The next morning, both Faith and Shannon appeared at my door to walk Maggie. They were in a very good mood. I smiled as I listened to their giggles. Maggie was all ears too. She was ready for her morning walk. She wasn’t quite used to Shannon yet, but she loved the attention.
I looked down at her with a mock look of disgust. “You are getting spoiled.” But she could have cared less. She was getting all kinds of love from the two girls.
As I watched, I started to wonder about what happened after Faith went home. What did they talk about? I watched the girls walk away with Maggie. Shannon was going to ask me to train her. I was sure of that. But was it because of curiosity or did she truly want it? Was she really interested in our life style? Did she want to become a proper submissive? I had this sense of her becoming a good submissive, but a sassy one too. Damn. Did I really need this? Did I want it? I wanted to make sure that Shannon was going to be committed. But how comitted was I? It was clear that Faith wanted this to happen, but did she want it to happen for the right reasons? I believed she did. She loved Shannon. She wanted happiness for her. But wanting and having could be very far apart if my mind was not right for this.
I sat down to read, but I couldn’t tear my mind away from this. I had to have a plan on how to proceed. I needed to take this far enough to see if both Shannon and I wanted this and were prepared to take it much further. I already knew that I could not train her in the same way I had trained Faith. But I believed that I might need to test Shannon to see if she was going to do this for the right reasons. And then I started to chuckle. Slow down. She hasn’t even asked yet.
After the girls returned with Maggie, they left as Faith usually did and returned home. Within ten minutes, they were entering the patio door, both of them still smiling. I looked at them both and shook my head with a grin. What was I gettingmyself into?
“Master? ” said Faith. “Shannon has something to ask you?”
“Ok. Let’s talk in the living room.” I led them into the living room and had them sit down.
They were no longer giggling. Faith was smiling, but Shannon was nervous.
Shannon was looking at the floor as she was about to speak. And then she remembered the last time she had spoken to me and looked directly at me. “Master …”
“Stop right there.” I said. ” I am not your Master. And you have not earned the right to call me that. If you wish, you may address me as ‘Sir’.”
Shannon was even more anxious now. She was finding it hard enough to say what she wanted to say without me correcting her.
“Sir. I want to be trained. I want to be a good submissive.” She looked over at Faith and then back to me. “I want you to train me.”
“Why?” I asked.
Shannon was prepared to answer that question. “Because I see how happy Faith is and I want to feel that happiness. I wantto feel the same love, care, and protection that she does. I have not known you long, but it is clear to me that you are special. And I believe you are a man I can trust.”
“Are you jealous of Faith?”
“No, but I do envy her. In all our years together as sisters, I have never seen her so happy. I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to feel like she does.”
I looked at Faith and smiled. She smiled back and mouthed the words “I love you.”
I turned back to Shannon. “Faith convinced me that you would make this request. I have been thinking about it ever since. I will teach you what I can. It will be up to you if you absorb what I have to offer you. But be very clear. There will be a parole period. What you ask changes the relationship Faith and I have. It at any time I believe that this training threatens that, this is over. Are we clear?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Good. Now tell me what you think a submissive is.”
Shannon looked at Faith for a momentt and then back at me. “I think what I believed in the past is not right. I used to think that a submissive woman to a dominant man was a floor mat. I believed the man simply ordered her around, made her a slave, including a sexual slave. But I don’t see that with you and Faith. I mean I realize that you give her commands and tell her what to do, but you talk to each other as if you were partners in your relationship. You do punish her, but you protect her and care for her. And you love her.”
“Very good. I’m pleased to see you have an open mind and that you are willing to change your views. There is one other thing that you did not mention. Did Faith tell you what she did last night?”
“She told me about cumming six or seven times.”
Faith quietly giggled and I smiled and shook my head.
Shannon smiled and continued. “But that was all she told me.”
“What Faith did after you left was knee before me naked and re-affirmed what she did months ago. She gaveherself to me. She committed her mind, her body, and her spirit and soul to me. She belongs to me. And I cannot take that lightly. She GAVE herself to me. That is the greatest gift anyone can ever give. It is why she calls me Master. When you are given a gift like that, to do anything less than cherish it would be wrong. And I do cherish her.”
