The Treaty Ch. 01

Author’s note: This is a work of fiction, though some real-life events have served as inspiration and some real-life places in Europe are mentioned.

Hope you enjoy this story which has been in the works for months; instead of publishing a huge story, I decided to post it in parts. Parts 2 and 3 are already in progress. Don’t forget to rate before you leave!

Ever since I was in high school, I was never a firm believe in the concept of friendship between a straight man and a straight woman. Some people might call this bigtry, but I was adamant in my position. That doesn’t mean I did not spend time with girls in high school and university but I never had a close female friend.

That all changed when I met Luisa. Luisa used to work as a lecturer at a university in the Randstad but decided to move to the ‘deep-south’ of the Netherlands as she hailed from the region. She filled an opening at my department, thus we cooperated in teaching activities, and, for a few months, we even shared an office until a permanent solution could be found.

Initially, I was some indifferent towards her, and she was quite reserved as well. Gradually she opened up and became friendlier — we had lunch together a few times, and she even invited me to her birthday party, an invitation I politely decided as I had no interest in attending a monolingual Dutch event with her friends from school – despite working in the Netherlands for a considerable period of my adult life, I barely spoke conversational Dutch. When I gave her a birthday present, she scolded me for skipping her party, arguing, in a playful manner, that I snubbed Dutch people even they made friendly gears towards me; this might have actually been unintentionally accurate, but, in my defence, I was the only non-Dutch person she had invited. A few days before Christmas, we exchanged gifts; I got her a book in German as she had claimed she wanted to improve her skills in the language, adhering to the 20-euro rule, but she bought me an expensive fashionable shirt; she pointed out that I had recently bought her a more expensive birthday present and she had to make it up to me.

Her behavior made me suspicious she was interested in me; she also called me on New Year’s Eve to wish me a happy new year, at the same time all the other colleagues exchanged wishes through our group WhatsApp conversation. I was seriously conflicted about Luisa’s interest; on one hand, she was a truly impressive woman, tall with honey blonde hair, piercing green eyes and a strong gaze, a perfect smile and on top of that, a curvy body, worked out by her everyday bicycle use. On the other hand, she was a colleague, and I had never mixed my professional life with my personal life.

I had a lot of thinking to do During my holidays.


As soon as Mike returned from his holiday in Greece, I invited him over for dinner. I made up an excuse about wanting his opinion on buying a new car — he wasa car enthusiast, and I knew he gave buying advice whenever someone asked him about it – rumour flew round the office that instead of asking a car salesman, you should consult Mike.

I rarely had issues bedding the guys I was into, and I had observed the lust in Mike’s eyes when I dressed in skirts and dresses. Naturally, I chose to wear a casual dress with black tights; men are very predictable in their fetishes and If everything went according to plan, before long Mike would be at my feet.

Even though we discussed at length about my new car, therefore my excuse had served its purpose, I had no doubt that Mike knew very well what was happening – he might have played dumb but in reality he was anything but. He asked me whether I had dessert, and I was inclined to tell him that his dessert waited for him between my legs — I didn’t and served a tart instead. He also complained that I had given him more wine than I should have had, and he shouldn’t drive back to Aachen wherehis flat was; I totally agreed with him, my king-sized bed was more than comfortable for both of us.

Astonishingly, nothing took place; we chatted, enjoyed our meal and at around two in the morning, he drove back to his flat. I had no idea what went wrong with my plan; he wanted me, I wanted him and he didn’t seem like the type of guy who would hesitate to express his interest in a woman, let alone when the woman had made her own interest more than clear.

Disappointed about how things turned out with Mike, I decided to attend the local munch a week later. I was positively surprised by the fact that there was a munch to attend in the first place, as the region was traditionally conservative and it lacked major urban centres that offer anonymity. The upshot was the busy expat community that had slowly developed, mainly because of the university; for that reason, only English was allowed during the event — Dutch, the native tongue of the city, and German, the language of morethan half the expats, were not allowed.

The event was drag, there’s no other word to describe it. Even though they promoted it as an international gathering, in reality, only a handful of German students appeared and I had no interest in encountering men a dozen years my juniors.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and Mike appeared out of the blue, ‘How about that, I can’t escape from you, can I?’

