At last, I see them leaving the house; she is now alone and no doubt, logging into the computer and; expecting to see me there for our regular chats. Looking around I could see that I am totally free to enter, nobody showing any interest in a delivery guy, I mean, who cares? I go around to the back door and finding it unlocked, I quickly slip inside and make no noise that should alert her to an unexpected visitor. Quietly, I move through the house, searching, until I see the familiar glow of a computer screen, showing under a door. Ah! I have found her!
I edge the door open slowly and I can see her peering intently at the screen, wondering why she hasn’t got a message to say, I’m there, but she is just about to find out why. Taking out the black silk scarf I have in my pocket, I walk up behind her and; just before I slip it over her head, she catches a glimpse of my smiling face, reflected on the computer screen. Can it be? Is it? Then everything goes black!
Strangely enough, she doesn’t feel the need to cry out, or even be frightened, she feels safe with this ‘stranger’ in her house. Saying nothing, I tie the scarf around her head, not too tightly; just enough so it won’t slide off and I lean forward, gently kiss her hair, her ears, her neck and finally, her sweet lips. At first she doesn’t know whether to respond or not, but eventually she can’t help herself and returns my kiss with a password, pent up, over the short time we have known each other, not that she is absolutely sure it is me, of course!
I lift her from her seat, take her hand in mine and lead her through to, what I have already guessed, is the bedroom. We stand beside the bed and I slowly began to undress her, caressing each part of her as it becomes uncovered. Kissing her warm flesh, sucking, where appropriate and watching her become more and more aroused. Her nipples stand so proud and erect, wet from my lips and tongue, her navel shining from my mouth kissing it, her naked monsdamp from my tongue and her pussy lips, puffy from my kisses. I take her hands and place them on my clothes, she needs no further encouragement and she begins to strip me too, anxious to feel what she has only dreamt about.
When she uncovers my hard chest, she gasps and take my nipples into her mouth, as I had done to her just a short while ago. Her fingers fumble with my belt and as she looses it and pulls down my trousers, my cock springs to full hardness, she needs to believe it is all for her. Slowly she sinks to your knees, struggling my erection lovingly and when she is able, she takes the head between her hot lips, licking the pre cum from the tip and tasting the slightly salty, but not unpleasant, sign of my arousal.
After luxury in the feel of her sweet mouth for a few minutes, I lift her to her feet and gently push her backwards onto the bed, gazing at her nakedness with unashamed lust. I position myself between her legs, my face inches away from her flowered open pussy, and a faith hint of an earthy smell emmanating from her juices which were shining and lubricating herself for me, a woman aroused and ready for sex. There is nothing better in this world, or any other, for that matter. I lean forward and run my tongue the full length of her juicy slit and she shivers with anticipation. Again and again, my tongue traces this route and my hands have to keep her legs apart, for I am in grave danger of having my head crushed between her jerking thighs. My lips find her erect clip jutting from its protective hood and demanding attention. I suck it slowly between my lips and flick it gently with my tongue, her juices are flowing and she moans as she calls out my name. Is it me though? How does she know? A sixth sense maybe, or is it just that she knows, that this is how I would treat her?
After bringing her to the compromise of climax, time after time, I feel it is only right to reveal the truth. I climb over her supine body, knee astride herheaving breasts and slowly remove the scarf.
“Hi Minx, how you doing hon?” I ask, as if we were chatting on Yahoo and as her eyes adjust to the brightness, she instantly recognize me and bursts out laughing,
“I knew it was you!! Well! I hoped it was!” I lean forward and kiss her deeply, our tongues devour each other and this has the desired result and I lay above her, my erect penis pressing hard against her so soft pussy lips. We adjust slightly and I slip inside her lava hot tunnel, she feels my circularized head gently scrape her tender walls and her internal muscles pull me deeper into her body. Our lips are stuck like glue and as the feelings of lust overtake us, we thrust in unison, our bellies slapping together, my fingers teasing her bullet hard nipples, pinching them and biting them.
