You’ve been bad again and disobeyed your master. He’s leading you out of the house, tugging at your collar telling you to anxious up. Easy for him to say, he’s not wearing a blindfold and his arms aren’t tied behind his back.
It’s so cold out you begin shivering almost immediately. You’re only wearing a locked leather chatity belt, some rope and a ball gag. It’s December, you’re not sure what time, but it’s quiet, probably nighttime.
You reach the stairs and almost slip on the bottom step. Your master grabs you by the arm and pulls you up, forcefully. You love his forcefulness, his roughness, and his strength, but you crave his control and restraint even more.
Your mind quickly flashes to the last time he denied your orgasm. Your master torqued you with pleasure for five days, but would not let you cum. He came in you as often as he pleased, but never gave you relief. You were frustrated and altering between feelings of age and anger towards your master. Thinking about it now makes your pussy tingle.
You wonder why now of all times you are thinking about this. You think about him often. You’re added to the way he makes you feel. Even now, in the front yard, you wish your master would remove your chatity belt and fuck you hard so the neighbors could peek through their windows to watch.
You’re thoughts come back to reality when you feel sharp pain on your feet. Shit. You know where he’s taking you as soon as you feel the sharp rocks beneath your feet. The pain cause you to shudder and you feel you pussy tingle again. Your master still tugging at your collar, you try to walk faster, but it hurts and you wonder if your feet are bleeding.
You’re already starting to regret your disobedience and your stomach is in knots wondering what your master will do to you.
He stops pulling on the leash and in response you stop immediately and wait for instructions. You are so cold your teeth are chattering against the ball gag.
You hear him unlocking the lock and turning the knob to the tool shed in the yard. Your master grabs your collar and guides you up the step into the shed. Your feet hurt, your shaking uncontrollable from the cold and your pussy is now dripping wet. Droll has leaked from your mouth, down your neck and on to your tits, causing an icy burning sensing intensifying as it rolls down your icy body.
Your master tells you to get on your knees and you do. He tells you to lean forward while he lowers you down slowly, suspending you by the collar and lean. He stops as soon as your nipples touch the floor and holds you there.
You choking, your eyes are tearing now and spit is flung from the crevices between your lips and the ball gag as you try to breath. You are in Total darkness, in extreme pain and freezing cold. You sincerely regret your disobedience now and hope your master will forgive you.
Your master lowers you until all your weight is on your chest, stomach and legs as you gasp for breath. Blood rushes to your head and sending tiny tremors to your cunt. You almost cum as your aching clip presses against the damp, cold leather of the chatity belt.
He lifts your arms, and cuts the rope off your wrists, depriving you of the intimacy you feel when he unties you. Your arms fall to your side and are both numb and singing from cold.
When he speaks, he tells you to lie on your back and you quickly comply.
He grabs your arms, tells you to make a fist. He grabs your fists and pushes down on your arms until your wrists are nearly touching your shoulders and tells you to keep your arms in this position while he wraps them in duct tape. He’s not even going to bind your arms with rope and that hurts. At least the duct tape covers your skin and provide a tiny, but noticeable amount of warmth.
Next he grabs your legs and pushes them towards you until your heels are touching your ass. Then he wraps your legs in duct tape. You imagineThey looking a little like shark fins.
Lying on your back, you’re wondering what your master has planned for you. Your punishment has already been effective, and now you wish it was over. You even vowed to never disobey him again, but you know it won’t be too long before you crave this again. You need your relief, you need to feel pain. This thought turns on, and for a brief moment you forget about the cold.
Your master tells you to sit up and helps pull up you to a sitting position. Then he stands behind and tells you to lean forward as he grabs you by the wait with both hands. As you lean farther forward, gravity starts to pull you to the floor. Your master picks you up by the wait as you start to fall forward, shifting your center of gravity. You are now Facing the floor as your master sets you down on your elbows and knees.
Your master tells you that for your punishment, he has made you into an end table. He says that when you are disobedient, you are of littlevalue to him and will be stored like a piece of furniture that is no longer wanted. And then he leaves, closing and locking the door behind him.
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