Faith had almost expected this, but just the same, she was blushing at the thought. I looked at the cage to satisfy myself that she would be comfortable in it. She could knee or sit. She would not be able to stand. The floor of the cage was padded. I looked for the person who was hosting for the cage and recognized the attractive young woman who was managing it.
“Hello Emma. It’s good to see you again.” I said.
“Hello Sir. I’m pleased to see you. It has been a long time. And this is your slave?” Emma responded.
“Yes. Faith, this is Emma. Emma was once my submissive a few years ago.”
Faith looked at Emma, her cheeks still blushing, but with new interest. “It is nice to meet you Emma.”
Emma smiled. “You belong to Sam, so it is a great pleasure to meet you.” Then Emma looked at me. “How long would you like to donate your slave’s time, Sir?”
I smiled. “Let’s make it 30 minutes.”
Emma took Faith’s hand and led her behind a curve for priVacy. There were several chairs and a mirror. “So you are the young woman who has captured Sam’s heart.”
Faith smiled and simply said, “I love him.”
“Good. I’m pleased to hear that. He deserves that. I made the mistake of losing him and I sincerely regret it. I hurt him as a result.”
Faith’s curiosity was getting to her. “What happened?”
“I was with him for 5 months. He was a wonderful lover. The things he did to my body … ” She closed her eyes and smiled as she remembered. “But I decided that he was too old for me. It took more than a year to realize my mistake. Age should have little do with it.” She paused. “No, that’s not quite right. Age is important because experience circumstances age. I’ve been with men who thought they were Masters simple because they told you to call them that. Sam was a Master in all ways. He didn’t have to tell me, I just knew that he was.”
“You said he was hurt when you left him?”
Emma smiled sadly. “I asked for myrelease from him. Being the kind of man he is, he gave it to me and treated me with respect. But I saw the hurt in his eyes.”
Faith’s feelings were mixed. She wanted to lash out at this woman for hurting the man she loved and the man who owned her. But she also wanted to thank Emma. If Emma was still with Sam, then she could not have been.
Emma interrupted her thoughts. “We are dawdling. Sam is waiting for you to enter the cage. You may leave your clothes in here. I’m always here, so they will be safe.”
Faith began to undress. She carefully took off her dress and slide out of her shoes. All that was left were her blank panties. She bent over to remove them and heard Emma giggle.
“Sam has not lost his touch with the crop.” Emma was grinning as Faith turned to face her.
“Oh god! I completely forgot about these marks.” Faith was turning red again. “Everyone will see them.”
“So what? Did you receive them in pleasure?” Emma asked.
Faith smiled. “Mmmmmmm. Yes, I did.”
“Then honor your Master. Don’t hide them. Let them be seen with pride.”
Emma then turned and walked out to the cage. Faith followed her. She could feel the heat in her face and chest, but she tried not to think about people seeing her nakedness. She walked to the cage thinking of only one thing. She was going to make her Master proud of her.
I watched her walk to the cage. And I felt a stirring in my genitals. It was more than her beauty, although she was very beautiful. It was the way she carried herself. I smiled at her and she looked at me. She smiled and nodded to me and then bent down to step into the cage and kneeed on the floor of the cage. As it turned out, she was the first woman to be placed in the cage. She made no attempt to hide any part of her body. I was proud of her. She was still a bit flushed, but it was clear that she was proud to be in that cage.
People started to gather and enjoy her beauty. A basket sat off tothe side for donations. It did not take long for the basket to start to fill up. I stood back a bit, but did not wander off. I wanted Faith to know I would not leave her. I smiled when she did not try to hide any part of her body, including the marks on her ass from the crop I had used on her earlier in the week. I heard a few comments between couples, none of them bad. I saw people smile and admire her. I saw several women whisper into the ears of their owners and giggle. Throughout it all, Faith sat in her kneeing position, smiling occasionally, looking up at me now and then and mouthing the words, “I love you.” I was so proud of my slave. I felt so honored.
The time went by quickly. Faith was getting close to the end of her 30 minutes. I felt someone standing next to me. It was Sara.
“She’s beautiful, Sam.”
“Thank you Sara. She truly is. I’m proud of her.”
“You should be. You two are perfect for each other.”
I looked at Sara, but said nothing. I simply smiled and kissed her cheek.
Sara and I stood there and watched and waited until the end of the 30 minutes. Two men stepped up and admired her. But their behavior was in poor taste. They were crude with their remarks. My face began to flush in anger, but I kept quiet. They looked slightly familiar, but I couldn’t place them.