At least she knows that this time, she will be allowed to climax properly. Her movements become more frantic, my cock is aching for release too and with one last thrust, I releasejet after jet of my fiery spunk against her womb. As she feels it, her inner muscles contract around my spurting manhood, milking me dry and she climaxes with me. She cannot help herself, her teeth bite into my shoulder, but I hardly feel it, lost as I am, in the throes of my own climax and I also leave my mark on her tender, white breasts. She has become mine, at last! Well, for this short period of time anyway and I have started on the road to my transition from cyber Dom, to real life Dom!
Like we have done so many times before when chatting, she curls up against my chest, my arm around her, hugging her tightly and we say nothing, we just luxury in the afterglow of our recent joint climax. My free hand gently cares her glowing body and I feel her drifting off to sleep. Carefully, I disentangle myself from her arms and her legs, which envelope me, as if to hold me a prisoner in her bed and I silently get dressed. I look down at her and see her lips set in a smile, a peaceful, satisfied smile. I bend down and kiss her and just before I leave, I whisper,
“Sweet Dreams Minx”
The Transition 2
I logged into yahoo, unconsciously rubbing the still living love bite on my shoulder. It served as a reminder of just how well that first visit to Minx had turned out and I really hoped that we could repeat that on a more regular basis.
There were a couple of offline messages from her, just to say that she had enjoyed our first meeting and that she was looking forward to seeing me again. I waited patiently for her to get online and continued writing a new story, no doubt she was fighting over the computer with her kids again and then, finally she got her turn. We chatted about everything except what had just taken place, probably both a bit hesitant to start talking about it, as somehow, it still felt like a dream. My fingers went to her mark again and I knew that we couldn’t just forget that it had ever happened, so I typed hesitantly,
”Come on Minx, tell me! Was it as good for you, as it was for me?” There was a bit of a pause before I saw her start typing again and I began to wonder if it had all been a huge mistake, but she replied eventually with,
“Sir, it was wonderful, you made me feel like a woman who is wanted and loved, but do you remember why you first got in touch with me? I wanted a part time Master, not a love and we both know that neither of us would ever leave our respective partners, don’t we?”
It was my turn to hesitate now, had I really given her the impression that I wanted love and that I wanted more than just fun and uninhibited sex. My hesitance to chat more about a Master/sub relationship was more due to my total inexperience of the ‘scene’ in real life, than wanting her to drop everything and have us run away I typed my reply with a lot of thought before saying,
“Hon, there is no way that I would ever want to come between you and your husband and family, as I am sure you know, you wouldn’t come between my wife and mine. I just have no experience of being the Dom you were looking for, which is why the sex side of my visit was so ‘vanilla’ none the less enjoyable for all that, I haveten to add. LOL” There was a much longer pause this time, followed by a ‘brb, give me 5 mins” to which I replied, ‘Ok, xxx’
After what seemed like an eternity, but was only about the five minutes, she had said she would be, she typed,
“Hi, think I’d got lost? lol” I sent my usual welcome back message and saw that she was already typing, “Sir, I’ve had a word with my husband and as he first stated, he wants to meet any potential Dom I may have in the future. He has also said that if he approves of you, novel Dom or not, then he would allow me to teach you in the ways of the ‘scene’ and allow you to become my part time Dom. Before you answer, think very carefully, because another of his rules is…… That you tell your wife everything!”
I very nearly fell off my seat when I read this and she had to ‘buzz’ me to see if I was still online. I quickly typed back,
“Ummmmmm, Ok Minx, this is a huge step for me and I’ll let you know Ok?”
We continued with our usual chat for a bit longer, but what she had just said, I couldn’t get out of my head. My mind was in turmoil and as I joined my unsuspecting wife in bed that night, I got very little sleep, I can tell you.
I will not go into the details here, sfficiency to say that after a lot of heart searching, on both sides, we came to an agreement and she would allow me to visit Minx on a regular basis.
It had been a couple of days since we had chatted and I couldn’t wait to tell her the news. I logged on and as usual, I waited for her to get some time alone. She wasn’t too long in getting online and before I could get a chance to give her a hug or two, she asked me how it had gone. I laughed at her impatience and told her that I was free to visit, whenever it was convenient. She told me that she would get back to me after discussing it with her hubby and in the meantime, I was to make my own ‘flogger’ and we signed off.
