The Tower Pt. 02

Part 2

Chapter 1

The daylight was fading as Traci walked out of Old Navy in Augusta, and turned right towards the side parking lot; another few private hours spent shopping. She tossed the empty large cup that had contained lemonade into the trash as she headed for her car. A semi-trailer was parked across the first half dozen slots, shielding her car from the front parking lot.

She reached into her Michael Kors bag as she approached her Chevy Impala and noticed that a gray GMC Suburban was parked next to the Impala, so large as to almost hide her car. On the other side was a dark red Ford Explorer with the tailgate down. There was no one else visible in the lot. A large red Snap-on tool chest was in the back. Kneeling almost under the tailgate was a man, head down, searching through a tool bag. Brown Carhartt jacket, jeans, boots, ball cap. Identical to most of the other men around town.

As she clicked the remote door lock control and reached for the door,S she noticed a flicker in front of her face and felt a line tighten around her throat. Her breath was cut off. There was no way to scream!

She dropped the keys and reached for her throat. A hand grabbed her wrist, twisting it behind her and another hand grabbed her hair. Suddenly her knees were hit from behind and she started to fall…the hand in her hair and the one holding her wrist slowed the fall but she still struck the pavement with her knees, the impact jarring her. The hand holding her hair turned her head to rest almost under her car…no way to see who was assaulting her. The hand holding her wrist released it…but as she tried to pull it down his foot came down on her back, blocking her wrist. His hand still held her hair as the strangest thought went through Traci’s mind “Did my new shoes get scuffed when I fell?”

This thought was so alien to her prediction that it started her until a hand covered with something sticky covered her mouth. Stars began to swirl in her eyes as a dark coarse bag was pulled over her head. Before it was pulled completely over, the constriction around her neck disappeared. She felt his hand moving around her throat and the constriction came back; but not quite as tight and she was able to grab a quick breath. The line around her neck was snug but at least she could breathe. Her lips wouldn’t open – he had tapped her mouth shut!

The bag blocked most light and the fading daylight didn’t provide light enough to see through it. The pavement was cold against her cheek, the open jacket she wore did nothing to prevent the cold from soaking through her sweatshirt; she felt her nipples harden from the cold and fear.

A hand found Traci’s left wrist and pulled it behind her. She felt a line go around it and her right hand was pulled beside it; the line was cinched tight. She felt her hands start to swell immediately as the circuit was partially cut off. She felt her ankles pulled-together and lifted, they too were bound together then pulled up to her thighs. His hand slid under her and she felt something being tightened around her hips and round her ankles. The line tightened holding her feet tight to her ass. She felt him shift and he fumbled at her wrists then her ankles and she was drawn into a tight, arching hogtie.

Traci felt his hand, then his arm worm under her body just below her breasts, then his other one under her hips. He lifted her up. she thought

“No effort. This bastard is strong!” She felt herself rise into the air slowly; then he moved quickly, feeling herself moving through the air then she felt herself settled on to a solid surface. She felt a slight sag as his hands withdrew then she felt that she was moving sideways. A solid surface was against her right side, she felt as if she was in a small space. Something was happening around her neck and she felt a pressure against the bag at her ear:

“You are in the tool box in the back of my truck.” He said in alow, hoarse voice. Hot foul breath accompanyed the voice.

“I modified it just to hold a little slut like you. I connected the cable tie around your neck to a line within reach of my hand. You better hope that we don’t get stopped. If we do I give the line a little jerk and the tie gets real tight. And stays tight. That way you won’t have enough breath to struggle or make any noise. If he takes too long the best you can hope for is to be a vegetable from lack of blood flow to your brain. Or maybe you’ll just die…which actually might be better from your perspective. I’ll drive carefully just for you.”

She felt the side close around her. She was in a tight, painful hogtie, a line too tight around her neck, locked into a small box. She felt the truck move, backing out of the parking slot and pulling away.

Traci had no way of knowing what was happening outside of her prison. As the truck pulled away a rollback car carrier pulled up. The driver got out, picked up the keys that Traci had dropped and pulled the Impala out of the space and behind the rollback. A minute later the car was on the truck, secured. A car cover went over it. Within 5 minutes of Traci leaving the mall she had disappeared without a trace.

