It had been 3 months since her previous master had gone she was still added to him and was disappointed when she had gotten the email directing her to come out this evening to find someone else. But as she had before Alisa obeyed him put of the clothes he instructed her to, did he make up and headed out to the party. Her heart really wasn’t into it she felt like she was betraying him in someway, even though this was his request he had warned her this day would come when he took her on as a student. He had told her he was only preparing her to be a good slave for her next master who would be permanent he hadn’t told her that she would have to find that person on her own.
She was about to leave when she saw him from across the room. He was perfect soft blue eyes curly brown hair soft tanned skin. He had softness in his eyes but a certain arrogance in his movements. Alisa steeled herself and walked across the room on a path straight for him. Once she was in range of him she slid her way through the group of people he was talking with and when she got to his solid lean torso she pressed herself much closer then she needed to her hard stiff nipples straining against the thin material of her dress became wildly sensitive as she slip past him into the washroom feeling his gaze following behind her ash she ducked into the lavatory door. Once inside she ducked into one of the stalls carefully locking the door behind her she took down Her panties and started to rub her clip. Her nipples ached with sensitivity as the rough lace mercilessly caresed the two hard points contained inside of them. As she was about to cum she stopped pulled up her panties and walked back out of the stall she washed her hands and walked back out into the crowded room again she saw the object of her desire and quietly excused herself as she once again pressed herself against him as she slid past he looked down at her and she looked up with innocent in her eyes but her low cut almost sheer top and perfectly positioned breast said, that look was a lie. He smiled at her as their eyes met and she dropped her heavy lashes as she smiled seductively back and for a moment it looked as if he may peel away from the group as she slipped past but a strong tap on his back sent him full throttle back into the conversation again. Feeling defeated Alisa plopped herself back on the barstool and turned her back to the gentleman who’s attention she had tried to silently gain. She sat pouting into her Southern Comfort she heard a thick Australian accent besides her ordering a drink.
“Give me 2 cosmopolitans and whatever the lady is having.” He said motion towards Alisa who had just poised her moth to refuse when she realized it was the handsome gentleman and evidently she had managed to get his attention.
“Thank You,” Alisa Said as she accepted the drink her nervousness showing on her face.
“No worries,” he replied easily, “A lovely lady like yourself shouldn’t beSitting here all alone drinking a drink she bought herself. I’m Eric by the way.”
Alisa blushed half from his comment and half at her awareness that her nipples felt like they were trying to make their way through her bra and dress. He invited her over to sit with him and although she wanted to her shyness won out and she decided the invitation pleading an version to groups of people. He made her promise she wouldn’t leave until he had a chance to talk to her which she instinctively committed to.
He returned to his group and passed around the drinks he proved for them he reinserted himself to the conversation and Alisa listened as his distinctive accent drifted across the room. Filling the air and exciting her. It didn’t take long for him to close out the point he was trying to make and excuse himself. Alisa waited in breathless anticipation as he made his way across the room and sat down beside her. They talked for quite a while before the party started to thin out andit got quiet.
“I know we’ve only just met and you’ll probably think me a pig for asking but my hotel is just down the street and I was wondering if you’d be interested in heading their for a night cap.”
Alisa paused for a moment, her heart raced. He probably just wants sex. It had been 3 months since her Master had left her to train another sub in how to be a good slave. She wanted him so badly. He didn’t seem the Dominant type but she would have to find away to present him with the idea.
“Night cap?” she probed.
“Just talk. Maybe some Frank.” He quickly added, “I’m not a bully. I wouldn’t want you to do anything your not comfortable doing.”
“What hotel?”
A perfect smile slide across his boyish face and he gave her the name of a hotel about 5 blocks away. She agreed to go as long as they could walk she needed fresh air after all the Southern Comfort she had consumed.
They walked down the rain slicked streets of downtown Vancouver and Alisa worked up the nervous to present him with a very unique situation. When the conversation became a little more risqué she started to insert small submissive signals to her host not sure he was picking up on what she was saying she decided to try a more direct approach.
“What you mean whips and chains and the whole lot?”
“Well that’s a part of BDSM… but it’s really about intensifying sexual pleasure through mind control.”
“Wow, I would never have pegged you for the type to say something like that. But I guess I can’t really say anything bad about it because I have never tried it but it all seems a bit morbid to me. So what are you saying you want to tie me up? “
“No I was thinking more the other way around” he shot her a quick look to see if she was serious, “Blindfold me, tie me up, pull my hair.” She gave him a reassuring smile.
“I’m not good with the idea of bossing people around.”
“I’m not used to the idea of being bossed around either that’s why itsfun in the bedroom to get you out of your comfort zone.”
“Hmm… well I always though of sex as a very mutual thing…”
“Bondage is mutual or the submissive wouldn’t be wet the whole time. It’s about prolonging the sexual experience for both parties and making it more intense. It’s about mind control as much as body control.”
“And how on earth did you decide you liked it?”
“That was the easy part, I realized that I enjoyed watching a man get off, my orgasms were always way more intense if I came after my partner then before. Also I realized a man’s orgasm is much more intense when a woman is becoming for it.”
“I see your point. Here we are.” He said holding the door open for her.
“You sure you still want me to come up I haven’t scared you off?”
“Get inside now,” He ordered playfully letting her know that he was warming to the idea.