This would not be a problem, as I was quite well versed in leatherwork and looked forward to it immensely, but not quite as much as I looked forward to using it on Minx and giving her the sensings that she really craved. Watching as her raised buttocks reddened and quivered in anticipation, struggling those smooth globes between lashes and dipping my fingers into her honey pot, to taste the bitter sweet juice of her arousal.
That was how I found myself sitting on this train, with only two hours to go, before finally meeting Minx and her husband and I wondered if she had as many butterflies in her stomach as I did. I don’t know how she had arranged it, but somehow, if her husband approved of me, we would have the house to ourselves for two nights and my training as a Dom would start.
I needn’t have worried, because as soon as we met, he and I hit it off right away. He was there to meet me at the station, no doubt to check me out before taking me home to meet his wife again, which would be so different to my first visit, when I smelled up on her unannounced! As I was putting my bag into the boot of the car, he paused and spoke briefly into his mobile phone. I got in the passenger side and soon we were off and chatting about everything except my real reason for being here.
“Hi hon, we’re home” He shouted out as we entered the house, “I hope you’ve got the kettle on, we’re pared” I nervously followed him through to the kitchen, wondering to myself, how I should greet her in front of her husband. That decision was taken out of my hands as she flew across the kitchen, throw her arms around me and said,
“Come on then, where are all those hugs you send me on messenger” She said excitedly, “I’ve waited too long for them in real life!” She was already wearing her favourite ‘sub’ outfit and I pulled her close to me, knowing that he had already given his approval of our meeting, or she wouldn’t be dressed like this.
We all sat at the kitchen table, quite close to the computer that had started all this and drank our tea and made small talk. Minx had slipped off one of her high heels and was rubbing her stocking clad foot against my leg, letting it creep higher all the time. I looked across at her and seeing a twinkle in Her eye, I mouthed, ‘Stop, Minx” at her and frowned. This didn’t stop her though, she wasn’t happy until her toes were strumming along my hardening shake and I was struggling to keep a straight face. She would pay for that later and I realized that was just the reason she was doing it, she wanted punishment for getting me embarrassed.
He put his empty cup down on the table, stood up and said,
“Right, I’m going to leave you two to get to know each other better and when I get back, I will hope to find more than teeth marks on my dear wife’s body!” He laughed at the sudden look of shock on my face, winded at me, kissed his wife and left saying, “You tell him Minx, have fun and I’ll see you soon”
She stood up, smiled at me and sat down in my lap, “I hope you don’t mind, but after your last visit, I told him everything” She put her arms around my neck and kissed me before continuing with, “He is my Master, I am His sub and as such, I have to tell him everything”
I savoured the taste of her sweet lips and in a measured tone of voice, I quietly replied, “I understand that implicitly and I hope that you understand; that as from when that door shut behind Him and until His return, I am your Master and you are my pet!” I stared intensely into her eyes and continued, “You were being disrespectful just now; touching me when He was still here and for that I must punish you, do you not agree pet?”
She tried to hold my steady gaze, staring back, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, but slowly her eyes lowered and she whispered, “Yes Sir, your pet deserves to be punished, I am yours and I await your pleasure”
I raised my voice slightly and told her to repeat what she had just said and to say it as if she means it. When she had finished, a little louder this time, I told her to lie across my lap to receive a spanking.
Hesitantly, she got to her feet and laid herself prone across my hard thighs. I felt the heat from her middle regions as she wriggled into position, her tummy fluttering in anticipation as she wondered how hard my inexperienced hands would be on her soft buttocks. One hand lifted the hem of the supplement leather dress, the other ran up the backs of her taut thighs, stretched tight in their submissive pose across my lap and she gasped as my fingers gently traced a path towards what I hoped would be, her freshly shavled pussy. I was not disappointed; she had prepared herself well and would be rewarded later. But for now, I had to exert my authority and I folded the dress above her wait, leaving her soft globes quivering.
‘Thwack!” The flat of my hand made contact with one perfect chef, ‘Thwack’ the other received the same swift blow and I paused. I watched, as gradually my hand prints became evidence on the creamy flesh of her globes and I felt the first stirrings of my arousal. I could feel the heat from my slaps, as I gently rubbed the singing sensing away and when my fingers slide across her slit, I felt the first signs of her excitement and her juices were forming rapidly.
