The Triskele Button Ch. 01

“You think I want WHAT?” I shouted.

“To be a girl. A sexy, slutty girl, to be exactly.” the girl I’d spent the previous night with, who had told me to call her Gyn, replied.

“Didn’t we fuck each other hard and in a totally male-female way last night?” I asked her.

“Last night wasn’t the first time I’ve met you.” she answered. “I’ve been : Assessing you for some time, observing you, watching how you regard women. You’re jealous of them far more than you desire them” she continued. “To put it succinctly, you don’t want to have a woman’s body, you want to be in a woman’s body.”

“What do you mean, you’ve met me before?” I asked.

“I’m a demon,” she said matter-of-factly. “A transformation demon, to be precise.”

“You’re mad, you mean,” I laughed. “No wonder you’re so good in bed.”

At this, Gyn stood up and closed her eyes. Her brow wrinkled slightly, then her face seemed to become like rubber, reshaping itself until the girl who worked weekends in thecorner shop a few yards from my building was staring back at me. I stepped back in amazement and stumbled on a chair. A moment later, her features had rearranged themselves to her original appearance.

“My name is Gynestar, and I can change my appearance at will. I can also transmit my transformative essence into the body of another, changing their appearance or even swapping their gender. I’ve been studying you, and you’re the most promising candidate for gender swapping I’ve ever met.” she explained.

“And what exactly makes you believe that I’m a ‘candidate’ for this ‘transformation?” I inquired.

“Well, normally, you probably wouldn’t be, I’m careful to offer my services to those who can further Our cause, but occasionally I still transform humans as a kind of ‘good deed’, particularly when I encounter a promising candidate with whom I can get creative with my transformative arts.” she continued.

“Your cause?” I inquired.

“Humans have outdated notions ofWhat demonstrates actually do,” she explained. “Yes, there is a Demon Realm, but most of us are pretty fond of the human one. In fact, we’re currently grievously alerted at the mess you lot are making of it, what with those stupid wars and your dumb leaders insisting that nothing can be done about climate change. So, We are actively placing Our transforms in strategic positions in your realm; eventually We might Actually be able to assist you humans in saving your planet.”

“I still don’t see why you would think I’m seeking to be ‘transformed.” I said.

Gyn, or Gynestar as she was apparently actually named, walked across the room to one of my wall closets; I felt a little queasy as she opened it and reached right to the back. She had picked up several volumes of my erotic novel collection, seemingly fully aware of where they were hidden.

“Now, what have we here?’ she asked mockingly, “slave girl stories, from the female slave’s perspective. Victorian BDSM, anal training forthe female proteinist, told in first person. Straightforward porn magazines, but again with the stories told from the point of view of the girl. And what do we have here?” she reached in again and retrieved the tool she obviously had already known was there; a hacksaw with no blade in the frame, but with a very phalic rubber handle. “Short but thick.” she commented. “How many times has this been pushed slowly up your ass?” she inquired, sniffing the rubber end. “Or pushed down your throat? Face it, there’s a kinky little girl-slut trapped inside you; I can set her free for you.”

“Really?” I retorted, “and why would you do such a thing, assuming it’s even possible, for someone like me?”

“As I said, I’ve never met such a suitable candidate for male-female gender swap before,” she replied. “I could do a fantastic job of transformation for you. I can even throw in prolongation of youth; I guarantee that you won’t look a day over twenty five, maybe even a little younger, for at least fifty years.” she continued. “Also, cosmic balance, I’ve transformed a few too many females to males lately, and I need to redress the difference. Unfortunately, those transformations helped shift the power balance in your realm a great deal in Our favour, so my deal comes with conditions attached.”

“What conditions?” I asked.

“If you accept my offer of transformation, you have the Following choices as payment,” she explained. “You will become a high class prostitute, a porn star or a slave. If we have a deal, pick one.”

“Slave,” I said, without even thinking about it.

“You understand that once transformed, your decision is irrevocable? That you’re damned to the Demon World and eternal punishment if you don’t go through with it?” she asked.

“Well, I do now!” I replied.

But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me. My fascination with life as a female had, until this moment, been something that aroused me, even tormented me alittle from time to time, but the idea of ​​becoming a woman through hormone treatments and surgery had never made sense to me at all; I’d never even considered cross-dressing. But if this sexy girl, who insisted that she was in fact a She-demon, capable of completely changing my gender, transforming me to a sexy girl completely, could actually do as she asserted…

“So” I finally said, “what do I need to do?”

