The Training of Michael Ch. 01

Michael stared, unseeing, at the layer of dark, omino clouds beneath the jet’s wings, his thoughts as turbulent as the storm below. His book lay unopened in his lap as he contemplated the past several months of his life. Not for the first time, he wondered if he was making the biggest mistake of his life, turning his back on everything and everyone to chase an elusive dream. His hands trembled as he gently fingered the heavy silver chain locked around his neck. What in the world had he been thinking? He desperately wanted a drink to calm his nerves, but Her directions had been explicit—no alcohol. Michael glanced around at his fellow passengers, wondering if any could possibly see his inner turmoil. Satisfied no one seemed to be staring knowingly at him, Michael continued his contemplation.

Closing his eyes, Michael relived the drama of last night, when he told his wife of 16 years he was leaving…and why. Julie, with her big brown eyes, thought he was joking, of course. Who, in their right mind, would give up a family, a lucrative career, a beautiful home, everything, just for the chance to serve a Mistress? Julie’s disbelief soon turned into tears, then anger, as the truth set in. Her husband was really leaving her. And for some slut in black leather, yet! Those brown eyes soon were snapping with rage as she turned her back on Michael and stomped out the door. “Just don’t come crawling back to me,” she exploded, “when She realized what a wuss you really are!”

A lone tear slide unchecked down his cheek as Michael contemplated the enormity of what he had done. A new life. Yeah, sure. What if he screwed this up, too? What if his new Mistress, after owning him for a few months, decided She no longer wanted him? What the hell would he do then? He Thought about his last conversation with Her. “Come to Me, now, My little one. You are Mine,” She said softly.

Now, he was flying to meet Her, his new Owner, his new life. At long last. His dream was coming true.


She locked quietly, soothed by the sensitive scent of Chanel 5 rising from the warm bubbles in the tub, while jasmine, Her personal slave, gently washed Her back. Her strong exercise had done its magic, erasing the mental tension. Now, the hot steaming water was easing the tension from Her muscles. Accepting a new slave never failed to excite Her, even as the thought of all the long hours She would put into training the new one tired Her. Perhaps this is the one, Lady Victoria thought to Herself. Others had come before him, and for different reasons, were no longer here. She mentally reviewed Her preparations, ensuring his transition to his new life would be fairly smooth. After all, She didn’t want things to be too smooth! Where was the fun in that? She loved watching the new ones’ inner struggles as they entered Her House. Some were there for further training, sent by their own Mistresses. Others wanted to become the perfect slave in hopes of gaining theInterest of the Mistress of their dreams. This one, though…..

With a start, Lady Victoria opened Her eyes to see jasmine standing quietly, holding the warmed towel open for Her. As jasmine gently dried Her body, She decided to visit the dungeon. She slipped into the flowing caftan jasmine held open for Her, then the matching mules with the four-inch-high heels. A slight motion of Her hand brought jacob, Her head slave, to Her side. At nearly six feet in height, She towered over the diminutive slave by several inches. The depth of his loyalty and service more than made up for any lack of status, however. That was why She had recently promoted him to head slave. The others were envious, of course, but were so well trained that the envy never turned into jealousy. Lady Victoria was meticulous about ensuring Her slaves felt loved and cared for.

As the two made their way downstairs, jacob walked one step behind and one step to the left. He had, indeed, learned his lessons well. He knew that to make his Mistress wait while he opened doors would result in punishment, and possibly the loss of his new position in Her House. Lady Victoria looked around the dungeon space, admiring the glaiming silver, waxed wood, and soft leather. Her gaze fell upon Her wall of toys.

“jacob,” She said softly, “who was in charge of that wall?”

“Mistress, alice was given that privilege,” he replied equally as softly.

“Bring her to Me,” Victoria ordered.

“Certainly, Mistress,” jacob replied and quickly went to fetch alice.

Lady Victoria saw alice, a mousey creativity, blanch when jacob relayed his Mistress’ order, but to her credit, the young girl did not hesitate to follow the instructions given her. As she knelt before the Mistress, she was quaking inside. “alice,” Lady Victoria said, “you were responsible for the toys?”

“Yes, Mistress,” alice replied softly.

Lady Victoria reached down and gently raised alice’s head. Looking into those scared brown eyes, Lady Victoria chuckled. “You do know that I expect perfection, correct?”

“Yes, Mistress,” alice quickly replied.

“Look at that wall and tell Me what is not perfect,” Lady Victoria commanded. alice looked at the wall and immediately saw that one of Her favorite floggers was hanging crookedly. “Oh, Mistress! I am so sorry,” alice cried, and started to rise to Correct her mistake, but Lady Victoria quickly forced her back to her knees. “It is too late, now, little one,” She said. “Go and bring Me that flogger.”

alice quickly retrieved the instrument and kneeing, offered it up to the Mistress, after kissing its braided tails. “Assume the position, alice,” Lady Victoria ordered.

“In front of everyone?” alice asked aghast, tears in her eyes.

“alice, I know you are only here for a short time, but you will never, ever question My orders,” Lady Victoria stated firmly. “Your Mistress sent you to Me because you continuously failed to grap the conceptof immediate and total obedience. Do you dispute this?”

“No, Mistress,” alice replied, her eyes downcast. Quickly alice assumed the punishment position, her ass in the air, legs spread, head on her hands in front of her. The other three slaves stopped their work and quickly kneeeled around the area, as they knew their Mistress’ wishes for an audience when punishing a new slave.