‘Thwack!” Again her buttocks quivered and continued to do so until they were glowing cherry red in colour. Between each pair of strikes, I stroked and touched her tortured skin and by the time I stopped, the insides of her thighs were sticky with her secretions. I leant my head forward, kissed each of her burning cheeses and said,
“Take me to our bedroom my pet, I would like to shower and you may help me, if you would?” She got to her feet, her legs a bit usteady and she winced as the skirt fell back in place and touched her tender ass. Her face was flushed, was it from the spanking or from arousal, time will tell I thought to myself and she replied,
“Yes Sir, your pet would be honoured to wash your wear body. Please follow me”
As I didn’t know where the bedroom was, it was the sensible thing to do and besides, I wanted to see her legs and arse as she climbed the stairs ahead of me, a sneaky preview, so to speak. She didn’t disappoint me, I got tantalising glimpses of her nylon clad legs and naked bum and I’m sure she exaggerated the sexy swing of her hips, all the way to the bedroom.
The room was immaculate, lit by numerous scented candles, which gave the place a feeling of peace and tranquillity and nothing like the madhouse Minx normally describes her house as being. My eyes took in the St. Andrew’s cross standing in one corner and beside it was a table, covered in black felt, where the tools of the Master’s tradewere laid out neatly. I dropped my bag next to the wardrobe and turned to face her. She reached out to start unbuttoning my shirt; I took her hands in mine, looked into her eyes and said,
“When we are in this room pet, you will be naked, or wearing what I tell you at all times. Remove everything except the hold ups and your heels, if you please”
She looked at me and almost shyly, she disrobed. By the time she had finished and even in the soft flickering light from the candles, I could see she was blushing so I said,
“There is no need to blush my pet, you are perfect and over the next two days, I will get to know every inch of your body, as you will mine. Now run the shower and I will join you in a minute. I quickly got out of my clothes, which were a bit creamed and crumbled from the train ride; retrieved my white terry towelling robe from the bag and headed to the shower. She was standing next to the cubicle waiting for me and I went to her. She raised her eyes and Inodded to her unspoken question. Nervously her hands reached for the belt and she released it, allowing the front to fall open and her eyes roamed over my exposed body. From the faith smile on her face, I think she liked what she saw and removed the gown completely.
This felt so strange to me, having her waiting on me like this, almost naked, nipples erect and her skin flushed. I stepped into the shower and pulled her in with me, holding her close and luxury in the warm water cascading over us. She began by shampooing my short brown hair, her fingers gently massaging my scalp before rinsing it off and picking up the soap. She worked the later all over my hard body and I knew her eyes were feasting on my rising manhood. Her eyes met mine and once more I nodded, giving her permission to wash my erect penis and smooth balls. Her touch was initially very tenative, but she soon warmed to the task in hand, so to speak and she caressed me as if she had been doing it forever andit felt wonderful.
I did the same for her, my hard fingers easing away the tension brought on from our first meeting and her unexpected spanking. Gradually her muscles relaxed and when I eased her legs open, she moaned softly as my soapy fingers slid along her hot slit. Her moans turned to gasps when I inserted two fingers into her soft opening and my thumb rested on her sensitive cliporis, rolling and pressing it against her public bone.
I did not want my first ejaculation to be in her hand and without saying a word, I slowly pushed down on her soft shoulders. Her nipples were like pebbles as they slip down my glowing skin, the soap long washed away from my hard shake and when her lips enclosed the head of my cock, it was my turn to gasp. My leg was between the strong grip of her thighs, I could feel the coordination of her wet nylons in direct contrast to the smoothness of the skin above them and I bent forward, kissed the top of her head and said,
“Yes pet, ride my leg and when you swallow my hot cream, you may cumm with me”
I held onto her nipples, rolling them between my fingers and thumbs and feeling her take more of my manhood into her sucking mouth. It feel as if my cock was sliding inside warm, wet velvet, her tongue, swirling around the shake, was like an eel and I knew I would not last very long before exploding my first load into her throat and belly. As she rode my leg, we could hear the juicy sounds above those from the shower, she also was close to her climax. My fingers tightened their grip on her tender buds and I groaned louder as my firey hot spunk shot into her hungry mouth. Her cries as she reached her orgasm were muffled by having to swallow my seed, jet after jet of it and she didn’t miss a drop.
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