He was sitting at his desk thumbing through paperwork the day guard had left for him. It appeared they had a new inmate arrive late and there was no time to finish the processing of her. “HER?” He shouted out loud.
Yes that was correct… The prison system was integrating female prisoners into its all male facility making it the first co-existent compound of its kind and this was only the first of many female inmates to arrive.
His heart pounded at the thought of catching glimpses of naked female flesh as he made his nightly rounds
The desk memo said he was to brief her, give her a tour of the facility (as she was only minimum security) and familiarize her with the rules. Inquisitively, he picked up her case file wondering what her crime could have been.
His eyes widened as he read…” “Indecent Exposure.” He laughed out loud. “Hell… What’d she do? Flash the President for God’s sake? Who gets arrested for instant exposure?”
He gathered her paperwork,Taking the processing sheet and neatly stacking the remainder on the corner of his desk. Noisily snatching up his cluster of keys, he headed for the cellblock and cubby number 609.
Twirling his massive key ring, he impatiently made his way through the silent corridor while envisioning a three hundred pound mass of woman waiting for him. He came to an abrupt halt in front of her cell. To his surprise, she was a petite little thing, perched like a cat on the edge of the dreary cot, facing the blank wall in front of her. Long black hair was swept haphazardly down her back. Her small body was barely perceivable beneath the loose prison grays she wore.
Looking down to his paperwork, he searched for her name.
“Uhh… Ms. Rowan?” His deep heavily voice rang out, breaking through the deafening silence.
Startled, she Leaped off the cot, her beautiful raven tempers whipped into the stagnant air as she spun around standing up straight, drawing her hands behind her hips, locking her fingers… now facing him.
“Yes Sir.” She answered immediately, her gaze focused straight ahead as if she were looking right through him.
He gasped as his eyes befell her ravenous beauty. A pronounced widows peak of dense shiny black hair framed her delicious facial features; beautiful almond shaped emerald green eyes with long black feathery lashes, a slender sloping nose, full curvy lips and a sweet cleft in the center of her button chin. She was young, I’d guess mid to late twentys; short, probably four foot eleven and slim, weighing about ninety five pounds soaking wet!
But even in her baggy drop prison garb her ample man-made breasts were very evidence as they protruded away from her chest! She was without a doubt a virtual feast for the eyes!
His heart was pounding insatiably as he rolled her paperwork into a tube before jamming it into his back pocket before fumbling through the many keys on his ring, impatiently searching for the one to open her cell!
“Where the hell was my patience, my self-control? ” He thought.
This was not like him at all. But then he was never confronted with the handling of a female inmate before either and certainly never one this breathtakingly beautiful!
She stood there so submissively, so silently, so still. Like a helpless wounded animal.
The sound of grinding metal as he forced the key into the Small hole, made her body jerk. He worked the key, twisting it back and forth until the latch released with a loud clanking noise.
“Well, You’re coming with me,” He said in a rescue voice as he pushed a strong shoulder against the cold steel bars, forcing them open.
Did he detect a soft smile as she stepped back allowing him to enter?
“What’s your first name?” He asked as his captured eyes helped study her beautiful, flawless face.
Her green cat like eyes were piercing as she looked directly into his stare answering crisisply, ” Sir, It is Rachel. Sir.”
“No need for the ‘ Sir ‘ Rachel. Just call me Hutch… Okay?” He said, his face now flushing at the thoughts now racing through his mind.
Envisioning her golden naked body standing before him, small untanned triangles accentuating those big beautiful breasts protruding out from an easily countable ribcage. Someone must have paid dearly for those tits! They were perfectly symmetrical with large tan aureoles and beautiful nipples… pierced and adorned with thick silver rings which hung from hard buds that jetted straight out. Her petite frame made her ample breasts look even larger. His eyes trailed down to the small silver belly button ring pierced through her navel. Then onto the narrow patch of raven fur leading down to her hidden pearl. She bore the untanned marks of a thong shadowing her trimmed black bush in milk white flesh. Her legs were spread shoulders width apart, exposing puffy nether lips, which delicately dangled from her neighborly groomed private garden. And a smalll silver bar pierced vertically through her clitoral hood, concealed her precise jewel. Her inner thighs were glistening with pussy juices.. He could almost perceive the erotic sweet/musky scent of her aroused sex…
“Yes… Sir…” She answered jerking him back from his mental image of her nakedness,” Uhh… I mean Hutch… Sir.” She added lowering her eyes.