“jacob, fetch Me the large plug,” Mistress said with a gleam in Her eyes. Lady Victoria saw the quiver run through alice’s slight body at the mention of the plug.

“This will hurt, alice, and I will allow your cries this time,” ordered Lady Victoria.

“Yes, Mistress,” alice softly replied. jacob brought the plug, gloves, and lubricant to his Mistress. “Watch Me, alice,” Lady Victoria Commanded. As alice raised her head, her eyes widened in fear at the sight of the large butt plug. “But, Mistress, that won’t fit!” she cried. At the look in the Mistress’ eyes, alice knew she had done it again. “I’m sorry, Mistress. I will accept whatever punishment You decide,” alice said.

“Of course you will, little one. You have no choice in the matter,” Lady Victoria stated firmly. While alice watched, Lady Victoria generally lubricated the huge plug. “Position, little one.”

alice quickly lowered her head once more to her hands and waited. She felt the cold lubricant as the Mistress’ gloved hand spread the gel around the waiting asshole. A gloved finger slipped inside and alice gasped. Another finger joined the first and alice’s ass started moving to accept more. A quick swat to alice’s butt stopped the movement. “Be still, little one,” She commanded. Suddenly She removed Her fingers and placed the huge plug at the opening of alice’s sweet hole. alice tensed, but She waited. As alice slowly relaxed, She inserted the end of the plug, held it still for a moment then started pushing it in. alice whimpered, then cried out, as more and more of the plug was inserted. alice couldn’t help it, she had to move!

“jacob,” Victoria said. jacob knew what his Mistress wanted and quickly knelt by the sobbing alice to hold her still. “Shhh,” he whispered to alice, “or you will only make it worse for yourself.” As he gentle the girl, he remembered the first time he received this particular punishment. Now, of course, his asshole was ready to accept whatever and whomever his Mistress ordered. But he still remembered the pain, the humiliation. Lady Victoria caught jacob’s eye and gave a slight nod. He gently grasped alice’s head and held it down. With a quick movement, Lady Victoria plugged the huge butt plug totally inside alice’s ass. alice screamed, of course, and cried. alice couldn’t see the look of sexual excitement on the Mistress’ face, but jacob and the others could. When Lady Victoria addressed alice, Her voice was husky with desire. “You will not drop that plug, alice,” She commanded. A wavey voice answered, “Yes, Mistress.”

Lady Victoria drew backHer arm and quickly laid the tails of the heavy flogger across alice’s buttocks. Beautiful red marks immediately appeared. Again and again, the flogger rose and fell, each time a little harder, until alice’s butt glowed a rosy red. alice’s cries could be heard throughout the House and Mistress glorried in the sound.

“jacob,” She said softly.

“The cane, Mistress?” asked jacob.

“At once, jacob!” She commanded. Lady Victoria well knew jacob’s soft side would expect Her to consider this punishment complete, but She also knew that alice needed the marks from the cane as a reminder in the days to come. jacob quickly brought the punishment cane. A long, stout bamboo cane, the punishment cane brought tears to the eyes of those with even the most hardened butts.

Lady Victoria knelt down by alice and softly stroked her hair from her face. “We are not quite finished, little one. I want you to remember this day and the lessons you have learned.”

“Yes, Mistress, as Youcommand,” alice softly replied, tears streaming down her face.

The cane landed on alice’s already sore butt with a loud crack. alice’s scream brought tears to the eyes of all who heard. Another crack of the cane gave another beautiful red welt. Four more times, the cane rose and fell, leaving six evenly spaced raised welts. alice was crying uncontrollable, and all the slaves had tears in their eyes. They had all felt the punishment cane at one time or another and while they all felt sorry for poor alice, they were secretly glad it was her and not them. jacob, though, remembering his first punishment, also remembered what came afterwards and was just a little bit envious.

At a slight hand motion, jacob brought a low stool and placed it by his Mistress. Victoria sat on the stool and gathered alice into Her arms, strugging her hair, and whispering in her ear. “Little one, it is over. As long as you remember the rules, this is the end of it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” alice sobbed softly. Leaning into Mistress’ strong arms, alice feel safer than she had ever felt before.

“Remember to write about all this in your journal tonight, alice, especially about how you feel and what you are feeling now,” Mistress instructed.

“Yes, Mistress,” was the soft reply.

Lady Victoria motioned to pet, Her personal playtoy. As pet kneeed before Mistress, jacob felt a stall of jealousy. “No!,” he thought to himself, “that’s MY job!” His face remained unchanged, but She knew. “Next time, jacob,” She promised. Jacob’s face reddened slightly, and She chuckled, knowing he wondered how She always knew what he was thinking.

“Prepare her, pet,” She commanded. Victoria waited, but alice was silent. Sighing, Victoria asked, “alice, do you not have something to say?”

“Oh, Mistress! Yes, Ma’am!” alice quickly remembered what Mistress wanted to hear. “Thank you, Mistress,” alice said softly, as she knelt before her Mistress and kissed the toe ofHer boots.

“That’s a good girl,” She said gently. jacob hastened to open the door as Lady Victoria swept through, continuing through Her House, noting anything that needed to be cleaned, changed, or repaired. As usual, nothing was amiss, and She smiled to Herself. “I love being Mistress,” She thought to Herself.


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