“Basstards! How the hell did those idiots get an invitation?” Sara was angry too.
“Who are they? I know I’ve seen them before.”
“Jim and Jack Harris. Don’t you remember them from two years ago? They were pestering some young woman until they were asked to leave.”
“Shit. Yes, I do remember them. They have no idea what it means to be an appropriate Dom.”
“They’re clueless,” agreed Sara.
I turned by attention back to Faith. She was ignoring them. She was looking at me, as if I was her strength. I smiled again. Then Emma announced that Faith’s time was ended and opened the cage. Faith stepped out and followed Emma behind the curtains. The two brothers chuckled when they noticed the marks on her ass and started to head towards the curtained off area.
“Excuse me Sara.” And I walked towards the curtain and cut them off. I ignored them and simply stood in their way.
Emma stepped out and saw me and smiled. “I envy her Sam. You have done well with her.”
“Thank you Emma.” I smiled again, pushing the Harris brothers out of my head.
Emma went to pick up the baskets and went back behind the curtain. After a few minutes, she returned with Faith. Faith was all smiles and stepped quickly to me and hugged me. I kissed her forehead.
“Faith did very well, Sam. In addition to the $300 you are donating, there was another $350 in the baskets. Thank you for the donation of your money and the time of your lovely slave.”
I looked into Faith’s eyes. “Very well done my love. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you my love. I was so nervous at first, but Emma was helpful. And as long as I looked at you, I knew I was ok.”
I turned to see if Sara was still there and noticed that the brothers had walked off. Thank god.
Sara walked over and kissed Faith’s cheese. “It has been much to long since I have been able to admire your natural beauty, my dear.”
Faith blushed. “Thank you Mistress.”
Faith jumped suddenly when she heard a loud crack.
Sara grinned. “I think Jonathon is about to begin his demonstration.”
The three of us walked to the booth where Jonathon was performing. Michael joined us and handed the end of his lean to Sara. And then Jake joined us. I had not seen him until now.
“Hey Sam. Hello Faith.” Jake smiled at her.
“Hello Sir”, responded Faith.
“Hi Jake”, I said.
Jake looked at Faith. “I’m pleased to see that Sam has finally introduced you to the crop.”
Faith blushed. “I didn’t know you saw me in the cage.”
Jake smiled again. “I stopped by to admire your body and donate. You were too focused on your Master and he was too focused on you for either of you to notice.”
I chuckled as we all turned our attention to Jonathon and the object of his whip. I blinked as the loud crack sounded again and I felt Faith jump. Jonathon’s submissive was locked in stocks. Her head and wrists were held down by the wooden top, which was locked to the bottom portion of the stocks. The holes in the wood were just large enough for her neck and wrists. She was held tight and bent over. The stocks were attached to a frame that had a four foot by four foot flat piece of wood. The slave was standing on the 4×4 platform, with her ankles tied to two metal rings screwed into the platform. It was obvious she was wet. Her cunt glistened in the light.
Jonathon cracked the whip a third time and until now, she had managed to remain fairly quiet … other than some whimpering. She cried out as a third red line on her ass rose on her skin. I felt Faith hold my arm tightly.
“Thinking about what it would be like to be in her position, slut?”
“Yes, Master. Watching this is making me wet, but I’m not sure whether I want to ever feel that whip.”
I chuckled as we watched the rest of the demonstration. The slave had about a dozen marks on her ass, back of her legs, and lower back before Jonathon stopped. She had cried out after each strike, but it was clear for all of to see that she found pleasure in the whipping as well. As a reward, Jonathon picked up an electric wand and held it against her clip. She screamed and climaxed almost immediately.
“Oh god”, Faith whispered. I smiled and looked at her. She looked back at me, with a blush. “I’m dripping Master. May I go to the ladies room to clean up a bit?”
“Not yet. It would be rude to leave until Jonathon has finished. “
“Yes, Master.”
Once the slave’s climax had subsided, Jonathon released her from the stocks. The crowd that had gathered applauded enthusiastically. Jonathon smiled and walked towards us. He dabbed a bead of sweat away from his browser as he approached, his slave beside him. Her face was quite flushed, but there was a glow about her. I could smell her sex.
“Hello Jonathon.” I extended my hand to shake his. “As always, you are a joy to watch.”
“Thank you Sam. It’s good to see you again. Hello Sara. You are as beautiful as always.” Jonathon extended his hand to Jake. “Hello Jake.”
