myself, then surprised deeply as the pleasure began to build in my lower belly again, making me roll onto my front almost as a reflex.

“I cautioned you before about referring to yourself in the first person, hu-woman pet!” Tel’estar snapped at me.

“Sorry Master, the pet was talking to herself, really.” I replied. She is confused as to why you are being so considerate of her needs,” at which point I moaned deeply, interrupting myself, “when earlier today you were about to kill her to force Lady Gyn’estar to do as you wanted!”

“I had absolutely no intention of actually harming you, little hu-woman, nor do I have any such inclination whatsoever. I give you my word that no harm will come to you while you are in my care” he said, in such a matter-of-fact manner that I actually believed him. “In fact, I am somewhat disappointed in the Lady Gyn’estar for so readily accepting that I would do such a thing to a defenceless and helpless creativity, particularly one that she is so obviously sentimental about.”

I was moaning deeply at this point, my body rocking again to press my sex against the thick fur. Tel’estar sat back and watched me until I began to squeal in pain once more, my tender intimate flesh again prickled and tortured by the fiendish device, chuckling again as I yelped and turned back on my side.

“The pet means a great deal to the Lady Gyn’estar, Master.” I explained, panting a little as the singing sensings subsided.

“I am aware of that, little hu-woman, and it has proved to be extremely useful to me.” he replied. “But the attachment between you and the Lady Gyn’estar seems to go much deeper than that of Mistress and slave. You do know that you are the first hu-man or hu-woman to be brought here from your own realm in over a thousand years, do you not?”

I did NOT knowthat! “No Master, the pet did not know.” I replied, moaning softly as the moving aways began to arouse me again.

“I wish to study you, to understand why Gyn has formed such a deep attachment to you.” he continued. “That you have also proved to be an ideal hostage, a guarantee of her good behavior, is a very fortunate coincidence.”

I had stopped moaning at that point, the caressing, massaging in front of now a distraction rather than a pleasure. Something in the way he’d spoken about my beloved Gyn had finally caused the connection between both of them to occur to me, a connection that the similarity of their names should have made me aware of far earlier!

“Master, are you and the Lady Gyn’estar related in some way?” I asked.

“Of course,” he replied, “I am her elder brother.”

I gasped aloud, in surprise rather than pleasure, the caressing fronds were now actually starting to irritate me!

“Master, can the pet be released from this…device, please?” I entreated. “It’s not working on me anymore, and the pet would prefer to continue our conversation without being…distracted by it.”

“I have told you enough for now, little hu-woman!” my Master said, laughing, “after all, it is I who am supposed to be learning from you.” He stood up and opened a wooden box on his desk, from which he removed a leather bit gag. I shook my head as he approached, but there was nothing I could do to stop him from strapping it tightly in place; my attempt to keep my mouth firmly closed was thwarted by a sharp spank, after he had rolled me back onto my belly, my yelp gurgling away behind the thick leather covered bar as he pushed it deeply between my teeth. I looked up at him, naked, cuffed and gagged, helpless, yet deeply aroused at my state of captivity.

“There!” he said, smiling down at me. “I could have ordered you to open your mouth, or simply told you to be silent, but I’ve always found this to be the most enjoyable way to make a woman stoplking!” I glared up at him, biting hard on the leather between my teeth, snorting through my nostrils as the rubbery fingers began to arouse me once again.

“Now, just relax and enjoy yourself, my little pet!” he said mockingly. “Your pleasure will eventually trigger, and the little forwards will stop teasing you or prickling you.” He then resumed his seat, watching me as I began to mewl behind the gag, the pleasure intensifying again, my nubbin being gently squeezed and tugged now, my inner labia pumped and sensitively, the well of pleasure deep in my belly beginning to overfill, my body about to be overwhelmed by the delight of climax, the moment of release so close…

He laughed aloud as my moans and gasps of pleasure instantly became a muffled scream of pain and frustration, the fronds Now prickling spines that seemed to know the most sensitive parts of my most intimate regions, forcing me to turn on my side again. I thrashed helpedlessly in my restraints as thetormenting, singing sensing died away again, looking over at my highly amused, but also obviously aroused Master, the front of his breeches bulging outwards over his impressive erection. If this is your idea of ​​showing a girl a good time, I thought, no wonder there’s no Mrs Tel’estar! The rubbery, tentacle-like fronts began to care and massage the hot slippery folds of my sex again, slipping under the little fleshy hood to tease my pleasure button anew, the pleasure making me roll over onto my belly again, all for my Master’s amusement.

The sky outside had darkened to the spectacular kaleidoscope that is nighttime in the Demon Realm before, after hours of pleasure and pain, the soft rubbing becoming increasingly delightful even as the democratic prickling became more and more like an electric shock to my delicate little sex each time, I finally squealed and grunted behind the gag in the joys of orgasm, my body rocking against the thick, soft fur rug as I finally triumphed over myMaster’s little toy. I lay on the rug, sweating and exhausted, for a while before he released me from the gag, the restraints and finally the straps that held the little leather pouch in place on my lower body. I thought I felt his fingers cares my cheek, so lightly that it might have been my imagination, before he lifted me like a doll and took me to his bedchamber, setting me down on a large cushion at the foot of his bed where, despite the indignity of being further treated like an actual pet, I was almost instantly asleep.

