Mark led Melissa into the house. Once inside he picked her up, she cowered into his arms in fear and he carried her into the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. He went and retrieved an ice pack and gently laid it on her swollen ass. Next Mark applied ointment to the cut on her. He gently rubbed her and massed her. He moved the ice pack to cover the welts from her beating. Next he went and got a bed pan and washcloth from the bathroom and began to give her a warm sponge bath. When he was done he laid down next her and she snuggled up into his arms.
Mark then explained to her that he was her master and she was his to do with as he pleased. She could live whatever life with whomever she wanted. When he called she was to come running at his beckon call. Hark explained that Melissa’s loyalty was to Mark first and foremost. She was to do whatever it was he wanted or suffer the penalty. Melissa asked what that was. So mark told her to look out the window.
Melissa was horrified. There were 3 guys on Robin and they were fucking her in every and any hole or place that they could get to. One guy she hasn’t seen at all that day had a whip and was whipping her across the back because he wanted his dick sucked but there was a girl in front of Robin with her pussy in Robin’s face and Robin was eating her. The girl was sucking the guy with the whip but he wanted Robin to swallow his cum. Glen had taken her ankles and tied them to a couple trees so her legs were spread and up in the air. Mike was cutting his name in her back with knife. Then Robin screamed and passed out.
Mark bolted from the room and out to Robin’s side. He told them to cut her free. He carried her into the bedroom and laid her down next to Melissa. Mark checked her and she was breathing. She was bleeding a little bit From her anus, her back and her mouth. Mark immediately instructed Glen to get him some gauze and ointment and ice packs. He told Carleen (the girl Robin was eating) to getSome clean warm water and clean washcloths and towels.
Melissa watched as mark tenderly but firmly tended to Robin’s wounds. He kissed every inch of them as he tended to her. She could not believe that this man had this degree of caring and tenderness after what she has observed since he took her. Mark then told everyone to leave the room except for Melissa. He climbed next to Robin and held her. Melissa saw a tear on his cheek and asked Mark if he was sorry for what he did to her. He said NO. That’s not it. He was crying because of the love and respect Robin has shown towards him. Melissa was confused.
She said she would never let anyone treat her that way. She respected herself to much. Mark looked at her and asked her if there was anyone she would die for? Melissa was still confused. Mark told her that Robin loved and respected him more than anything else in the world. She trusted that he would never let anything take her from him. It doesn’t matter why just that she would die for Mark if that made him happy. Mark then turned his back to Melissa and told her to go to sleep. He held Robin so tight and lovingly, Melissa actually felt jealous. Robin had stolen her tenderness that Mark was giving her.
It wasn’t until later that night when Melissa woke to gentle kisses. It was Mark. He told her to hold Robin and not let anything happen to her. She was to guard Robin with her life if necessary. Melissa started argument and Mark snapped around and she knew not to say another word.
Melissa snuggled up behind Robin and put her hand around Robin. Melissa was appalled. She had never been this close to another woman before let alone both of them being nude. Her hand fell on Robin’s title. Melissa went to move it and felt something grap her hand and hold it there tightly. Robin was awake. Melissa screamed for Mark and Robin told her to be quiet and just relax. Robin spoke softly to her and explained that while Melissa slept Mark and Robin talked and he made love to her. Melissa was instantly jealous and was ready to scream. Robin said hush princess. He did not enter me at all. That is not what making love is all about. He made sure I was okay and satisfied… sexually.
Robin rolled over to face Melissa and explained that Mark knows her limits, just like he knows where to start with Melissa to find her limits. That is why he took her inside and not subject her to what happened to Robin. Melissa told her she long to be cared for the way he cared and tended to Robin after she passed out. Robin said she passed out from her orgasm, not the injuries but understand what Melissa means.
Then Melissa got a shock of lifetime. Robin kissed her and she kissed back. Melissa actually wanted more but Robin got up out of bed, put her cuffs back on and her collar. Robin told Melissa to do the same if she was up to it. Melissa was confused. She saw Mark throw the keys into the highway. Robin looked at her and said one word, “TRUST”. Melissagot up and did the same. Robin chained them together with the lean this time so they could walk side be side. Melissa realized what Robin was offering her by this gesture. Equality, she also realized it means she would get treated like Robin also. Melissa held Robin’s hand and walked out of the bedroom to Mark’s side and sat down at his feet.
