The Trial Week

She had finally ended her aggressive marriage. It was over and she felt free. She wasn’t completely rid of him, mind. They still had children together and this means that co-parenting was always a chore. However, she was always amicable and it seemed to keep his abuse at bay so that the children didn’t become exposed to it.

She now had more free time than ever. Every other weekend, to be exactly. She He knew from the raunchy conversations she had previously with her ex, that she wanted her fansies to be fulfilled. She wanted more from life and from sex. It just seemed a bit…scary. Being back out in the world of dating. Face to face conversations with other men who she didn’t have a long history with, but perhaps this was a good thing?

She decided that to keep money coming in, alongside her professional full time job, she would get a part time job where she worked on the weekends she had no children to care for. She thought that it would fill her time and keep her busy, too.She was searching through job advertises and none of them seemed to fit around her situation. Then she remembered where her ex worked, and went directly to the website of the company where he was a manager. It was risky as she had decided not to talk to him again as their conversations were amazing but he still had a fiancé and although she was single now, he was definitely still taken.

The company he worked for did have jobs for zero hour contract workers, who would work and then get paid for what they did, rather than be tied down to a particular amount of hours each week. Perfect, she thought. She didn’t want her ex to know that she had applied, so she went through the normal routes on the website as it was an international company, as not to alert him.

She soon received an email to say that she had secured an interview for a customer service role, where she would be the face of the brand and would be talking to customers directly at the local branches. Due to it being a zero hours contract, she was yet to be told where she would be located but she had chosen her preferred locations on the application form and none of those were anywhere near her ex.

The interview was coming up and she decided to try on outfits that she felt could be appropriate in a customer service role. She had just been in the shower and had shavned everywhere, including her pussy and she felt good about herself. She was drying off and was completely naked while picking out potential interview clothes. She put on a pink ruffled top which hugged her torso, bringing out the shape of her waist and cupped around her breasts, so much so that she didn’t need to wear a bra underneath. It had a little brooch on it, made out of the same material as the top that gave it the edge, like a more professional look. The straps were little strings, with a band of the ruffle material over the top, which made the top look pretty and balanced out her voluptuous breasts.

She then saw a beautifulul back velvet knee length pencil skirt in her wardrobe which she’d never hurt before. It had a bronze zipper at the back which went from the top to the middle of the skirt. She slipped into it, and smiled to herself, as she saw it went well with the pink top. She placed her hands on her waist and moved them to the back of the skirt. She felt the zipper at the back, which went down to her arse. Just touching the velvet felt so good, tightly in position over her hips, following the shape of her legs downwards.

Admiring herself in the outfit, she decided to take a picture of herself in it. She was feeling a little naughty, knowing she had nothing underneath her clothes and having enjoyed lots of conversations with her ex previously, role playing different scenarios with him which always turned her on, and always including different toys and outfits. As she posed for the picture, she felt confident and sexy. She thought it would be a fun idea to just to pinch onto the bottom ofHer skirt, peeling it up to expose her cleanly shawned pussy while she took another picture. It looked ready for some attention. She giggled to herself. This made her both wet and excited with arousal.

Impulsively, she decided to email the company as she had not received the training videos as promised, and the information about the uniform she was expected to wear, as well as instructions for the interview day itself. She Wow, she was feeling very excited now, especially after sending the company that picture of herself. She then took a longer look at the picture they didn’t see, and while she was admiring her bare pussy just peaking out from under the skirt, her other hand made its way down to it and started to stroke it gently. Her soft figers against the sensitive skin feeling amazing and she wanted more.

She put down her phone and instead reached for her mirror. She placed it on the floor and leaned it up against the wall. She sat in front of it, still in the skirt and top; where the skirt was now up around her hips and she had easy access to her pussy. She wanted to watch herself cum. All she could think about was turning up at the interview in just what she was Wearing, nothing underneath and her ex being there. She imagined him being angry that after vowing to leave him alone, she was there in his office; but then imagined him using that anger to feed the tension they had between them. She wanted him to bend her over his desk forcedly and grab hold of her little black skirt, yanking it up past her arse cheeses as fast as he could, his hard cock at the entrance to her wet and tingling pussy; then thrust it inside her, just pounding her.

She started to tease herself by sliding her fingers down to her opening, slowly penetrating it, then bringing them back up, making circles around her clip, without directly touching it. Watching herself in the mirror was exciting her and she wished she was being watched by her ex, too. He knew how naughty she was and knew she loved to be watched. She then began to use her wet pussy to lubricate her clip, by pushing directly on it with her fingers this time, still in circular motions, using More pressure with each rotation; harder and harder.

Her breathing was becoming deeper as she was getting closer to cumming and she was desperately trying to keep looking at herself in the mirror so she could watch herself reach climax. Her eyes wanted to close as she could feel herself indulging in the pleasure of the sensing. It was building and she could feel that familiar warm heat as her pussy became more and more sensitive. She Keep circling her now swollen clip and let out some little moans of ecstasy while she started to shudder, her pussy pulsing uponthe release. She loved that feeling, while she was at the peak of orgasm and everything felt like heaven. After imagining her ex, she wished her pussy was pulsing around his cock, so he could feel exactly what he was doing to her. That would be bliss.

