I woke up with a fog in my head, I must have banged it really hard! I needed to stretch, I tried and couldn’t! “What’s going on?” I thought. I opened my eyes and I couldn’t see, what the hell was going on? I screamed long and loud, but nobody came, I waited for what felt like an eternity. Before my mind began to wander.
I was cold, hungry, thirsty and naked, and the surface I was on was cold and hard. “Where am I? What happened? How did it happened?” Were all that were going through my mind.
Yesterday I was at home mam and dad on holiday, and I was planning a wicked party (what else does an 18 year old heiress do when her parents are away)? Now I was restrained, cold and hungry, with not a stitch on, and didn’t know how I got here!
I was just beginning to wonder if I would starve to death when I heard a noise, footsteps, I strained my ears, and could hear them getting closer. My heart began to race with fear and trepidation, was I going to meet my captor?
The key squeaked as it turned in the lock, it sounded as though it wasn’t used very much, then the door creaked open.
I started to shout and scream, the man waited until I paused for breath then said, “Oh, you’re finally awake. That drug was more effective than I ever hoped it could be.”
He came over to me and took off my blindfold, I immediately started to fire questions at him, he told me that he would tell me the answers when he was ready to, I was stunned and fell silent.
He began to feed me water, I wanted to refuse as he had already drugged me once, but my physical needs took over, and I drank as if I had never before had water, he then fed me some scrambled eggs and bacon, this lead me to believe it was morning.
After I had been fed and watered I began to look around. I could see I was in a room, it was totally stone, it had an arch shaped door and window, it looked like a medieval castle, it was round as though I was in a tower room.
The man was dressedin medieval clothes, but looked like a service. “Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?” I asked him.
“My name is Bart. You are at Sir Imer’s castle. He wants to make you his slave.” He answered me.
“Are you his slave?” I enquired.
“No,” said Bart, “I am his service, there is a difference, which you will find out. Now, I am here to make sure you have enough strength to meet with him, and to condition you for service while he is away. I don’t normally like this job, but from the fight you put up the other night I think I’m going to enjoy this with you!”
“What do you mean the other night? How long have I been here?” I asked.
“3 days” said Bart, I could hardly believe it.
“Now Then,” he said, “let’s start the preparation.” rubbing his hands with glee.
I was starting to feel drawsy again, “I’ve had to give you another sedative, so I can change your bonds and wash and shake you.” He said.
I wanted to struggle and protest but all I could dowas watching him move around the room, as my limbs felt like lead.
He took off the dirty ropes and head collar, tossing them into a laundry basket, I only assumed I would be getting them to wear again at some stage. He then put his cock in my mouth. It was soft, my natural reaction was to suck, and I could feel it growing in my mouth.
“This will go in my report,” surprised Bart, “Sir Imer will be pleased at your willingness to suck cock, and he will be interested to know how good you are!”
I mumbled a thank you, what was I thinking? Thanking a stranger for complimenting my BJ skills!
He then stuck his fingers into my pussy and finger fucked me until I came hard. He stuck his cock back into my mouth and fucked my face till he came, he did this with long, hard, deep strokes, making me deep throat him, and start to gag and choke. After he squirted what seemed like gallons of sweet, salty cum down my throat he used it, and my saliva to lube his fingers, which he promptlyrammed up my arse!
“Ooh, a nice tight arse, Sir Imer will be pleased!” he exclaimed.
He then finger fucked my arse and sucked my clip till I came again.
“Now then dirty girl, let’s get all that cum washed off you, and make the most of being clean, Sir Imer may not always let you wash the cum off so quickly!” He explained.
With that he very gently washed me all over my body. Paying special attention to my arse, pussy and mouth, he even brushed my teeth for me, with a cinnamon toothpaste, it was hot, but pleasant.
He gave me a linen shift to wear, plain white with long sleeves, it was floor length and had a hood, much like a monk’s habit.
“Why am I wearing this?” I asked.
“Because only Sir Imer and I are allowed to use you in a sexual manner, and you are to appear unattractive to all others.” He explained.
He then fitted me a new neck collar and bound me tightly.
“I’m sorry I have to bind you so tightly, but unless you are being usedor cleaned you must remain in tight bondage for three weeks, until Sir Imer returns to the castle.”
With that he brought a blanket and covered me over before gently laying me on clean straw.
He left and locked the door behind him telling me he would be back to feed me in due course. He didn’t gag or blindfold me this time, and for that I was grateful, I began to think about things, and let my mind wander, as I waited for Bart’s return.
Please let me know what you think, as this is a new style of writing for me, many thanks.
A xxx
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