I woke to find him already dressed, having apparently bathed and breakfasted, in what looked like riding clothes. A small but delicious looking breakfast had been set out for me on a low table near my cushion. I knelt and ate, wondering why Gyn hadn’t made contact with me that night, but as if reading My mind, my Master explained that he had invoked an incantation on the house that prevented such communication. I had just finished eating when he spoke tome again.

“I did not know whether you bathe or eat first in the morning, hu-woman pet, but my bathroom is at your disposal.” he said. “When you are ready, I will be waiting for you outside at the front of the house. I must attend to some technical problems on my estate, and you will accompany me.”

I washed in the huge bath, almost a swimming pool to someone of my status, as quickly as I could, deciding to let the warm air dry my naked body as I hurried to join him outside. He stood holding the reins of what I can best describe as a cross between a horse and a liness. The beast stood as high as a horse, with similarly shaped legs and bone structure at the front, so that it could be saddled, but it had cat-like paws and its back and rear tapered away more like a cat’s than an equine creativity. A long, mean looking, furry tail swished idly behind it. Its head, although rarely horse-like, had a snout from which curved twelve inch fangs extended, like a sabre too tiger! Itsbody was a little narrower than a horse, so I was able to straddle it comfortable as Tel’estar lifted me onto the front part of the saddle, where a leather seat, almost like that of a bicycle, was set slightly higher than the rider’s position. The very front of the saddle curved upwards so that the passenger, if any, would be held securely in place by the lower body of the rider behind.

“Is this…thing, domesticated, Master?” I asked.

“Of course, my little hu-woman pet!” Tel’estar answered. “Have I not already promised that no harm will come to you?”

“The pet has never been on a…horse before, Master.” I replied.

“Then this will be an exciting new experience for her.” my Master said. “Now, in return for my taking you out for fresh air, you will obey the following commands,” he began, “first, you are absolutely prohibited from attempting to escape, as much for your own safety as for my convenience; second, you will answer any question I ask you completely truthfully; third, under NO circumstances are you even to suggest to my sister that you are in no danger from me whatsoever as my little pet.”

“The pet wishes to say that she understands, my Master.” I said truthfully, the collar automatically making me obey his second command, “but she does not in fact understand the purpose of Master’s second and third instructions. She will of course obey them.”

“That’s good enough, little hu-woman.” he replied, as he mounted the horse-thing behind me, my body being pushed forwards so that my thighs slide under the curved part of the front of the saddle, holding me in place. “You see, the Owner-pet bond is already forming!” he said, laughing softly as he spurred the horse-creature into a trot, guiding it away from the front of his home in the direction of the low hills in what I had already deduced was the east, since that was where the sun had risen that morning. My belly rubbed against the front of the saddle, my pussy squeezed against theleather, as the horse-creature cantered across the open plains. My naked bottom was pressed against Tel’estar’s crotch as he basically kept me from falling off; there was no way to avoid rubbing my ass against his lower belly. As the horse-thing jumped a ditch in our path, Tel’estar’s arm reached round me, to steady me; his fingers momentarily gripping my breast and squeeze it. At first I thought this was a Coincidence, then I felt his cock press between my bottom cheats, hard as rock. I wiggled my bottom a little, bending forwards as I did so; he shifted his hips so his thick shake nestled fully in the cleft in my bum. I decided to push my luck. When the horse-creature slowed at a river crossing, I released my left tigh from under the curve of the saddle and swung my left leg upwards, over the saddle; Tel’s grip on me tightened, but not enough to prevent me from swinging my body around so I now faced him, my tights now on the opposite sides of the saddle to my initial forward faceng position. Tel’estar slowed the horse-beast to a trot, grinning at me.

“Tired of the view, hu-woman pet?” he inquired, a sly smile on his lips.

“Oh, the hu-woman pet was just wondering about something Master…” I said idly

“What, exactly?” he asked, grinning widely now.

“If the Master has ever taken a slave while riding one of these beasts.” I said “I’d say it must have been an exhilarating experience.”

“I have never kept slaves, hu-woman pet. And no demon does anymore, except your Mistress, it appears.” he replied.

“What about the collar I’m wearing, Master? Surely it was around another slave’s neck at some point?” I asked, generally curious.

“That is a trinet that the Lord Tr’skel gave me during his last great festival, a pleasure toy,” he replied “I had a feeling it would come in useful someday!”

“Well, then, Master,” I said, smiling wickedly “Master may also enjoy an exciting new experience today, if he so desires…”

He slowed the horse-thing to a walk as he opened his the front of his breeches; his majestic cock springing up hard, the broad head resting against the upcurve of my belly. His strong gloved hands gripped my hips, lifting me with ease and fitting my gaping pussy lips to his cockhead, then slowly easing me back down, inserting the delicious plum deep into my belly, my sex lips stretching wide around his thickness.