He chuckled correcting Her formality. “Just Hutch… Rachel… Just Hutch.”
“Yes, Hutch.” She bubbled back.
“Now come with me.” He ordered stepping aside, allowing her to leave her cramped dark cage.
His cock was swelling, banging against his thigh beneath his uniform as he led her down the cold empty corridor like a prize pet on an imagineary leanh.
Inmates were stirring as the tapping sound of his cleared heels on the concrete floor echoed through the cellblock. The tinny jangling sound of keys swinging from side to side on his thick belt drew the attention of the rustling inmates as he slowlyparaded her towards the far exit.
She followed closely behind him… silently, obediently as her eyes stayed glued to his rising and falling heels. Soon ‘Oooo… Laaa… Laaa’s ‘ and obscenities were emanating from the darkened cells as they passed by them.
“Hey baby, wanna gimme a feel? I eat yer pussy till you cum.” Rang out as arms appeared from between the cold steel bars with hands stretching and gripping in the air.
“Hey Cappy, Ya gunna share that hoe?” Rang out followed by low guttural laughter.
“Hey, I need me some putang. Bring that slut o’er here.” Was yelled from across the corridor.
“Nice chi chi’s… comere baby…”
Numerous hands and arms were now waving through the bars. The obscenities grew more boisterous as they arrived at the steel barred exit.
Hutch stopped abruptly causing ample breasts to stall into his lower back as she collided into him.
Instinctively he spun around, gripping her firmly by the shoulders, feeling hisfingers bury themselves into her soft flesh covered collarbone.
Her body was trembling as the vulgar language continued to echo through the cellblock.
Reaching down, cupping her button chin in his hand he lifted her head up. Looking into her fried tear pooled eyes; he knew she did not belong in here.
“QUIET OUT THERE YOU ANIMALS!!” He screamed out as he gently wiped the trickling tears from her cheeks before gripping the loop of keys from his waist. Jamming a key into the hole, twisting it sharply, he held the creaking gate wide open.
Hurriedly he lead her out of the building, into the dark deserted exercise yard and across to the tower station. He could hear the crunchy pitter-patter of her tiny feet on the gravel surface as they quickly shuffled behind him trying to keep up with his pace.
Unlocking the heavy iron door he directed her inside.
One lone exposed light bulb dimly lit the spiral staircase.
“Go ahead. You first.” He said ushering her onto the first step.
He followed closely behind; watching her sweet round ass undulate from side to side as she slowly mounted the step steps. It was hypnotizing how gracefully her body moved even in those baggy prison clothes. He had all he could do to keep his hands off her ass as her sensitive movements awakened his cock, which was now twitching like crazy. His swollen organ was screaming for release by the time they reached the upper landing.
Hearing sounds coming from the stairwell, the tower guard called out.
“Hey… Who’s coming to relieve me? Gawd I hafta take a piss!”
Turning towards the stairs, his strained grin flushed bright red as Rachel emerged from the stairwell like a heaven sent angel coming to rescue him until her beautiful long black hair flowed off her shoulders exposing her dreary prison gray uniform.
Hutch nudged her forward as he climbed up onto the landing, his muscle body now towering over her small frame.
“Hiya Bob… Gotta go do ya?” Hutch teased, as he protectedly rested his hands on Rachel’s shoulders.
Bob was frowning until her beauty captured his eyes.
“Hmmmmmm… What do you have there Hutch?” He asked as his eyes began raping her trembling body.
“Oh. This is Rachel. She’s a newcomer. They brought her in here late this afternoon. The warden left instructions to Given her a tour of the facility and acquaint her with the rules and regulations. She’s a short timer.”
A soft giggle escaped her lips at Hutch’s short comment. With her small status she must have heard them all.
“Hmmm.. Lucky you.” Bob said as he unconsciously licked his lips, adding, “Darlin, What’s a nice girl like you doin in a place like this?”
Rachel squirmed and wiggled at the question put before her.
Hutch frozen as he was also curious for the explanation to her incarceration but was too much of a gentleman to ask.
She gently pulled away from Hutch, turning to face them both asshe spoke in a soft angelic voice.
“I was only obeying my Master” She said confidently as she lowered her eyes, dropping to her knees.