“Come knee in front of me.” she replied.

I did as she ordered. She reached down off the bed for her handbag, pulling a thick gold collar from it. The collar was plain gold, basically a hinged ring with a locking mechanism; a circular gold pierced medallion, with the classical male and female symbols branching from its lower curve, was the only ornamentation it bore. Gynestar unlocked the gold collar with a tiny key before snapping it shut snugly round my neck; the dual-gendered gold medallion resting against the space between my collar bones. I sat back on my ankles and watched in amazement as her clip began to swell and lengthen into a thick hard cockstem, the head suffered with a purple red hue as it rose towards my lips.

“You have a cock?” I sputtered.

“I told you, I am a transformation demon.” she answered. “And no, to answer the question you were about to ask, I’m not a he-demon in female form, but as methods of infusing a subject with my transformative intent go, this is the one I like best. Now, wrap your lips round the crown of my cock and suck. And don’t say you don’t know how, you had a lesson as recently as eight hours ago!”

There was no answering that. I’d only half-believed her frankly incredulous ‘sales pitch’ until pretty much that moment; now my doubts about what I was about to do vanished as my mouth slide over the crown of her quite impressive erection, my tongue sliding under the glans as my lips squeezed a little round the end of the shaft. The rubery hardness of warm erect flesh in my mouth didn’t feel asunnatural or as unpleasant as I’d expected; in fact I was beginning to feel aroused as I sucked strongly on the bulb of the cock, my own cock hardening and rising between my thighs as I closed my eyes and moaned very softly.

“It’s working already.” Gynestar said.

I sucked harder as I felt the head lift against the roof of my mouth. Suddenly, the cockstem throbbed a thick jet of creamy, salty, liquid hard against the back of my throat.

“Hold it in your mouth.” she said as she pulled her cock from out of my lips. “Take some of it on your tongue and smear it all over your lips.”

I did as she said.

“Now swallow the rest.” she instructed.

I hesitated a moment before letting the remainder of the liquid run to the back of my throat and swallowing without thinking too much.

“That’s a good slave.” she said. “Now turn round and lift that cute ass up as high as you can.”

I did as she said as she knelt behind me. I received two sharp spanks on my buttocks, one from each of her hands.

“Now, relax your anal muscles.” the demonstration ordered.

I feel a slippery, warm liquid rub against my asshole; more fluid was issuing from the opening in her cock as the head nuzzled against my anus. Slowly, the tight little ring of muscle yielded to the pressure of the plum pushing against it; I moaned, the sound even more feminine than my earlier one when the same cockhead was in my mouth. The shake pushed the crown deeper and deeper, until I could feel her smooth shacked mound pressing against the stretched ring of muscle. Slowly and surely, she began to fuck my ass; my moans grow louder and louder as a delicious friction suffered the inside of my asshole, which built to a deep sering heat that burned stronger each time I felt her shake throb and pump more of her transformative cum inside me.

Soon the same strange burning sensing began to build in my throat and across my chest; as my cock and balls grow hotter and hotter, so toodid my nipples and chest muscles, the rest of my body breaking out in a later of sweat as I began to feel like I was in an overnight, baking. The burning rod that was my cock began to feel shorter and smaller, the intensity heat retreating to a point almost but not quite inside my public shaft; at the same time, my ball sac felt as if it were shrinking, an intensity heat right along the centre line intensifying until twisting tendrils of fire began to snake up inside my stomach, the flamencing filaments melding into a compromise snakelike creativity of flame that finally ceased its movement inside me and became a solid column of heat pushed deep up inside my belly; at the same time I began to feel cool air between my thighs, almost inside my body, where my manhood should have been.

In an extremely painful counterpoint to the sensings in my crotch and abdomen, the tiny Furnaces that my nipples had become burned hotter, forming expanding points of fire as the flesh around them felt a searing sEnsation as if two disc shaped branding irons had been applied to the skin. I began to feel an increasing weight behind the twin bulbs of fire as they dropped slowly away from my body as the skin was stretched and filled, like they were being pumped full of an incredibly dense liquid. I closed my eyes tight as the inferno in my body began to die away, the heat inside my asshole also slowly reducing rather than simply receiving, as If the cock inside me there had begun to shrink rather than withdraw.

