The Training of Michelle Ch. 01

Lesson One: Michelle’s Affairs

No sooner had we entered the restaurant then we were greeted by the sound of shattering glass. The Hispanic busboy had let a carafe slip out of his hand as he stared wide mouthed and red faced at me. I tried to avoid his eyes. “Damn it, Michelle” I thought, “I did not expect the same wait staff from lunch to still be here for the evening shift”. The maitre d’ had not given a hint of recognition. But she could see some of the waiters stealing glances at her and smiling sly. Of course her husband Tom took no notice, but her friend Kathy joked, “Michelle, that dress of yours is getting some attention, you tease.” Are you going to spend the night leaning over, picking up your napkin so everyone gets a look down your cleavage? You always loved doing that to the boys in high school!”

“Jeez, Kathy!” Scoffed Kathy’s husband Frank. “You’re just jealous. I think you look lovely, Michelle.”

“I’m batting a thousand so far”, I sarcastically think to myself. When I called my husband at work and suggested we go out to dinner, what I really wanted was to get him as horny as I was, get him a bit tipsy, and then fuck him silly. I had put on my sexiest dress, the one with the most revealing neckline to show case my “perfect” breasts and the tightest fit across my ass. Not a single piece of underwear could be hurt with this little black number. But when my husband Tom said he invited our best friends Kathy and Frank to come along, and then told me which restaurant we were going to, I realized how wrong the evening was going to go. And now, being seated in the exact same booth in which I had sat at lunch, I also realized how right I was to have started my affairs.

“Michelle, honey,” Kathy had suggested on one girl’s night out a few months ago, “It is obvious to everyone you love Tom and Tom loves you, but, baby, you need something new to be fulfilled. And I suggest you get fully filled as often as possible! You know that Ihave my “adventures” and I know Frank has had his. But we don’t care. We love each other and still enjoy not just the sex but everything else that goes into a relationship. With a fling it is all about something different and exciting. You can experiment with those things you keep hidden because who’s going to know? You loved your modeling days and being the center of attention. I know you miss that more then You are willing to admit to yourself. So get out there! Be fun! Be daring! Get aroused again! Get excited! Let the kinky side out or you’ll grow to be a boring as our mothers.

The simple thought of anything new and different was a temptation I reached dearly to embrace. Tom and I have been married for eight years, and our lovemaking is like a well-rehearsed old dance. Every time the same routine. 1-2-3-4 I kiss you on the lips. You kiss me on the neck cha cha I touch you there and you touch me here cha cha cha I suck for 5 you lick for 5. Screw me from the rear fuck me from the front moan moan grunt groan cum cha cha cha. Music ends. Sleep.

So I started as Kathy had instructed, cruising on the Internet. I found dating sites were just money scams looking to collect membership fees. The chat rooms were a quick dead end for me. Every conversation went like this:

Him: Hi

Me: Hi

Him: Where you from?

Me: Indianapolis

Him: Cool, let’s fuck

Me: Let’s talk a bit first

Him OK. Do you have a webcam? Do you cyber?

Me: No

(Him has just logged off…)

Finally Kathy suggested an Alternate Life Style site. At first I was taken aback by the range of sexual activities being sought. Much of which I never knew existed. But the site had a detailed questionnaire to help define and refine what you were seeking. It also provides lists of local groups of the same interest. That is where I met Stefan. We had chatted for nearly a month online. I was looking to be led into new experiences and guided to novel sexualAdventure. Stefan was an experienced dominant Master. He had a voyeuristic streak and I was looking to renew my exhibitionist side. I had listed my definite WILL NOT DO S: no scat, no bestiality etc. and these were inline with his preferences. He owned a firm that bought and managed commercial real estate. I was a real estate agent for private homes. We seemed to hit it off. So we agreed to meet for lunch at an upscale restaurant downtown. But I insisted; no sex or physical contact on this first “date”. He agreed. As per his wishes, I wore a business suit with skirt and no underwear. And… I did NOT tell Kathy! Not yet anyway. Let’s see how this goes first.

I was waiting in the blinde when Stefan arrived carrying a small shopping bag. The maitre d’ knew him as soon as he walked in and immediately led Stefan to me. “How many times has Stefan done this” I wondered as we were led to our table. We had agreed to meet at 1 o’clock so that we would miss the main business day crowd. But the dining area was still three fourths full. We sat in a booth along the wall opposite the kitchen door and not all the way in the back of the room but pretty close. I confess I was relieved to be a bit hidden from view as I started to slide into the booth with my back to the room but Stefan stopped me and insisted I sit on the other side where I could see most of the dining room. We made small talk over cocktails as we checked each other out. He had said that he was nine years older then my 31 years, but I wondered if he had fudged a few years. There were a few shocks of gray at his temples and the lines on his face looked a touch older but did serve to add rugged character to his looks. He wore a blue Armani suit and looked every bit the successful businessman. As I leaned across the table to talk I smelled his divine cent. I have no idea what cologne it was but it immediately brought to mind sailing yachts and rugged adventure. Not musk or sweet but he just smelled like MAN.

