The Train Ride

As she reached to grab her bags and walk out the door, she couldn’t help but pause. She ran back to the bedroom to check the mirror one more time. She looked at herself critically. The dress seemed much too short. It clung just a bit too tightly around her belly. She tried to adjust it again. She felt the desperate urge to take it off, to change into the jeans and low cut shirt she felt so comfortable in. She silently cursed herself for her self consciousness thoughts. He had chosen this outfit. She would wear it proudly. Nodding to herself in the mirror, she straightened and gathered her things, meeting the taxi at the curb.

She tried to remain calm on the ride to the train station, but her thoughts were nearly overwhelming. It was so hard to believe that just six months ago she had met him online by happenstance. They had connected on many levels very quickly. Though she knew he was a Dominant, and he knew her as submissive, he never tried to overpower her. He was respectful, kind, caring. When, after four months, he had asked her if he could visit and take her out to dinner, she was ecstatic. The four hours between them seemed like such a distance for a dinner date, but he was unfazed.

The dinner had been one of the best nights of her life. There was no awkwardness, no uncertainty. They spoke for hours, the conversation coming easily, until the waitress had finally informed them that the restaurant was closing. The whole time she had wanted desperately for him to touch her, yet he hadn’t. As he walked her to her car, he placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her. The walk seemed to take an eternity. His touch filled her senses, the firm yet gentle hand-it somehow made her feel safe. There had been comfortable silences at the restaurant, yet now the silence seemed heavy, intentional.

Once they had reached the vehicle, he spun her gently to face him. She looked up at him, but the intensity of his gaze was too much for her and she droppedHer eyes again. She was surprised when she felt his hand on her chin, lifting it to meet his eyes again. He spoke softly, yet firmly. “I want you to be Mine. Your body, your brain, your soul…I want all of them.” Later, she would wish she had been more eloquent. To explain to him how much she wanted that, how much she needed it. But in that moment, she had only been able to smile and nod as she felt happy tears filling her eyes. He had kissed her gently, opened her door and helped her in the car, and then he had left. She had sat in her car, trying to reconcile the evening. Trying to figure out what had just happened.

The next two months had flown by. She wasn’t sure what to expect from him, but surrendering to his control had come naturally. It started slow and simply-cutting their conversations a bit short and telling her to go to bed and get some sleep. Texting her mid-day to tell her it was lunch time and she needed to eat. It occurred to her that all those months they hadbeen talking, he had been gathering information. He knew all of the ways she failed to take care of herself, and he was determined to be sure she started.

She had naturally relinquished orgasm control to him as soon as she had nodded and agreed to be his. It wasn’t something that was discussed-it didn’t need to be. She had grown frustrated after the first week. He had asked her to send a photo of her panties to him each day. He loved it when she took the photo at work, unzipping her jeans and exposing the undergarment to the camera. She had been thrilled at the prospect of sexual play. Yet, he had initiated nothing further.

Finally, during a nightly phone conversation, she had gained the courage to approach the topic.

“Sir…I know you’re happy with me. I know I’ve done nothing to disappoint you. I send you my photos every day, I do as you ask every time you make a request.”

“Yes, little one. I am very happy with you. You are a good little girl.”

“Then whyHaven’t we played? Why haven’t you asked me for…you know, sexual stuff? I haven’t cum since I became yours. I’m…ummm. I’m needy. I’m so horny. I just…I really want to cum.”

She could hear the smile before he even spoke, and it confused her. “Sweet little baby girl…why has it taken you so long to ask me for what you want?”

This simply further her Confusion. “I…I want to please you.” She was confident that was the appropriate response for a submissive to give her Dominant.

She heard the disapproval in his voice immediately. “No, little one. This is your first lesson. It doesn’t please me when you are keeping your needs and desires to yourself. I want you to talk to me. I want you to tell me what you are feeling. Whether that’s emotional, physical, or the ‘sexual stuff’.” She could hear the amusement in his voice again. “I need to know that I can trust you to share these things with me. Especially with this distance between us, it’s difficult to always be able to properly provide for your needs if I don’t know what they are.”