“The pet should warn Master, she climaxes very easily in this position.” I said, smiling widely.

He spurred the horse-creature into a trot, then a canter, making our bodies move together radically. The bobbing movement of our bodies soon had me moaning deeply with pleasure, the beast’s occasional missteps or twists of its body making me squeal in delight as Tel’s swollen glans moved deep inside me in unexpected ways. My Master spurred the horse-thing into a run, his cock taking me faster, deeper, my moans becoming more intense, more urgent, as the pleasure buildingwithin me began to deep and intensify. But as the spasms of my vaginal walls began to merge into the deep contracts of climax, he slowed the horse creativity down to a walk. He smiled at me, obviously enjoying himself with his little ‘hu-woman pet’.

‘Master is a skilled horseman!” I gasped as my pleasure subsided, my arousal deepening as he spiced it skillfully with my frustration. “The pet is Surprised at how well he uses her, considering that this is his first time!”

“I said I had never taken a slave in this fashion, my hu-woman pet,” he replied, grinning “but I never said that this was my first time!”

We rode on, Tel varying the speed of the powerful beast expertly, keeping me on the edge of release, moaning helplessly, grinding my teeth in frustration or biting at the leather of his riding jacket each time he slowed us down, wanting to squeeze my body on his magnificent cockshaft but unwilling to spoil our mutual pleasure by bringing myself on. Eventually he spurred the horse-creature into a dead sprint; as we galloped through the gates of his farm I was screaming in ecstasy as his cock pumped and throbbed within me in a powerful orgasm. As he slowed the horse-beast to a walk, he looked down at me, smiling, as I nestled my head against his broad chest. We stopped on a low grassy hill, where my Master dismounted and lifted me down. He unsaddled the horse-thing, dropping the saddle to the ground, then handed the reins to one of his workers, who led the sweating, panting creativity away towards what looked like a large stable. My collar enforced his prohibition on escape attempts, so Tel’estar basically ignored me as he bought himself with his inspection, occasionally issuing orders to his workers. I had nothing to do, so I curled up with my head resting on the discarded saddle and fell asleep. Gyn had obviously been waiting for an opportunity to contact me, because I immediately found myself in the courtyard of our home; I ran to the bedroom and into her arms.

“Are you OK, my darling Linzi?” she asked.

“I’m fine, my love. He’s been treating me very well, almost like a guest, apart from making me sleep on a big cushion at the foot of his bed. And not letting me leave, of course.” I replied, unable to add that he had also promised not to harm me thanks to his having directly ordered me not to.

“You’re out of his house, I take it?” she inquired.

“Yes, we’re on his farm. He’s dealing with some sort of technical problem.” I replied. “I’m still having trouble getting my head round the idea that demonstrates grow crops and actually eat…vegetables!”

“We ate humans once,” Gyn said “well, some of us did. Some of us recognized humanity’s potential, even when you were living in caves and afraid of the dark.”

“Ewww! I don’t want to hear any more about that!” I squealed.

“OK, fair enough.” she said. “So…he took you with him when he went out?”

“Yes, we came here on one of his horse things.” Ianswered. “It got a little…exciting…” I continued.

She pushed me out to arms length, looking at me incredulously.

“You had sex with him, didn’t you? With my BROTHER!” she exclaimed.

“Hey, I thought demonstrations don’t get jealous?” I asked, a little worried. I needn’t have been, because she then collapsed in a fit of laughter.

“He kidnaps you, collars you, threatens to kill you and then keeps you prisoner, but you think ‘Mmmmm…he’s kinda hot’ and so you FUCK HIM!” she was crying with laughter now. “You are such an IMP!” she said “I am going to spank you so hard when I get my hands on you! On that subject, try to keep him there, I’ll come get you now.”

“How?” I asked “Are you gonna just kick him in the nuts, scream ‘that’s for stealing my girlfriend and fucking her!’ and steel me back? How’s that going to help?”

“And I suppose you have a better idea?” she retired.

“Well, you can’t kick him in the nuts anyway. And my idea isn’t infantile, so I’mgoing to tentatively say that yes, I do have a better idea.” I said.

“Yes I can!” she exclaimed. “I don’t have nuts, so that can’t rebound on me!” she said, apparently pleased with herself.

“I highly doubt that your law has a loophole like that in it.” I said quietly. “Saur’ex doesn’t have legs, does that means he can cut another demon’s legs off?”

She thought that over before speaking again. “OK, we’ll try it your way.” she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. “But don’t think you can simply fuck him around to your way of thinking, my precious little slut.” she said, laughing.

I was about to answer, but a toe poking at my bottom woke me up and broke the connection. Tel was looking down at me. He had brought a fresh horse-creature from the stable, so we were obviously about to head back.

“I suppose you and my sister were communicating,” he said “what is she scheming?”

His command that I tell the truth was very much in force, so I said, completely disincienuously:

“She was gonna come here and kick you in the balls, then steel me back, Master,” I said “but I convinced her to try my plan instead.”

“Which is?” he said, grinning wickedly.

“To get you to you like me.” I grinned back.


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