The Training of a Young Submissive Ch. 27

Author’s note: This is the final chapter of this story. A few of you have wondered if this was based on a real life story. It is not. But Faith is based on a real person. She is no longer with me, but she is special and someone I still care about. I want to thank all of you who have been reading “The Training of a Young Submissive”. It has been enjoyable to write. Thank you for all of the wonderful comments. And please be patient. I do plan on starting a new story in the near future.


I looked around the room. So this is what an interrogation room looks like. This was not exactly an experience on my bucket list. I was trying to be patient as I waited alone. I had not been arrested, but I was still nervous. And this was exactly the kind of place that tends to intimidate people. Although waiting for the door to open, I was started when it actually did open.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I need to go back to three weeks earlier …..

Shannon had some studying to do. It was nearing the end of the semester. Faith had finished her homework. So we had an opportunity to spend some time alone. I think Faith thought I was going to make love to her. But that was not my intention at all. As she walked into my bedroom, closing the door behind her, she was clearly caught off guard when she heard my voice.

“Get your clothes off, slut!” I grew.

Faith looked at me with surprise, but immediately said, “Yes, Master.” Within seconds she stood naked before me.

“Get on the bed, on your hands and knees!”

“Yes, Master.” She did as she was told.

I opened the door to my closet and pulled out four lengths of rope. I took two of the pieces of rope and tied the ends of them to each of her wrists. In a more quiet voice, I said, “Reach for your ankles between your legs, my slave.” She placed her face into the bed as she reached as far as she could. I took the rope and tied her wrists to her ankles. With the other two lengths of rope, I tied her elbows to her knees. I stood back to admire her body. And then I remembered I had wanted to add one more thing. I went back to the closet and pulled out a spreader bar. I forced her thighs apart and placed the bar between her ankles. I attached each end of the bar to her ankles.

Faith was trembling by now. She was also wet. I could see how wet her cunt was. This was a new position for her. I had not stretched her arms too hard to tie to her ankles. I didn’t want to hurt her shoulders. But she was secure enough to not be able to move. I stood back and watched her try to move. She knew she could not move much, but she knew that watching her pull at her binds always excited me. And it was working. My cock was doing a full salute.

I caressed her ass and then moved my hand between her thighs. I stroked her cunt, making my hand wet. Faith moaned quietly. And then without warning, I spanked her hard with my bare hand. The slap of skin to skin was loud in thebedroom. Faith grunted and I spanked her again. I had spanked her hard enough that my hand print appeared in red on her ass. I spanked her again and again. Faith’s grunts eventually turned into quiet yelps of pain. But I could see her juices running down her thighs. And my hand was beginning to sting.

I finally stopped. Faith’s ass was beat red. She was breathing a little heavy. My hand was hot from the spanking. She could feel that heat as I caressed her cunt again. She moaned again, but more loudly.

“Please, Master! Fuck me!”

I smiled as I pulled my hand away and took my clothes off. I was rock hard and had no intention of teasing her with my cock. I got on the bed behind her and penetrated her immediately. Again, I had caught her by surprise. She had expected some teasing. But I was already fucking her, feeling the intensity pleasure. She could not move much, so she could not push her ass back into me. I could feel her try, but groan in frustration. She felt I was teasing her. But that was the further thing from my mind. I started to slam into her. She moaned in pleasure, no longer feeling frustrated. She still managed to squeeze my cock. My hands gripped her hips tightly as I impaled her over and over.

Faith’s moans became louder as my hips slapping her ass got louder. I kept fucking her harder. In fact, I was pumping her so hard that the head board of the bed was Now banging against the wall. I think the sound of that was what finally made Faith begin to lose control.

“Master? May I cum? Please?”

I was grunting in pleasure as I continued to pound her cunt. I struggled to speak. “Cum for me Faith!”

Faith cried out loudly as her body released. Her orgasm was long and loud. As it always does, her cumming pushed me over the edge. I shot my cum deeply into her as I screamed in pleasure. I continued to pump my cock into her until she had drained me.

I finally pulled out of her and lay back on the bed, my chest heaving asI panted. I laid there for a few seconds and then got up to untie Faith. Her body was limp. Her body was wet with sweat. I pulled her close and held her. I felt her kiss my neck and then I heard her whisper. “I loved that, Master.”