Her heart soared, yet she also felt ashamed. She had never considered this. She had never thought about her responsibility to him in this fashion. “I’m sorry, Sir.” she responded honestly. “I will be sure to share everything with you in the future.”

From that point, the relationship had blossomed into everything she could have hoped for. He regularly provided her with intense stimulation on the phone. His voice was incredible…he had trained her body to respond to the slightest suggestion. She had always found the idea of ​​a woman cumming on cue completely luxurious, yet that was exactly what she experienced. Whether he simply knew the perfect time in which to give the command, or her body just responded that beautifully to him, she didn’t know, and honestly didn’t care.

Now, she was on her way to visit him. Their second meeting, yet she hardly knew what to expect. The last time, their dynamic had been so much different. They had grown together over the last months. Now, she could’t imagine her life without him. She stepped from the cab eagerly, only to stumble a bit in her heels. “Damn these heels” she thought to herself yet again, longing for the comfort of her tennis shoes. Even the cute lacey flats she knew he found adorable. As she caught herself, she noticed the way the taxi driver was looking at her and grinned. “Maybe this is a good look for me,” she mumbled. She gathered her bags, smiled again at the driver, and walked towards the train station.

She glanced at her phone and found a text awaiting her. “Only four hours until we’re together, ma belle. Find a secluded seat on the train.”

Her heart raced, and her feet followed suit, heading towards the train. It wasn’t difficult to find a secluded seat, though the train’s population was not ideal. She passed what appeared to be a group of fraternity brothers, loud and boisterous, that seemed to quiet and watch heras she walked by. Glad that she could find a seat with a few rows between them, she took the seat by the window and placed her bags in the seat next to her.

Excitedly, she texted him a photo of her window seat. “I’m on the train. Can’t wait to see you!” She was surprised to find how tired she was. She laid her head on the wall, stared at the window, and found herself slowly drifting to sleep.

She awoke to an exclamation from the college boys in front of her. She glanced at her phone and smiled when she said he had texted her. “It’s good to know you’re still capable of sending me photos. I wasn’t sure, since I hadn’t received your panties today.”

Oh fuck! she thought, panicked. She had been so caught up in preparing for him that she had completely forgotten to send him a panty photo. She knew she had to respond immediately. Glancing around, she decided to risk it. She pulled her skirt up her thigh and quickly snapped a photo of the black lace panties he had chosen to gounder this dress. She quickly typed “I’m so sorry, Sir! My excitement got the better of me. I hope you will forgive me.” and attached the photo.

“They look lovely, little one. You are forgiven. However, it’s important you learn from this. Consider this lesson number 2. Take your panties off. Now. Do not leave your seat.”

She was stunned. She cursed herself for letting this happen. She didn’t want to sit on this train without panties on, much less take them off right here in the seat. Not with those fraternity boys in front of her. She showed, raised slightly to be certain no one was coming, and then slide her panties down her legs, over her shoes. She quickly balled them up and tucked them into the corner of her bag. She couldn’t believe how much the idea of ​​being Without panties on this train was turning her on. “It’s done, sir. They’re in my bag now. It won’t happen again.”

She received a response immediately. “Good girl. Show me.” She should have known he would want to see. She raised again and glanced forward, then spread her legs apart, positioned her camera, took a few shots, and then sent them to him with no words. “Very lovely. And already glistening. You know how much I enjoy seeing my pussy, don’t you? Now that I’ve seen it, I’m just not going to be satisfied until I see it dripping.”

She was confused. Surely he means once she arrived and saw him. He had to mean that he would see her dripping tonight. Right? “Sir, I’m sure you will have me dripping the moment I lay my eyes on you.”