At least there was air. The tie around her neck was tight but she could breathe. The tape across her mouth pulled the skin, her tights started to burn. Her wrists pulsed with each beat of her heart. Her shoulders ached and she felt tears trickle down her cheek; the bag was moist on her face.

The burn in her thighs grow, her wrists felt swollen; her shoulders ached more. He drive and drive. There was no concept of direction or even of time. There was pain and darkness, fear and dread. It wasn’t warm yet she felt perspiration run down her arms. This was nothing like the fantasy of consensual non consent that she had dreamed. This was kidnapping. Pure kidnapping. Her mind raced and she remembered that this was Thursday, her ex had the kids until a week from Sunday. Her parents were out of town and no one know that she drove an hour away to shop! Her cell phone was in her pocketbook. And there was no way to get close to it.

At last, the truck slowed then stopped. In the distance she heard the sound of a garage door operating. The truck moved as he got out. She felt as much as heard the tailgate open. A blast of cold air swirled into the box with her as she felt the surface she was on slide sideways out into the open. Her legs and shoulders were thankfully released as he cut the tie joining wrists to ankles and a new burn began as she straightened out; the movement bringing a groan to her tapped mouth.

Light shone through the bag and the tightness around her throat went away. The bag was pulled off; a bright light was shining into her face and she closed her eyes involuntarily. Something cold and wet with a chemical smell wiped around her eyes and as she tried to open them, she caught a glimpse of a DarthVader Halloween mask before she felt him press something against the edges of her right eye then her left. The light was cut off again. She could open her eyes but could see nothing. He had attached black out lenses over her eyes.

Traci felt the man lift her and settle her onto her feet, holding her as she swayed, blood rushing to her feet. Pins and needs burned her feet and ankles as they recovered. She Felt him lean her against the truck and the tie between her ankles was cut. She staggered slightly as the tension was released, his hands holding her steady. She could smell cigar smoke and alcohol and breath that smelled foul. Her stomach turned both from fear and the revulsion that this asshole who had kidnapped her also had poor hygiene practices.

She turned her head away from the odor, but it came back into her range; apparently, he followed her movement. Traci felt him doing something, tugging at the edges of the tape over her mouth. He stopped for a moment then hepinched her nose shut. Her mouth was still tapped, now her nose was closed! After half a minute she began to panic and struggle. Another fifteen seconds and the tape was ripped away. As she opened her mouth to gasp and suck her lungs full of air, the hands inserted a ring gag behind her teeth and pulled the strap snug behind her head. The gag was buckled as she breathed deeply.

He cut her sweater off with a razor-sharp pocket knife, her bra followed. He unfasted the wait of her jeans and pulled them down. His hand jerked her leg over and lifted it, holding it tightly so she wouldn’t fall. The jeans came of that leg, then the other.

“Commando! Nice!” The voice said. “Convenient, too.”

Hands grabbed her tits and pulled her forward. Her legs were still unsteady; on the third step she tripped. The hands kept her up, holding her tits and keeping her from falling. She slipped another time to the same effect. His hands held her tits firm, his thumb and forefinger pinchingher nipples. A few more steps and her thighs bumped against an observation.

What she had run into was the front edge of a fucking benchmark. It was “T” shaped, with the top of the “T” against her legs. It was supported by played legs, similar to a sawhorse. The bottom of the legs had strraps which quickly went around her ankles. Her head was pushed down. Her chin was fitted into a curved piece that cradled it, a solid bar closed behind her head across her neck. She felt the click as it was locked.

She heard the rustle of clothes being removed, the man’s coat being dropped to the floor and immediately the odor of male sweat filled her nostrils. It wasn’t the smell of fresh activity, but rather an odor that had lingered for a while.

A hand slapped her right ass cheek, then her left. Alternate smacks continued until her ass was red. She heard a whistling noise, then several more. Then the whistle was followed by a blaze of fire across her ass, followed quickly by another. Her ass burned from the fiberglass cane she had been struck with. She heard another whistle and stiffened and cringed. Nothing happened.

