The Trial of X Ch. 04


He awoke to numbness. Numbness. No pain, no feeling. Nothingness it was a black void. There was nothing he could relate to. For a long moment he was not even sure that he was still on the same plane that he had been on a short while ago. X wanted to get a sense of time. How long had he been gone? Surely, by now someone would notice that he was missing. By now his absence must have been felt. Regardless that he was scheduled to be at several parties before Friday and his weekend had been booked solid. Someone had notice; he kept thinking to himself, someone knows that I am gone.

The blackness began to receive, but not the numbness; he still felt nothing, a wholly frightening thought. He began to have visions, blurry, flashing, moving things in the distance, but other than that nothing. Numb, blank, a body without feeling, unresponsive. It would have made his skin prickly if he could feel his skin. He commanded his arms to move, he commanded his legs to move. He commanded his head to move. He searched in a nonexistent mouth for a tongue. He looked with eyes that could not focus for something to see. But there was nothing.

Then, as if an explosion was filling the void, sound, sound rushed in and overwhelmed him. He could hear with vivid clarity, almost as if hearing was the focus of all his senses. He heard and he heard. The sounds filling him up, overwhelming X as he lay upon a surface he could not feel.

“It’s not perfect. He is hearing. But otherwise, it seems to be effective.” He heard a masculine voice says.

“Good, leave me with the antidote. Continue to work on it. I want this perfected before the end of the week.” That was Tech. He could recognize her with a sickening familyarity. The conversation made no sense. The voice was surely not that of Lila, but he could not think of anyone that had made his acquaintance during his time with Tech who would accurately fit the voice that he was hearing. He grasped at strategies of memory to find a face to match the voice, but there was nothing there that conjured and image. No face to attach to the sounds, no comprehension to attach to the words.

He felt a ticket, somewhere in the void that was his body. Suddenly it was a great surge of sensing, moving up his legs, over his chest, his arms his neck his head, everything was alive with warmth and a prick and a buzz, chaos and pleasureable. He was waking once again into the consciousness world. His eyes focused, and they focused on the smiling face of Tech.

“Welcome, welcome, my precious X. And how are we this fine and sunny morning?” X looked around, his tongue was alive again, and the gag was still in place. He could move though, his hands, arms, legs and feet were finally free. He swung his hand to slap Tech, but was suddenly numb with pain. He almost lost consciousness again, but was able to maintain his grip this time.

“Now, now, don’t do anything unnecessarily foolish, really.” Tech held up a small blackbox. “This, my love, is your leash. We begin your training today, and as such we must begin with your leash. We cannot just have you running about as if you were free. You see, my dear, freedom is a prize that one acquires with maturity. You have experienced so much freedom so much pleasure. Look out that window. Don’t you see it out there? Do you see the light falling on the grass, the birds flying about, free, all free? They live and work for their pleasure, thinking about nothing but themselves, happy taking care of their own selfish wants.

Much like you, my X. They were much like you. Taking on petty cares and desires with no understanding of what freedom really is. How you loved to spoil yourself and the world be damned, but you shall learn to love what you can earn rather than what you can get. I shall teach you to understand the absolute freedom of your servitude. You will be so beautiful.” As Tech finished she ran a finger down X’s chest.

“Well, my, but don’t we have a lot of things to do today. First, we must explain your leash, before I forget. I must try not to meaner so much about things you simply cannot understand with your unformed mind.

You see this box, here. This is the leash. There is a wireless connection between this and the iron maiden. The maiden, you see, is far more delicious instrument than you first imagined, and it will serve as Both your guide and maker into your new world. The leash controls the maiden and I control the leash. When you tried to hit me your body was filled with pain. That was from the leash. Let me explain to you in detail how all of this works.

