The Trail of X Ch. 03


For X there were now only two things. The darkness and the pain. Well, this is not entirely true, there were also ghastly nightmares and whispering voices that went along with the blackness and the pain, but this life was focused around the two, blackness and pain. The pain continued until at last it became something of a numbness but still, most obviously there. He had grown accustomed to the pain, trained to it, and now, it seemed that it was becoming an acceptable part of life.

For reasons unknown to him, perhaps because of the time needed for his recovered he had seen or heard very little of his captors. He had been tied to a bed his leg and arms spread and pulled back behind him, his body like an X like his name, marking the bed, marking his position and from it he could not move. On the first day he was not sure anyone had been at all, but as he started to come around on the second day he realized that someone had to be attending him.

The bed did not smell and his bladder did not pound with pain, nor did he feel cramped or otherwise uncomfortable in his bowels, so he could only assume that the needs where being taken care of somehow. He could not be sure, as for the first three days each waking moment consistent of nothing more than blinding throbbing pain that seemed to emanate from every inch of his body, but most especially from his penis. When he was awake all he truly desired was to once again succumb to darkness. It seemed for the time being at least that this was the plan.

However, when he awoke on the fourth day he was acutely aware of how little pain he felt. He was able to regain consciousness in a way he had not done before. And now with sensing perception that was no longer focused on his manhood he realized the situation he was in.

He was tied to what in Some ways looked like a hospital bed, but in others looked like the beginning of a crib. The bed was high off the floor, and was on level with the windows. There were windows on three sides of the room, allowing sunlight to come streaming in. Looking out of each window X could see only woods, as far as his eyes could see there were woods.

There was a small sound, like a sucking, and as X looked around he realized why the bed was so clean, and began to feel for the first time sensings that were occurring in other parts of his body. He felt at first the thing that was clamped to his penis, it was cold and heavy and pressed against his belly. It was from there that the pain spread from outwards. But there were other pressures that were exerting themselves on him.

He noticed that there was a pulling coming form the tip of his penis and realized that he must be hooked up to some kind of machine, or in some way had been cauterized through the metal clamp. He could not imagine how This would be possible, with the pins and needs that had been pressed into him with the placement of the clamp. The clamp, was the focus of his thoughught the pain and the clamp.

He moved away his mind away from the focus on his pain and realized that there was yet another define pressure in his bowels and we filled with a complete disgust as he realized that he was in fact strapped to a colostomy bag of sorts. His body was being drained both front and rear and he had not only no control, but no say over the time and order of when he could and could not go. He was there, stick in the bed, at least kept from laying in a puddle of his own waste, but removed to a far more strangely untenable position. He could not imagine what mad thoughts were traveling through Tech’s mind that she would keep him like this, strapped across a bed with the fluids being removed from his body. It was the last focus that lead him to realize that in his arm was an IV, which was the final humiliation. He was not Even allowed to feel hunger, or the need to eat, that too was being controlled. Obviously Tech had thought meticulously and planned for hisentrapment here.

He wanted blackness again, he wanted to relieve himself from the disgusting horrors that were being inflicted upon his body. But try as he might he could not find blackness, even the pain seemed to be disappearing, and with nothing to focus on he could not help but notice when it seemed that the plastic brown bag seemed to suddenly inflate, or the drip from the IV fall tick, click, tick, dripping down and passing into his arm. He was maddened and disgusted, he began to struggle but to no avail.

Perhaps it was the sound of the struggle, perhaps there was a timed moment, a waiting sense, but suddenly he heard a chink, and the turning of a handle and he knew that someone was coming for him, at least something was about to happen.

He looked up and he saw Tech standing there alone. He eyed her viciously, again summoning that masculine power which he believed would somehow save him from the humiliating role to which he had currently been resigned. She smidle, acknowledging his looked with the utmost disdain, and walked towards him.

“And how are we this fine and beautiful morning” she asked him as she checked the various bags and drops. She seemed to note with a disgusting pleasure the lump in the brown bag, and smiled at his as she noticed it, as if she knew the amount of disgust it caused X to realize what was being done to him.

“I think this has really gone to far now, don’t you my dear.” X said, trying to create some sense of calm and strength that he did not truly feel but wanted to own or somehow possess in the face of this madwoman. “I understand your joke, you are not to be toyed with, but neither am I. Let me go now, and I won’t report you or any of this, I will just forget –”

”And how will you forget,” she asked interrupting him with a sugary voice “the fact that your penis is currently incased in what I like to call the iron maiden. Will you just leave here and take yourself to some doctor to have it removed. Hmm…and how exactly will you explain to Herr Doctor how you came to your condition? Will you tell him that you were so easily and predictably lead by your penis that you ran off with the first pretty girl you saw and found yourself shitting your waste into a bag while you penis was clamped in a vicious, toothed claw. How will you explain this, really, while maintaining that masculine dignity you cherish so much?”

Her question made him seethe, as surely Tech had spent more time considering his situation than he had. As X began to realize just the position he was in he wanted to spit, and scream and rail against her, but suddenly he found his mouth was parched and dry and he could think of nothing to say. Instead he glared at her while she continued her ministers with the machine.

“I see that you have finally settled into the maiden. I shall be quite pleased to see exactly how skilled the Swedes are in the art of body manipulation and modification by machine.” She allowed her words to fall flat in the end, making X wonder exactly it was she mean. He tired to think of how the words she was saying could make sense, but as such her utterances held no logic and he could not divine any plan. He glimpsed possible outcomes, and the thoughts made his body shudder.