Once our breathing had returned to normal, I got up out of bed to begin our after-rough-sex ritual. I started to fill the bathtub for us and then returned to the bedroom to help Faith into the bathtub. As we sat in the bathtub and Faith snuggled into my body tightly, I kissed her neck and shoulder.

“That was new. I loved it, Sam.”

“Yes, it was new.” We both turned to see Shannon standing at the door. “I hope you do that to me sometimes soon.”

I chuckled. “You were snooping.”

“How could I not? I heard the bed banging into the wall. I came in to check on you both. When I peeked into the door, I turned around and went to the other bedroom and masturbated. I came when you screamed.”

Shannon was smiling, but also blushing. Heradmission of masturbating like that was unusual for her. I chuckled again. “I guess I’ll have to wait for the right moment to bind you like that. It’s not as much fun when you expect it.”

Shannon’s face turned into a mock pout, but could not hold it and started to giggle again.

Hours later, both girls tucked into my body, I found my mind restless. It was always a little hard for me to fall asleep when they both cuddled with me in bed. They were sleeping, their breathing even and quiet. I kissed each of their foreheads and closed my eyes to try to sleep. I had barely closed my eyes when the phone rang. I let out a sight and reached to answer the phone over Shannon’s body.


“Is this Sam Anderson?”

My heart rate increased. I hated calls like this. “Yes, it is.”

“I’m sorry to both you, Mr. Anderson. This is Dr. Blackthorn. I’m calling for a Sara Cooper. She is a patient of mine and she is asking for you.”

I sat up quickly, disturbing the girls. “What happened?”

“She was assaulted this evening. She was beating up pretty badly. She’s steady, but we’re watching her closely.”

“I’ll be there in 15 minutes,” I said. By now, both girls were wide awake and wondering what was going on. I asked which hospital Dr. Blackthorn was calling from and then hung up.

“What happened? Who was that?” asked Faith. She was trembling as if she was afraid to hear the answer.

“Sara is in the hospital. She was beating up. I don’t know anything else.” I was getting out of bed as I spoke and grabbing clothes to get dressed.

Shannon looked at Faith. Their eyes began to fill with tears. “We’re coming,” said Shannon.

I looked at them as I was pulling a pair of jeans on. “No. You don’t need to come.”

Faith was trying not to sob. “We’re coming, Sam. Period.”

My eyes widened a bit. And then I thought about it and realized that there was no place else they should be. “Ok. Get dressed, but anxious.”

We rushed into the emergency room, only to learn that Sara had been moved from ER to a regular room. The nurse gave us directions to her room and we ran off. Once on the right floor, a man approached us, trying to slow us down.

“Mr. Anderson?”


“I’m Dr. Blackthorn. May I speak to you for a moment?” He looked at Faith and Shannon.

“You may speak openly, Doctor. Whatever you tell me, I’ll be telling them anyway.”

“Well first, does Ms. Cooper have any living relatives?”

“No. Her parents died about ten years ago. She has no brothers or sisters.”

“I see.”

“Why do you ask? You said she was stable.” Faith gripped my arm.

“We may have to remove her spleen. I was wondering if there was family, but since there isn’t, I guess I understand why she asked for you. You are the only person she asked for.”

I buried my face in my hands. I could feel the tears start. I looked at the doctor again. “Is she going to be ok?”

“We’ll know better in 12 hours whether surgery is necessary. But she seems to be stable now.”

“Can we see her?” I asked.

“Yes, but I suggest you wait until the police are done talking to her.”

“The police are in there now?”

“Yes. From what information I could get from her, it appears that there was a rape attempt. She managed to fight them off, but the result was that they beat her badly.”

“They?” I asked.

“Yes. There were two of them.” Dr. Blackthorn paused a moment. “Look. I believe she will survive this physically, but I am worried about her emotionally. Whatever you are feeling, what she needs from you right now is your support and your love.”

I bit my lip. “Of course, Doctor.”

“I’ll let you know when you can go in and see her.”

“Thank you.”

We waited until two men walked out of Sara’s room. They noticed us standing there and waiting. They walked to us, pulling out their badges and identification. One of them asked, “You are Sam Anderson?”

“Yes, I am,” I responded.

“I’m Detective Gomez. This is my partner, Detective Edwards. Ms. Cooper was able to answer our questions, but it is often the case where a victim will remember things later on. If she does remember anything new, please call us.” He handed me his card.

“Thank you,” I said as I took his card.

