The Tower Ch. 02

This part isn’t about anything sexual, it explains my situation and how I got to be kidnapped into Sir Imer’s service, and the silly things I did that led up to the kidnapping.

For those of you who have never been in bondage, let me tell you that it is long and boring being in tight bondage and waiting for your captor to return. I mean the first half hour or so is quite exciting as you try to anticipate what will happen, but after you have exhausted all of the possibilities in your head it becomes very boring indeed. You strain your ears to hear any signs of your captor coming back, you test your restraints to see if you can loosen them or free yourself, you do difficult maths problems, recite the alphabet in every language you know backwards, all in the vain hope of killing time. However, you have no idea how much time has passed, so it could be minutes or hours. You are powerless until your captors’ return.


So there I was in tight bondage, with no idea of ​​the time, I had played eye-spy with myself, done maths, and verb lists, times tables, memory games and all sorts. My brain was fried with trying to come up with ways to amuse myself, and I just let it go blank and do its own thing. It was then that I remembered where I had seen Bart before!

Bart was about 22 years old, 6 foot 4 and really skinny, I had seen him hanging around college, and I would talk to him sometimes, I found it weird that it didn’t matter what time I left college, for about a month, he was there every day to talk to me, and would often walk me home. Instead of being freaked out by this I was flattered, and enjoyed the attention. I realize now I should have freaked out and told everyone, instead of enjoying the secret.

But I had always been quite secret and shy. Mam and Dad were away on business all the time for their TV show and I was always left at home with the servants in our 40 room mansion, they didn’t have time to amuse me, so I became very good at amusing myself, and it was really easy to keep out of their way. To that end I learned to keep things to myself, and be by myself, so I had never had many school friends and would spend hours at the library to make Mam and Dad think I had friends, but I did not. Sad really, but that was my life.

I had always gone out of my way to please people and make them feel special, but I could never allow anyone to get close to me. As I laid there staring at the tower ceiling I realized now that this was to my disadvantage.

As I pondered the last few weeks I realized that Bart had actually been following me around, I saw him everywhere, shopping, college, parties, at the pub, the library, even the swimming pool, he was everywhere I went. I began to think that the plot to take me had been going some time. My God how had this happened?

I just wondered how he had managed to drug me, but I knew that if I let my mindrelax enough it would come up with the answer.

I emptied my mind and waited, blanked my mind and chased away any silly thoughts that would stop my memory returning. Then it came to me – it was after swimming!

I had gone to the pool before I went home to plan my party.

I was sat having a drink when the guy I’d been dating, Josh, came and asked if it was OK to sit with me. We split up Because he couldn’t cope with the fact that I spent more time on my A-levels and swimming than him, plus he didn’t turn me on, I slept with him but it was nothing special, doggy style, him on top, me on top, spoons, a little oral, but he never wanted to talk fansies or anal, so we decided to go our separate ways, we were still good friends though, and he always looked out for me when my parents We started chatting, and had been for ages, we had both finished our drinks, he said he would get another for us; Bart worked in the pool café! ICouldn’t remember seeing him there before, but he was there that day, he must have slipped something in my drink when Josh went to buy them. They were chatting away like old friends, Josh would never have noticed.

Josh drank his coffee very quickly, and left, telling me he’d come round after dinner to help with the party planning, I was glad he was coming, I needed the company.

I got up after I had drank my coffee to use the ladies’ and I felt very scar, I remember Bart asking if I wanted a female member of staff to come with me. I remember going into the toilets and dropping my pants and sitting down, and then it all goes black.

The next thing I remember is being in the back of a limo and it being very dark, Bart was there, he asked if I was OK, and gave me another drink, I blacked out again.

I woke up a little later, still in the limo, and he was screwing me, he came all over my clothes and face, he fucked my face as well as my pussy, but I was powerless to stop him as I was drugged and scared.

He then gave me another drink, and I blacked out. I woke up later in a cosy double bed, Bart was lying beside me hugging me. He gave me some food this time and another drink, I passed out with him fingering my arse. I tried to scream but was unable to – I don’t know if that was because of the drugs or the fear!

The next time I woke up was in the tower room. I didn’t know that it actually was a tower, but I assumed it was from it’s size and shape.

I was stunned that it all happened, but why wasn’t Josh looking for me?

Bart came back then, as soon as he entered the room I started firing questions at him about what I remembered, he told me that I had remembered correctly, and he was sorry he had taken advantage of my drugged state, but it had been so long since he had brought a new slave to serve he could not resist.

He began to feed me mushroom soup and lots of warm, fresh bread, it was lovely.

I asked him why Joshwasn’t looking for me, Sir Imer had e-mailed all the important people in my life telling them I was on an educational trip with college, sorry for the short notice, but they did not know until the last minute if they could get the foundation. He said in his e-mail that the trip was indefinite, and would end when he felt the student was no longer learning anything, or benefiting anyone from the trip.

Who was Sir Imer? What gave him such power? What kind of danger was I in now I knew nobody was looking for me? I was scared and in awe. I was also really angry that I had let myself get into this situation.

I started to ask Bart my questions; he told me all would be revealed in the fullness of time, and left the room, leaving me to my own thoughts and wanderings again.


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