“So”, he said, “You said you have perfect breasts?”

I laughed, “Perfect is in quotes. I have “perfect” breasts for bra ads. I modeled in my late teens and early twentyties. My biggest client was one of the local department stores. I was the model for nearly all of their bra ads that ran in newspapers and catalogues. You know that page that has rows of bras on sale. The ones with the photo cropped from just below the chin to the top of the hips so all you see is the bra? That was me. I have a 34 B chest and that is the product sample size the manufacturers provide the vendors. Also, and this part is rare, both of my breasts are exactly the same size. Most women have one slightly different than the other. And finally my aureoles are dark pink, not brown, and slightly puffy and my nipples stay flat unless aroused. And that is what looks best in the photo. So I had the perfect titties for photography. The down side was that the art director would only book me for the bra ads and never used me for any of the fashion work. I used to show up on set and cheerfully announce “Your chest is here”!

We both laughed a comfortable laugh. We had settled into a friendly rapport rather quickly. “That’s typical of the advertising world isn’t it?” he commented. “Everything in its tiny niche. It is such a waste not to realize the varied nuances and capabilities each person has. But your story begs one question. If you nipples are flat when not aroused, what are they when aroused?”

“Well, there’s no touching this time around, but they get as big as the last section of my little finger and stand out like that too!”

Stefan frowned slightly but the twinkle remained in his eyes. ” You see, Michelle, here is where we have a problem. You say you wish to be led into new realms of excitement and experience, but yet you insist on calling the shots and setting the rules. This is what we call “topping from the bottom”. The top is the master and the bottom is the sub, the one who is submissive. If the submissive leads the action “more of this-don’t do that. ” It is passive aggressive behavior and is destructive to a healthy sexual experience. If you wish to learn and be guided you must first learn to be truly submissive. The irony is, of course, you must choose to be submissive. But I promise you that I can safely teach you how empowering that is.”

“I see,” I said, swallowing hard. I suddenly felt like a schoolgirl being chatised by the principal.

“We’ll see if you do, Michelle” Stefan replied. He handed me the shopping bag. “Take this to the ladies room. There is something in here for you. And take off your blouse and put it in the bag.”

‘But I have no bra on! If I move wrong my breasts will pop right out of this suit jacket!”

“Yes, they probably will. Go.”

My head is spinning as I enter the rest room. I open the bag to see a small gift-wrapped box. I open it to find a small tube of lube and a small buttplug! “Fuck!” I mutter. I am an anal virgin. My husband Tom has spent a lot of time and liquor over the years trying to fuck me up the ass. But I’m not going that way. I think it is just dirty. My pussy is for cock, not my butt! Well Stefan said he will not touch me so he’ll never know if I have it in or not. I take off my blouse and put my jacket back on. I catch my reflection in the mirror. Damn I look hot! I strike a few poses. If I lean forward at all or slouch at all, anyone to my side can see my nipple. But what the hell, I used to pose nude on occasion and I loved looking sexy. It has been too long since I’ve felt that power over a man. To make them look and lust and want me but knowing they can’t have me. Then the realization hits me! Stefan has already rekindled a long suppressed sexual longing. With this one ploy I am already feeling sexier then I have for years. Stefan really does know what he’s talking about! And he’s starting to lead just as I had requested. Do I go for it or not? I move quickly before I change my mind. I take the buttplug and spread some lube on it. The plug is small, no bigger around than my thumb and only as long. It has a narrow base, to help it stay in I assume. Putting a bit of lube on my asshole I slide the plug home.

My face flushes with the sensing. I find I have to walk with my buttcheeks taunt, slightly squeezed together. As I look at myself in the mirror I see that to an onlooker it merely looks like I am prancing with a slow sexy swagger.

As I swagger back through the dining area back to my table. I feel every head turn towards me. My breasts are barely half covered. I see a man obviously with his wife try to steal a glance without this wife noticing. An older lady glares in undisguised contempt. A table of salesmen just smile and one tips his wineglass to me. As I slide into my booth Stefan smiles. “Enjoying yourself aren’t you? Let’s order” Stefan hardly turns his head to call the waiter before he’s at the table. He positions himself to my side and slightly behind me. He has a perfect view down my jacket to see my breasts. Stefan orders for the two of us. Another waiter brings our soup in record time. I can’t take more than a sip of water before the Hispanic busboy is back at the table refilling my glass. As we finish our soup and salad I look around the room. When I meet the gawker’s eyes they look away becoming suddenly intent on their food. Due to the time many have to leave to return to work. But the men all give a quick glance my way before they leave.

“Alright, Michelle”, says Stefan matter of factly, “Show me your perfect breasts.”

