The Tower Pt. 01

The Tower


The pilot checked around him, nodded to the co-pilot and moved the throttle levers. The twin Pratt & Whitney P207D1 turboshaft engines smoothly spooled up, their while becoming more of a growl. He gently lifted the collective, pushed the cyclic and the blades of the Bell 429 bit into the air; the growl calmed to a smooth rumble as the helicopter lifted and the aircraft rose easily into the humid Texas air.

The load was rather light for the powerful copter; the Houston skyline falling behind as the demarcation between land and ocean swept under them. As the copter flew southeast the steel islands of the drilling rigs started to dot the horizon and the flat Gulf below.

There were bunches and singles, some with drilling derricks still assembled; on others the tower had been removed as the structure was now used only for production and as a maintenance platform. They flew on, the land becoming lost in the haze; then lost below the horizon. The platforms spread out with a few closer together, others had several miles between each one. The pilot checked his instruments. The GPS indicated their destination was about another 20 minutes ahead. This tower too had the drilling gear removed. The structure seemed a bit newer than the others, though this really wasn’t the case. It had received a bit better care lately and was simply shining in it’s refreshed state.

The headphones of the pilots as well as the ear buds secured in the “cargo” filled with the strains of Seal’s “Kiss From a Rose”. The pilot smiled at the description of the “Tower alone on the gray” …though today the color is a greenish blue. He knows his cargo is awake, though unseeing; the large cooler keeping her confined, the bonds she wears also quite sufficient. The c-pap machine connected to the air supply and battery keeps her well oxygenated, the other vital signs are monitored on a portable display between the seats.

The display shows a slightly elevated heart rate – which doesn’t surprise him – but all other signs are normal. The temperature inside the container is 80 degrees, warm but not unbearable plus the air she is getting is at 70 degrees, so that helps keep her core from overheating. He suspects – correctly – that she is at the least afraid. Possibly tending towards terror, but the heart rate doesn’t indicate that much fear. He thinks back to their first meeting and how it came to this point.

The copyright circled the tower, the pilots noting the wind direction by the position of the American Flag on the lighthouse. The light served as a warning to boat captains foolish enough to be driving around without GPS and ratar. It also had other, more hidden purposes to the construction. One circuit complete, the bird settled down gently onto the flight deck in the center of the “safe zone”.                    

Chapter 1

Marq Stevenssigned the bartender for a refresher, putting a $20.00 bill down as he did so. She smiled and poured another double of Blue ice vodka on the rocks, dropped a pair of jalapeno stuffed queen olives into the glass and swiped a small lime peel around the rim.

Stevens watched the people casually moving into the private dining room. He had already checked it out and decided to wait outside and reconnoiter the arrival Guests. It was almost lunch time, the munch would be starting soon. He rarely drank so early in the day, but he considered this a special occasion and being such, deemed appropriate for a drink. He recognized several of the people, one or two nodded and smiled at him as they passed through the doors. It was looking like a decent sized crowd might show up. Already ten people had arrived and it was still early. After a few more guests had arrived he spotted a very interesting arrival, or more precisely, two.

One was a very petite female, a member he had met on several earlier visits. She was both very pretty and very vibrant She was outgoing and adventurous; and some of her activities at the after parties demonstrated her preferences for being a defined painslut. Her companion was a newcomer to the group, or at least for the times he had attended. He was a welcomed out of town guest, perhaps she was as well. His eyes tracked her as the line from the classic by Bob Seger ran through his mind…”She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes….with points all her own sitting way up high….way up firm and high….” She definitely fit his definition of statusesque – nice legs and large tits. Her breasts filled the soft sweater impressively and though her legs were covered by capris they molded close enough to her skin that her ass and tights were quite appealing. Her long brunette hair flowed down her back, a style seen more often on a girl rather than the woman she obviously was.

Girls were fine; fun to watch and occasionally tease. But theye were a pain to train and he was well past girls. His preference was a woman; a woman of intelligence and understanding. Someone he didn’t have to explain things to nor have to put up with all the giggling or drama. This one seemed young enough to be adventurous and mature enough to know what was going on.

Target acquired.