One new email notification. Still hazy from her orgasm, her eyes opened wide. She had received a reply to her earlier email:

“Thank you for your email. I’m sorry that you did not receive the training videos. Please see attached for your information. Your interview outfit looks acceptable for the role and for the interview day. We ask that all applicants are clean and presentable in all areas and this matches that description. If you would like to send any further pictures for guidance purposes, we will accept these within this email. Please note, we have changed Your interview time to 6pm. Looking forward to meeting you”.

She clicked on to one of the training videos. What?! It was her ex. He was the one in the videos, providing the training for whomever would see them. She started to wonder why they were not sent to her before? She couldn’t help but to keep watching the videos, just hearing his deep, masculine voice and seeing his strong body with those wide shoulders and muscle arms just ready to carry her, made her melt even further into her post orgasmic state. He was so dreamy, but she quickly reminded herself that he was off limits and was only for her imagination. He still had a fiancé. She read the email again….”any further pictures”? She looked, confused. Would this really be what someone from such a company would write? She didn’t have any other pictures to send. Well, except ‘that’ one. The one showing off her fuckable pussy. And why had they changed the interview until 6pm? A bit late, she thought. She knew that the branch closed at 6pm. Perhaps that was why?

She heard a message come through. It was her ex, whom she was trying to avoid but avoiding him was not working well for her, as she knew that deep down he would always be her weakness. She opened it: “You’re already making an impression with the management. I’ll see you at 6pm”.

Now she knew. It was him! He was the one who had replied to her and it looks like he was the one interviewing her, too. Great! Now she was nervous, but secretly excited. Her hand started to explore her body again….no, don’t! She stopped herself. But now she really wanted the job, so she decided to send a flirty message back to her ex: “I am ready to show you how clean and presentable I am in all areas. Will there just be you at the interview, or will we have company?”.

He replied “Ready to show me? Do you have another picture you want to share? It will only be me. I don’t think I could let anyone else spend time alone with you wearing that sexy outfit”. She smiled, she knew he was already getting jealous of other people seeing her like that and loved how protected he was over her; but he knew that she loved to be naoughty and take pictures of herself. The two of them just knew what to say to each other. She was trying to decide if she should send that picture or not.

She responded “I do have another picture but I’m not sure I should let the manager see it… unless it would help me get the job. Does that mean you’ll be my boss?”. Almost instantly, she got a response “Send the picture, I will then decide What I need to do with you. And yes, I would be your boss, which I know we will both enjoy”.

Fuck, she knew he was playing on her kinks. She loved to be controlled and was so submissive to him; she would be at his feet all day just waiting for him to tell her what to do. She shook her head, no! Snap out of it, don’t go there, he’s taken. But her urge to be dominated and fucked by him was too strong. She could feel herself getting tingly. This is what she wanted. She wanted to submit to him.

She sent it. No words, just the picture. She collapsed back on her bed, her eyes tight shutand imagining his reaction to what he’s just seen. She smiled to herself and thought about his dick getting hard for her, and she wanted it so badly; his dick fits so perfectly inside her. Another message…”Be there at 6pm, wearing nothing but that outfit”. She giggled. This was very exciting and she couldn’t wait for the interview.

The interview day came and she was now very nervous, although They’d had lots of sexy conversations; it had been over 11 years since they’d seen each other in person and nearly 16 years since they first met. A very long time had passed, but he still had a hold over her. She put on her makeup and did her hair, wearing it how she knew he liked it. She made sure that her pussy was clean saden and looked good enough to eat under the black velvet skirt. She felt so alive, walking around just knowing that she was wearing no panties or bra and that her pussy and breasts were so easy for him to access. She put on some heels too, to finish the look.

She turned up at the branch and it looked empty. She pushed the door open and it made a loud buzzer go off. He will know she’s here, she thought. She walked to the tall front desk, she could hear her heels tapping the floor with each step. Stood waiting, she cleared her throat, her nerves were getting the better of her. All of a sudden, the back door opens and he steps in, he looks up towards the desk. His face is a picture. It’s a mixture of shock and excitement, he almost can’t believe that she is stood in his branch, after all those years. He quickly makes his way over to her and greets her with a “Hello you”, wrapping his muscle arms around her body and squeeze her into him. This feel like home for her and she nuzzled in. He rubbed her back and then squeezed again to hold her some more.

After a while, he opened his arms and pulled her body away from his to look at her face to face. They smiled at each other and he made his happy face, where he smiles at the same time as squeezing his eyes shut for a second. She knew from that face, he was pleased to have her back in his arms. He then stepped away again and gave a deep breath. The time for being sentimental was over, he had switched back to being the manager. His deep, seductive voice welcomed her to the interview and she just kept staring at him in awe. She hadn’t managed to say anything since she saw him, which was unusual for her!