“Are you cold?” Tech asked as she approached him and examined the restraints. She pushed a button and in a few moments Lila entered the room. Lila was again naked, now barefoot as she walked, but at the same time not entirely unclothed. Nipple rings had been inserted into both of her nipples and a chain rain between them connecting them together. From the middle of the suspended chain a third slide down her belly and was attached to her center. It looked like a snake climbing out of a bushy red tree. The entire thing was fixed around her Waist by a belt that seemed to hold them all together.

Tech pulled her close by the chain that ran her up and down, the tug obviously causing Lila pain as she winced with the sudden force being applied but she did not call out as she was pulled forward.

“Where is it?” Tech as coldly as she fondled Lila’s nipples and examined a bite mark on her shoulders that looked somewhat healed. Lila opened her hands and in each of them was a ring. The ring was open with a very sharp end on part. The other part was hollow and obviously they were meant to fit together Through some aperture. X allowed his eyes to widen in surprise but he was unsure what exactly the intent was.

“My dear X, observe Lila here. See how beautiful she is, how docile, submissive and service. She will do anything I ask all I need to is ask it. She is probably intelligent but she will not speak a word without my permission. She is never closed to me and does anything she is told. She is one of my greatest students. It’s taken me years and years to train her, but is she not beautiful? Think of how easily you were persuaded by her charms. She is exhaust, as Ihave trained her to be. With Lila it was easy, women break more simply than men, after a point they no longer desire the same petty vanities and can be turned to respond only to another’s wishes. Men, on the other hand, struggle and fight and with all their will try to act out against the thing I will have them become. It is delightful to watch the battle as the move ever closer to submission to my ultimate goals, but always so soon, they too submit and serve my desire.

You, X, my love, are a rare price. I think that within you is the will and defiance to fight me for months, for years, for ages of travelty an injury, and when I finally break you it shall be as if the walls of some great city have finally fallen. I relish it, watching you turned into the thing you hate so much now. A possession. Always in control, you are, my X. Deciding where and when and how, without any thought or consideration of the others that are around you. But, now, you shall have no choice. ObserveLila and know at this moment that I will create in you her equal and her superior. You shall be lovelier than she, I promise, before I have finished with you.”

“Fuck you,” X whispered.

Tech sent. “Already a small victory for me, you are reduced to profanity to easily. Perhaps you shall not be as entertaining as I desire. Perhaps, and perhaps not.”

X wanted to reply again, but could find no thought that would properly express himself. He was quite chatissed by Tech’s comment. He felt manipulated into his response, and the thought occurred to him that at the moment all of his responses were being manipulated. How could Tech have gained so much control over him in such a short time?

Tech held aloft the rings that Lila had given her. Look at these very closely,” she said and she held them up for X to see. The ring itself was looked light, a piece of metal that had been pounded flat, almost like a wedding ring, but a bit thinner. The ends were the only part curledand round, one hollow, the other with a sharp point. X fell a sinking sensing as he began to guess what they might be for. He looked on the surface of the rings and he saw there an inscription. On one the word “serve” was written. On the other was inscribed “submission”. The writing as on the inside of the ring it would not be seen on the outside. Tech turned the rings over so X could see the outside. On each in the middle was printed an X.

X bit his lip, wanting to call Tech a bitch, wanting to shout out at her, but he choose to keep his mouth tightly sealed. He would not allow himself to comply any more with Tech’s wishes. He would steal himself to absolute silence, refusing to respond in any way to what Tech desired. By this, he would show his mastery over himself, and over her. She would not get him to act as she Impressed, and Tech would be forced to free him.

Tech smiled, “What do you think?” she asked, politely. X looked away, refusing to meet her eyes. Tech asked again, but still X refused to acknowledge her.

“Very well then. I was hoping to postpone this, but I simply cannot have you thinking that I don’t care about your silence or you ignorance.” With that she pulled X’s face back towards her. He struggled to continue to stare away, but Tech clamped his head so that he was forced to look at her. X closed his eyes, but Tech pulled them open with clips attached to the clamp. Lila stepped forward with a small bottled and dropped liquid onto his eyes to prevent them from burning. X felt as if he was going to vomit.

“Now, you see, you will do as I desire. You have no choice in the matter. But since you seem to be uninterested any longer in conversation, we shall make that my wish as well. I cannot have you thinking that if decide not to speak that you have gained some kind of power. So, having anticipated this ridiculously childish behavior, allow me to assist you in your task.”

“Childish-“X began, but before he could continue Techhad pressed into his mouth a gag, and Lila quickly affixed it behind his head. Tech released his head, and his eyes, and watched as X glared at her in horror.

“Do feel free to explore that gag a bit with your tongue, I would not want you to miss the subtly of the shape which I have designed especially for you. I think that, it is most appropriate, considering how much power you assume from your Gender, that you should be restrained by that same thing.” And as Tech finished speaking X explored the rather large gage with his tongue and realized that it was a perfectly sculpted male penis. The thing was about three inches in diameter, and although it did not go into his mouth very far, it was far enough to spread his teaching wide, and make speaking completely impossible, except for unintelligible grunts made by X as he began to complain around the thing.

“Oh really, do shut up, I thought you didn’t want to speak, this should make it easier for you.” While Tech was smiling, Lilahad begun to move the various tubes that X had been hooked too. He became aware of this as he suddenly felt a delectate but urgent pressure as something long began to move and slip out of his bowels. It was then he realized that Lila was removing him from his machines.

The IV was taken from his arm, and the felt the same slippery suction pressure release as something was pulled from his penis. The suddenly release made him aware again of the pressure and the pain that was still some present there, and before he could think or focus on what was happening he suddenly felt himself slipping away again towards blackness.


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