Stevens caught the bartender’s eye and pointed to the window on the other side of the bar that opened into the private room and nodded. She smiled and nodded back and he walked into the room.

A small sign on a table easel said “BOINK” which was an acronym for “BOstonians INto Kink”. Stevens wasn’t a Bostonian, nor had he ever been. He was, however, well known in the local bdsm community and liked to time his necessary business trips with the groups munch schedule. He was able to attend occasionally and communicated with several of the members while he was in other places.

“Hey, cowboy!” said one of the male members, stepping over to Marq andclapping his hand on his shoulder. His greeting was loud enough to get several other guests’ attention, including the brunette’s. Stevens certainly didn’t look like a cowboy, dressed in a wound leather pilot’s jacket, blue cashmere crew necked sweater, charcoal gray slacks and black loafers.

“Hey, beaner!” Marq replied smiling, the exchange a usual trading of slight injuries both had enjoyed for years. The “beaner”, Charles Griffin, was a long time friend who expected the retort. Griffin offered the hand that had been on Marq’s shoulder and they shook. Marq tilted his head towards the brunette and raised an eyebrow. She had joined her companion at a nearby table. Griffin smiled and gave an “don’t know” shrug and pushed their hands in the woman’s direction, pointing with his thumb. Marq took the hint and moved to Her side, carefully cutting off another guy who had apparently spotted the pair as well. He recognized the other male as a younger, rather obnoxious at times want-a-be dom. Stevens pulled the chair out and softly inquired “Anyone sitting here?”

The brunette looked up and smiled a bit appreciatedly, and shook her head. He sat down, took a sip and placed his glass between them. The tables filled up, a light banter and greetings floating around. Several women came up and hugged Stevens’ shoulders and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. One tall blonde in a leather skirt and top turned his head with her fingers and found his lips for solid kiss, then narrowed her eyes while smiling evilly. “Marq, you are a baaad, baaad, boy” she said.

“And you like me that way” he replied, smiling widely. “A greeting like that might get you a spanking.”

“Promises, promises….and I KNOW you won’t keep them.” She said laughing. She bent and gave his lips Another quick peck, then straightened. “Dessert after?” She asked.

“Of course. As always.” Stevens answered. “Might keep that promise…” His smile hinted that she might get her treatment after all. Shewiggled and shivered, stuck her tongue out at him, then licked her lips and turned away.

The brunette had watched all of this exchange with interest; she asked Marq

“I take it you two are….close?”

He gave a small grin and said “We’ve played a few times is all. I just know where she likes to be ticckled with a whip. She also enjoys a spanking and the crop, too” Stevens offered his hand. “I’m Marq. Nice to meet you.”

The brunette took it, her hand was warm and firm, not limp, which Stevens noticed and liked.

“I’m Traci,” she replied. “Nice to meet you as well.”

“Are you a new member?” Stevens asked. She shook her head.

“Just visiting. Debbie brought me.” She indicated the petite one on her other side. “I don’t live in Boston…there isn’t any scene where I live.”

Well…” He relied “There is at least a little, if you’re into it and you live there.” He said smiling. She blushed at the reminder of her interest, bringing a fresh glow to herpale skin.

“Okay..but I think I’m the only one. And the town is so small…I don’t want to know if anyone else is into it.”

“You don’t want to know…or you don’t want anyone else to know about you?” Marq asked. Her blush deepened.

“Both. I’m pretty…shy” She replied. “It was hard just coming here. I’ve wanted to…but I’ve been too scared.”

Stevens smiled again. “This group isn’t very scary. Now…San Francisco has some that might be scary.”

She shook her head. “That’s not what I mean. Its just….just…” She looked around and back at Stevens. “It’s just something so….different. People in my town wouldn’t understand. Or maybe they would and…” Her voice trailed off and there was a bit of fear in her eyes.

He answered gently “I know. It takes courage to come to one of these the first time. But it will be easier the next time. You’ll enjoy it.”

She nodded “I hope so.” And her smile lit up her face.

Chapter 2

The tables filled up, multiple smaller tables lined to form three longer ones. The munch was well attended. The banter was both light and sexy, the topics ranged from weather to preferred striking toys.