Sara smiled. “You still owe me a few more lessons, you sweet man.” She competed towards Michael. “This is Michael and I would love to practice on him.”
Jonathon laughed. “Call me next week and we will arrange something.” Then he looked at Faith. “And you must be Faith. Tell me slave, would like to feel my whip.”
I could feel Faith tremble, but she responded with courage. “It would be an honor, Sir. You are very skilled.”
“Yes Jonathon. In fact, you’ve made my slave quite wet with your skills”, I said with a laugh.
Jonathon laughed loudly at that … and as he noticed Faith blushing, he continued to laugh.
I was still chuckling. “You may go use the ladies room, my love. But only to clean up, not to make yourself cum.”
“Thank you Master.” Faith was blushing badly by now.
I watched her go, still chuckling. I knew she was feeling a bit humiliated, which I was certain was making her ever wetter.
“She’s lovely, Sam”, said Jonathon.
“Thank you. I truly love her”, I said. “She’s an incredible young woman and mature beyond her years.”
“And an incredible love”, said Sara.
“Ah. So you have had the pleasure, have you, Sara?” Jonathon asked.
“Yes indeed. But I’m looking forward to seeing her again.” Sara smiled at the thought.
“I’ve shared her with Jake too.” I nodded to Jake, who simply smiled.
Sara punched my arm. “You didn’t tell me that.”
I chuckled and said, “I love you too, Sara.”
“But I am very pleased to hear that you have finally introduced her to your play room”, said Sara.
Jake chimed in. “So am I. It’s about time.”
“I’ve been taking it slowly with her. I didn’t want to rush. And as far as I’m concerned, it has worked out perfectly … as evidenced by how turned on she was by Jonathon’s demonstration.” I tried not to sound too defendive.
I turned to look to see where my young slut was. I saw her and smiled … and then realized what was happening. I felt my blood pressure rising.
“Shit!” I said quietly and walked towards Faith in a hurry. The Harris brothers were standing with her. Jim had his hand on her arm. Faith was trying to get by them and I could see from her expression she was half angry and half scared. And then she saw me coming. I kept telling myself, “Stay calm.” But it wasn’t really helping. Jim noticed Faith looking at me and turned to see me approach them.
“Let go of her please.” My voice was even, but I could feel myself shaking.
Jim shook his head. “What could this sweet young thing possible see in someone as old as you. I’m sure we could show her what she’s been missing.”
Jack laughed. Faith was about to say something and she caught my eye as I barely shook my head no.
I looked at Jim and said again, “Let her go, now!”
“Or what?”
Jim was able to say “Or ..”, but never got the “what?” out of his mouth. I hit him in the throat, squarely into his adam’s apple. Was it a cheap shot? Yep, it was. But the shaking I felt was not only rage, it was fear. Jim was 6 inches taller than me and outweighted me by 40 pounds. Both men were 20 to 25 years younger than I was. I was pretty sure I was about to get pounded to the floor, but I had to even up the odds for myself.
Jim went down to his knees. He couldn’t speak and his face was turning red. Jack’s face turned from surprise to menace.
“What the fuck! You’re toast old man, I’m going to kick your fucking ass!”
As Jack was screamingat me, I took Faith’s hand and pulled her behind me, my eyes never leaving the angle man in front of me. He lunged at me. I stepped to my left to avoid him as my right arm came up to keep Faith further away from him. I felt his fist grazing my chin, but it was a glancing blow. He was off balance and I stuck my foot out to catch his. He went sprayling.
Before he could get back up, Jake push him back down and held him down with a knee in his chest. “I think you and your brother need to leave, Harris.”
“Get the fuck off of me!”
“I will, but you will be leaving or I will be the one doing the ass-kicking.”
Jack quietly down. He knew Jake well enough that neither he or his brother would want to get into a physical confrontation with him. Jake let him up and then helped get Jack’s brother to his feet.
“This isn’t over.” Jack was no longer screaming, but he was still quite angry.
“Yes it is”, said Jake.
“Yes, it is”, said Sara. I have a friend in the DA’s office who owes me.” And she grinned.
Jack said nothing more. He and his brother left.
I was still shaking badly. Only seconds had passed by, but it seemed like many minutes.
I turned to Faith. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine my love, but you are bleeding.” There was concern in Faith’s voice and in her expression.
I took out My handkerchief and dabbed at my chin. I was bleeding. I couldn’t determine how that happened. I had barely felt anything.