Hands slide across her back, then her ass, then her tighs. A hand reached under her and cupped her cunt. A finger moved between her labia. She was dry and flinched as the finger attempted to enter her. The hand was removed, only to return with a glob of cold, slippery lube.

“This is it.” She thought.

The hand spread the lube over her cunt, between her labia, left, then returned with more. This time the slippery fingers opened her labia and slide part way inside. Another glob of lubricant and his fingers stirred her open. Once more the slippery stuff was pushed inside her. Such activity stirred a small, but very small, amount of her own lubrication to start. His hands went away.

Another pair of hands, at least that was her thought, grabbed her luscious hair and held her head from moving. She felt the head of a cock on her lips. Itrested there.

“Lick it, slut.” A hoarse voice said. Her tongue moved forward to barely touch the flesh on her lips. She hardly noticed the whistle this time before another stripe of fire ripped across her ass.

“LICK IT.” The voice was louder, calm, but firm. Her tongue frantically began flicking and moving over the head of the cock.

“That’s better.” was her reward. She couldn’t see it but heard a smile in the voice. While she licked the cock at her lips, she felt another pair of hands grab her hips and a cock slide all the way into her cunt. It filled her and bumped lightly against her cervix. The owner of this cock waited, then withdraw almost all the way out and slide in again. He took long strokes, filling her then leaving her feeling empty before plunging back deep inside her. His movements grow faster, the bumping of her cervix grow harder.

The cock at her lips moved farther into her mouth, then started fucking her there, too.

“Suck it, cunt” the man in her mouth said firmly. She sucked him.

The man behind her paused, adjusting his Stance. Suddenly his cock started slamming into her, sharp bolts of pain from each impact to her cervix. The cock in her mouth slid all the way to her throat, blocking her ability to breathe. He held the cock there, pressed against her throat. She remembered her earlier lesson with Marq and attempted to breathe through her nose. Her nose was slightly stuffed up, so getting enough air wasn’t easy, but she managed to stave off the panic of suffocation. The cock in her cunt continued to slam into her, the cock in her mouth sliding further and further into her throat.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this” she thought. This did not fit her rap fantasy at all.

Suddenly, both men stopped. The cock was pulled out of her throat at the same time the other one withdraw from her cunt. She felt movement, then a cock slammed back into her cervix. The other one slid into her mouth, but with the distinctivet flavor of her cunt and lubricant.

“Switched.” She thought. They continued their assault, switching once again before the one in her cunt twitched and spasmed, filling her cunt with his cum. She couldn’t see the man in front point his forefinger at the other one, then holding it up, then pointing at himself. The man behind him recovered from his orgasm, pulling out and grinning weakly. The cock left her throat and began fucking her cunt. She smelled herself on the other cock and felt it enter her mouth. She started to lick promptly at his wet cock, tasting both his cum and her juices.

A whistle and another line of fire, this time across the top of her ass stimulated her tongue into more vigorous action. She kept licking and sucking until she was sure that his cock was cleaned from all traces of his brutal fucking of her cunt. At last, the cock in her cunt stopped, pressed hard into her and she felt that one cum too. He bumped into her several more times, his cock losing its’ hardness the impact greatly lessened. She felt the cool air enter her open cunt as he withdraw. She felt him step in front of her and that cock too was pushed into her mouth for cleaning.

At last, he too, was satisfied. The bar behind her head was unlocked and lifted, her ankles and wrists released from the cuffs holding her to the benchmark. A fist grabbed her hair, the pain in her scalp made her wince as he pulled her upright. Her legs were now stiff from the widestance the bench had forced her to hold. A cable tie was snugged up around her wrists behind her. The ring gag was removed, but before she had a chance to work her jaw another strip of tape covered her mouth. She was turned around; a strong hand grabbed her right title.

“Walk” he told her. His hand pulled her along a concrete floor. “One step.” He said and her toes touched the step, she raised her foot and followed, unseeing. She felt warm air and heard the door close behind her. His hand took her arm again and pulled her with him, she heard another door open and a cooler wave of air moved over her face. She felt the juices flow from her cunt, down her left leg.

“More stairs. Be careful.” He warned her.

“I’m fucking blind, asshole!” She thought in reply.

