This first chapter is pretty fluffy romance with a little bit of light kink. I do hope to write more, maybe even some stuff post college. I think the beginnings pretty rough, reading back over it now, but I don’t think I’m a strong enough writer to fix it.
It can be difficult having dangerous fansies. They cloud the periphery of your thoughts and spread like smoke with the flickers of your desire. I spent years feeling invisible and desperate. In high school I usually found what attention I did get, a little bit confusing. I had an edge style which seemed to either scare people off or make them think I would be the forceful one in a relationship. When I started college, I started making small risky choices, in hopes that my life would get more exciting. I went for walks alone as the sun was setting. My clothes got skimpier and I tried to flirt more. There were a few guys at the college that I kind of liked. A couple professors that I found some distracting. None of them seemed interested in me.
No one wants to be rapid, I didn’t really either. I did want something close to it. Close enough that it felt wrong. I was also scared that what I actually wanted just wasn’t realistic or wouldn’t end well.
I knew this wasn’t the smartest way to behave, but it was like a compulsion. No one noticed or took advantage of my foolishness. Hell, I wasn’t doing anything that a girl shouldn’t be able to do safely. Society was being like it’s supposed to. At some point I accepted that I wasn’t the type of girl that got the kind of attention that I wanted. I felt guilty and silly for even trying. I managed to distract myself with erotica. I dug out the books that I read in high school. It was comfortable to return to fantasy worlds, like I had done so much of my life. I stopped trying to force myself into social situations and took up the habit of reading during any lul or break in the day. I didn’t really have any good friends anyway so itwas easy to receive back into the background on campus.
When I was looking for new reading material, I found some websites that hosted short stories and allowed pornographic content. Some of it was really good, comparable to some of the books I had, but of course there were varying levels of quality and lots of different tastes represented. I had never thought of myself as a writer, but maybe it could be fun.
I spent a couple of weeks mulling over the idea of writing some erotica, but I wasn’t sure how to start. They say to write what you know… but honestly most of my real world sex expierence was a little underwhelming.
One afternoon I was sitting in the library and I saw a man with pale green eyes and sandy blond hair. He held himself with a lot of confidence and he was very pleasant to look at. Something about him reminded me of the twins that lived next door to me when I was a kid. That thought led me back to a long forgetten memory. Well, more of a fantasy really. I had an embarrassing crush on the slightly older boys, but they were kind of mean. Sometimes when I couldn’t sleep, I would admit to myself how they made me feel. There was a treehouse in the woods near our neighborhood. None of us kids know who built it, but the brothers would often try to claim it and keep the other kids out. My imagination conjured up the idea of the twins tricking me into the treehouse and tying me up. Keeping me there and exploring my body. Making me do things and using me. I wasn’t sure where I got the idea back then, but the premise still appealed to me.
When I got home, I made myself a sandwich and locked myself in my room before my room could appear. The sun was beginning to set as I pulled out my laptop and got to typing. I told my early fantasy with as much vibancy as I could muster. I didn’t have any trouble adjusting it to be about college students. In the story the men had built the treehouse in their own backyard when they were younger. Iused my memory of the man from the library to describe them and it made it even more exciting. It was very late by the time I posted it to the smut websites “non-con” category.
The next morning I felt better than usual and I put a little more time into my makeup and outfit. I matched my eyeshadow to my mint green tights and wore a black skater dress that made me feel good. I only had a couple of classes that day and I Strolled over to the cafeteria to grab a quick lunch before I headed home. Some acquaintances from high school were sitting at a table with the green eyed guy. He seemed to be telling a story and they were hanging on his every word. I was a little started, but I tried not to show it as a flush bloomed on my cheeks. I kept walking to go order. I deflated in the line. This was silly, why was I such a hormone nut over someone that I didn’t even know. Maybe spending all of my time in fantasy worlds was taking its toll on my behavior.
I looked at some dating apps and sites on my phone but I didn’t feel like they were for me. I wasn’t sure why, I guess maybe I was just afraid. I got a salad with extra chickpeas to go and ate it at the bus stop. I noticed that my story had been liked by a few people and I distracted myself with ideas for my next story.