As my skin cooled, I became aware of a soft, ticklish sensing brushing against my cheeks; opening my eyes, I realized that my hair had lengthened, falling over my downturned face as I knelt moaning in a truly female tone on the bed. I continued kneeling, my bottom in the air, until a sharp stinging slap to the join of my bottom and the top of my thigh, the area I now know as the ‘sweet spot’, roused me to full consciousness. I half twisted, half fell into a sitting position, lookingup at a true She-demon; her part of our bargain was fulfilled, I was now irrevocably a girl.

“Take a look at yourself, my freshly made slave girl.” she said, indicating the mirror behind me.

Getting unsteadily off the bed, I looked at myself in female form for the first time. My face, though vaguely resembling the man I had been, was now that of a girl about twenty years old, the lips plump and successful, eyes deliciously wide and appealing, nose now pleasantly, pretty snub; I wasn’t cover-girl gorgeous, but most guys would certainly have given my face a second or third look and keep on liking what they saw. My breasts were gorgeous orbs, nipples placed just a little too high so they looked as if I were deliberately offering them for sucking or nibbling. I backed away from the mirror slowly, examining my belly and abdomen in my reflection, a deliciously symmetrical bare public shaft, neighbor labia sweetly running up the split to a beautifully shaped fleshy hood over my already throbbing pleasure bud. Only then really understand the significance of my nude pussy, I rubbed my arms and tighs gently with my now more sensitive fingertips to discover that my new body was apparently completely hairless! I looked at Gynestar quizzically, who apparently read my mind as she answered the question before I asked it.

“Yes, your body is hairless.” she laughed. “Your Master will require you that way, and besides, I had to get the hair on your head from somewhere.”

Turning as best I could, I then looked at my new bottom; sure enough, the kind of ass I had always admired and envied on girls was now mine.

Gynestar witnessed, “I really do work my art on slave girls.” she said.

At her saying that, I finally noticed how the collar round my neck, rather than hanging loosely as I would have expected, was still snug to my new, much thinner neck; enchanted, obviously.

“Right.” the She-demon said. “My side of the deal is done, now for yours. I’m going out to find you something to wear and to make the arrangements for you to meet your Master. You go take a shower and I’ll be back soon. Stay naked.”

Picking up my keys, she left me alone in the room. Realising that there was nothing in my closets that would fit me now anyway, I just grabbed a towel and some unscented soap and padded down the stairs from my room to the communal shower and bathroom and was soon wet and soapy under the steaming shower head. My fingers soaped my belly slowly, moving down between my thighs to rub and explore my newly formed pussy; I slipped a finger inside myself a little, feeling for and stroking my new nubbin, which swelled to a neighbor little bud against my fingertip as I rubbed it harder and faster, moaning at the darts of pleasure travelling up inside my belly, a swelling Feeling of ecstatic release beginning to expand and grow deep within me…

“What’s going on here?” a voice that I recognized as that of the building superintendant swaited!

My arm was seized and I was pulled roughly from under the shower head to face him. To my surprise, I had to look up at him now; I was aware that I had decreased in height during my transformation, but until that moment I had no idea just how petite the She-demon had actually made me.

“Who are you, and what are you doing in this building, apparently wandering around stark naked and using the resident’s facilities?” he demanded.

“I’m a friend of Mr ________ ,” I stammered, using my own name while referring to myself in the third person; “he said I could use the shower.”

“Rubbish.” the super replied, “He hasn’t had a girl in there for days, and besides he’s not even in, his door is locked.” He looked me over before continuing “You’re trespassing, that’s obvious, and a little slut who walks around naked as well. Come with me, I’m calling the police.”

“No, please, don’t do that!” I squeaked pathetically, “Please let me stay, I’ll do anything you want.” Ioffered.

At this he regard my naked body more appreciatedly.

“Well, I’m sweaty from my morning’s work”, he said as he opened his overalls and pulled them off, kicking off his boots as he did, “I could use a shower.” he continued as he dragged me with him back under the still hissing, steaming shower head.