The organisers had given each of us a simple ribbon to tie around our wrist, its colour symbolised the preferred role in kinky sex of the participant. I looked at Mike’s wrist, and saw dark blue, and despite my disappointment, I understand why he had turned me down a week ago — Mike, like me, was dominant..


Our accidental encounter during the event cleared the air between Luisa and me and I was so thankful for it. After our weird dinner date a week before, our relationship was a bit strained; I acted naturally but she was distant, disappointed with how things had played out. Luisa had a dominant aura, and this was even increasingly evidence during the time we spent away from campus when she could express herself more openly. She was a very attractive woman, and I wished one of us was submissive so we could make this work — but we weren’t.

The failed ‘romance’ was soon a thing of the past; our role incompatibility had eradicated any element of sexual interest between us, and a geneine friend had blossomed in its place. We spent a lot of time together and numerous times we had spent the night in each other’s flat, being too drunk to drive home safely. We even drove to Munich together the following autumn to attend the famous Oktoberfest. People assumed we were a couple and even congratulated us as we seemed to be a good match for each other.

During the summer, I had introduced Luisa to an acquaintance of mine, and she had done the same thing; dating her submissive friend did not last long as Marie was unbelievably jealous of my relationship with Luisa — she even demanded I stop talking to her if I wanted us to stay together – which seemed pretty idiotic to me as my friend with Luisa was the very reason she had met me. I don’t deal in absolutes and our two-month affairs came to an abrupt end. In all honesty, I wasn’t so convinced about this relationship either, as I was subconsciously comparing her to Luisa on pretty much everything. This Comparison had a negative effect on how I saw Marie; Luisa was more witty, more beautiful, more intelligent, and more educated and I kept referring to our activities with Luisa which might have fueled Marie’s jealousy – months later Luisa admitted that they hadn’t spoken since our breakup as Marie held her responsible for that.

Luisa on the other hand seemed to have better luck with an Italian guy I played tennis with, but in the late summer, he suddenly decided to move back to his native Naples; our almost simultaneous breakups pushed Luisa and me to arrange the trip to Southern Germany, as a way to clear our heads and make a fresh start.

After the pandemic broke out, we switched to remote work but our friend remained unaffected. I did not return to my home country, due to the uncertainty surrounding the availability of flights. Luisa did not return to her hometown, about one hour up north, as a precaution for her elderly parents. We talked for hours during the pandemic as we had both exhausted our options on Netflix and Amazon Prime. The once free-flowing border had turned into a hard border, allowing only the commuters, like me, to go through.

Luisa had floated the idea of ​​us trying a switch-y ‘relationship’, but she had drunk heavily that night and we did not discuss it again any time soon. But the thought had been spinning in my head ever since; perhaps if we both took a step back and made some compromises, we could make it work.

I put my plan in motion and offered some hints that I would be willing to try it out with her — however, I did not tell her straight. She understand the message and the next time I did the same, she intervened.

‘Look, if you want to follow this path, please do say so. But otherwise, don’t give me hope,’ she said in a serious tone.


I was head over heels when Mike agreed to try to switch roles with me. It took him quite a while to succumb to his desire for me and get out of his comfort zone but it finally happened. He hadn’t thought this through, at least to the extent I had, so I set the tone in our negotiation. For me three things were non-negotiable; one, I wanted him as my sub for an entire weekend; two, he had to accept a collar; three, he had to address me as Mistress throughout the weekend. In return, I would agree to the exact same terms for the weekend he would be in charge.

We also filled out a questionnaire I had created that included most of the popular fetishes and techniques; we each wrote our answers from the submissive pointof view. I didn’t go very crazy in my list, after all it was my first time submitting, and I was relieved when I saw Mike being relatively open-minded regarding his desires when he’d submit to me.

The negotiation was somehow extensive, but we both felt it was a necessary step in such a complicated affairs. When this was over, the only thing we had not decided yet, was who was going to be dominant first. I offered to do a coin flip, but Mike argued I should have the reins for the first weekend — ladies first, as he said.