After I got caught up on my homework, I wrote a scene involving a professor set in a dark corner of the labyrinthian library. A fantasy that I drifted to frequently. I felt so frustrated with only living out my fansies in written words or in my head. In a moment of intense desire I pulled up a dating app on my phone and made a profile before I could chicken out. It had the option of linking a website or social media and after a moment of hesitation, I linked my treehouse story. That would probably scare away anyone who Actually read it and save me some embarrassment.
I was sitting by myself in the cafeteria when I noticed that I had a message in the app.
Benjamin would like to message you (Accept) or (Deny) My heart lurched at the semi-familiar sight of the green eyed man that I had only seen twice, staring at me from the small profile picture. I clicked accept and unconsciously held my breath while it loaded.
“Hello Claire, I believe that I’ve seen you around the campus before but haven’t met you yet. I am also a writer and I found your story very interesting. I would love to meet you and maybe go on a date.” I was shocked. As a slightly heavier girl, who’s never gotten a lot of attention, this guy just seemed like a daydream to me. He was really gorgeous and he said he was a writer. Could this be some kind of trick? He even said he read my story… oh shit, he had read a story that I wrote where two men that matched his physical description abducted and raped the point of view character. Fear hummed down my back and my stomach clenched, but I was also excited.
“Hello Benjamin, I think that I recognize you too. I wouldn’t really consider myself a writer, but thank you and I would love to read some of your writing. Do you want to meet up somewhere on campus first? I realized that my hand was shaking slightly from adrenaline, so I set my phone down for a second and took a deep breath. I didn’t get a chance to calm myself as I immediately noticed Benjamin sitting across the cafeteria, staring straight at me with a self satisfied smile. My phone buzzed and I checked it, to see that he had responded,
“May I join you?”
“Yes, of course’ I texted back, trying not to panic. After checking his phone, he stood and strode across the room with the purpose and grace of a hunting mountain lion. His slim, muscle silhouette was struggling in black denim and a light grey t-shirt.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Claire.” he said, as he sat across from me. My mind felt blank in that frustrating way that accompanies fear and arousal. I sat up a little straighter, suddenly very self-conscious about the swell of tummy under myskirt.
“Oh thank you Benjamin. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Oh no, how are you supposed to start these things? You are supposed to date and build on mutual interests and emotions, but right now it was hard to think or care about anything beyond the physical pull he had on me.
“If you are free right now, would you like to walk over to the art buildings with me? They have a visiting artist so the gallery is all set up and they put out refreshments.’ Thankful that I had eaten a small lunch and wasn’t carrying much today, I tossed my phone into my messenger bag.
‘That sounds nice, I’d love to.” I followed his lead to the door and he took my arm as we got out onto the wider paths.
“I’m not an art student personally, but I have been working as a model this semester. It’s a really unique experience.” I pictured him sitting nude in the middle of a classroom and feel a slight warmth. At risk of sounding over enthusiastic, I stammered.
“That’s really cool. I’ve always wanted to do something like that. I probably could not work up the confidence.” Benjamin slowed us to a stop and gently pulled my opposite shoulder, turning me to face him. Tentatively, he cupped my cheek and tilted my face.
“Maybe you just need some strong validation to help you build confidence.” The words, the impish grin, The sparkle in his eyes. It just about took my breath away. I really felt like he could see me. “I find you incredibly beautiful Claire and I hope that you give me more chances to tell you that. In fact, I deeply desire to show you how beautiful I find you.’ I managed a breathy,
“Thank you.” and stared into his frosty emerald eyes, hoping that my expression was conveying my unspoken excitement.
There were about thirty people millioning about the gallery, with enough space for conversations to feel relatively private. We munched on fruit and sweets while conversing over the art, school, pets, interests. Eventually we drifted outside, to a bench under a tree.
Benjamin’s hand rested low on my waist and my body hummed like a tuning fork.
“I’d like to spend more time with you Claire. Could I take you out for dinner this weekend?”
“I’d like that,” I breathed, as I laid my hand on his thigh. My fingers ached to explore and feel more of his lightly muscled frame. The jeans failed to hide how he feel About my touch. He gently pulled me closer to his side and spoke in a low growl.
