My Goddess had me call her for my next task when I left the clients and headed to the airport. I called her as ordered and she gave me my instructions. I was to find a guy in the airport, slip him a note offering him a blowjob if he would meet me in the restroom. If he took me up on the offer, I had to suck him off in one of the stalls. If he didn’t, I was free to go.
I was blown away. This was more extreme than anything she had me do so far. I knew that it was not in my power to refuse however. I told her how nervous I was.
She laughed and said, “I know little cocksucker. This is good training for you. You are going to be sucking lots and lots of cocks for me.”
I told her that I was also nervous about going through security with the dildos in my bag. She told me that it shouldn’t be a problem since I had already made it through once on the way out. I reminded her that I now had two additional butt plugs in the bag. One of them was a vibrating unit with a wire on it. I was afraid someone would see it and call me out.
She laughed again. “Oh that’s right. I forget about that. This is great. I hope they do open it up. I can’t wait. Now I have two things to look forward too.”
I gulped and stammered a bit. She asked me. “Are you hard?”
I had to admit that I was and she started laughing again. “This is going to be so much fun.” “Text me when you get there.”
I was so nervous for the rest of the drive to the airport. My palms were smoking as I contemplated my task. How would I pick somebody to approach? How could I keep this secret in the restroom? What if someone caught us? All kinds of scary thoughts went through my head.
I pulled over at a rest area oasis to get gas for the rental and went in to use the restroom. As I walked through the rest area, I scanned the crowd trying to identify the appropriate type of person to approach. I considered my options. Big tough looking guys would make me feel real dirty, but would belikely to want to kick my ass. Older businessmen probably wouldn’t react, but would be unlikely to accept because they would believe they had a lot to lose like I did. Younger guys would be the most horny and likely to accept, but could react in any crazy way. As I scanned the crowd, the guys all looked back at me. I wasn’t used to searching this way and I felt incredibly dirty. I felt like they He knew what I was thinking and what I was looking for. At the minimum, I figured they thought I was weird to be looking at them. I felt like a pervert cruising for cock.
I went into the restroom and checked it out. It had a large handicapped stall at the end and looked private. I considered trying to do this in the rest area instead of the airport, but changed my mind. My Goddess had been specific. There were also a lot of truckers using the restroom who might find me and react badly. I got back into the car and drive to the airport. I was nervous all the way.
At the airport, I got into the security line with butterflies in my stomach. I texted my Goddess to let her know I was in line. Her reply was instantaneous.
“Woohoo I can’t wait! I’m dying to see what happens!” she exclaimed
I put my stuff on the conveyor and went through the x ray device to the other side. My computer came out, along with my container with shoes, cell phone, belt, and liquids. As I was getting dressed, the conveyor stopped and my worst fears were realized. I saw the woman at the bag scan screen looking at the screen and I knew it was my bag in the lineup. She started smiling and I was sure that she had seen it. She called the other woman at the conveyor over to look and I saw them both looking at the screen and saw the second woman smile. Both women started talking together and chuckling. I was mortified and nervous, not knowing how They would react. I heard them call for a bag check.
I opened my phone and saw a note from my Goddess. “What’s happening? I’m in suspension.”
I texted back, “I’m being searched.” I was trying to act nonchalant but nervous as hell inside.
The guy came over to check my bag. He was a big Hispanic guy with a mustache. I saw him look at the screen and smile. I could see the girls both chuckling. I knew they had brought him in to “handle” the situation. He turned around and looked at the guy in line beside me and asked if it was his bag. That guy shook his head. Then he looked at me and I nodded. They all looked at me and I could feel the flush of blood rushing to my face.
The guy said, I have to swipe your bag. I felt a sudden rush of relief because I knew that meant they had decided not go through the bag. I said ok, and he carried the bag off to one side. I thought, oh shit, maybe he will search it and he is just trying to reduce the embarrassment. He unzipped the bag and I felt the butterflies in my stomach. I was so nervous, I felt like I had to pee my pants.
He pulled out a switch of clothes and rubbed itAlong the sides of the bag but he didn’t go deep. I realized then, that he had seen what was in the bag and was pretty sure what it was, but had to go through the motions. I also think he didn’t want to get too deep into the bag and certainly didn’t want to touch anything. He stuck the switch in the machine and it came up clear of course and he said I was free to go. He was very professional and kept a straight face the whole time.