I was well aware he would be completely out of his water during the weekend, but I decided against going easy on him; we explored uncharted territories, yet we promised each other that we wouldn’t seek preferential treatment as submissives. He had to be at my doorstep on Friday Afternoon at exactly four-thirty, to be dressed in a suit and to wait for me with the passenger door open — as a dominant, I expected to be served at all times.

Clearly, I did my best to adapt my outfit to his turn-ons, so I choose a blue sleepless dress, a bold choice on such a chilly day, alongside stockings and high patent-leather pumps. I saw from my window that he was early, but I let him roast for about a quarter of an hour before I made my appearance. He had followed my instructions to the letter which filled me with optimization about our upcoming weekend. I handed him my duffel bag, and he also closed my door when I got in.

‘Are you nervous?’

‘No, Mistress, I was nervous when I waited to be taken into surgery or when I went to serve in the army. This is relatively easy.’

‘Good, don’t resist the temptation, just yield in.’


Even though Luisa did her best to hide her enthusiasm, it could be detected from miles away — No surprises there as she had had a crush on me for months and I had just agreed to submit to her. I hugely appreciated the fact that she was making some serious effort to satisfy me; I had told her my favoriteurite colour for women was navy blue and she wore a blue dress; I had told her how much I like pumps and stockings and she wore stockings and heels. On one hand, she might have just taken advantage of my weaknesses, but I didn’t think Luisa was that kind of person — instead, I thought she was grateful for agreeing to her terms and those little gears were a reward.

‘I’d love to use your tie as a Leash to take you upstairs, but I worry someone might open their door, or worse, watch us from behind the door,’ she argued when I parked in front of my building. ‘But when we get inside, you will follow the steps I told you yesterday, right?’

‘Yes, Mistress.’

The steps were simple. I had to put her bag in the bedroom, strip naked except for my boxers and then knee in front of her. Within a few minutes, I was ready, and she was already holding the collar in her hands.

‘I thought you would get me a blue collar when we switch, so I got you one in my favourite colour,’she explained and snapped the purple leather collar round my throat. Per the final instruction, I bowed down and kissed the top of her feet.

She attached a leash on the collar and gave it a tug; I followed her on fours despite not being asked to — it was a gesture that made her purr with satisfaction. We reached the living room of my small flat, and she took a seat on my reclining armchair, the one I used when I played Xbox.

My first task was to poison her shoes, with my tongue, and then take care of her stocking-clad feet. It was a humiliating start, and I had never done anything similar in the past — I had switched roles with a former girlfriend of mine in the past, but she had only cuffed me on the bed, then she sat on my face and finally rode me. This was on a completely different level as I was leashed, on my knees, worshiping Luisa’s feet.

Luisa had embedded her role to the fullest; although she had been witty and joyful during our ride to my flat, she turnedinto a strict boss once we stepped inside — I loved it. It suited her exceptionally well and the way she gave me orders excited me. Once she was satisfied with my effort on her feet, she told me to put the shoes back on and then she moved her right foot between my legs. I was getting aroused, and she didn’t fail to notice.

‘Someone’s excited to be a woman’s slave,’ she commented.

‘I’m not any woman’s slave; I’m your slave, Mistress and I am excited about it,’ I admitted in a wave of honesty.

Luisa put her hand in my boxers and groped my erect cock, ‘These belong to me until Sunday. You don’t touch them; you don’t play with them, you may only empty your bladder. Is that clear?’ she asked and gently squeezed my balls.

‘Yes, Mistress, loud and clear.’

Some precum had made its appearance and she scooped it with her fingers, ‘Open,’ she said with a stern voice and pushed two fingers in my mouth so I could clean them, ‘I’m satisfied with you so far, slave,’ she announced, and I saw her pulling down her lace to — I thought my time had come to eat her out. It hadn’t; instead, the thong was shovelled down my throat, and I was put in a foetal position so my Mistress could rest her legs on my back.