‘I’m trying to be a gentleman, but I can’t stop thinking about your story.” There was a pause, as I didn’t know what to say, so he continued,” I know that you don’t know me very well yet so I don’t want to pressure you into something too fast. I want to earn your trust before I ask for it.” He was taking slow breaths, probably trying to clear his head and I was seeing the world through a warm haze.
“Thank you Benjamin. I guess you have more willpower than I do.” I chuckled and started to slide my hand off his leg. I didn’t want topull away and turning slightly to see his face didn’t help. I wanted to feel the soft curves if his lips pressed to mine. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair. He was so beautiful and I was stunned that he had any interest in me. My throat felt tight but I pushed myself to say the question burning inside me.
“Benjamin, what would happen if I asked you not to be such a gentleman with me?’ There was a subtle shift in his expression as his gaze locked with mine.
“I’d ask if you would like to come home with me right now so I can fuck you. Maybe I could park somewhere on the way and see if you would wrap those lovely lips around my cock. I wanted every bit of that and I tried to show it in my expression, even as my embarrassment choked me. His fingers nudged my chin, directing me back to his unwavering eye contact. “Would you like to do that?” I nodded emphymically.
“Yes, I would.”
I followed him to the parking lot on a wave of adrenaline. I felt a little bitslutty and I absolutely loved it. His car looked small but it was perfectly comfortable inside. The promise of things to come and the thrill of being in a man’s car was electric. Being told not to get into cars with boys for years had turned it into something forbidden and thrilling. He switched on some sort of indie rock that I didn’t recognize, but it made a good background rhythm.
“If you want to stop or you don’t want to do something, I want you to say so. I could drive you home at any point and we can still go to dinner on saturday, as long as you still want to, okay?” I couldn’t help but grin at this sweet thoughtful man. “Now please correct me if I’m wrong, but I get the feeling that you like to be told what to do. Can you still tell me if you want to stop, if I switch to orders instead of questions?” I had to think about that for a second. The idea of him telling me what to do was really hot, but It can be hard for me to say no. I studied his calm profile as he focused onthe road. It wasn’t logical but I felt safe and I guess if I stopped feeling safe I could say so.
‘I will tell you if I don’t want to do something.” It felt true and that strengthened my confidence. Benjamin smiled.
“Thank you for taking your time with that. It makes me feel a lot better about this.”
He drove to a neary park and down a wooden gravel road. When we reached the end of the road, he pulled over to one side of the turn around area and parked. The density canopy of trees softened the heat and light in their magical way. The soft music continued to thrum at a low volume. I closed my eyes for a moment, basking in the tingles running down my back. When I looked back at Benjamin, he was smiling warmly at me. He leaned in and kissed me tenderly. Our pressure and intensity built slowly, until I was practically panting. He broke the kiss and starred intensely while sitting back and unfastening his trousers. The cock that he pulled free of his boxers was of average length but it looked thick and I got a little wet, thinking about the idea of my pussy stretching around it. I wanted to taste him but my eyes darted nervously, afraid someone else would drive up.
“I’ll keep watch.’ He gestured to the mirrors with one hand, while lazily struggling with the other. “Now show me what you can do with that beautiful mouth of yours.’ with slight hesitation, I pushed my fear down and went for it. I didn’t think I was great at blow jobs, but I had always enjoyed them. I started out with lots of small licks, wetting and tickling his shake. The head slipped into my mouth comfortable and I massed it with my tongue. The ring of my lips slowly spread as I worked my way down a few inches. The build up of spit was getting overwhelming so I came up for air momentarily. I couldn’t help checking the windows and he shook his head. “Don’t worry about the road and don’t take your mouth off my cock again until I say so.”