My stunned expression was reply enough for him. “Yes, Michelle, Pull your jacket aside as show me your “perfect” breasts. This time I will allow you to Look around and choose your moment, but in the future, if there is a future. When I give a command you will obey.”

I slide as far to the right as I can in the booth. Hiding. Scanning the room I can now onlysee a few people. The one with the best angle of view seems to be working a crossword puzzle and the others diners have resumed dining. I look Stefan right in the eye and pull my jacket aside giving him a clear flash of my prizes. Suddenly I feel a vibrating in my butt! I involuntarily let out a surprised yelp! Immediately all heads turn towards me as I havetily close my coat.

“Ah,” says Stefan, “Here comes our entrees” The vibrating in my butt continues as our waiters serve us and pour our wine. Do they hear? Can they tell?

“What is happening?” I stutter after the wait staff has left.

“You are experiencing confusion because you have never acknowledged this side of yourself. I have a remote control for the plug in your ass. By controlling it I change your focus. You were so concentrated and absorbed in your own thoughts that you neglected to FEEL. You had the opportunity to feel the power of your beauty. You started to feel it when you walked back from the restroom. But you started analyzing and reasoning and losing the moment.”

“Do you have perfect breasts?” Stefan asked coldly.

“Yes I do”

“Are you proud of them?”

“Yes, I guess I am.”

“The next time the busboy comes. Let him see your beauty.”

As if on cue the young bus boy returned to “refill” my full glass. I glanced at his face and saw a desperate lonely young man. I sloughed forward and put my arm on the table. My jacket fell away from my body and my right title fell out of the jacket. The bus boy stared trying not to stare. I looked up at him and say, “Thank you for the excellent service” He blushed brightly as he realized that I was watching him watch me. “Gracias”, he said and left.

Congratulations, Michelle you have Just learned the first lesson of why a Master/ Submissive relationship is so liberating. Permission. You have my permission to enjoy yourself.

“I think I’m starting to see… Maybe”

“You will see in time”. Stefan said reachingacross my plate to cut my steak up into bites. “You will now eat your meal using only your right hand. With you left hand I want you to reach under the table, hike your skirt up and finger fuck yourself for the rest of the meal.”

I flushed slightly but did as I was told. The tablecloth hid my lap. I lightly stroked my clip and vulva letting the feeling well over me like a wave breaking on the ocean. I tried now to not think but just feel. There was an electric feeling in my belly that I had never felt before. A cascade of first sensings: first kiss, first feel, first taste of cum, first orgasm, first fuck, first love. The sense memories of a lifetime floated to the top of my consciousness. The aching need in my cunt spread throughout my body. My pussy was flowing with my juice. I thrust my middle finger in my cunt rubbing the heel of my thumb against my clip at the same time. I plunged myself faster and faster. I glanced down to see my skirt now bunched up around my waist. My lap covered by the tablecloth but anyone who noticed the exposed side of my hip could guess what was going on under the table.

“Are your nipples hard?” Asked Stefan.

“Oh Yes!”

“Show me.”

Without hesitation I pulled my jacket aside with my right hand.

“Beautiful…” signed Stefan, “Indeed perfect.”

Stephan was working the remote turning the vibrating plug in my ass up and down revving it like you’d rev a motorcycle.

“Look at me!”

I opened my eyes to see Stefan casually leaned back in his booth one arm dragged over the back of the seat behind him. Only a tiny line of sweat on his forehead and a sly smile betrayed his excitement.

I glanced around the room. Incredibly no one was staring except for my bus boy who stood wide mouthed and wide eyed drinking in my pleasure. Then I saw him! The man across the room working the crossword puzzle. His head was down but his eyes were raised and fixed on me. He had his hand in his lap and by the steady rapid movements of his arm I could tell he was jerking off under the table!

I closed my eyes again. I put a second finger in my cunt. I could hear the wet sucking slapping sound of my frantic stroke. It crashed in my ears so loudly I could not understand how the entire restaurant could not hear.

I was about to cum!

“Take your right hand and squeeze your nipples! Now!”

Doing so was all it took to push me over the edge. The thrill of exhibition crashed with the electricity in my cunt and clip and my rock hard nipples and for the first time my asshole quivered and clenched in what seemed to be it’s own climax. I was gasping for breath, my body just starting to shake with a massive orgasm as I heard Stefan says, ” Waiter, check please.

I was still cumming as the waiter appeared. He made no attempt to avert his eyes or pretend he did not notice. “I gather madam enjoyed her meal.” he said dryly. “Please come again”

Stefan laughed out loud. I gatheredmyself together. Pulling my skirt back down I see it is soaking wet from my pussy fluids. I take Stefan by his arm.

“I need a cock in me now Let’s get a room at the Canterbury next door and fuck.”

“No, thank you”

“Please, Stefan! Come with me! That scene was incredible! But I’m still so turned on that I need you, right now. Fuck me hard!”

“Still topping from the bottom, Michelle. I’ll contact you in a few days, online”

To be continued…


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