Faith looked at me again with watery eyes. “And I cheer him. I am his slut, his slave, his lover, his best friend. I will do anything he asks me to do.”
I smiled at Faith and then looked back at Shannon. “I am not asking you to do the same. That is not a decision anyone should make without serious thought. And I cannot even tell you if I could accept such an offer if you gave it. But you and I will learn about each other as we do this. I will guide you and care for you. If and when the time comes and you decide to make this offer, I will seriously consider it as I did Faith.”
Shannon had been quiet and attentive. She repeated in her mind what she heard me say, but also what Faith had said. The night before, her cunt tingled, but the feeling she had now was different. She felt love in this house and wanted to be a part of it. She wanted to love and be loved. And she wanted to be given a purpose.
She looked at me again and said, “I really want this. I want to learn. And I hope that I don’t disappoint you.”
“You will not disappoint me as long as your efforts are always focused on learning. You will make mistakes, but that is how you will learn.”
Shannon smiled. “Thank you, Sir.” She hesitated a moment. “Will I also be your slut and your slave?”
“Good question. Yes, you will. Does that mean I’m going to fuck you the first chance I get? No. In fact, I don’t even know when that might happen. Does it mean I will give you commands to obey? Yes, but I will never ask you to do something that puts you in danger. I will not apply pain because I know you are not ready for that. You may never be ready for that. But we will take it one step at a time.”
“As your slave, what can I do for you first?”
I thought for moment. And then I smiled. “New rule in the house. You both must be naked while you are here.”
Shannon blushed and hesitated. Faith, on the other hand immediately stood up and began removing her clothes. She whispered to Shannon to encourage her. Shannon stood up and slowly began removing her clothes. Faith was soon naked, her clothes draped over the couch. Shannon’s blush had turned even more red. She finally stood before me without clothes, but she tried to use her hands to cover her breasts and her cunt. Her clothes lay around her feet.
“Drop your hands, Shannon.”
“Yes Sir.” She was really struggling with this.
“Shannon, do you know why I requested you to remove your clothes?”
“You want to see my body?” she asked.
“No.” I stopped and laughed. “Well, yeah. But my real purpose was to help you learn to be comfortable with your body. You’re quite beautiful. You have nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide.”
“She is beautiful, isn’t she?” said Faith.
“Thank you”, she whispered. Shannon was still quite red.
I walked towards Shannon and stopped in front of her. I lifted her chin with my fingers and looked into her eyes. “You are a very beautiful young woman and I mean what I said.” And then I kissed her forehead.
I stepped back from her. “Please pick up your clothes and Faith’s clothes and take them into the bedroom.”
“Yes, Sir.” Shannon did as she was told. As she bent over, her backside towards me, she realized what she was showing me and felt the heat in her face again. She kneeeled and picked up her clothes and then picked up Faith’s clothes. I chuckled and shook my head as she walked to the bedroom.
I pulled Faith into my arms and held her, looking into her eyes. “I love you”, I said.
Faith smiled and kissed my lips softly. And then I smacked her ass playfully. “You are both beautiful. And to be honest, I am exerting a lot of control not to fuck you both.”
Faith giggled and then took my hand and rubbed it against her cunt. She was wet. “I would have no objects to that, Master.”
I shook my head and smiled. “Such a slut you are.”
Shannon returned to hear me and see me rubbing Faith’s cunt. She bit her lip as she felt that familiar tingling in her own cunt.
“Have either of you had lunch?” I asked.
“No.” They spoke in unison.
I led the girls to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and started pulling things out to place on the counter. The girls sat down while I made sandwiches and a salad for each of them. It was early afternoon and they were both hungry. Maggie came into the kitchen. She had heard and smelled food being prepared. She was not about to miss anything that might be accidentally dropped to the floor.
Shannon seemed to forget about her nakedness as she ate.I had to admit to myself that she was quite stunning. She had dark hair to Faith’s blond hair. She was shorter than Faith and her breasts were larger. They were both beautiful. I had not been kidding about what I said to Faith earlier. I could feel my cock stirring and I had to make an effort to control my thoughts.
As I tried to think of other things, it hit me to ask them something. “Do either of you know how to cook?”