The maiden, which encases your penis, is very special. It does not just hold it or clamp it. It is now an actual part of your anatomy and your being. It is a part of you. While you were unconscious my assistants and I worked to rebuild certain parts of that muscle to work within the maiden. At the same time the delicate wiring was laced outwards from youpenis and into the sub dermis of your skin, so that now, your entire body has a small, nearly invisible micro skeleton that I can control at the touch of a button. This process took us almost three months, but the result is not only magnificent but also highly effective. With my leash, a remote control really, I can control almost every function of your body. Is that not absolutely superb? It does take time, Though, I don’t have complete control of you yet, but as the month’s progress I shall be able to control more and more of you until you are like a robot responding to my whims. This however is only temporary until you have learned to serve without such coercion.”

X starred at Tech blankly. Three months. He had been gone three months. It seemed that he heard little else that she had said. Three months he had been gone and no one had come to rescue him. Was he that unpopular among the upper echelon, surely, not him? Why had no one come, why was no one looking? Three months, alady? He could think of little else.

Tech laughed again. “So easily you are unfocused and loose track. You’ve not heard a word I said, really, a shame, I think. Let us go.” Tech stood in front of X and took his hand. X pulled away, and Tech pushed the button. Again he was overcome with pain. Tech waited patiently until X was responsive than took his hand again. X followed this time Without encouragement, if only to see where it was that he might be going. They walked for awhile down a long and winding corridor. X was hopefully lost after several turns and a walk down some stairs. He was cold as he moved through the empty space, although it was designed to present warmth, X could feel nothing but cold. The hall was carpeted in bright red with an oriental pattern running through all of the thick lushness that fell underneath his feet. The walls were a warm cream on one side and open windows on the other, making the entire walk either warm orange or a mellow pink as the light came inThrough the windows. There were not pictures on the walls, but doors, so many doors that X eventually lost count of them all and stopped trying to guess what could be behind them.

They moved out of the walk into a large hall and Tech continued to walk towards a door set a way off across the now tiled floor. The floor made X feel even colder after the walk through the carpeted halls. The door they were walking towards was small compared to the hall and the doors X had seen. Everything about it was under toned in contrast to everything else in the house.

Tech opened the door and pushed X into it. As he entered he found that within was the most massive and luxurious bathroom he had ever seen. There was a chain locke set in the center of it. In one corner there was set into a shower space, completely open to the room with no doors, obviously this room was designed not only be functional but ornate and luscious with smooth comfort. Tech walked X to the locke and instructedhim to stand there before her.

X continued his examination of the room. Aside from the nicely placed showering corner, on the other side of the room in yet another corner seemed to be a small indoor garden that was enjoying the morning sunlight pouring through a greenhouse wall. A whirlpool was set near the garden and rather close to that looked to be a well stocked bar. Towards the entrance to the room there where a few comfortable chairs and a floor to ceiling bookcase filled with various books. The middle, shelves, however, hold not books but an odd array of various looking tools, none of which X could think of a use for, but again, his mind began to wonder upon their destined use.

One thing was sure, this was not a place in which X had ever resided or visited with Tech when they had been together. It was entirely unknown to him, and X began to Wonder how much more about Tech was entirely unknown to him. He had essentially kept up his arrangement with Tech because she was wealthy, and had such had kept him to the lifestyle to which he was accustomed without costing him any money, his preferred way to live. Regardless X had more than enough to support himself, but it was often far easier to allow himself to be supported by women. There was also, for X anyway, a small amount of pleasure at their surprise when he grew tired and left them. It seemed that they honestly believed he needed them for their support, when if fact that was not true.

All of this, at the moment, was running through X’s head. Why Tech, why had he chosen her. She was pretty to be sure, but not overwhelming stunning, why had he chosen her, and why? Why, did she want to take out some kind of sick revenge against him?

He wanted to voice this, but the gag was still quite firmly in place, and he could say nothing. His mouth had started to hurt awhile ago from the pressure of the gag pushing his lips apart, but he was to busy examining the room and his situation to pay it muchattention. While he had been lost in thought Lila had entered the room and she was now standing in front of him. She was again naked but for her chains and she dropped to her knees and clamped X’s feet in shades that were hidden in removable tiles in the floor. X through to protest, but Tech held up the leash. X smiled and made to hit her again, and found his body awake in pain, stunning and darkening. It took him a second to recover from it. He was surprised he had not fallen, but Lila was holding him up by the wait.