Again, his response was immediately. “Don’t play coy, baby girl. Spread your legs, touch your pretty little pussy for Daddy. Imagine how you will feel when my mouth can finally explore what’s been mine for awhile now. I plan to feast on you this evening. I want you to think about that, touch yourself, and video it. Now.”

She felt her face flush red and a new wave of wetness invaded her pussy. I’m just turned on by the idea of ​​him ravishing me, she thought. Masturbating on a train can’t possibly be doing this to me. Surely not. She knew better than to argue. As quickly as she read the text, she was spreading her legs and positioning her phone. She started the video then reached to cares her soft folds. The wetness already pooled there was astonishing to her. She slide her fingers over her clip, entered her pussy gently, then continued to rub, back and forth, biting her lip to Stifle her moans. She knew she was not to cum-he hadn’t told her to cum for him. She brought herself to the edge twice and was working on her third when she heard foot steps making their way down the aisle. Her eyes flew open and she tried to straighten, but the young man walking still understand what he was seeing.

“Are you doing some kind of a webcam show?” He asked excitedly.

“No!” She exclaimed, struggling to pull her dress down, to cover herself. “It’s…it’s for my Sir. I didn’t…uh. I mean, I’m in trouble…and I…” she could feel theheat on her face and simply wanted to bury herself where no one could ever see her.

“Wow.” The boy replied, simply. “What a lucky guy!” She was astounded when he continued walking, without further word to her. A few moments later, he walked past her again. She cursed herself for not realizing that the bathrooms were behind her, and that anyone would have to pass her to get there. Once he arrived at His seat again, she heard hushed whispers and excited proclamations. All of a sudden, many of the fraternity brothers seemed to have the urge to head to the bathroom. She felt their heavy stars as they walked past, and couldn’t believe that it seemed to be intensifying the wetness between her legs. Her thighs were slick with her juices.

She texted him the video, and explained what had happened. “What a good girl You are, taking care of my pussy like that. It’s such a pretty little thing, I’m glad it’s getting some attention.”

She was desperate. She had expected the need,the unfulfilled desire to subside after the run in with the boy. She thought that after so many minutes had passed without stimulation that the ache would lessen. Yet it wasn’t. “Please, sir. May I cum? I need to cum.” She hated asking, knowing that she would get fulfillment this evening. But she knew better than to cum without permission, and she knew he wanted to give her what she needed. He was such a kind and gentle man.

“Thank you for asking, baby, but no. Lesson number 3. You don’t always get what you want.” She read the text, astonished. She felt the train coming to a stop and the phone vibrated in her hand again. “I’m waiting on the platform for you, sweetheart. Hurry up. We have reservations for dinner in 15 minutes. After that, we’re going to be going to a live performance at the local theatre. I’m sure you’re going to love everything I have in store for you.”

She stood, gathering her bags in her arms, making her way down the aisle, past the fraternity boys, headed to the man she loved. She stepped off the train and directly into his arms which wrapped around her so protectedly. He gave her a kiss on the forehead as his hand drifted down and gently squeezed her ass, then getting a bit firmer, his fingers pushing between her legs. She could feel her dress soak up a bit of the wetness, and this seemed to please him.

“I hope you had a good train ride, my love. I’m sorry to rush you, but we really do have places we need to be.” She was still perplexed by the lengthened tease, the time that was set to pass between now and the moment she would finally be able to stand before him and bare herself to him completely. His hand moved to the small of her back as he guided her towards the door of the train station once more.

“Hey!” They heard a young voice call behind them. It was one of the frat boys. She frowned a little, sure he was going to make some inappropriate comment. “You dropped these,” he finished, grinning. He was holding her new lacy black panties on one finger, showing everyone in the train station. She flushed again and stared at the concrete, not able to bring herself to meet his eyes.

She heard her Sir, her everything, responding to him with amusement in his voice. “You keep them, buddy. She’s not going to need them tonight.” With that, he reaffirmed his touch and led her out of the train station to begin their evening.


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