“Jack was wearing a ring, Sam. It looked like it had sharp edges.” Jake was looking at my chin. “It’s a small cut. You’ll live. And what the hell was that, anyway? You charged into Jim like you could take him. That was risky. You should have let me handle that.”
“Had you were in my shoes, would you have done any different?” I asked.
“No, I guess not.” And then Jake laughed. “It was enjoyable watching you put Jim on his knees.”
I wasn’t laughing. I was still shaking. And I was angry. I hated losing control like that. But I didn’t see that I could have or would have done anything different.
Sara spoke with some concern in her voice. “I think you should take him home, Faith.”
“I agree Mistress. Please, Sam, let’s go home.”
I nodded to her. Jake started to walk with us. “I’ll walk you out … just in case.”
The drive home was quiet. My mind was still occupied with my anger at losing control. It didn’t matter that had I not done something, Faith or I could have been hurt. Logically, I understand that. But emotionally, I was having trouble. I could count on one hand the number of times I had taken a swing at someone. Ironically, two of those times had been to protect Faith. But I refused to believe that had Any significance in either situation. Or at least I didn’t want to believe that. I had never loved or cared for any woman like I did Faith. I often avoided trouble like this. But tonight, I never gave it a second thought. I neverhesitated. And then it hit me. What a revelation. I had been telling Faith over and over that as her Dom, her Master, I would always protect her. I had just done something I had never done before because I loved her so much. And just like that, the anger was gone.
I turned to look at Faith. She was looking at me. I don’t know how long. “I love you Faith … more than I ever have.”
Tears started run down her cheeks. Her thoughts were mirroring mine. “You’ve always told me you would always protect me from harm. You risked your life to come to me, to save me.”
I started to chuckle. “That’s probably a little over dramatic, my love.”
“No it’s not. They would have hurt you badly. You never hesitated. You were there to protect me. You put yourself between me and those two bastards.”
The rest of the trip was quiet again. I was no longer angry. I was actually smiling. We pulled into my garage. I got out of the car and then opened Faith’s car door to take her hand. I held her hand as I led her into the house. And then I turned to her and did what I had been wanting to do earlier in the car. I pulled her to me and held her. Her arms slide around my neck and held me. We said nothing. We didn’t need to. Faith pulled away from me and took my hand. She led me to the bedroom. Where her eyes often held a seductive look, now I only saw her love.
She began to undress me. She helped me take my coat off and laid it over the chair. Then she undid the knot in my tie and removed it. She laid it on top of my coat. I watched her eyes as she went about unbuttoning my shirt. Once she reached the button just above my belt, she pulled the shirt from my pants and then finished with the last two buttons. She reached for each of my wrists and undid the buttons on the cuffs of the shirt. I smiled as she slid my shirt off. She was not going to allow me to do anything. She checked the collar for blood and then set the short aside.
“Come with me, my love.”
She took my hand and led me to the bathroom. Opening the medicine cabinet, she pulled out hydrogen peroxide and some cotton. She applied some peroxide to the cotton ball and began dabbing my chin. I watched her grimace as she dabbed. She was feeling my sing and she tried to be so careful. After cleaning the scrape, she looked to make sure the bleeding did not start again. I watched her face light back up with a smile and Followed her back to the bedroom, my hand in hers. She knelt in front of me, untying my shoes, removing them and then removing my socks. I chuckled as I balanced on one foot at a time as she did this. She looked up at me, smiling and then licked her lips. Still on her knees, she unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. My pants slip down to my ankles and I stepped out of them, again with her help. Finally, she slide her fingers inside the waist band of my boxes and pulled them down my legs … again helping me as I stepped out of them.
My cock was hardas I stood there naked. “It’s been a very long time since a woman has undressed me like that, Faith. You can see what it does to me.”
Faith giggled. “You will soon feel what it does to me.” Then she looked at me as she did earlier. Not the seductive smile, but her love for me in her eyes. “Please get into bed, my love.”
I did as she asked and watched her as she undressed for me. It was not like she was striping for me. It was more like she was removing her dress from her body and showing me that her body belonged to me … that she wanted no one else but me to have it. Her dress fell to the floor. She stepped towards me and moved on to the bed. She immediately began bathing my cock with her tongue. My cock was already throbbing. When she sucked on the head of my cock, I could not help but groan. She slide her lips down my shaft and slowly fucked me with her mouth. My hands were resting on each side of me. Her hands move to hold my hands. The more she fucked my cock, thetighter our grip of each other’s hands got.
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