Tech walked towards the door and flipped a switch, but rather than light, a small buzzing sound filled the room and from above X’s head a pair of menacles was lowered, that were quickly fixed around his arms before he had a chance to struggle or try to prevent it. His body was still weak from the attack and there was nothing he could do but allow it to happen. Tech toggled the switch until X was being stretched just a bit between the hands and the feet, but for the most part he was able to stand quite comfortable with his hands pulled above his head.

Tech walked towards the door and flipped a switch, but rather than light, a small buzzing sound filled the room and from above X’s head a pair of manufacturers was lowered, that were quickly fixed around his arms before he had a chance to struggle or try to prevent it. His body was still weak from the attack and there was nothing he could do but allow it to happen. Tech toggled the switch until X was being stretched just a bit between the hands and the feet, but for the most part he was able to stand quite comfortable with his hands pulled above his head.

He was not hanging but he felt as if he might as well, he no longer felt like being a part of Tech’s game and it would have be simpler to just go limp and acquiresce to her desires, but the Thought of giving into Tech’s wishes was enough to make him feel sick, and he straitened and stood stock still in the chains, glaring into Tech’s eyes as she smiled in front of him.

“Now, as I plan to make you into something lovely and useful, I think we should start be removing some of the, shall we say, unnecessary masculine traits from you. I would prefer that you were more aware of the state in which I want to keep you. As it is I have always found your body hair disordering, and I think it is time to remove it for good. Also, for what I intend body hair will just be distracting and get in the way.”

X glared and Tech smiled. “Oh, I could have removed it all while we had you upstairs, but really it seemed so silly. I know how much you enjoy being able to take care of your bears and I really thought that you should be conscious for this. You may not put much stock in it, but I can almost see you jumping with glee when you found your first pit hair. I think of you lying on your back as a young teenager masturbating while fondling your wispy pubes.

Yes, I understand just how important it must have been for to needto shake for the first time. I shall enjoy being able to remove that burden from you for a while. Alas, at first stage we shall have to repeat this at least once more, but after that, you shall be as nice and shiny as they day you were born.”

Tech grabbed a fistful of X’s hair and pulled him violently towards her. “I’ll let you keep this for now, but if it suits me, you might loose it as well.” She let him go. Lila had been moving around during Tech’s speech and now stood in front of X with what looked like a pair of electronic tweezers. The thing was plugged in and a cord ran across the bathroom floor to an extension cord. Lila turned it on and it began to buzz. She place it on the floor and picked up an object that was shaped somewhat like a flashlight with a rounded end. Lila pointed it towards the ceiling and pressed the button and it buzzed as well. She placed them both on the floor and stepped back, waiting for Tech’s command.

“Let me explain, as I am sure that you arecurious by now. The first tool you saw was a newly designed electroniclysis device. That will be a bit more painful as you will be able to feel every hair that we pull out as it is given a shock and then removed. It will be lovely to watch. The second thing that you saw is what we shall use first. It is completely painful and will be used to remove the hair from you face. It is a laser hair remover, and normally we would have had to take you to a clinic to have used it, but, well, friends, and money can be useful, as I am sure you are aware. Regardless once we have lasered your face we will finish with the rest of you. I’m really quite looking forward to this.”

X continued to glared he struggled in his chains but it was impossible for him to move. He could not release himself and he was trapped by her here. There was little he could do. Lila began to rub his face with a slippery goo, that felt cold and wet, and had a slight alcohol scent to it.