I was soon kneeling in front of him, soaping his impressive cock and balllocks, Noting how his daily work kept him in good shape. His cockstem was soon rock hard, the glans glowing red from within, suffused with blood; the urge to lick it was becoming irresistible as the warm water rinsed the suds away.

“Since you’re already down there…” he said.

A delicious feeling of Iickerishness had begun empire deep in my belly from the moment I had got my first look at his lean, muscle body. I therefore needed no further encouragement to begin slowly licking the shake of his cock from the base where it joined his ball sac all the way to the tip and back down again. Gaining in confidence, I used the very tip of my tongue to cares the thick flanges of flesh on the crown of his cock, then the little nervous cluster where the head joins the shake in that upturned ‘V’ shape. A drop of clear fluid had welled up in the opening in the tip of the cock; I gathered it on my tongue before smearing it on my lips. Had I was more experienced and less eager to feel the head in my mouth, pushing down my throat, I would have continued with my worship of his cock until he moaned with arousal and pleasure, but now I opened my mouth wide and took the big glans between my lips, sucking on the plum as I had for Gynestar earlier, then moving my head forwards to feel the successful mushroom shape slide deep into my throat as the shake rubbed my lips. I bobbed my head on the cock until he moaned and tried to thrust deeper into my mouth, then I drew back and nursed from the cock in long pulsing sucks until hot thick fluid squirted against the back of my throat; Iswallowed greedily, sucking and swallowing until his cock finished pumping.

“That’s a good slut.” he said as he pulled his now softening cockflesh from my lips, making me start slightly as he slapped the shake wetly against my cheek. “Now, I think Mr ___________ ‘s door is actually open after all, why don’t you go see?” he said, chuckling as my face turned a deep shade of Crimson.

I fled the bathroom. Back up the stairs in my own tiny living space, Gynestar was sitting on the edge of the bed, grinning wickedly.

“So, how was your first proper blowjob?” she inquired.

“You know about that?” I asked somehow guiltily, my cheeks flushing red again.

“I arranged for it!” she retreated, “The building super and I go back a ways, back to when he was a short ugly woman. Now he gets to fuck the pretty sluts who laughed at him before I gender swapped him.” she explained, which was more of an explanation than I realized at that time.

“But why did he only get me to suck his cock? Shouldn’t he have made full use of me?” I inquired.

“Thinking like a slave already!” she said. “Very good. However your Master will require that you be a virgin.” Gynestar explained patiently, “But a slave needs to be a natural falllatrix, and now you’ve proved that. The first infusion of my essence into your mouth and throat was intended to produce a cocksucker’s lips and throat.”

I cast my eyes downwards, but in embarrassment at how easily I’d been manipulated, rather than because I was now obviously a greedy little cocksucker, already wanting to feel a thick shake sliding into my throat again.

“Now, get dressed.” she ordered, kicking the shopping bag at her feet towards me. “I have to get you ready for your Master.”

I started with the tiny, transparent pink thong laying on the top of the bundle, stepping into it and drawing the straps up over the curves of my hips, the silky fabric cupping and clinging to the folds of my pussy lips as the rear strap slipped snugly between my ass cheeks. A matching underwired bra went on next, my new breasts nestling into the cups as Gynestar adjusted the straws to fit me properly. Making me sit on the bed, she placed a pair of transparent plastic vertically high heels on my feet, buckling the ankle straws on tightly. I spent the next ten minutes practicing walking sexually around the room, Gynestar giving me points on how to walk without losing my balance.

Once satisfied with my walk, she fished a tiny leather skirt from the bag, one that rode so low on my hips that the pink straps of my thong were clearly visible at my hips and where the rear strap joined them; the curves where my bottom cheeses joined the backs of my thighs were also on display. A tiny cap sleeve sheer pink blouse went on last, tied with a bow right under My breasts to display my pushed-up boobies in their pink lace trimmed holsters. My new sexy midriff was thus bare all the way to the downcurve of my taut little belly. My hair, now a deep chestnut colour, shot through with natural highlights, was pulled back behind my head and secured into a bouncy ponytail with a pink scrunchie. Sitting me down again, she applied bubblegum pink varnish to my nails, then made up my face with sexy pink lip gloss, deep black mascara and light purple eyeshadow to complete my look before she took my arm and led me to the mirror; an attractive hooker wearing a gold collar with an odd medallion attached stared back at me.


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