The story begins with X. X is what one would typically refer to as a normal man, a sane man. Of course he is strong, and devilishly charming. Wonderful with both women and men, although is interests lie much more with women, shunning his own gender out of the polite masculine disgusts that make most men prefer women. To prefer the company of men is one thing, of course, but to share more intimate moments would be undignified.
There is nothing undignified about X. He is entirely in control of his situation. And truly that is where all the trouble begins for him. When one desires nothing but absolute control it must finally be accepted that control is not what you will be allowed to have. And so, this is where X ends up, you see. Wanting those things he cannot have, simply because he wants them.
The story begins, we should say more correctly with X making the decision to end the affair he has been having of late with Mademoiselle Tech. Tech, has been a part of his life for the last six months, and although he found her at first very alluring, as with most things he has grown bored with her.
Early one sunny Saturday morning as she served him a polite brunch, he drank deeply of his coffee, took a bite of toast, and rose. He pulled Tech to him, kissed her politely on the cheese, and said quietly “It¡¯s over”. With that he walked out into the sunshine crossed to his expensive car and drive away. Thinking nothing more of it.
Over the next several weeks as he attended fashionable social parties he glimpsed Tech across the crowd. It is more accurate to say that she glimpsed him, as he was entirely unaware of her presence in the room, and took no notice of her whatsoever, but she paid careful attention to him.
As the ever so popular Christmas ball season rolled around X Found himself with more than average numbers of engagements, and in his love for himself decided it was better to be overbooked than not to be booked at all and R.S.V.Ped to all of the parties without paying any attention to whom was throwing the gala or where. And true to his style he made at least a cursory appearance at each event he had engaged himself to.
It was at the fifth ball in his week, on Wednesday, when he met for the first time Lila. Lila was absolutely exhaustive. He noticed her immediately even across the crowded hall. Her hair was the flamencing and flameboyant strawberry red that was so natural and so unnatural all at the same time.
Her body was petite with milk white skin that flowed smoothly under the strawless black dress that she was wearing. The dress was cut like an hourglass, revealing her uncovered stromach on both sides, and curving gently up to cover her more than ample breasts which bobbed freely in the fabric without any obvious restraint. Her neck had a sunken hollow in which a small tear shaped diamond wept perfectly, and he wanted nothing more than to press his eyes against it, and see if the tear would fit on his faceas easily as if fit on her chest. She was a vision of loveliness.
Her shoes, even where shaped much like her dress with straws that crisscrossed up her legs making them look longer and even more perfect, naked with no stockings. He suspected, as he watched her move that she wore no undergarments at all, and that she would have preferred to come naked to this ball rather than clothed. The way in which she moved seemed more suited to nudity then to clothing, and he would have loved dearly to have helped her to avail herself of the confining clothes, even with a large crowd to watch. She seemed the kind of women made for a public display, something to be oohed, and ahhed over in an arena by many men and women in costume dress.
He watched her carefully for a while, forgetting that he was scheduled to depart this party for yet another. He watched her flirt with base bachelors, and married men, and he took in her form, and intricate shape, and finally decided that he could standit no more.
He caused crossed the hall, and managed to be standing next to her and the small group of men who were speaking to her. Men had flocked around her all night. They were attracted by her looks and the by the smell of youth and innocent that wafted from her.
As he stood beside her he caught a whiff of what could only be strawberries. Strawberries in her perfume or on her hair, the scent maddening and stirring his desire more.
“And so, as you can see it is the complete inability to justify his actions that make him such and interesting character. Why, the book, of course, is as well known as it is.” Some old buffoon finished as X walked forward and allowed his arm to brush that of Lila.
“Yes, either that or you ability to read the dust jacket.” Lila responded. The buffoon blushed beat red from the top of his shiny baldhead to the turkey gobbler neck the waddled above his bow tie.
X laughed as well, and introduced himself politely, and she the same. He managed to cut in and cut her off from the party, to which Lila was not only amiable but seemed actually quite pleased. As if she were expecting him to come for him. Her attitude was waiting and expected. Her lips seemed never to close all the way, and the way in which she held herself seemed to be both an offering and acceptance of an offer.
Lila suggest a drink, and they wandered away from the crowd to a more secluded part of the ball. They were outside now, with the stars overhead, looking across the blackened garden and topiary bushes that were growing about. Obviously much cared for and loved by some hand.
Their glasses her empty, and she scooped X glass before he could complain. “Stay here” she said and moved her lips towards his. He felt nothing but the gentle cares of her tongue running along the expected opening of his mouth before she skipped lightly away, and entered the hall.
He looked up at the stars, and out across the garden. He felt a hand on his back and turned to see Lila¡ ¯s eyes smiling and laughing at him at the same time. She offered him his drink, which looked to be a whisky on ice, and he drank it fully in one swallow and grabbed her in his arms.
She laughed and pulled away from him, slipping out of his grap by slipping out of her dress. The last thing he saw before darkness enfolded his eyes were her pale nipples reflecting the pale crescent moonlight, and a fire burning her from the belly.
