As for all my stories they may not be perfect but they are meant to be a fun read and of course totally unreal.
I had been with my current girlfriend for 3yrs her name is Rachel and I can honestly say we had hit a bit of a rough patch. No relationship is perfect but for the last month or so we had started to get quite bit to each other. The beginning of the end I started to think.
A month or so ago we had been invited to a hypnotised show, I was very sceptical about the whole thing. Rachel was not far behind me. We went as it would be a night out and a chance to talk to someone else instead of each other. It was on the outskirts of town in a well know hall which lent a little bit of credibility to the evening as it had a good bar and a club attached.
We got drinks at the bar to take in and we were shown to our seats by the usher and made ourselves comfy. The warm up act was a comedian and he was quite funny. After 45 mins the hypnotised came out.
He started by saying the normal things. Then what can only be described as a machine similar to the lottery numbers machine was wheeled out.
The Hypnotised who name was Steve started by saying “If you have come here to see someone get hypnotised in to having sex on stage. You will be disappointed. Even though we are all adults I am not out to make or break relationships. Now for all of you who are here tonight you were shown to your seats by an usher. How many of you looked at him?”
A picture of him was put up on the screen behind him showing him as the usher, which got a laugh.
“The pieces of paper in this machine are the numbers on the seats that I helped people with tonight. I will use these numbers to pick the people I use in my show. I will say now if you do not want to, that’s fine I will pick another number. You did come here to be entertained why not joint in?”
He turned the machine and picked out a number. The male who seat it was decided. TheSecond one, female went up on stage. Her name was Leanne. He took another number out and it was Rachel’s, at first she looked a bit unsure. Rachel must have decided what the hell. Got up and went on stage.
Now Leanne and Rachel looked about the same age although now they looked even more unsure of the proceeding.
Steve thanked them for coming up on stage and explained that he could not do two people at the same time and asked was it ok if one of them wore a blind fold and ear muffs while he hypnotised the other. Both of them agreed. He grabbed two chairs from back stage and sat them both down. He gave Leanne the blind fold and ear muffs and said something to her to see if she would react. He turned to Rachel and started by whispering something in her ear for a minute.
The whole think took less than 4 mins and Rachel was sat on a chair with her head down totally out of it. He then did the same to Leanne and she too was sat in the chair and out of it.
Steve thenstarted “Right, Rachel and Leanne you are currently 16yrs old and have the latest pop magazine of your favorite singer in and it has all the lyrics of the latest song. You will stand up and start to sing it giving it everything you have.”
They both started to sing Robbie Williams, “Let Me Entertain You.”
Steve then said to everyone “Every time you hear that song you will thing of these two Now.”
He did a few more things before asking everybody that when he counted down to 1 everyone would clap and cheer.
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”
The room clapped and cheered as Rachel and Leanne came out of the trace. Steve thanked them both asked if they were ok and sent them back to the seats. We then had a bit of a break for more drinks.
It was at the time I was going to use the facilities that I walked past a slightly open door when I heard Steve says to some body “When I said pink, purple, pink clouds to that Rachel girl I did not think it would work she looked angry and hostile so I do not know why she came up. I worked which matters.”
The rest of the evening was ok and we set off home. An idea popped into my head as I was driving home. Out loud I said “Pink, Purple, Pink clouds.”
Rachel’s head fell forward, just like it had in the act. Was she still acting or had I overheard the words to put her in a trance correctly?
Well Steve might not want a show but I will try and see what happens.
“Rachel you are feeling very hot, so hot in fact that you want to remove your clothes from the top half of your body to cool you down.”
I watched a Rachel removed the clothes without undoing the seat belt. Rachel just sat there facing forward continuously wiping her forehead saying how hot she was.
If she was playing along she was doing a good job.
“Play with your nipples and make them hard and pinch them as well.”
Her hands went to her tits played and squeezed the nipples. They looked hard and erect as she played.
We were only a mile from home and it was dark so nobody saw my girlfriend sat topless playing with her own nipples which was lucky.
“Rachel, Undo the seat belt, get out of the car and go into the house.”