They both looked up. “I’ve learned a little”, said Shannon. “But it was mostly microwave kinds of stuff.”
“I’ve never cooked”, said Faith. “I guess I never counted warming something up in the excess or the microwave as cooking.”
“You both need to learn. Do you need to be home for dinner?”
“Mom and Dad left early this morning and won’t be back until after the weekend.” Faith was grinning at the thought of being with me all weekend.
“Good. Then you both are going to help me prepare dinner. Shannon, do you like Italian?”
“Yes, I do, Sir.”
“Good. So does Faith. We’ll make something fairly simple. I love manicotti. But I need to run to the store to pick up a few things. You two finish up here and clean up the kitchen. And you may put your clothes back on. I don’t want either of you to get your tits burned from boiling water or hot marinara sauce.”
They both giggled and said, “Yes, Sir.”
Hours later, after dinner, we sat and relaxed around the dining room table. I was sipping my wine when Shannon spoke up. “That was really good, Sir. Thank you for letting us help make dinner.”
I smiled. “It wasn’t a matter of letting you help. There are things you need to know and experience to be able to serve your Master and care for him. But you also need to know These things to be more independent. Just because I will take care of you does not mean that you should not do things for yourselves.”
“It was fun. I want to help with each meal so I can learn to cook on my own”, said Faith.
Shannon got up and started to clear the table. Faith started to get up and help, but Shannon stopped her. “Sit. I’ll do this.”
I watched Shannon as she cleared the table. I had been observing her all day. I believed that she was since about enjoying the day in my house. She wanted to please me, but she also wanted to please Faith. I had some ideas about how we would proceed with her training. Faith interrupted my thoughts.
“I brought over a movie that we could watch tonight. I think you’ll like it.” She went to get it from the living room.
“Please tell me it’s not a chick flick”, I called out to her.
Shannon giggled as she cleared the last of the dishes from the table.
It turned out to be a pretty good movie. I preferred action thrillers and this fit the bill. Faith sat in her usual spot on my right, cuddled into my body. Shannon wasn’t quite sure where to sit. She wanted to sit with us and be included, but she knew she had not earned that right. I overlooked that and patted the couch next to me on my left. She smiled in relief and sat down next to me, leaning into my body while trying not to make it look to obvious. I had to suppress a chuckle. Who would have thought these two women would want to cuddle during an action movie. But Faith had always been that way. She simply loved being touched and held and cuddled. And so did I for that matter.
The movie ended and I got up and stretched. “Come on, slaves. It’s time for bed. Shannon, you should probably head back home.”
“What? Can’t I stay?”
“No Shannon. Not yet.”
Then Faith spoke up. “Please Master, please let her stay.” And then she rose on her toes and licked my ear.
I gave her a look. I tried to appear stern, but Faith could see right through me. She giggled and sucked on my ear lobe and said, “Please?”
“Fine. Shannon, you’ll sleep in the guest bedroom.”
Faith was about to carry on her little seduction act further when I said, “Quit while you are ahead, slut.”
“Yes, Master.”
Faith made sure Shannon had everything she needed in the guest bedroom and then came to my bedroom. I was waiting for her.
“Get undressed slut.”
She quickly did as she was told. She came to me and started to wrap her arms around me, but instead, I suddenly turned her body around and pulled her arms behind her back. I had been holding handscuffs behind my back, but now, I was putting them on her wrists. I moved my hands to cup her breasts and then pinch her nipples.
She moaned quietly and whispered, “I’ve been wet all day, my love.”
I slide one hand down to her cunt and began to rub her clip. She moaned again and leaned her body back into mine. I pushed her body away from mine and tossed her body onto the bed. She laid face down as I watched her. I quickly undressed and then went to the night stand beside the bed and pulled out a bottle of baby oil. I got onto bed with her and poured some of thebaby oil down the crack of her ass.
Faith whimpered. “Oh god! Please fuck my ass, Master.”
“Get on your knees, slut.” I helped her rise to her knees, with her face and shoulders buried into the pillow. As I challenged her tight little ass with the head of my cock, she groaned and pushed back. My cock slid inside of her ass. She squeezed me hard and it was my turn to groan. I withdraw partially and then slammed back in. My hands held her hips as I began to fuck her ass. Despite her wrists being cuffed together, she managed to use her hands to pull her ass apart just a little. It allowed me to fuck her a little more deeply.
