The Training of a Young Submissive Ch. 16

I was still thinking of Faith and Sara’s day together today when I opened the front door. I still had the smile on my face when I saw the attractive young woman at my door step. She smiled, but the expression on my face changed and I was about to tell her that I was not interested in whatever she was selling. When she spoke, it took every effort to keep a straight face.

“Is Annie here?”

It had been so long since I had used or heard that name. “No, she isn’t. May I ask who you are and why you are asking?”

She smiled again. “I’m Shannon. I’m Annie’s sister.”

My mind was reeling. Sister? Faith has a sister? Why would she not tell me something as important as that? I was struggling to decide whether to invite Shannon in and get more information from her. And yet, I didn’t want to reveal anything that might tell her about the relationship between Faith and myself. But Shannon made that decision for me.

“Do you mind if I come in?”

“Ummm, of course. ButI thought you were looking for Annie.”

“Oh I am. But I also wanted to meet you.”

I hesitated. And then I showed her into the living room where we both sat down. “I guess I don’t understand why you wanted to meet me?”

She giggled. “I wanted to meet the man who is fucking my sister.”

Oh Christ! But I kept a straight face, or at least I Thought I did. I also decided that I would deny nothing, but I would not volunteer any information either. So I said nothing.

“She never told you about me, did she? You didn’t know she had a sister.”

So much for keeping a straight face. “No she didn’t. I’ve never seen you before. All I have is your word that you are Annie’s sister.”

She was quiet for a moment. She was no longer smiling. “My parents died when I was young, I barely remember them. My father and Annie’s dad were close friends going all the way back to college. I had no other family. My parents’ wishes were that Annie’s mom and dad take care of me. TheyDid more than that. They adopted me. Annie and I may not be born of the same parents, but I love her very much and she is my sister.”

I felt a little guilty. I had come close to accusing her of a scam. She was polite, but was also defensive. “I apologize if I offended you.”

She smiled again. Her smile was disarming. “It’s ok. I guess I can’t blow you. She didn’t tell you about me.” And then she laughed when a sudden thought hit her. “Don’t worry about our parents. They are clueless about the two of you. And I’m certainly not going to tell them.”

My god, the questions I had. “Why do you think it is that Annie did not tell you about me?”

“I’m not sure. Quite honestly, I’m surprised she finally lost her virginity. I Thought it would be years. And I’m also surprised she is with a much older man.”

My facial expression stayed neutral.

“Don’t get me wrong. You’re an attractive man for an old guy. But you’re probably close to our dad’s age. I just never piClassified her with anyone else than someone her own age.”

“Ok. So tell me why you don’t intend to tell your parents.”

She was quiet again before she spoke. “I love our parents, but they are never around. They both have demanding careers and they both travel. Annie and I were always well taken care of, but so little of their time was spent with us. When I returned home, one look at her told me plenty. She is happy.”

I lost control of my facial expression for a moment and smiled.

“You also seem to be happy. But then why wouldn’t you be? You’re fucking a young virgin. She probably has no idea how to satisfy a man. I bet she is clumsy. Everything she does is likely forced because she doesn’t know what to do or how to do it. But you could care less because she’s tight and nothing more than a cum dump for you.”

The smile on my face disappeared. As attractive as Shannon was, I didn’t like her much at that moment. But I kept my voice steady “You know nothing about me. And you apparently don’t know quite as much about Annie as you think. I think it is time for you to leave.” I rose from my chair.

Shannon smiled again and then got up as well, but made no movement towards the door. “I’ve never been with an older man. But I bet I can make your toes curl a lot harder than Annie can.” And then she turned and walked to the door.

I Followed her. As she stepped out of the front door, I said to her, “You assume way too much. You have no idea what Annie is capable of. And as for what you think you could do to me, you’ll never find out.” I paused for a moment, realizing I had already said more than I had intended. “You claim that Annie is happy and that you love her. But you have a very strange way of showing it.”

Shannon left without comment.