Chapter II
The felt bumped and juggled. His mouth felt like it was full of cotton. He tried to clear the hair that had fallen across his face with his hand, but the found that he could not do it. He tried to recall what was happening, but he was unable to do so.
He floated in the car and realized he was in the back seat. There were two people in the front talking in low whispers. He could make out very little of what they were saying as he was jostled in the back.
He blacked out again, not knowing where he was or how long he had been out. He was no longer moving. He was not in a car. He was propped against a door. His hands where free.
X looked about him, stood up. It was still dark, it did not seem that to much time had passed since he had been in the car. He could not remember now. He remembered the party. He remembered a red headed girl. He grasped in his mind for her name, but could not find one and so let it slip away again. Something like a flower, he thought to himself, like a flower.
He looked about and could see no car, no road, nothing. The walk to the door seemed to move off into the distance and enter into a forest. Perhaps he was at the back door. It would to him, especially having spent so many years in the city that it would be impossible to be so far from other houses, or cars. Could he have come that far in so short a time.
X shivered his body was chill, and a sudden appreciation of being cold, exposed, and lost filled him with a terror that shocked and appalled him. He turned towards the door and knocked, thinking that some cruel joke had been played upon him. At least whoever answered the door might be of some help.
There was no answer, though, and after a second knock, deeper, louder and more intense, he checked the door. Seeing that it was unlocked, he entered it. The room was pitch black, much blacker than it had been outside. He took a step into the room and was suddenly pushed from behind.
He sprayed into the room and heard the door click shut behind him. He stood up quickly and tried to look around but in the gloom he could see nothing. There was darkness and stillness and nothing else.
“Hello,” he called out into the room, only to hear his echo reflecting the sentiment back from the walls.
“Hello,” he called again and This time he was answered. The room flooded with light and he raised his hands to shade his eyes. As he raised his hand they were captured and forced suddenly behind his back and he heard the snick of a clap as they were locked solidly and firmly in place. He tried to free his hand but it was impossible. His eyes began to adjust to the light in the room. He could see spiral stairs moving upward and away from him. In front another large hall, and rooms seemed to be leading off in the distance wherever he looked. The hall he was in now had a marble floor, white, and blazing, reflecting the light into his eyes.
He tried to turn around but felt himself being firmly held in place. He jerked and began to violently struggle and cursing under his breath, but two meaty hands on his shoulders kept him firmly in place. The clicking sound drew his attention away from his pulse to the stairs. There, walking easily over the steps and slowly winding down was Lila, her red hair blazing even more devilishly in the light. She walked slowly, as a woman possessed. The clicking sound was the tap of her black heels against the white marble.
And now, she was, ashe had imagine her, and hardly glimpsed her completely nude, walking towards him with something glinting in her hand.
He opened her mouth to speak at her but she shook her head, and before X could say a word he found one of the giant meaty hands covering his mouth making it impossible for him to utter more than a small muffled sound. He was barely able to breath he was so firmly held under the hand.
Lila walked up to him and stood gazing in his eyes. She razed her hand and he saw there a scientific scalpel. Clean and shiny and sharp, deadly, and small. So tiny and perfect and instrument that he would barely feel it as it cut his flesh like butter.
She raised it and wheeling the instrument with what had to have been hours of meticulous practice she carefully ran it over the edge of his legs, up his shoulders, and own again. Not stopping until she feel he chick of her blade against his boot.
She took three steps back and nodded her head. The beefy hands that held Xpicked him up into the air and gave him three violent shakes. On the third he was set back upon the floor, naked but for his shoes. Lila had cut his clothes so thoroughly that the fall immediately to the ground. X¡ ¯s first thought was the cost of his 700 dollar suit, but then raw hatred flooded into his eyes he fixed Lila with the deadliest gaze he could. Weaker women had cried in terror when he had looked at them thus.
As he looked at Lila he could swear she was laughing, although she did not make a sound, her lips did not move, nor did her face show the slightest hint of amusement, warmth, anger, or even recognition of the condition of the man in front of her. It was then that X realized there was in fact laughter and it was not coming from the women who he was confronting.
He tried to turn his head, but it was no good. The hands that held his head in a vice like grip did not budget. He couldn’t move his tongue between his teeth, he was pinned staring into the eyes of thepale emotionless red haired devil in front of him. Lila stared, and did nothing else, and he stared into her gleaming green eyes, and in them saw a reflection that sent a shiver through his body. The laughing began again, and a shape moved into view behind Lila.
She bit furiously into Lila’s shoulder and then moved back to exam X. Blood dripped lightly down Lila’s pale skin, and slowly off the heart shaped chin of the women who had bitten her. The heart shaped chin was more than a little familiar to X. As were the cold, steel gray eyes, the dark jet-black hair, and the olive colored skin. The lips were painted red as the blood that currently caresed them. With slender beautifully manicured fingers she wiped the blood off causeally and onto Lila’s snow-white body.
