The Traveling Disciplinarian – Part 2- slave girl sara
I have been sent to a discilarian for some training, I have just completed the first item on the list of things I am there to learn, ball play.
“Did you cheat ana?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Lean forward.”
WHOOSH CRACK, I thought lightening did not strike twice! “OUCH.”
“Good girl, Now next is swallowing eight inches. How much can you take ana?”
“I do not know Sir, sorry.”
“S step forward, ana suck him hard and you have one hour to take him all in.”
I needed all of the hour and was sick five times but did it.
“Right ana next on the list is clamps, roll you clip to its maximum and ping your nipples.”
Sir let me play, and to be honest, cum too, and then fitted three clamps till I squeaked, then tightened them more till I screamed.
“We will have a break now, ana, under the table and suck cock as we eat and drink, when we both cum you will be able to join us, come here.”
“Yes Sir.”
He put another quarter turn on my clamps. S was easy to make cum with all the action he had been having but Sir’s cock was massive, and I struggled to get him in my mouth let alone suck, he looked under the table.
“A wank will suffice ana, but first I will remove the clamps, have you got used to them ana?”
“Sort of Sir.”
“You will recall the pain you had when we fitted them?”
“Oh yes Sir, I sure do.”
“Then when I remove them and the blood starts to reccirculate I will give you something to ease the immediate pain. S, finger the girl, to climax and remove the clip clamp.”
This is ace, being fingered by an expert, I began to tremble then “Aghhhhhh”
The pain was fierce and the cum not quite as fire. S slapped my lips and hood, hard, the pain began to subside.
“Next your nipple clamps, not sure I have ever seen such squashed flat nipples. Take the left nipple S, after three.”
Sir just said three, no one, two, no,straight to three and as I gasped for air from the pain, that lightning bolt, WHOOSH CRACKK hit my back twice. I began to cry.
“What have you been taught about crying ana?”
It was one of those questions not needing an answer as I was swept of my feet and given a hard spanking to cry about. After lunch I put my hand up.
“Yes ana?”
“Please may I Pee Sir?”
S brought a bowl, and I squatted over it and peed. S knelt and licked me dry.
“Do you drink pee ana?”
“I have not Sir, no.”
S went for a glass and quarter filled it with my pee. I went to take it, but Sir took it.
“Hold my cock over the glass ana.”
He added to what was in it.
“Take it to S.”
S added his contribution and Sir told S to drink. Then he held his hand out, took it and drank some himself then gave it to me, I drank.
“Stop ana, that’s enough, well done, I will add it to your completed list.”
“Thank you Sir.”
“Now what is the last item on yOur list, ah yes, making sure you only cum when allowed?”
“Oh no Sir.”
“Only teasing ana, it`s actually; Learn how to give a fulfilling Wanking”
“Kneel ana, S, stand here, get this right and I will let S fuck you hard. I will read out the requirements and you will put them into practice, any hesitation or deviation earns you another back stripe, understand?”
“Fully Sir, I want to be ace at it,”
“Set yourself steady because any man will certainly rock you especially when he is in your mouth.”
“Legs open so pussy is visible, arms folded behind your back, traditional slave position, mouth open, tongue slightly out to receive. Unzip to release the beast, and seriously, make him believe that you think his cock is a monster. He will love that and love the fact you are wrestling him.”
“Eyes, this is very important, not only for powerplay to show he is in charge, but to watch for his facial and body language to find his most sensitive favourites.”
“Balls – Some men adore ball play. Massage the ball sack and each ball in turn, squeeze gently and look for signs of pleasure or pain, remember what you were taught. Use the gentle pulling of the sack or using thumb and pointer finger form ring around the sack.”
“With shake wanking some like lower shake wanking, some nearer the head or crown, some all of it, again watch face and body movement, every cock is different. Note that uncircumcised Masters like their foreskin pulling over and back over their head or crown so plenty of lubricant, your spit, on especially as it swells to stiffness.”
“Always a tighter grip on the less sensitive shake to keep it hard. Wanking the shake is not straightforward, some like whole the hand wrapped around the shake, others just like a delicate two finger wank. If it`s a wank for playing, a slow speed, but to bring him to a cum use rapid action.”
“You did well ana ten out of ten, fuck her hard S.”
I learn so much in those few lines of instruction I sure was ready for a hard fucking as much as S was with all that wanking I gave him. He did not disappoint; he was rough but very sensitive. When Sir returned, he snapped his fingers and I rushed to my spot, just in front of him.
“Apart from the caning you will receive just before exiting what would you like to say to me, I will give you a minute to think?”
I did not need the minute.
“Please Sir thank you and S for some wonderful life lessons and please Sir, after my caning will you fuck me?”
“Yes of course, over the spanking horse, these strokes will be hard, do you want restraining or S to hold you down?”
“Please may I have S with his cock in my mouth for the caning and fucking?”
“You may, I will make a start, the count is ten.”
Whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack, whoosh crack.
I heard the cane drop on the floor and with the tearspouring from my eyes and S fucking and gagging me to sickness, I was so wet that Sir’s cock, as wide as it was, slide in. It was soon apparent Sir liked to spank as he fucked or yank on my perked nipples.
I had multiple cums and when Sir was ready, he pushed S out of the way, put an inch or so of his cock in my mouth and cum, S had taken his place behind and cum in my bubble hole. I was fucked, front back and to exhaustion. S took us to the shower and washed Sir and me all over, I wanked Sir with all I had been taught. Once dressed we chatted while I was waiting to be picked up.
“I do hope I will be sent again Sir.”
“Sorry to disappoint, I am closing, not enough work and huge overheads here.”
“Oh no Sir, what will you do?”
“No idea at all, but how about you, you are out of contract aren’t you?”
I though a sec.
“I know Sir, why don’t we team up.”
“Team up, how?”
“Let’s travel the country, you can discuss the subs and slaves and I can be fucked and spanked by their Masters.”
Through social media we were soon on the road in Sir`s old van on the way to our first of five separate day’s appointments at client’s houses. If we were not offered accommodation we travelled in the van, ate in the van, slept in the van and I was spanked and fucked in the van, we even stopped enroute and I was fucked in the van or over the bonnet if it was a secluded area.
When it was my girly time we went to a beach, pitched a tent and did everything we did in the van, in the tent with the added extra of making a hole in the sand, peeing, and filling it in and washed naked in the sea, like a posh ensuite.
I just knew it would work and work well it did. Bet you are wondering about S though, well, he was sold to a stud farm in America where he fucks and gets fucked every day.
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