“What?” Hutch blurted out in surprise confusion. “You mean to tell us… You were…”
Bob interrupted, tapping Hutch on the shoulder, “Hey Buddha, I’ve heard about these slave girls. Gawd, they do whatever their Masters order them to do.”
Bob’s different eyes lit up as he studied this small ravenous beauty perched at their feet.
Rachel leaned back resting her weight on her heels, thrusting her ample breasts forward, spreading her legs wide open, placing her palms face up on her thighs, with her head held high and her eyes downcast as she knelt perfectly still.
“Is this true Rachel?” Hutch asked, bending down, gripping her pretty little cleft chin between forefinger and thumb, pulling her face upward and looking into her twinkling eyes.
Without a moments hesitation she answered, “This girl belongs to Master Garrett, without question she does anything and everything He tells her to do.”
An evil grin swept over Bob’s face as he looked over to Hutch for approval before addressing her.
“And what did your Master tell you to do in here?” He asked her in a prodding manner.
“To obey and do as I am told… without hesitation, without question.” She answered proudly, her ample breasts now heaving as her mind obviously drifted to pleasing thoughts of her Master.
“Then take your clothes off girl. “Bob commanded jokingly.
Immediately Rachel grasped the hem of her shirt and yanked it up her body. Her huge firm breasts bounced out from underneath as she pulled the clothes over her head dropping it to the floor beside her before slipping her fingers into the waistband of her bottoms.
“Stop!” Hutch ordered dropping down on a knee, covering her hands with his, pinning them against her hips, before her naked heaving breasts captured his eyes!
He was hypnotized by her obvious arousal…her huge crinkled aureoles and protruding buds. Silver rings were dancing from her bobbing nipples.
His imprisoned cock was jumping and jerking inside his uniform trousers now commanding release!!
“Come on Hutch… You can see she wants to please her Masters!” Bob said coaxing him on…
Low vibrating moans were now escaping her understanding body as Hutch ripped her pants down to her knees. Her inner thighs were already glistening with her sweet pussy juices as she thrust her pelvis forward while tightening her sweet little ass.
Hutch slipped his hand up between her parted legs, his thumb piercing between moist folds of soft flesh before sinking into her hot tight chamber.
Her soft moans echoed off the walls at the unexpected intrusion.
Bob was unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly as he inched closer to her. Pulling his flaccid cock out and putting it to her lips, she instinctively tilted her head back as he pushed his limp vessel into her mouth before releasing his golden fluid inside her.
She gurgled trying to swallow all his fluid without spilling any.
“AAhhhhh..” Bob groaned as he emptied the last of his contents into her tightly clapped mouth.
She was responding just like she was trained to respond… accepting all they had to offer her.
“Down on all fours.” Hutch commanded in a low growl.
She immediately lunged forward onto her hands and knees as Bob’s captured cock was stretched beyond its limit before being jerked from her lips. Her naked flesh was alive with movement as Hutch finger fucked her tight pussy with one hand while releasing his throbbing cock from his trousers with the other.
Bob knelt down on the floor in front of her placing his swollen cock to her closed lips.
“Open your mouth and suck me girl… make me cum.” He ordered.
She obediently opened her mouth taking his full length inside, working his shake with her tongue and lips as she bobbed her head back and forth like a prancing hen.
Hutch withdraw his soaked fingers from her tight pussy, positioning his bulbous cock head to her open entrance.
Her body was heaved forward forcing Bob’s cock down her throat as Hutch drove his hard cock deep inside her shallow womb, slamming into her authentic wall. S he gagged at Bob’s sudden intrusion but quickly replaced her composition. She was a good little slave.
They relentlessly fucked her orifices. Hutch’s cock thrusting deep into her tight pussy while Bob’s cock thrust deep into her clutching throat.
Her muffled moans and groans intensified their animal lust as they thrusted hard and long into her quivering body.
Hutch’s thumbs soon found her juice coated anus and began radically pumping in and out of her tight pumper as his engaged cock pumped in and out of her juicy cunt.
“Gawd…” He moaned, struggling his cock with his fingers through her anal membranes as he assaulted her openings. Her face was now fully buried in Bob’s public hair. He groaned out loud, his balls were tightening as he cupped her head in his hands pumping in and out of her throat in an animalistic frenzy.
“UHhhhhhhhh..” He yelled, pulling from her throat as his semen raced up his engaged shft exploiting inside her mouth. She hungrily swallowed his gift to her. Pressing his torrenting cock to the roof of her mouth as she Swallowed, milking from him all that he had to offer her before mulling his sated organ round and round with her tongue, bathing him in her saliva. She was a good little slave.