I was hurting. Why would Faith keep something like that from me? She must have had a good reason, but what could it have been? Through all of the thoughts that came to my mind, trust was the single focus that I came back to over and over again. Faith did not trust me with this. That hurt. But I knew that I had to move beyond that. I needed to hear her side. She would be disciplined regardless, but I still needed to hear what she had to say. Her punishment needed to be appropriate. I needed to remove my emotions from the situation and deal with this. Yeah, right. That’s easy to tell someone else to do or consider. It’s a whole other matter when that someone is yourself. What probably was saving me from making a bigger mess was the fact that Faith was with Sara for the day. I had time to think. That was good and bad. It gave me time to cool down and think sensitively. It also gave me more time for my stomach to churn over the hurt I was feeling.

And Shannon … what the hell was her game? She loved her sister? What kind of a sister would say the things she said to me? Was she trying to separate us? But she said she loved Faith … I mean Annie. Christ! This was messing withmy mind. She said Faith was happy … almost as if she had not seen happiness in Faith’s life for some time. If she was serious, why would she try to fuck that up? Unless … unless she was testing me. Was that it? Was she being protected of her sister?


“Oh my God! Yess!”

Sara was screaming in pleasure. Faith’s face was buried in Sara’s cunt and expertly eating her. She had been tongue fucking Sara and now she was concentrating on her clip, sucking it hard and tugging on it with her lips and her teeth. Sara’s cunt had been dripping for some time and this was more than she could take. She cried out loudly as her body spasmed hard. Her orgasm ripped through her body and she squirted. It not only caught Faith off guard, but it surprised Sara as well. Faith continued to suck Sara’s clip with a drenched face. As Sara’s body began to stop shaking, Faith then went to work on cleaning her Mistress with her tongue.

Sara moaned quietly, still panting. And then finally spoke, “Come kiss me slave. Let me taste myself on your tongue.”

Faith smiled and moved up Sara’s body. They began to kiss. Sara wrapped her arms around Faith to hold her. She slide her tongue into Faith’s mouth and moaned at the taste. And then she realized that Faith’s face was wet and pulled back from their kiss to lick the wet spots on Faith’s face.

They laid there, for what seemed like an hour, exhausted. Faith’s body was sore, but she felt a pleasant warmth through her. Earlier, Sara had hung Faith by her wrists to a hook on the wall. Faith was forced to stand on her toes while Sara expertly used a whip. Faith had trembled when she saw Sara pick up the whip. She was excited, but also anxious. Sara forced Faith’s body to be turned to face the wall and then used the whip against Faith’s ass. Faith cried out and tears had run down her face from the pain, but it soaked her cunt. Sara was more of an expert than she had admitted. No blood had been drawn. And then Sara had used a wand on her cunt. Faith orgasmed immediately, screaming in pleasure as her body quivered and shook.

Sara’s voice brought Faith back to the present. “Only one other person ever made me squirt like that, Faith.”

“Really? You mean you don’t do that often?”

Sara smiled. “I said there was only one other person, slave.”

“Yes, Mistress. That was a stupid question. I guess I was surprised to hear you admit that.” Faith thought for several seconds. “Have I ever met this other person?”

“No. She was someone before you.” And then Sara went quiet.

Faith suddenly had a realization about who Sara was referring to and felt a lump in her throat. She laid her head on Sara’s chest. “I’m a very lucky girl.”

“Why do you say that, slave.”

“I am lucky because I love Sam with all of my heart. He is a wonderful man and a fantastic Master. He trusts me and is willing to allow me to be shared with you, Mistress. I care for you very much.”

Sara smiled. “If I didn’t love Sam as much as I did. I would try to steal you away from him.” She laughed at the thought. And then she spoke seriously. “No. I would never attempt to steal you away from him. Because that would threaten our relationship. And I do care about you a great deal, Faith.”


Faith did not both going home first. She wanted to see me right away and came to the front door. I opened it and let her in. I barely got a “hello” out. Faith was speaking a mile a minute. She told me about the entire experience. Though I wanted to confront her with what I had learned, I didn’t have the heart to kill her excitement and her glow as she told me all about her day with Sara.

