The Traveling Dom

I sat back on the hotel bed, TV on and volume turned up, very pleased with myself. On the floor at the foot of the bed little Lena was strapped the Blue Crate, straining hard against the various ropes and arching her back as hard as she could. Even from across the room I could see the sweat glistening on her back. I unconsciously stroked a long, thin cane while I watched.

The Blue Crate wasn’t the most beautiful piece of equipment I owned, but it worked well and was very portable. Lena was attached to it by two leather straps which bound her just above the knees. From this kneeing position she was forced to bend over the crate by small chains which ran through the front of the box and attached to her nipple clips. The clips were a work of genius, I thought. They were attached to retracting spools on the inside of the crate; thus, the attached slave COULD pull away, but not without putting some degree of pressure on the nipples.

Of course, whenever she leaned back down the chains would simply rewind around the spools. I’ve always liked watching slaves hooked up to the Blue Crate for the first time. As soon as they find that the nipple chains will give, they pull upright to their kneeing position. They invariably discover, however, that with their hands tied behind their backs and their knees bound to the crate, they can’t go any further. Sooner or later the pull on the nipples become overbearing and they hunt back over into a more subservient position.

But my newest invention was the real icing and it worked perfectly with the Blue Crate. In my hobby of studying electronics I had recently discovered God’s gift to the bondage and discipline scene — mercury switches. These wonderful little devices actually checked to see how level an object was and responded according to an electronic object. After reading up about these wicked little switches I had immediately run out to Radio Shack to buy a box.

A few hours in my workroom had yielded a new toy, relatively crude in construction but, if Lena was any example, perfectly functional. The mercury switch strapped firmly between Lena’s petite little breasts, where it was monitoring how straight her body was held. When Lena was lying flat across the crate, the switch was level. However, whenever she pulled herself to a kneeing position, fighting the weight on her nipples, the switch activated a large vibrator protruding from my slave’s beautiful little ass. The further back she stretched, the faster harder that machine buzzed, filling her ass with the sensings I knew she loved. When the pull of the nipple clips became too great, however, Lena was forced to lean back over the crate and the vibrator would stop.

I watched the little redhead for an hour, amazing at how badly she wanted that vibrator to activate in her ass. That, I thought, was the crux of bondage and discipline. Anyone idiot can train an animal to avoid a whip, however, the real talent lies in makinga person enjoy something so much that he or she will even great pain just to achieve the pleasureable feelings. Lena was a perfect example — when she’d first come to me she’d urgently declared that she would not perform any kind of anal exercises. Now she was practically pulling her own nipples off just to feel a little buzz in her butt.

The back was arching again and I couldn’t resist getting up to take Some pictures. Her nipples and breasts were distended tautly, a real turn-on for me and quite a few other doms I knew. Lena was wearing a blindfold, of course, but it was thin and she knew right away when the flash began going off. Her head began lowering towards the floor like a questing snake and she moaned through her gag.

“That’s very good, slut,” I informed the girl. “You’ve done a good job of testing my new toy. Would you like to cum now?”

Her sweaty, red hair whipped wildly as Lena’s head bobbed up and I noticed that the vibrator had worked out of her ass somewhat, so I shoved it back in without warning. Lena gasped and shot upward, causing the small device to whirr at what had to be its fastest speed. I could tell by the tautness of her body that an orgasm had started, and, being pleased with her demonstration of the new equipment, I tripped the release on the nipple clip spools. At the same time, I snapped the gag from her mouth.

Lena’s body shot upright instantly and I stepped forward to slide my erection between her lips. She began to suck immediately, keeping her back ramrod straight as the vibrator blazed away inside her as fast as it could. Within seconds I was exploding in my little slave’s mouth, almost overwhelmed by the energy pouring out of her tiny body. Smiling at my success, I finished my own orgasm and sat back to watch her a bit longer.


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