I couldn’t help but admire the spectacle of Mike serving as my feettool. Ever since I embarked on my journey into bondage, I had Endlessly argued that the main cause of erotic submission is desire first and foremost. This view of mine had caused arguments with several ‘orthodox’ community members who maintained the view that people were born either dominant or submissive. My views had not been formulated in fora, where people participated in endless philosophical conversations about the nature of sexual behavior; instead, I had my own experiences that shaped my mind. It was erotic desire that had made vanilla boyfriends of mine to worship me; it was erotic desire that had made Mike enjoy being of service to me; it was erotic desirethat had led me to secretly crave to be collared by him next week. I wasn’t submissive and Mike wasn’t submissive either, but we were so much into each other that we enjoyed giving up control.

After about fifteen minutes, I took my knickers out of his mouth so he could take a few breaths while sitting on his heels. Although the disappoint of his situation, he seemed upbeat. ‘I need to get changed, Maybe there’s a small treat for you in the process,’ I announced and grabbed the lean again. He fell again on fours, ready to crawl behind me. I thought that I should get some training on crawling myself since I’d love to repay the favour in one week.

I led him to his bedroom, which was a symphony of grey and other uninteresting colours, and put a pillow on the floor, far away from the action. He would hold the Leash with his teeth while I strip-teased him, removing my clothes in a seductive way. I could see the lust in his eyes and adored it. Yes, probably he had pictured menaked in his dreams but now he could finally see my body with his own eyes. My aroused body to be precise, with the rock-hard nipples and glistening pussy lips.

Approaching him, I understand how much he was turned on by the mixture of my perfume and my juices. He was a hound, like me, his instincts on alert as soon as he picked up a scent. His breathing was laboured, his heart was working overtime. I grabbed his head with my right hand and the lean with my left. ‘Sniff me, pet,’ I commanded and he obliged. He inhaled my aroma for a few moments, but the temptation was fiercer than his desire to follow my orders — his tongue got me by surprise when it stroked my swollen pussy.

I didn’t waste any time correcting him or scolding him. I yielded to the same temptation and let him devour my pussy for a few minutes. I didn’t need more to climax although he did an admirable job — I bet he liked to eat pussy even when he had submissive women in his bed.

‘If you’re so eager to lick, show me what you can do here, pet,’ I said and turned around. He buried his face between my arse cheeses and without much hustle, I felt him reaching for my rosebud. I loved rimming and climaxed again just by having him eat me from behind. He didn’t hesitate for a single moment, which was generally appreciated. He obediently ate my arse for as long as I told him to.

Before long, I Regained my composure and turned around to face him. He looked straight in the eye, smiling. I slapped him twice in the face and I could see that it turned him on. ‘Did I give you permission to eat my pussy?’ I wondered.

‘No, Mistress, I was out of line.’

‘Damn right you were. And next time you’re going to sniffle me, you’ll be gagged as a result. Plus, you were going to enjoy the privilege of being gagged with either my thong or my stockings. But now, it’s only the ball gag for you,’ I announced his punishment. ‘Stand up,’ I ordered him and he obliged. ‘May I tighten your collar,a little bit? You need a firmer reminder that you’re owned.’

‘Do as you please, Mistress. You’re my owner.’

As I was reading his collar, I whispered in his ear, ‘I think you should know that last night I wore this collar tightly and fucked myself dreaming of being your pet.’

He didn’t respond, he just swallowed with difficulty. I sent him to the toilet to clean himself up; I bet the sole thing on his mind right there was me in that purple collar. And rightfully so; after all, I was being honest with him.


I didn’t know whether Luisa was telling me the truth about her adventures the previous night — it sounded a bit out of character for her so I perceived it as a fuel to fire. Not that I needed much of that either; thus far, my night as Luisa’s slave had been a total blast. Not only Luisa was absolutely gorgeous, but she had mesmerised me with her aura — as if I had been intoxicated, I blindly followed her orders and every minute that went by, I craved her control over me even more; I tried not to think about us switching roles the next week as it would distract me from my mission.

Dominance seemed to come naturally to her. She didn’t need a whip; she didn’t need to shout, she didn’t need to use absurdly vulgar language to enforce her will. The piercing gaze of her eyes, her flowery scent, her soft yet authoritative voice — those were more than enough to make every man weak on his knees in front of her. In some way, I felt lucky she wanted me as her slave, privileged even to wear her collar.


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