As he closed up the bag and handed it to me, I glanced up and saw the two bag checkers looking over at me trying not to smile. I blushed again, took the bag and walked away.
After I left, I texted my Goddess to tell her what had happened. She didn’t believe me at first, and I was shaking so bad, I couldn’t hit the keys well. I walked towards my gate, knowing I had a remaining task to do, but my heart was still racing and I was still shaky.
I went in the restroom by the food court and checked it out. The stall doors came almost all the way down to the floor and I decided it made a good room to use if I had too. My biggest fear was that someone would call security and I would end up being arrested for independent or lewd acts.
I texted my Goddess and told her that I needed a drink to calm down. She told me to get one, then to complete my task. I walked through the food court looking at guys and thinking about the profile of the guy I would pick for my task. I didn’t want a guy who would get violent. I also didn’t want a business man that would have a lot to lose and would be unlikely to accept my offer. Everyone I looked at seemed wrong.
I stopped and bought a bottle of water, and sat down to write my note. I wrote “Meet me in the restroom if you want a blow job. It is the restroom across the food court.” I was still too nervous and decided to get the drink we had talked about to calm down before going to the next step.
I went to the bar and waited for the bartender. I noticed the guy sitting there drinking abeer. The foam on the glass made it look very rich and I asked if it was a Belgium beer. He told me it wasn’t but that it was a good pale ale. I ordered the beer and talked to him for a while. He was a pretty nerdy guy.
There was a little ledge behind him and I sat there drinking my beer while my phone charged and I got my courage up. I started to relax as the alcohol hit my system. As I thought About the situation, I realized the guy I had talked to might be a good choice. He wasn’t likely to call security and he could even be gay. I made up my mind and walked over to him. I looked him in the eye, handed him the note, and turned around, got my bag and walked across the food court. I didn’t look back.
I started shaking halfway across the court, but I went into the restroom and prepared to use the urinal. texted my Goddess. I told her what had happened, and where I was at.
“I’m so excited!” she texted back. “I hope he comes in. Are you ready cocksucker?”
I stepped back from the urinal and washed my hands. I hung around in the room for a while, but it looked real funny to be there with everyone else going in and out. I stepped outside in the concourse and stood by the door looking across the food court. I didn’t see the guy. I stood there quite a while and finally texted my Goddess. I needed her to release me, which she did.
As soon as it was over, I felt a wave of calm wash over me. I had been holding the tension knowing what I was committed to do, and it when it was over it felt just like finishing a BDSM session. I was giddy, almost high and felt like I was floating on the ground. I moved into the bookstore and texted her again.
She keeps pushing me to my limits. I love my Goddess
She gave me an assignment this weekend to go to a chat room and find a cock to suck. Getting the assignment to begin with was humiliating. I envisioned myself meeting some guy in an alley or in his car and sucking him off for she. Just to search for someone and ask them was a challenge. I had never done it before, didn’t know how to go about it, and didn’t know if I would get any results.
It has proven to be very difficult. I have spent several hours on line in chat rooms looking for guys. It’s not hard to find a guy willing to have she suck his cock, but it is hard to find one close to me that can make it happen within a reasonable time frame.
I am over the embarrassment of lurking in chat rooms, but I dread the moment I have to go meet someone and suck them.
The other thing that is humiliating me is when she makes me tell she that I am craving it. I am not craving the experience but am certainly humiliated by the whole experience. I feel like such a low cocksucking cumslut looking for meat. It is very degrading for me.
I am also Totally humiliated when she talks to me about telling her friends about our adventures. I feel like I am being totally exposed to them without them truly knowing me. Thus theye know all the nasty stuff, the degrading stuff. It will be supremely embarrassing the next time I see them and have to look them in the eye. I can imagine their smile or smile when I talk to them next. When she told Nikki last night, she expanded our circle to yet another friend exponentially increasing my humiliation. I imagine them talking together about me.
I loved our discussion this morning about our future life together. I can envision it all so well. It would be a dream come true for me to have she by my side in all things. To live a life this free to explore all our fansies and yet love and respect each other is something I never dreamed of hoping for.
My most humiliated moment of the day came when I got an answer to my notice on Fetlife to suck a guy’s cock. He was interested and is prepared to meet me this week. He said he could take pics of me with his cock in my mouth and his cum on my face.
I am now arranging to do it. Somehow, I am going to have to meet this strange guy in a parking lot somewhere and suck his cock. I feel like such a slut.
Her cock sucking bitch.
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