As always, the pain was unbearable. And as usual, there was absolutely nothing I could do stop it.
Lika had tied my arms and legs in such a way that I was stretched across the four corners of the bed, completely unable to move my arms, legs and head more than an inch in any direction. I was also tied in a way where my cock and balls were totally open to whatever she wanted to do to them. And to complete my total Helplessness, we had agreed that there would be no safe word to make her stop her torture, nor would she listen to any begging from me to stop the pain.
And in any case, she loved hearing me beg her to stop for several reasons. First, she had told me that I was not allowed to beg, and if I did, she would punish me worse than the torture that makes me beg for relief in the first place – a hard slap to the face, a series of Particularly violent bites to my cock, her dreaded finger nails digging and scratching into my cockflesh, and usually all three punishments doneImmediately and viciously. Thus, hearing me beg was just a license to hurt me worse, which led to the second reason she liked hearing me beg: plain and simple, she absolutely loved hurting me. Period. She simply loved the sexy power of being able to inflict the most severe pain upon me; she loved hearing me scream in misery; she loved seeing my body understand in ago; and she loved making a strong grown man cry and beg for mercy.
To put it bluntly, Lika was sadistic. And I loved her sadism when directed at me. I loved giving myself to her completely, not because it felt good – on the contrary, it was physically extremely unpleasant – but rather because I absolutely LOVED the emotional act of giving myself to her and sacrificing my own pleasure so that she could achieve her own pleasure.
So here we were again, in one of what were now becoming almost weekly cock torture sessions. Usually the cuts and bruises on my cockflesh would heal within a week, and this kind of dictated how often she’d abuse me (though sometimes, she was so brutal that my cock would take up to two weeks to heal). Basically, as soon as my cock healed, it was back on the rack for another several hours of cock torture.
At the point in our current episode, two hours had elapsed – our typical sessions were about an hour and a half to two hours – which means I was almost through, and that I’d get Relief from the pain and an orgasm…or it means that I was in really big trouble if she decided she needed more fun for herself.
I was actually in pretty bad shape at this point. My body was exhausted and dripping with sweat from fighting against my bonds so vigorously. My voice was horse from screaming so loudly and long (fortunately the neighbors were away!). My cock and balls were in miserable shape. My cock was totally purple from being tied so tightly to trap the blood in my shake, but it was also marked with dark blue bruises, several sets of deep teeth marks and swollen lump whereLika had burst a blood vessel inside the skin by gnashing her teeth back and forth on the middle of my cock shake. Further, the ropes encircling my cock and balls had been tied so tightly and then continuously pull back forth when Lika was fucking me for her own pleasure (another of her favorites: grinding her cunt back and forth on my cock, which created immense pleasure for herself, and a mixture of small pleasure for my cock but immense rope-burning pain where the ropes cut into my cock and balls). I was sure that the ropes would also leave red-blue rope burns and be incredibly sensitive to any touch for a long while.
Anyway, the two hour mark had arrived and Lika stopped fucking and kissing me, and dismounted my helpless body
“I think I better until your cock,” she said. “He looks pretty bad right now.
I was incredibly relieved to hear that because the blood pressure caused by the strings around my cock and balls had swollen my cock 20 percent larger than its normal length and girl, and combined with all the physical abuse, virtually any touch – even the softest most gentle lick of the tongue or pussy pump – now was causing tremendous pain.
Instead of deliciously untying the knots securing the ropes around my cock and balls, she jerked the strings and pulled hard to make them loosen, pulling public hairs out and rope-burning the sensitive skin of my scrotum.
“Aaaahhhhh”, I yelled! “That hurts! Be careful!”
Whack! Her hand went across my face. “Shut up! No talking, remember?”
“Please hurt me, Lika” I said the only words I was allowed to say to confirm her question.
“Oh, you want me to hurt you more, don’t you?” I stayed silent as I knew that she would follow the command of the only words I was allowed to say. “Fon! I asked you a question?”
“Please hurt me Lika,” I whispered, knowing it would lead to more pain. And while I loved this game we played – the pain – I had had enough already today, and just wanted itto end. There’s a point where it’s beyond a game and beyond a sex fantasy, and we were already past those points.
“Okay Fon. I’ll hurt you more.”
And with that, she was even more reckless removing the two ropes double-wrapped around the bases of my cock and balls, causing more screams from me. Yet even though this hurt like hell, I was relieved as it was over, and now I’d be untied and allowed to gently make love to Lika with my sore cock and have an orgasm myself. When the strings were completely unwrapped and off my cock, the blood in my shake rushed out, and my cock went from super-hard to a three-quarter semi hard state and drooped over. Its purple color began changing into a dark red, with the crueles not disappearing.
Still panting from the last bit of pain, I leaned forward to French kiss her with an open-eyed, soul-to-soul kiss.
“Lika, that was amazing this time.”
With those words she pulled back from our kiss and looked into my eyes, and smiled. Whack! Looking into her eyes, I didn’t see her right hand rising and whacking my left cheek so hard that my head flew to the right.