She did just that still with her tits on show acting as if nothing was wrong.
“Rachel, now we are home you will feel even hotter and remove the rest of your clothes to cool yourself down. You will go into the kitchen get a beer for me and a pint of water for yourself to cool you down.”
Rachel has a great body and even though we had our differences at the moment we still had sex once a week. This might change I think.
Off she went to the kitchen.
Now the big test. She had refused to give me a blowjob as she did not like the taste. So.
“Rachel, more than anything you want to give me a blow job, you will get on your knees look up at me and ask if you can, you will love to do it and swallow every bit and say thank you after.”
Rachel was half way though her water, she got down and gave me the best blow job I’ve had and said “thank you” after.
I wanted to make her more receptive when she was not in her trace. I told her to put her clothes back on and sit down. This she did. Now let’s try this.
“Rachel, When you come out of the trace your body will feel great, you will feel that everything is right in the relationship. More than anything you will want to please me, you will still be able to say no but you will feel guilty about saying it. You will start wanting sex every night and you will cum regularly and thank me for helping you to cum. You will buy more sexy clothes to wear around the house for me to see. You will ask me to inspect your body every morning and offer to give me a blowjob before we both go to work. In the evening when we are together you will ask me to inspect your body and then to have sex in different positions to see if we like them. You will always feel horny around me.”
I hoped that was not too much.
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”
Rachel woke up a bit dazed and asked if she had fallen sleep on the way home. I replied she had. That she had come in asked for some water and gone back to sleep again.
“I guess the hypnotised must have made you relax a bit too much” I said with a smile.
“I feel really good actually, we must have had a good time in fact I’m in the mood for fucking shall we do it here for a change or upstairs. Let me do a little strip for you to get you in the mood and maybe try something different.”
I did not turn that down and it did sow a seed for future plans.
The next morning I was shaken awake by Rachel asking “Can I give you a blow job before the day starts?”
I nodded and she went down my body and sucked me off, I was able to reach down and play with her tits as she did. Once she was finished Rachel said “Thank you.” Then went to the shower. I was still a bit dazed as to how it had actually worked but I was certainlygoing to take full advantage.
Rachel came out of the shower and stood in front of me asking me to check her body for her, I played with her nipples and was pushing my fingers inside her fanny when she pulled away and said “Sorry you know I wish we could carry on. We have work to go to. I will make up for it later I promise.”
Luckily work was busy. I did think what was going to happen later but it kept me focused and before I knew it I was going home.
I was half expecting it all to be over Rachel gone, the house empty. What I was greeted with was Rachel dressed in stockings, suspenders and a push up bra. “Sorry we could not have sex this morning I felt so guilty I went and bought these for you to see me in. Do you like it?” as she slowly turned around.
“Yes” Was all I could say.
“Good, I think I will buy some more tomorrow and wear them for you every day. Is that ok?”
Again “Yes” was all I could say.
“I’m cooking dinner for you why don’t you goand have a shower while I cook.”
I went upstairs and started to shower, I had not been in there two mins, when a naked Rachel came in.
“The food will be 20 minutes.”
She went down my wet body and I could see water now over hers as well as she sucked my cock. Rachel moved up and down and I shot my load in her mouth again she smiled and said “Thank you.”
She got out of the shower dried herself in front of me and went back down stairs.
I went down stairs and the smell was lovely but not as lovely as Rachel looked. She was still naked but sat down at the table with a glass of wine in her hand smiling at me.
The surprises were not over.
After dinner she calmly said that we should have sex but this time she pulled out a book. “I thought I would buy this for us to try as well.”
I was a book of sex positions.
Rachel let the book fall open on a page.
It was that I sit down Rachel rides my cock and I suck her tits as they bounce in front of me.
I went over to the settee and removed my tracksuit bottoms. Rachel got astride me and lowered herself on my cock at the same time a feeding me her tits to suck.
“I like giving you blow jobs. If I give you one in the morning and you want to have sex as well we are going to have to start earlier as I do not want to disappoint you again.”
With a mouth full of nipple I could not say much.
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