For a moment X was worried because he knew that alcohol could damage his features, one of the reasons why he always used a natural shaving lotion that contained no alcohol. Lila then placed the machine against his face and pressed the button. X felt nothing, but Lila continued to work until she had covered his entire face that way, placing the machine and pressing the button. X began to wonder if Tech had not gone quite mad, or delusional with all the gadgetry she supposedly possessed.

When Lila had finished X’s face was still covered in goo, but it felt, strange, tingly. Lila used an arasive washcloth and began to swipe at his face. X had not really had opportunity to touch or feel his body since the beginning of his imprisonment, and was quite surprised that when Lila held up the clothes he could see there the gel and fine hairs. She continued to wipe and scrub his face till There was not a sign of the gel she had put on him. Tech walked forward and ran a hand across one cheese and then the other. She was quite amused, it seemed with the results.

“Yes, that will do nicely. Now, my girl, I believe it is time to attend to other matters.” At this Tech grabbed a hold of the iron maiden and raised it so that X’s scrotom was exposed to allow Lila better access. Lila was on her knees at this point and she toggled the switch which began to electrology machine. The machine buzzed and vibrated and X could feel the slight electrical charge that it was putting off as Lila approached his tests. The sudden realization of what she was going to do sickened him, but he did not dare jerk with Tech holding him as she was. Lila placed the machine against him, picked a hair, and X felt the tick click of the electric shock being sent towards him. It hurt, he could feel it like a spark inside of him, he wanted to withdraw but he could not. It Lila continued. Tick, click, Tick, click, X was dizzy with the pain and sensing of it, when he became aware of another sensing. Tech was struggling him just belowthe iron maiden as Lila continued to work, and as X stared at Tech he realized that he was becoming hard. He felt the walls of the maiden as they closed around him with a firmer grip. It was warm now, and he could feel Tech’s hand, just outside, warming the metal sheath that incased him. He wanted to spit at her, but there was a part of him that was fascinated, he had expected pain, he had expected to be impotent, but this was unusual and a surprise. He could not be sure how it was that he was able to become erect but the proof of it was there to be sure. He was still functional.

Lila continued, Tick click, and now, to X’s disgust each plumge of power into his flesh made him harder, each hair being pulled away gave him a shock of pleasure unlike anything he had experienced before. After several more minute’s X was overcome with waves of pleasure unlike anything he had experience before. He felt a hand near his mouth, and suddenly his gag was freed. Lila continued to work, slowly, with no sense of the urgency that X felt building within him. Tech still held him firmly in the maiden, not moving him in any direction, it was the tick, click of the machine that was making him insane with need and desire.

Lila continued and X could feel the thrumming rub of the electricity making the remaining hairs stand on end, as if craving the promise of the charge hold there. The hair on his legs was rising to meet the sound, the thrum, the feel as Lila continued to work, maddeningly slowly. X tried to regain control of himself but he was overwhelmed with the pleasure that he was feeling. Suddenly he felt Tech’s warm breath as she began to speak into his ear, nothing above a whisper.

“I’m ashamed of you, X, really, you are such a disturbed deviant. I would have thought you to be disgusted by what we are doing but to find you hard, instead. Really, have you no shame?” X didn’t speak, he didn’t want to reply. Tech squeezed the maiden, and it seemed no that the metalwas like a second skin, amplifying the pleasure of the hand that was holding it. X suddenly groaned, without control as Lila continued to pull the hairs. He was slipping he new it. He tried to control himself, anything to keep from orgasm a the hands of these twisted women. Tech continued to whisper in his ear and it seemed to him that every comment she made about his wretched state only further aroused him. X sought desperately for images that would sicken him and leave him flagcid and in control, but everything that came to mind only made him harder, making the pleasure more real.

Tick, click, tick, Lila worked on him, and then Tech began to rationally pull upon his member, causing his hips to jerk forward in acceptance without warning. X groaned again, and Lila continued to work, slowly, almost finished now with what she had begun and, as she began to remove the hairs on his scrotom just below his penis X was spent and came in a body wrenching orgasm as Tech’s laughter burned his ears.


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