Giving him a quick wink she obediently walked through the lobby of the hotel hands elegantly at her sides sheProceeded to the elevator and pushed the button. He came up beside her and placed his hand at the small of her back guiding her into the small room as the doors opened he stayed close to her and she felt her panties getting wet in anticipation it had been so long for her to not have anyone demanding anything of her. They reached his floor and he led her to his room his hand never leaving her body as he retrieved the key from his pocket and lead her in the room. Flicking on the light he went over to a radio he had obviously brought with him and the gentle strains of Frank Sinatra Filled the room.
“So you’ll have to teach me what it is I’m expected to do in this situation”
“Anything you want you’re the master, I’m just here to enhance it.”
Alisa stripped down to her thong and bra and stand in front of Eric he back straight her ample chest heaved in short ragged breaths. She could feel him drinking in her appearance devouring her with his eyes but still afraid to touchher. She removed his tie and covering her eyes with it she made a makeshift blindfold for herself reaching out and on instinct alone she began unbuttoning his shirt. He finally reached up and touched her running one long lean finger along her collar bone brought her nipples to full attention and a chill ran down her whole body making her tremble under his touch. He ran his finger from the center of her throat to her bra allowing it to rest for one moment between her cleavage as if deciding which way to go. Alisa’s clip throbbed in her panties but she had been well trained and she didn’t move a muscle even though the throbbing was almost too much to bear. He was standing behind her now she could feel him looking at her and she stood status still as he reached up and unfasted her bra and slid it down her arms.
“I’m not used to this…”
“Shhh….You’re doing fine. It’s all about anticipation.”
He was standing in front of her now his right hand cupped around her left breast his thumb gently caresing her nipple he took a step closer so that their bodies were almost touching and took his free hand and slipped it into her panties and drew in a long heavy breath as he realized just how wet she was her clip hard and swollen between his fingers as he protected deeper she spread her legs apart a little more to give him the proper access.
“My gawd woman you are so hot and wet.”
Alisa let out a sound that was somewhere between a giggle and a moan, which made Eric want to just bend her over and pound into her pussy until he could ease the tension growing in his own pants but this was a fun little game so he continued to play along. Taking a nipple in his mouth he rolled the nipple between his teeth and flicked it lightly with his tongue sending another tremor through Alisa’s body out of reflex she arched her body into his and her lips parted separately as she drew in a long steady breath. Eric could actually feel her clip pulsating in his fingers and would give it a bit of a pinch which caused Alisa’s knees to waver just a bit. Putting his hand on her shoulder and applying just enough pressure to let her know he wanted her one her knees Obediently, she dropped down and waited for him to direct her she could her him unfastening his belt and unzipping his pants. Her clip throbbed and almost reached in anticipation of what he may do to her next. He was standing behind her and she was almost disappointed in thinking he was going to fuck her now. He didn’t. He instead took her hands from where they rested so perfectly still at her side and put them behind her back using his thin leather belt he secured them there and a smile played on Alisa’s lips. He was a fast learner. She assumed he was naked now as he came back to stand in front of her he reached up under her chin and tilted her head up towards him her long wave hair in a wild mane around her face eyes hidden behind his black tie, lips parted inviting anything he wanted. He felt thepower of the moment, he took his dick and slide it in her mouth Alisa squeezed her legs together tight to hold off the orgasm that was threatening to release itself down her inner thighs. She took his cock in her mouth and swallowed it down as if it were brandy he put his hand at the back of her head and controlled her rhythm as he plunged deeper and deeper down her throat almost choking her with his dick.
His hand still wrapped in her hair he pulled her mouth off his dick and pulled her to her feet. He led her to the bed where he bent her over it. She was quite the sight he took a moment to take her in. her long legs and siletto heels, leg spread wide black thong hands bound behind her back the ends of his tie brushing the mattress as she dangled there above it not moving. He came up behind her taking the head of his cock he rubbed it over her clip her spit and his pre-cum allowing it to slide easily over the swollen sensitive skin pushing her forward just enough to make her over sensitive nipples relentlessly he massed her clip with the head of his dick making Alisa moan and beg for him to fuck her. Wrapping his hands in her hair once more he plunged his dick inside of her and then pulled her upright whispering in her ear.
“Since it’s all about anticipation as you say maybe I won’t let you cum at all…” He reached around and took her nipple in his fingers and gave it a pinch feeling her pussy pulsate Around his dick her self control amazing him and he wanted to see how far he could push her before she broke. This was more fun then he thought it could be she may have given him a new addition. Bending her back over he began his slow and steady thrust inside of her as she became wetter and wetter he slip in and out easily holding her close enough to the bed for her nipples to brush the top she was whimpering now beginning for his permission to cum. He pulled out again and began attacking her clip with his head again Australia’s knees began to quiver and give out as she gave into her body’s will watching her pussy and ass start to spasm in orgasm he quickly grabbed her by her hips and impaled her on his dick again thrusting hard and deep inside her pussy swallowed him in as she washed him with her juices and moaned apologies for not getting permission he felt all of the power and control he had over her build into an earth shattering orgasm that made him cry out Alisa remained perfectly still as he filled her pussy with his cum her breath ragged and him still inside her he pulled her up again to place a long gentle kiss on her neck. Bending her down he removed himself from her gave her a swat on the butt and instructed her to pack his things he would be spending the rest of his time at her place.
Obediently Alisa curried around the room torn thong still around her waist Eric laid watching from the bed he smiled wondering when he should tell her his trip is permanent…
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