He took her out the back to his office. Walking in, she saw a large rectangular desk and then a big chair behind it…his chair. There was another chair which he had placed in front of his desk for her to sit on. He welcomed her in and she sat down, as the door closed behind them. He went through the interview questions and they both remained professional throughout, while staring into each other eyes for longer than needed each time he paused from asking a question.

He realized that she had really grown up in the time they’d been apart and that her once feistyand lively demeanor had calmed and she was now more mature; he was taken aback by the change in her but he liked the mystery of working her out again. Deep down he knew her personality very well and he was confident knowing that she was still his sexy lady. He wondered why nobody else, not even his fiancé had managed to match their long lasting chemistry and connection, because their desire for each other burned as hot as ever. He considered if the timing was right now, for them to be together again and for him to accept that even though all those years ago she wasn’t what he wanted, time has shown that she is the only person he can be himself with and who just gets him like no one else has.

While sat opposite her, he was becoming aroused, freely glancing down at her breasts while she answered the questions. Her chest was moving Rhythmically up and down as she breathed in and out and he was imagining what her breasts would look like if he pulled her top down so that they became exposed. They agreed on her working hours and discussed a trial week. She explained she had a professional full time job, which she could take holiday from if he needed her to complete a whole weeks trial. He smiled, he selfishly wanted a week with her after not seeing her in the flesh for years.

He then asked her to stand up, she did this and he stood up too. Both facing each other with his desk between them, he calmly told her that she needed a physical examination before he would be happy to start her trial. He reminded her that she was to be clean and presentable in all areas, and as part of the physical examination, he would need to check this.

Her eyes widened as she knew what he meant, she was so close to saying no, because he was still engaged to someone else but again; she wanted him so much that was unable to argue with him. Her mind started wondering, with wild thoughts about what would happen next. Then a voice interrupted her “Are you happy for me to continue?” He said, almost forcedly. “Yes, Sir” she said. Upon being called Sir, he smiled playfully at her.

She stared back at him, not smiling at this point as she became aware of the power dynamic at play. He was most certainly in control here. He was the manager and he would be her boss. She had instantly become submissive, which turned her on, giving her goosebumps all over her body and making her nipples hard.

He used his deep, seductive voice and talked slowly, telling her to place both hands on the desk, which caused her to lean over it, being bent over so her arse was pushed outwards. He was then silent and started to make his way slowly around the desk, his eyes fixed on her body. She could hear his shoes against the tiled floor but she continued to stare ahead, outwardly she looked calm but she was secretly excited about letting him exam her.

He stood behind her and took a moment to admire her body, taking note of her curves and toned areas thinking about how fuckable she was. He bent down and ran a hand up the back of her bare leg, stopping at the bottom of the skirt. He then used both hands to pull the skirt up to her waist in one movement, revealing her arse completely. She felt so exposed now, staring ahead, her eyes wide open with anticipation while he was inspecting her. He was thinking about what he could do to her at that moment. She was so vulnerable there with her arse just out for him; he could take full advantage of her and he knew she would let him. He could feel his dick just begging to be let out to get to her, but he couldn’t let that happen just yet. She was still as he was looking at her, and she waited for his next move. Nothing…and then…slap! He spanked her arse hard. She gasped, flinching on impact and almost jumping up, but did not speak and continued to stare ahead, bent over with her hands on the desk.

He looked down at her arse and saw he had made her red, he had marked her with his handprint and he was enjoying hers, a bit too much. He was beginning to get carried away with his thoughts – he had his ex in his office who he had fantasised about for so long, and he was doing what he wanted to her. He spanked her other cheese, again, as hard as he dare. She flinched upon the impact and gasped again; but this time she pushed her arse back out afterwards, just moving it a little from left to right to provoke him to spank her again. She was enjoying this too, he thought. But he wasn’t going to let her get what she wanted just yet. He pulled her skirt down again. He ordered her to stand up and turn around. His voice had that edge of authority with it, like it was a demand and not an ask; but she was very happy to oblige.

She could still feel the sting from the spanks on her bare cheeses as she moved to stand up and then turned around. She was breathing so deeply at this point in anticipation as to what would happen next. He was stood right in front of her now and he towered over her petite frame. Witout a word, he took her strraps from her shoulders and pulled them right down her arms, stopping at her wrists, which also peeled her top down and revealed her breasts as they fell out of the top which once cupped them perfectly.

He admired her perky nipples, hard from arousal and from being exposed. By now his cock was harder than ever, still inside his trousers. He wanted to suck and bite on her erect nipples but he controlled himself. Instead he used his hands and pinched on both of them at the same time, tugging on them as he did so. Her mouth opened slightly as she let out a small breath in her pleasure filled state. She could feel her pussy tingling and know it was getting wet, just ready to take him inside her, but she didn’t want him to know just how turned on she was.

Too late….he then ran his hand up under the front of her skirt and in between her bare legs from her knees to her pussy. His fingers were at her opening and he could feel everything. His eyes widened this time, he was shocked at how ready she was for him but he loved it too because he realized that power play really got to her and it means she would do anything for him in her aroused state. He liked to be in control and it turned him on to know that he could make her this wet by barely touching her.


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