We walked to the room, but at the door, I stopped and leaned against the wall. I was fighting to control so many emotions. But the only emotion I could allow Sara to see was my love for her.

“Sam?” Faith was taking my hand in hers.

“I’ll be fine.” I looked at both of the girls. “It’s critical that the only emotion we show Sara is our love. You don’t have to hold back your tears. But fight against any anger. She does not need that now.”

“Yes, Sam. We will show our love because we do love her very much.”

And then we walked through the door. I was able to hold back my gasp, but Shannon could not. Sara was barely recognized. Her face was anything but a natural color. Both eyes were swollen, with one of them closed shut completely. The bridge of her nose was cut and her lips were split in several places. Her body was covered with a sheet, but I could only imagine she was as bruised as her arms. One of her forearms was in a cast. Her fingers were bloody with several finger nails torn off. There were tubes and wires everywhere.

My lips quivered and I bit my lower lip. I could not stop my eyes filling with tears. But I stepped up to the bed and took Sara’s hand. “Hello, Sara,” I whispered. “I’m here, honey.”

“Sam,” her voice cracked. And then a tear ran down her face.

Faith and Shannon moved to the other side of her bed. Faith took her other hand, trying not to disturb the I.V. and heart rate monitor wires. “We’re all here Sara.”

“And we’re here to stay. We’re not leaving,” said Shannon.

“That’s right,” I said. “We are not leaving until you leave” I leaned over to kiss her forehead. “I will take care of you baby.”

“I love you, Sam.”

“I love you too, Sara. You’re safe now,” I said. I felt her hand squeeze mine.

I smiled at her and then realized a nurse had walked into the room.

“I’m sorry, but only two of you may visit at a time. Ms. Cooper needs her rest,” said the nurse.

“Shannon and I will sit in the waiting room. Stay with her, Sam,” said Faith.

I nodded as Faith caught my eyes. She knew. She knew I was struggling with my emotions. Faith leaned over and kissed Sara’s cheek and started to leave the room, following Shannon. As she left, she touched my arm and mouthed the words, “I love you.”

I pulled a chair closer to Sara’s bed and sat down. I took her hand in mine again. Sara started to speak, but I stopped her. “Shhhhh. Sleep Sara. You need to get some rest to heal. I won’t leave. I’m here to stay.”

“I have to tell you something, Sam.”

“It can wait. I won’t leave your side,” I said.

Her hand squeezed mine again. And then her one eye closed and she fell asleep. The nurse checked the monitor and the I.V. drip. She smiled at me and whispered, “I’ll be back later to check on her.”

I sat there and watched Sara as she breathed evenly. And then the tears I had been fighting came in a flood. I was surprised that my feeling of distraught was stronger than my anger. But all I could think of was her being completely alone and helpless. All I could think of was Sara fighting off the bastards who had attacked and beaten her.

I started to think about the future. I started to make plans in my head. Sara would be staying with us until she was healed. I would not allow her to be alone. I remember what the doctor had said. She would physically heal, but her spirit needed to heal too. I had taken care of Sara before, but this was a little different. I needed to make sure she felt safe. I would make her feel safe. It was no examination when I had said I would not leave her.

Saratwitched and moaned. It shook me out of my thoughts. I squeezed her hand and whispered, “I’m here, Sara. I’m here.”

I’m not sure when it was, but I drifted off to sleep. I woke to Faith touching my shoulder. I blinked a few times and looked around. I was still holding Sara’s hand. She was still sleeping.

“Shannon and I will sit with her for a little while. Why don’t you get up and stretch?” said Faith.

I looked up at Faith. “Thank you, my love. I guess I do need to get up and walk around a little.”

I got up and left the room. Seeing Shannon, I sent her in to be with Faith and Sara. I stretched my back a little. Sitting too long in a lousy chair was hard on my back. Walking around was what I needed. I decided to find a cup of coffee. I guess sooner or later, my emotions was bound to turn. I felt my anger building. I wanted to find the assholes that had done this and beat them to pulls. I wanted to kill them. And then I stopped myself. This would not help Sara. Ihad to set the anger aside.

I found a men’s room and saved myself. And then I walked into the hospital cafeteria. It was still in the middle of the night, but they were serving coffee. I grabbed a cup of de-caf and sat down to drink it. I was not surprised that the coffee tasted like it had sat for 24 hours being reheated. But I needed something. Maybe next time, I would grab a coke.