He helped her navigate the stairs, going down into what she correctly guessed was a basement. Her feet struck the floor and the hardness told her it was likely concrete.

“Stay still” the gruff voice commanded. She obeyed. More noises and she felt warm air moving around her and the sound of metal objects being moved around. His hand pushed her around and she felt something behind her knees.

“Sit, cunt.” He told her. She sat.

She struggled to resist him and feel a sharp SLAP! to the right side of her face and another to her left. It bring tears to her eyes and she could feel them dripping down her cheeses.

“I enjoyed that,” He said. “Probably more than you did. But if you liked it, I have plenty more for you. Struggle all you want. I’ll give you all you can handle.”

She whimpered through the duct tape holding her speechless. Then she felt something hard around each wrist and heard the click of what she thought might be handcuffs. The cable tie holding her wrists was cut, but rather than her wrists being held together, they were pulled wide apart then over her head until she was almost on tiptoes, attached to a spreader bar hanging from above.

“You like going commando?” He asked, squeezing her ass cheek. “No panties, eh? I thought you were a real slut. I was right. We’re going to have fun! You…maybe not so much.”

He let her arms down, then pulled her a few steps forward, reached down and lifted her right leg high, pushing it a little forward before putting it down. He did the same with the left one and grabbed her hair, pulling her down. She compiled, the pain from her hair bringing fresh tears. The man maneuvered her down to her knees. Her ankles were again bound toher tighs, he pulled her knees back, then pushed them apart and she felt a straw go around each one. A chain was pulled around her throat, barely loose enough for her to take shallow breaths. She could feel what seemed like bars of a cage against her legs and then her head was pushed down as a top was swung shut above her. Her wrists were pulled up and locked to the bars of the top as was the chain around her throat.

She felt – and smelled – his presence close to the cage and he spoke in a low voice

“Having fun yet? We did.” His hand slipped through the bars to squeeze her pussy. His hand cupped and squeezed her flesh, then he wiped his hand across her back. The remnants of her fucking felt cold and sticky on her skin.

“Now it’s your turn.” Let’s see what I can do to help.” She tried to shake her head but it pulled at the chain. She heard a buzzing noise and then felt it…he had hung a vibrator between her ass cheats so that it barely brushed at her cunt. She trembled and it swung away then right back, teasing her. She could feel him doing something with the cage and then the vibrator was closer, held lightly against her pussy rather than swinging. It wasn’t on high, just a gentle buzz against her tender flesh. It teased her pussy as well as her asshole. But it wasn’t close enough to her clip to do more than tease.

“Have fun, slut.” He said and she heard him walk away and his steps climb the stairs.

Traci knelt in her cage; her thoughts raced. Where was she? What would he do next?

She struggled against the bonds and pushed as much as she could against the cage. It felt as solid as a bank vault. She tried to relax and then realized something else. The large cup of lemonade coupled with the other fluids she had drunk that day wanted release. Her bladder was full and making her feel very unpleasant. The space heater had warmed the area so at least she wasn’t cold. But she definitely needed to pee.

Unbeknownst to her, her kidnAppers had already installed several video cameras around, the feed going upstairs to a monitoring station. The first one watched with his partner. He had retrieved the dirty clothes, moved them away from him and donned a bath robe.

“Whew!” He said, “Maybe I overdid that a bit.” The partner grinned and said:

“I’ve smelled bodies that weren’t that bad. Two days dead bodies.” He left the clothes in a heap in a corner as he fetched beers from the fridge, getting one for himself and handing one to the partner. They watched the monitors, zooming in to fill the frame of one with her face, another with her ass. Others displayed a wide shot, one a full frame of the cage. The microphones picked up the buzzing of the Hitachi Magic Wand snuggled between her cheeks as well as her moans. He had placed a shotgun mic to catch any sound she might make. They watched quietly as her thighs quivered, and she moaned through the tape. Her toes wiggled and he caught a slight sob as her piss spplshed down between her knees. That drew a grin to both faces.

“Bingo” The first one said and the two chuckled as they clicked their bottles. The first finished his beer and grimaced as he shucked off the robe and picked up his nasty clothes. He got dressed and went back down stairs. The carrier driver walked quietly behind him.


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