“Fon, who said we’re done yet?” I looked back at her, and her smile widened. “Fon, I’m giving your cock a small break, but we’re nowhere near being done.”
“But we’ve been going for over two hours…” Whack! This time her left hand and not as hard as the previous blow.
“No talking, Fon. I will punish you for those words in a few minutes. But I want your cock to rest and recover for a few minutes. And then I’m going to fuck you up so bad, Fon!!!”
She said the last sentence with pure delight. She leaned in and gave me a long sexy wet kiss and then slide down my body until she was laying between my legs. As gently and lovingly as she could, she took my semi-hard cock in hand and began kissing, licking and sucking it while looking directly into my eyes.
“Fon, you know how much I love hurting you, right?” A pause. “Right?”
“Pleasehurt me Lika.”
“That’s a good Fon. And yes, I will do what you ask Fon; I will hurt you. But Fon, I want you to know that I’m going to hurt you far worse than you’ve ever been hurt before. You have at least another full hour ahead of you. What do you think of that? So enjoy this little break.”
Our eyes remained locked, hers smiling and mine in Total fear. We both loved this game, and it was real – real pain and real fear. For whatever Kiky reason, I needed to feel total helplessness, and totally intimidated and afraid of her. Perhaps it was because outside of the game, I led the relationship, so in this situation, she took total charge. Whatever it was, I loved being dominated by her once a week, and she loved having that power over me once a week. And knowing how brutal she could be and how sore my cock and balls already were –the pain inflicted was completely real, and not just some fantasy pain – I was terrified.
Taking me deeply into her mouth, she reached up and began playing with my nipples again. Her secret weapon with me was gently playing with my nipples – the sensing was almost enough to make me cum, and it always guaranteed an erection no matter whether I was tired or in severe pain. She continued to suck and rub my nipples until my sore and bruised cock was fully hard again. Then she rose and mounted me again, making soft gentle love to me while kissing me with the deepest eye contact. Although the pain my cock felt from even this loving motion, it felt absolutely wonderful. Without missing a beat, she reached over to the night table, and grabbed her goody box.
“Open up”
As I opened my mouth, she slipped another half tab of Viagra on my tongue and put a wine glass to my lips. I had already had a full tab when we had started earlier, and this was going to be over-powering as a normal dose for me in even my drunkest state would be a half. One and a half tabs were overkill.
“Fon, you know what this means, don’t you?”I nodded my head. “It means your cock will be hard no matter how badly I hurt it. No matter how much pain I give you, your beautiful cock will not be able to retreat or disappear. And Fon, you know as well as I do that anything I do hurts much worse with a hard cock than a soft one. Plus, I like seeing your cock so hard and swollen; it turns me on.”
Lika had already had five orgasms in the first two hours by using her vibrator while fucking me in some position where she’d stretch or bend my cock in some painful way. At the moment of orgasm, she reaches down and either crush my balls in her fist or dig her nails into the base of my cock. But after having her sexual pleasure, everything else she did to me was just to feed her sadistic need for pleasure – she would only enjoy herself from here on out by hurting me.
She reached over again and pulled out a third string, in addition to the two now laying below my cock and balls. “Fon, I need your cock extra hard now, so I can hurtyou worse than I’ve ever hurt you. So I’m going to tie an extra string around your cock and balls.” She kissed me deeply, continuing to make gentle love while playing with my nipples. Her eyes were totally smiling.
“Are you scared, Fon?”
I nodded.
“You should be, Fon. You should be really scared. But you know we have to do this. I need to see for myself how far I can push you, how cruel I can be to you. I need it, Fon. And secretly, I know you want me to take you past your limits…way past.”
She reached over again and returned a tiny plastic Tupperware container. I knew what it was because I had created what was inside it on her orders, but I now I wasn’t sure what we’d be doing with it. Whatever she wanted with it, I knew it wouldn’t be good for me.
“Fon, the pain you’re about to experience will be so exciting. I know you’re going to scream, and I like you screaming very much, but I can’t have you making too much noise or they might hear you on the next block. I also don’t want to hear the begging I know will accompany your pain. I can’t have you asking me to stop, because I want to go beyond your limits, and I don’t want to stop even if you can’t take it.”
The usage of the plastic container now became instantly clear.
“Fon, I need to gag you to keep you from telling me to stop. This is your gag.” She held up the container in front of my eyes as if she were showing it to me for the first time; however, I’d seen this container many times over the past two weeks.
Two weeks ago, she had given me the container. It was a small covered, plastic food storage container, probably meant to store about three ounces of food. Two weeks ago, it was empty. Now it wasn’t. She had given these instructions back then:
“Fon, I want you to cum in this container every time you cum. I want you to jerk off into this every day before work, and every time we have sex, every drop of cum goes in the cup. If I give you a blowjob, I’m spitting it in. If you fuck me and cum on my stomach or face, scoop every drop into the cup. From now on, every drop, Fon.”