Returning to Sara’s room, I found Sara wake and talking to Faith and Shannon. They got quiet when I walked into the room. And then Sara spoke up, “Sam, I have to tell you something.”

“No you don’t, Sara. The only thing that is important is that you are now safe. I will take care of you.”

“Please Sam. I didn’t want to tell you because I am afraid of how you will react. But I know who attacked me.”

The nurse walked in before she could say anything else. “Please people. I don’t want to have to tell you all again. You can’t all stay her.” She walked over to the monitor. “And our patient’s blood pressure and heart rate is a little higher than I like.”

“We were just leaving,” said Shannon.

After the girls left and after the nurse was done checking on Sara, I finally spoke. “You know who attacked you? Did you tell the police?”

“Yes, I do know who attacked me. And yes, I did tell the police. But I’m not sure they believe me.”

“Why wouldn’t they believe you?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I just feel like they don’t. But I recognized their voices.”

I took a deep breath. “Do I know these assholes?”

Sara hesitated. “Yes, you do. But if I tell you who, you have to promise me you won’t run out and do something foolish.”

I took Sara’s hand in mine. “If I were to do that, I would be breaking my earlier promise. I will not leave you, Sara.”

She closed her eyes as tears ran down her cheeks again. “It was the Harris brothers.”

I was stunned. I’d always believed they were a couple of idiots, but I could not imagine them doing this.

“It should be pretty easy for the police to verify that it was them.” Sara’s voice was shaking.

“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“I shoved my thumb deep into Jack’s eye. I think I hurt him pretty bad. That’s when Jim beat me almost to death. Anyway, I’m sure that the forensics woman who was here before the police found their DNA under my finger nails.” And then all that had happened to Sara hit her at once. She began to sob. Her body shook as she cried.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and held her hand. She sat up, despite her pain, and throw her arms around me. I held her as she cried. I kept whispering to her that she would be safe, that I would take care of her.

When Sara finally calmed down, she whispered to me, “I don’t Know what I would have done if I didn’t have you in my life.”

I realized I was probably holding Sara a little too tightly, so I gently laid her back down. “What did the doctor tell you?”

“Well … other thanthe bruises and contusions, I have a broken arm, two cracked ribs, a broken orbital bone, and a broken nose. He’s worried about my sweeten, too.” She paused a moment and then smiled, “Don’t I look beautiful?”

I smiled, happy at the thought she was able to joke. “You have been and always will be beautiful, Sara.” I thought for a moment and then frowned. “Is it possible the Harris brothers realize you knew it was them? Did you ever call them by name?”

Sara thought for a moment. “I don’t know. I remember calling Jack a cowardly bastard, but I don’t remember if I called him by name.” She paused. “It doesn’t matter. As soon as the police question them, they’ll know that I pointed the police in their direction.”

“Shouldn’t you have some police protection?” I asked.

“I don’t think so. They aren’t that stupid,” said Sara.

“They aren’t?”

My mind was made up. Sara was coming home with us. I was not letting her out of my sight.

Over the next few days, Saraseemed to be feeling a little better. She was no longer in danger of internal bleeding. We were relieved that her spleen would not need to be removed, but she did require some surgery for her eye and her nose. The doctors were only going to deal with those injuries once it was determined she was stable enough.

The only time any of us left the hospital was to go home and shower and change into some clean clothes. But we Always planned it so that either I was with Sara or Faith and Shannon were at her side. The days seemed to go on forever. We finally stopped eating our meals in the hospital cafeteria and went to a dinner down the street.

As for Sara, sometimes she was talkative. Other times, she was quiet with tears running down her face. Faith started the habit of crawling into bed with Sara. The nurses were not crazy about it, but it was going to take more than a few nurses from stopping her from holding Sara in her bed. Thank God she was there. I don’t think even Faith understood how strong she was.

The police detectives had been back once. This time, I was in the room. I kept my mouth shut, but I held Sara’s hand the entire time. They asked the same questions as they had asked before.

At the end of the interview, Sara asked them, “Did you talk to the Harris’s?”

“We did. The one brother does have a severe eye injury. That was enough for a judge to order a DNA test. But it will be a few weeks before we have the results back. It also gave us a search warrant. We found fibers in their home that could be from your clothes. But again, those tests take time.” They got up to leave. “As before, Ms. Cooper, if you think of anything else, please call us.”


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