I was groaning constantly. I loved fucking her ass. She was so tight. She squeezed me as hard as she could with each thrust. My hands left her hips and moved up her body. I lifted her body up from the bed. I continued to fuck her ass harder and harder. My hands held her breasts. Her nipples were rock hard. I pinched them tightly. I moved one hand to her cunt and began to rapidly rub her clip.
She cried out loudly. “I’m going to cum, Master. Please let me cum.”
“Not yet, slut”, I groaned.
My other hand left her other breast and I wrapped it around her throat. I could feel the tingling in my balls. It would not be long.
Faith had never felt my hand around her throat before. Her body shivered hard. “Oh shit! Please let me cum!”
“Cum for me, slut.”
Faith’s orgasm was explosive. Her body rocked and spasmed. My hand was wet with her juices. I could not hold back and I cried out loudly. My cock expanded and shot my cum deep into her ass. I continued to fuck her until I almost collapsed on top of her. I took the handscuffs off and then collapsed to the side of her, still breathing heavy. Faith was also panting. She laid down next to my side with her head on my chest.
After a few moments, she said, “You’ve never wrapped your hand around my throat like that before. I thought I would cum immediately when you did that.”
I kissed the top of her head. “What you love is the feeling of vulnerability and being completely controlled.”
Faith smiled. “I do.” She paused a moment. “When are you going to fuck Shannon?”
“What makes you think I will?”
“You mean you won’t? Don’t you want to?”
“I’m not quite ready for that, my love. And neither is she, although she may not know it. I have to know if she is committed to this. And why is it that you want this so much? This is more about your trust in me.”
“Yes, I suppose it is. I really want to share you with her.”
“You also want to have her.”
Faith lifted her head and looked at me. “Is it that obvious?”
I chuckled. “Yes, it is. I see how you look at her. I don’t know how long you have had feelings for Shannon like this. But once you had the opportunity to taste another woman, I believe you have wanted her. You just don’t know how to approach her.”
“She would freak.”
“Maybe she would, but you won’t know until you try. Go to her Faith.”
“Yes, now.”
“Thank you my love. I may be back soon. She may reject me.”
Faith walked into the guest bedroom and found Shannon masturbating. Upon seeing her, Shannon stopped with a cry. It was obvious she was embarrassed. She turned her body away from Faith.
“What are you doing here? You should be with him! I heard every sound! Go be with him!” Shannon was so embarrassed she could not face Faith.
Faith got into bed with Shannon. “He sent me to you.” Faith spooned against Shannon’s back-side and moved her hand over Shannon’s hip to her cunt. “Let me help you Shannon”, she whispered.
Shannon tensed up. “What?? What are you doing?”
“I’m going to make you cum.” Faith kissed her Shannon’s shoulder as her fingers began to rub her clip. “I want you Shannon.”
“Oh god!” Shannon moaned and squirmed. But she would not push Faith’s hand away.
Faith’s other hand slide under Shannon’s body and grazed her breast. She squeezed the nipple tightly, causing Shannon to groan again. Faith continued to massage her clip, but harder and faster. It would not take long. Shannon’s cunt had been tingling long before Faith walked into the room. Shannon placed her hand on Faith’s wrist … not to stop Faith, but to encourage the movement of Faith’s hand. Faith moved her lips to Shannon’s neck and started biting and sucking her skin. At the same time, she pinched the nipple harder as her other hand continued to rub the clip even harder. Shannon cried out and climaxed. Faith continued to rub her clip, not letting up. She twisted the nipple as the climax lasted longer than Shannon thought was possible.
When they had both become calm, Shannon turned to face Faith. “I hope we do this again.”
Faith pulled Shannon’s face to her breasts. “We will. But I have a feeling Master will decide how often we make love.”
She kissed the top of Shannon’s head, as her Master had done earlier. “I love you Shannon.”
“I love you too Faith. And if at any moment I think I may spoil what you have with Sam, I will walk away. I promise.”
Faith smiled. “I doubt it will ever come to that.”
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