His fingers gently lacened into my hair as Iwent back to work. He didn’t seem very affected by my efforts and I wanted to impress him so I tried to push my limits. I managed to take all of him for a few seconds but I almost gagged. If I slid back up I could recover without stopping. I managed this loop a few more times while he just serenely stroked my hair. I was so frustrated that I seemed to be doing a bad job, but I was determined to please him. Then suddenly he tapped my shoulder. “Okay, stop sweetheart and sit up.” He still sounded so calm. I was sure that I had disappointed him until I heard the gravel crunch of another vehicle approaching. He got himself buttoned back up and gave me another kind smile. “You did well, next time I’ll let myself cum in that pretty throat.” Something about his deadpan dirty-talk was intotoxicating and I involuntarily giggled.
“Thank you, Sir.” My eyes widened and I covered my mouth in embarrassment, but he looked beyond pleased with himself.
“I’ll take that as a title earned. As long as I have your trust, I want you to call me ‘Sir’ in private, understanding?”
“Yes, Sir” I responded and it felt good this time.
The engine’s victory starting up again drew attention to my aching clip and I squirmed a little in my seat. Once we were back on the main road, he rested a hand on my knee. It slowly slip under the hem of my pleated skirt as I watched with bated breath. When it reached my upper thigh it halted, but his fingers played idly on the tender skin.
“I think that you will like my place,” he said. “It was my childhood home. We moved when I was in high school, but my parents hung onto it. They’re letting me stay there while I’m in college and that means that I don’t need rooms.” I had sort of assumed that we would be stuck in a cramped bedroom, so it definitely sounded like a bonus.
“That must take a lot of stress off your shoulders.” He nodded serenely as we pulled into a middle class, cookie cutter neighborhood. The house looked like itwas built in the 60’s, but had been well maintained. The daffodil and white paint was likely a refresh of its original colors.
He held my hand as we walked inside, into the living room of a vintage Better Homes & Garden magazine. The hardwood on the floor and built in bookshelves gleamed. The upholstery was all spring green. Despite the dated style, it was all very bright and opened up into a beautiful kitchen.
“Can I get you anything to drink; water, tea, orange juice?”
“Water would be nice, but could I use your restroom first?”
“Straight down that hall,” He directed with a wave. I was lost in thought about the strange time capsule as I wandered back to the kitchen to find Benjamin. He was lounging at the kitchen table with two glasses of water and grinning wickedly. He had opened a set of heavy wooden blinds, revealing a glass door to the surprisingly large backyard. At the far end of the yard, in a towering oak, was a treehouse. I looked at Benjamin, wide-eyed and speechless. He broke into laughter before saying, “I promise, I don’t have any twins.” That made me laugh too, although my cheeks burned and my hand latched to my mouth in embarrassment. I sunk into a chair and sipped my water under his predatory gaze. It had grown quite intensity again and it stoked my nervous excitement.
“Have you ever been tied up, Claire?” I remembered being mocked by the first guy I ever slept with. Staring at my glass, I shook my head.
“I had a dream where my first boyfriend snuck into my room and tied me to my bed. After I gave him my virginity, I told him about it and he called me a freak. That kind of scared me off asking anyone else. Besides, I haven’t had a lot of chances for that sort of thing.”
“Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m glad that I got a glimpse into your desires through your writing, so you don’t think you need to hide from me.” Tone still flat and clear, he ordered. “Stand up and take off your skirt.” Scared but eager to please him, I rose to slide the zipper down my back. I shifted uncomfortable in my low heels when my skirt pooled around them. I stared at his emotionsless face and wondered if he was disappointed by me or my high waited white panties. “When we know each other a little better, would you like me to tie you up in my treehouse?” He asked and my heart soared.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.” Oh my god did I love that. “Now unbutton your blouse for me, slowly.” I followed the command and bit my lip nervously as my blush lace bra came into view. Water glass in hand, he rose in front of me. He seemed taller somehow as his eyes travelled down my body. He circled behind me and his footsteps seemed louder. He grabbed the back of my collar and pulled it down. My arms were quickly trapped in my sleeps behind my back. There was a swipe of cold glass as he brushed my hair over one shoulder. His lips pressed to the back of my neck before he spoke in a low growl. ‘Do you feel helpless?” I whimpered wordlessly and he twisted my shirt a little tighter. “Answer me Claire.”
“Yes, Sir” The cold glass pressed to my stomach as he pulled me to his chest. I gasped and his erection rubbed against my ass.
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