“Ahhhhhh… Yess..” Hutch sang out while pumping wildly in and out of her cunt and anus. Her juices were flowing from her, coating his balls as they slapped against her dangling pussy lips. Hutch felt the bar in her clitoral hood rubbing wildly back and forth across his sensitive shake as she rocked back and forth against him.
Her shivering body was glistening with perspiration as he felt her cunt began to contract and spasm around his throbbing organ.
“NOT YET!” He ordered. as he pulled his swollen cock from her pulsating chamber.
Obediently she responded. Her movements stopped with her ass arched high into the air.
Reaching down he slipped his fingers inside her gaping cunt drawing more of her juices up onto her anus before positioning his bulbous head over her tight ring.
Bob pulled his spent cock from her lips as one suddenly thrust forced Hutch’s massive cock head deep inside her dark canal.
A shrink scream escaped her as he began assaulting her sweet asshole with his cock. Grasping her hips in his strong hands he slammed relentlessly in and out of her tight ass again and again and again.
Her hard breasts were jerking back and forth as he mercilessly thrusted in and out, feeling her muscles tighten even more around his throbbing swollen shaft. Reaching under her he buried his fingers into her folds of soppy flesh, finding her swollen clip, pinching itbetween his finger and thumb.
“Ahhhh… Thank You Hutch.” She screamed, her wrenching body bucking and jerking as he raped her clip with his fingers while fucking her ass with all his might.
Bob was zipping his pants up as Hutch screamed out, “UUgghhnnnnnnn..” Releasing her pulsating clip as his cock tensed and convulsed shooting cum deep inside her ass, steadily emptying its thick creamy load.
She moaned loudly feeling his hot seed filling her dark canal as he continued pumping in and out of her. Her shivering hot flesh collapsed forward onto the cold hard floor as Hutch slouched back, his limp spent cock withdrawing from her used ass.
She showed, clenching her ass, holding his gift inside.
She was still panting as Bob rolled her over, pulling the wet bottoms off her legs, then spreading her thighs open wide exposing her soppy sweet smelling pussy.
Her moans echoed through the tower as she arched her pelvis off the floor, offering her pussy to him for his use. She was a good little slave.
Without hesitation Bob buried his face in her sweet juicy cunt. Gurgling he lapped at her tasty nectar. Drawing his rigid tongue up her wet slit to her hard protruding clip.
She screamed out. “Thank You Sir.”
He attacked her clip with his teeth while his forefinger and thumb pulled and twisted her clitoral hood bar.
She was moaning and groaning wildly as he forced two fingers up inside her red swollen pussy.
Hutch’s cock was awakening as he watched Bob rap her cunt with agile fingers.
Bob pulled his mouth away from her clip, sitting up he focused his attentions on her soppy cunt as he worked his fingers in and out of her slushy opening while his thumb attacked her clip.
“Hutch…”Bob said turning to him, looking for approval. “Think I can get my whole hand inside her?”
“Oh… Come on Bob.. Hasn’t she had enough?” He asked as he looked down on her shivering perspiration covered flesh.
A soft smile soon crossed her face. Without a word she once again arched her pelvis off the floor to Bob. She was a good little slave.
Bob now inserted three fingers inside her cunt pushing in and out. Listening to her moan and groan was fueling his lustful fire as he inserted a fourth finger inside her. She was arching and emrithing, pushing against his fingers, her sweet/ musky scent was filling the air! Attacking his nostrils. Tucking his thumb inside his palm, squeezing his fingers together, he slowly pushed and pushed, trying to get his entire hand throw her small opening. The steady pressure was moving her across the floor.
Hutch moved around, squatted down, cupping her head between his naked knees, bracing her as Bob continued working his hand in, twisting and turning, applying more and more pressure, trying to force it inside her tight cunt.
“Ohhhhh… Myyyyy… Goddddd…” Bob moaned as he felt her pelvis slowly spreading open to accept him.
She was moaning andgroaning as she reached up grating Hutch’s dangling cock with both hands, pulling his organ, stretching him down to her lips until his balls were resting in her eye sockets.
“UUUUhhgggnnnnnn..” She shrieked as Bob’s hand finally popped inside her tight vagina. A streak of pain shot through her body as her expanded pelvis snapped closed around his inserted hand.
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