Marq chatted with a number of guests while keeping Traci in at least the corner of his eye. He chatted with her, of course, but not to seem too preoccupied by her. One of the males on the other side of the table said:

“HI, Marq. How’s the toy business?”

“It’s okay. Has its ups and downs” He answered.

“What about the in and outs?” the fellow asked and grinned. Stevens grinned back at him and shrugged.

Traci chatted with Debbie and occasionally with others, but mostly she watched and listened. As he noticed that she started to relax, he turned his conversation more to her.

“How long have you been in the scene?” He asked her.

“Mmmm…” She started to reply “I don’t know if I can say that I’m ‘in the scene’. I’ve never really had anyone to partner with. I have had some…rough sex on occasion, but that’s all. Mostly I’ve done online role play. But I’ve been interested for a long time. Years.”

He smiled at her. “With a limited number of people to choose from, sometimes online fans are all you can get. But you are here. And there are a lot of opportunities in this place.” He looked around and motioned with one hand. She followed his gaze.

“Maybe.” She said. “I just live so far away and it’s not easy for me to get the time to come here.”

“You’re here now, so make the most of it.” He said, smiling and then waved to someone at another table.

He listened closely. Several simulateneous conversations made it difficult to keep up with just one. The topic turned to Fetlife and he was able to catch her name there. He waited until a bathroom break to check her profile and rejoined the party.

Eventually they ordered a meal and he food was served, drinks refilled and the conversation turned moreto the topics in mind – kinky sexy fun. Charles Griffin returned and stood behind Stevens, bending to speak into his ear.

“Coming over after?” He asked?

“Certainly.” Marq replied. He turned to Traci and asked:

“Care to join us in a bit of ‘dessert’ after this?” She looked around to Debbie, but she was talking energeticly to the man on her other side.

“Uh…” She seemed a bit confused by the question. “What exactly do you mean?”

.Stevens said “Excuse me” and reached past Traci and tapped Debbie on the shoulder. When she turned around he asked:

“Dessert?” Her eyes gleamed and answered “Of course!”

Stevens smiled at Traci and said

“Charles here usually has a little get together at his house after the munch. Actually in his dungeon. Debbie obviously wants to go. So….you’re invited as well.”

Traci looked around. She had ridden with Debbie and really didn’t know the town that well and had no idea what a cab ride would cost.

“Well…..okay.” She answered, not exactly confident in her response. Stevens smiled.

“You’ll enjoy it. And you can watch me keep that promise to Shari.” He motioned over towards the blonde who had kissed him earlier.

“Who is she?” Traci asked.

“Shari? She’s Charles’ wife. And a LOT of fun…” He answered with a grin.

Chapter 3

The after party was attended by 15 or 20 of the regulars. The dungeon was very well outfitted, equipped with a variety of bondage structures with many choices of toys hanging from hooks in cabinets on the walls.

Debbie and Traci rode together, finding that Marq had preceded them there. Everyone milled around, chatting, some drinking, submissives kneeing at their Dominant’s feet. Traci noticed that many subs had shed most, if not all, of their clothes. All wore collars and most had leashes attached, usually leading to their respective Dominant’s wrist. A few held their leash in their teeth whiletheir Dominant was off talking or finding a drink.

Traci was excited by the scene, as well as the casual nature of it. Some of the Doms were ignoring their slaves, others were petting them. A few had found chairs and were proceeding to have their own party. One tall, auburn haired Domme had her male slave (nude, of course – except for his cock harness) licking her knee high boots. Her dress was pulled up to her wait exposing her bare pussy. She played with a lock of his hair, their eyes locked as his tongue worshiped the leather. Her hard nipples poked through the thin fabric of her dress. Things were going to get interesting indeed!

Charles came into the room; he had changed into leather pants and leather vest. A crop dangled by a loop from his wrist.

“Welcome.” He said loudly, and everyone applauded. “I hope Everyone is ready…I know I am.” He stepped over to a shape covered by a canvas tarp. He waited as his wife joined him next to the object. She too, had changed. Her hair was now up in a twist, her large breasts enrapped by a leather strap bra that squeezed them into bulging orbs. Cuffs encircled her wrists, ankles, wait and thighs. The thigh bands were joined to her belt by two straps. A wide, thick metal collar was locked around her neck. She knelt beside her husband, eyes towards the floor.