When Mark saw them come out of the room stand next to each Other and hold hands and walk to him. He knew what it means. He was so happy there was no way he could hide it. Once they sat down he turned to Carlleen and told her to get his slaves a drink. She just looked at him and mark stood up and looked at her angrily and Carlleen put her head down and brought them each a beer. Mark told her that’s not the way a slave drinks, to go get them each a bowl. He poured There beers into the bowls and made them lap it up. Carlleen sat next to Glen and Chris and Mark told her no. She was to get behind the girls. She wanted Robin to eat her pussy outside so bad. Now she had to get over there and eat Robin’s and Melissa’s until they both had orgasms.
Melissa was horrified and told Mark she was never touched by another woman. Mark just slapped her across the face. Then told Carlleen to start with Melissa. Melissa could not believe it. She was enjoying it. Did this make her a lesbian? No, she wanted dick more than anything. After 15 minutes, Melissa started squirming and moaning and then screamed as she orgasmed. Then mark told her to lay there and watch Robin. She could feel the warmth on the fireplace on her back.
Melissa could not believe how turned on she was watching Carlleen eating Robin’s pussy. Then she saw Mark stand up. He recognized Robin was ready to cum. She saw him reach into the fire and pull out a poker. Only it wasn’t a poker… it looked different. He walked over and stood next to Robin. Melissa saw the look in his eye and knew something was about to happen. As mark raised the poker, Melissa saw it wasn’t a poker at all.
Then he struck, Melissa could smell the burning flesh as she realized it was a branding iron. The shock and surprise Robin felt made her cum like Niagara Falls. Melissa could not believe that Mark just branded Robin. Then he looked at Melissa and saw the fear in her eyes. He told her you walked out here as her equal, she was next. He then stuck it back in the fire and applied the aloe cream to Robin’s brand.
Mark sat down and Melissa turned and begged him not to do it to her. He told her to get up on her knees and start sucking while he though about it. She pulled his pants down and took his entire dick down her throat. Mark waved and she felt someone crawl under her. She saw it was Glen and felt him suck her nipples. Then he moved up farther and entered her. She was in heaven. Mark in her mouth and Glen in her pussy. Then she felt pressure on her asshole. Martin was pushing his dick in her virgin ass. Then it popped in and she moaned so loud around Mark’sdick he shoved it all the way down her throat. She started gagging but Mark held her head there.
Robin saw what was happening and was jealous. But knew to do nothing. She felt something behind her and it was Mike sticking his dick in her. Robin the crawled over and started to suck Melissa’s nipple. Then joined Melissa in sucking Mark’s dick. Robin saw Carlleen sitting alone on the couch with Chris. Robin nodded her head and next thing Mark knew he had Carlleen wanting to sit on his face while she joined Robin and Melissa in sucking his dick. Mark started cumming like he never did before. All three started to kiss and tongue battle over his cum. This made Mark cum harder.
Mark grabbed Carlleen’s hair and told her she had a choice to make. She either became his also or left. Carlleen could not believe What she was told. Mark told her to suck his dick until he was hard then to take her pants off and ride him. She couldn’t help herself and did. While she climbed on, Mark toldher once his dick was in her, the decision was made. She was his also. She knew he was right. 20 years later and she finally belonged to him. She could feel his dick grow inside of her. She never had anyone so big before. She started to have an orgasm and it never seemed to stop. She collapsed on the floor.
Mark told the three of them to lay there and looked at Chris. He asked her if she wanted to make it a clean sweep. Chris looked at her husband. All Glen did was smile. She went over and Mark told her to eat his cum out of Carlleen. After Carlleen came several more times from Chris’ tongue, Mark told her to give all the men a blow job and she was not to spill one drop of cum. When she was done he looked at her and said she had one more to do. She knew Mark mean she had to blow him too. He had already cum so much she knew it would be awhile for him. Mark did let her go to the bathroom but told her not to drink or eat anything. That Glen was to watch her and make sure. She returned and started on Mark. She saw what Carlleen means about his dick being so large. She sucked on him for almost an hour before he grabbed her head and started forcing himself down her throat. He unloaded even more sperm into her throat. Mark told Robin and Melissa the had to go around and clean off all the guys dicks. All 4 of them were to clean his off together.
To be continued…
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