“Now isn’t this a pretty picture” She said out loud. X stared at Tech and time they had spent together came back. He had been bored with her to be sure, when he left. Although she was an intelligent woman and asatisfactionfactory lover X had felt that she lacked something. She was not completely female, somehow to masculine, and perhaps this is what had driven him to leave her. She looked into his eyes, and laughed again.
“I see you have met my Lila”, she smiled. It was then that X knew that Tech had arranged for Lila to be precisely where she had been that night. She was the kind of woman that X would hunger for and instinctively peruse. He tried to recall if he had seen her face floating in the background at other events, but could not be sure that he had seen her, as he could not be sure that he had seen Tech watching his every move during the balls.
Tech moved around him and examined the shadows, she nodded her head the arms that were pinning him so thoroughly were suddenly gone and X was free with only the restraints on his arms, he walked towards Tech, and stood, staring into her eyes, thinking in his mind of his power over women, of his secret power that he believed he held.
X was so confident in the power of his charisma that he honestly believed that with a gaze and the proper words he could control a woman completely. Truly it was an art that he had practiced since birth and he was quite confident in his ability as he had demonstrated it both in private with women, and in public to friends when he had the occasions.
“I said, my dear, that it was over. This is quite Unnecessary. So, where is the key, and I’ll be leaving.” He said it in the most measured voice he could manage. He said it staring into Tech’s eyes as he stared into her soul, as he exerted every small piece of physical and mental energy that he could into the effort he believes would turn her to his will.
At that moment just as X thought he must surely be prevailing Lila screamed a blood curdling scream and launched herself at X. He tried raise his hands to protect himself but there was nothing he could do. Lila, bit and scratched him, and he felt himself crying out for her to stop in a way that was not at all masculine. Tech raised a hand and Lila fell to her knees in front of X.
She walked forward and looked X in the eyes. She stared at him as he had stared at her, and she smiled. Tech ran a finger over the large scratch that Lila had left across his chest.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a full light.” she remarked. “You are far less, well, male than I expected. I always thought that perhaps you were muscular, as it seems I always imagined you had them, but I suppose I was deceived, no wonder you prefer gloom to light. In the light it is quite obvious that your body is not only not interesting, but sadly, pathetic and unkempt.”
X glared at her. He could not believe that she would dare to question the power of his body, as he had always felt that, yes, perhaps undeveloped he had a wy strength. He flexed his muscles despite the cuffs, which provoked another laugh from Tech.
She ran a hand over his lips, which were somewhat full like a girls, a bit pouty. She placed her fingers against his eyes, which were thick and bushy. She ran a hand over his hair which fell in blonde dishhevelment to just below his shoulders, and had been just lightly sprayed into place. She allowed her hand to slide down his arms, completely uncut by the scalpel used to remove his clothes, and followed the lines until she managed to find his nipples, which she gently caresed. As her fingers streaked back and forth across his chest he realized that Lila had moved her mouth towards his balls, and was in fact, gently flicking her tongue across them.
Tech pinched his nipple and he drew in his breath unexpectedly as he suddenly came to full hardness, much to his surprise and chagrin. He had always thought himself fairly well endowed when compared to the competition, in reality some ex-girlfriend obsessed size queen had once measured him out to be just over eight inches and rather large around. Being suddenly manipulated by these women into hardness irritated X, but he tried to use his sudden jutting as leverage against the women.
“Look, my dear,” he began, “perhaps your other lovers have proven less than adequate, and although I must admit to a certain excitement in your game here, I really have no interest in you any longer. You are not”, he continued “very excited, or even very threatening, so I think it is time for you to end this charade and to let me go.”
As he finished his little speech he felt Lila’s lips close around the head of his penis and she began to suck very slowly. Her mouth was wet, and full, and she had some skill. Tech smiled as she watched X, still trying to control the situation.
“You don’t seem to understand, my love. You see, I have no intention of letting you go. I have never been so calledly treated as I have been by you, and as such, I feel that perhaps an example should be made. You see, I have no intention of fucking you, nor any interest in it. What I want,”and as she said this she placed her hands around his balls and pressed at the same time driving him deeply into Lila’s mouth, “is to control you completely, you understand. To control every move you make, every action of your body, every thought in your vacuum little mind, and I mean to, as well.”
“And just how do you intend to do that?” X asked, feeling quite sure of himself. A woman being able to control a man, how absurd?! He felt Lila¡ ¯s hand on his shake and her mouth removed itself and he looked down to see that in her hands was some more so rounded metal shake. Smiling she gave it to Tech. Tech held it in front of X’s eyes.
“The beginning of your servitude” she said. With that she pushed a button and the shake snapped open revealing an interior that looked like a Venus flytrap. It had small metal pins lining it entirely from top to bottom. She smiled again and before X could even think to move or to try in some other way to protect himself she clapped in around his penis and clamped it shut.
He felt the most body numbing age he had every experience in his entire life. His entire being was inflamed with pain as the needs bit into his hard shake, and what was worse he did not feel himself shrinking from the pain. Instead it felt as if he was growing even fuller and harder in the confinement, which was only causing his body further devastation, until finally he blacked out from the sheer overwhelming sensing shock of it all.
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