Charles began, “Tonight we have the pleasure of trying out a new toy. Only the Toymaker and myself have seen it. Well…perhaps one or two of his elves and practice victims have seen it…… but no one around here. Tonight we celebrate the introduction of a new line of dungeon machines produced by our own Toymaker.”

Stevens was standing back from the group talking to Traci and Debbie as the announcement was made. Debbie looked at Stevens for a long minute, then all three waited for what came next. They watched as Charles pulled the tarp and revealed the glaiming device. A black base supported a shiny frame with a variety of attachment pointts.                           

Arms and pneumatic cylinders sprouted from the base; a waist high console at the side of one end held a small screen and keyboard. In the middle were several padded supports.

Charles held his hand out to Shari and she rose, eyes never leaving the floor. He whispered something in her ear and she nodded, then he picked up a leather hood and began fitting it onto her head. The only openings were a series of small holes for her nose and a hole for her mouth. A ring was molded into the hood; she opened her mouth to accept it and he finished fastening the hood. He guided her to lie upon the middle support. Rings at either side met the rings on her belt; locks secured her. Charles pressed her torso down and her neck found a circular support. A hinged section swung over trapping her neck, a cup supported her chin holding her mouth straight out. Her swollen breasts lay on either side of a narrow padded section were a woven steel strap held her there. Her arms were extended to either side where rods with rings were locked to her cuffs; her ankles were ben and spread, locked to rods for those cuffs as well.

She was secured, spread for both display and use (or abuse.) Charles stepped to the console and touched a few keys. An arm extended from under the blonde’s body and unfolded along hinged points. A rather large dildo extended from the end. Charles tapped a few more keys and the dildo began to stroke back and forth, a buzz emanated from it as well. It began a slow oscillation, spinning back and forth on it’s center line. Another series of taps and the speeds of motion increased. The head and shake of the dildo seemed to expand….then it definitely grow larger, into a fearsome diameter. The shape of the head changed from a rounded bulb to a truncated cone. Then all motion stopped and the dildo returned to its original dimension. The arm moved back down and stopped before it folded back up.

Charles reached down and pickedup a clover clamp attached by a cable to a box under the torso support. Fierce teeth on each side of the clamp fitted through holes in the other side. He pulled the cable out and placed it on her right nipple and released it. She tensed as the teeth found her sensitive flesh, the other one was also applied and a slight moan could be heard from the hood. He rose and tapped the keys again…the cables drew down and stretched her tits towards the floor. She trembled but remained silent.

Marq, Traci and Debbie watched as the preparations for the lovely blonde’s torque were completed. Traci noticed that her companion kept glancing at Marq with an ever increasing star, at the point that the cables on the nipple clamps retracted she physically moved slightly away from him. They watched along with the group and Charles as he stood next to his wife. She trembled and shook from the pain in her tits as well as anticipation. She hadn’t seen the dildo so she didn’t know what was in store for her there. But everyone else did. One by one, each person slowly turned to look at Stevens as Charles held the crop up, extended towards his friend.

Traci watched all this then turned to Marq and asked:

“What…why is he offering it to you?” He smiled at her and replied:

“He’s giving me first turn with his wife.”

“Why?” She inquired.

“Well..because I built it.” He answered.

She stared at him as he stepped up and accepted the offered crop and gave it a few swings. He held it in his right hand and flexed it against his left. Stevens held it against the blonde’s shaped left ass cheek, letting her know where the first strike would land. He gave her a sharp smoke followed immediately by another stronger one. The Flesh quivered and her thighs trembled. He waited for the trembling to cease and her thighs to relax, then gave her another pair on the other chef.

Stevens methodically chose his target, giving each one a double tap. After her ass and thighs were well dotted, Charles could wait no longer. He stepped up in front of his wife and unzipped his leather pants, exposing an impressive cock. He pushed into the opening in the hood, sliding all the way into her throat. Whether she was expecting it or not didn’t matter. She might as well have been, considering her position. Charles slowly fucked her throat as Stevens maintained his attack on her ass and tights. Occasionally he targeted her cunt as well, eliciting a muffled wail as well as a twitchy squirm.


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