“I love you Sam, more than ever. Only someone with such trust would have allowed me to spend time with Sara. Thank you.”

“Trust. That is a word that has been on my mind all day.”

Faith smiled. “Because you trust me and you love me.”

“Actually, that was not the reason, Faith.”

Faith’s face changed. She could feel something was wrong. “Sam, what’s wrong?”

“I met your sister, this morning.”

Faith was speechless. She didn’t know what to say. Tears ran down her cheeks as she looked at me. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s not enough, Faith. I don’t feel your trust right now and I want to know Why.”

Faith began to sob as she tried to speak. “But I do trust you. I love you.”

She stepped towards me thinking and hoping I would hold her. Instead, I turned and walked into the living room and sat down. Faith hesitated and then followed me. I competed to have her sit.

“I’m waiting to hear your side.”

Faith felt miserable. She knew I was hurting. She had broken the trust of her Master and the man that she loved. The more she thought about, the harder she cried. I sat in silence and waited for her to gain some control. I felt like a bastard. I wanted to hold her. I wanted to comfort her. But this had to be done. Not only did we have to recapture trust between us, but she needed to learn from this mistake.

Faith finally began to speak. “Shannon is my sister. My parents adopted her when her real parents died. We had always been close. It didn’t matter to either of us whether we were born from the same parents, we have been and always will be sisters. She always had more courage than I did. She could try things, do things, that would intimidate me. She always had the boyfriends and I didn’t.”

“You sound jealous of her.”

“I wasn’t jealous. Well, yes, I guess maybe I was a little. But it was more about me having fear to do anything about my own feelings. There was a boy that I had a huge crush on. Shannon knew it, but she also knew that I would never approach him and speak to him. So she got together with him. She fucked him. I remember crying myself to sleep for a week. It hurt alat. It hurt that he was with her, but what hurt more was that she would do such a thing to me. That was a year ago.She came to understand how she hurt me and she felt terrible. But I felt betrayed and I couldn’t forgive her. Several months went by. I think it was too painful for her to be near me. So she left.”

“She left? You mean ran away?”

“No. She didn’t run away. She wouldn’t do that to our parents. But she convinced them that she wanted to go to this prep school. We barely communicated while she was gone. And then early last week, she showed up without warning. It really hit me when I saw her, I grabbed her and hugged her and cried. I begged for her to forgive me. And before we both knew it we were both crying and holding each other.”

I thought quietly for a moment. I had already decided that I would not tell Faith everything that Shannon had said. “Why Didn’t you tell me about her, especially when she came back?”

Faith looked at the floor and the tears returned. “I was afraid. I was afraid she would take you from me.”

“Do you really believe that could happen?”

“I feel so stupid. I know I would never lose you.”

“She knows about us.”

“What?? Oh my God! What does she know?”

“She knows that I am the man fucking her sister.” I used my fingers to make invisible quote marks in the air.

“She said that to you?”

“Yes, she did. I think she believes I’m not good for you. But she sees that you are happy. And she says she has no plans to say anything to your parents.”

“How could she know?”

“Faith, your sister is not dumb. If she has been her for almost 10 days, she had to suspect something … unlike your parents.”

“I suppose you are right. I’m so sorry, Sam.” She got up from her chair and started to walk towards me.

I stopped her in her tracks by saying sharply, “Sit down!”

She bit her lip and sat down. “I deserve to be punished.”

“You made two mistakes, Faith. First, you didn’t tell be about her. Second, you thought I might leave you for her. You have shown me that you do not trust me.”

“Noooo! No, that is not true.”

I held up my hand to quiet her. “Until you can show me that there are no trust issues between us, I will not touch you …. at all.”

The gravity of what I just said hit her. She began to cry again.

“Go home Faith. I want you to tell Shannon everything … and I mean everything, right up to your punishment. And Then I want you to ask her about the conversation she had with me.”

In between sobs, she asked, “Why?”

“You need to hear it from her.”

“I love you Sam. I always will.”

“I love you too, Faith. Unfortunately, this is another lesson that you must experience and learn from.” And then I got up and walked away from her to hide my own tears.


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