And now she held the container before my eyes. For the past two weeks, whether jerking off or fucking Lika and cumming in her mouth, my cum always ended up in the cup at least twice a day, squirting my sperm into it, covering it with its top and then storing the container in the freezer. I looked through the plastic and could see that it was pretty full of the milky white murk of my sperm. Lika had thawed the frozen mass of cum during the first two hours of pain, and its liquidity showed when she tipped the cup back and forth.
“Open your mouth, Fon. It’s time for you to stop talking.”
I looked into her eyes, and she was totally digging her power over me. She loved the idea of filling my mouth completely with my own cum. I slowly opened my mouth, and she brought the cup to my lips. She began pouring the contents in over my tongue.
“Take all ofit, Fon. I want you to hold it in your mouth. Don’t swallow any, and don’t let it drip out. I want you to hold every drop of your cum in your mouth while I torture you – that should keep you pretty quiet!”
The sperm flowed into my mouth, its salty taste immediately over-whelming my tongue. Lika held the cup up to drain every last drop, then using her fingers to scoop any Stay into my now totally sperm-filled mouth.
“Fon, do not lose a drop of this. Don’t swallow any, and don’t spill any. I will occasionally check to see if you have every drop of this cum in your mouth, and I will punish you seriously if you lose any of it. Now close your mouth, and let’s begin.”
With that, she hoped off my lap and cock grabbed the first string and went down on my cock with her mouth. Working faster than usual, she tied the first string around my ball sack and cock, and then yanked hard to close the knot; then she wrapped the remainder of the string around the base of my cock, andagain pulled very hard and very fast to tie a tight knot around my cock. As both knots closed, my cock sprang to attention and began to fill with blood, growing with every suck and lick but without the possibility of blood leaving my cock. I gasped hard through my nose, as my mouth was full of salty cum and the string of her panties. The rope burns around cock and balls were singing so badly with the rope re-tied again, and even the skin on my totally sore cock throbbed just from the pressure of my cock swelling with blood. It was unimiginable how I would be able to hold a full mouth of cum in my mouth for an hour, let along it while she was torturing me.
“Let’s get your cock a little more swollen.”
She began playing with my nips, and sucking in a super sexy fashion. She continued for a few minutes until she was satisfied that she had me as turned on as possible – cock swollen as possible – and then she repeated the tying process with the second string, only harder. Again, my breathing jumped through my nose at the sudden shock of knots closing around my cock and balls. I wanted to scream already, and she hadn’t even began the real torture. Either way, I was silenced to some wimpy moans by my own cum practically drowning me. Again, she gave me another few minutes of suck and nipple play to get even more blood in my cock – it looked huge again, and the bruises from the earlier two hours of torture were even more visible.
Then Lika picked up the third string.
“What do you want, Fon?”
I moaned through my closed lips.
“Beg me, Fon!” She grabbed my shake and squeezed it hard in her hand, making my cry out in pain through my closed lips. “Fon!”
I mumbled through sperm-bubbling lips something garbled that sounded like the words “Please hurt me, Lika.”
The smile disappeared from Lika’s face suddenly. Usually, she tortured me with a smile, generally enjoying the sadism of the moment. But her face turned deadly serious now,her teeth gritting and an angry look in her eyes.
“Fon, you have no idea how badly I’m going to hurt you. This is not going to fun for you at all, Fon. I REALLY WANT YOU TO SUFFER. You’re going to pay for every little thing you’ve ever done to me. And don’t you dare lose a drop of that cum.”
With that she took the third string, and used all her might to tie it as tight as possible. On both knots, she paused to gather all her strength and pull so hard she grunted like a weight lifter. I could barely breathe it hurt so bad, and I whimpered through my closed lips and snorting nose. Looking down, my cock looked like it was going to burst, and she paused momentarily to look at how hugely swollen it was. Normally, she would see my cock in a similar state – though it had never been tied this tight or this swollen or this huge – and she would smile and marvel about how big swollen it looked. This time, she scowled, bent over, grabbed the ends of the string and violently pulled ittighter with a huge grunt. I groaned through the cum in my mouth, and I was literally more terrified than I’d ever been with her. This was already way worse than anything she’d ever done, and I knew she hadn’t even started torturing me yet. I almost spit the cum out so I could beg her to stop, but I didn’t both because I knew she wouldn’t listen to any pleading anyway: I had made her promise not to listen to any Begging no matter how I shrieked or cried, and she had made me promise to take anything she did to me. It was our way of establishing total trust and showing our love for each other. And besides, spitting the cum out would have just brought more punishment.
She jumped down between my legs and wasted no time killing me. Without any sexy foreplay or pretense, she snarled at my cock, squeezed it hard in her hand, and clamped her front teeth halfway down my shaft. She bit into me hard and held her teeth deeply into my cockflesh, holding it there for more than 30 seconds allthe while squeezing her hand at the base of the shake to effectively make her bite go even deeper into my cock. I yelped as much as I could with a full mouth, screaming into the nothing with high pitched wails. My arms and legs tore unsuccessfully at their bonds, but Lika had tied me down very tightly today – I couldn’t move at all. The pain from this single bite was the most exciting pain I’d ever felt, until She released her bite and moved a half inch up my shake and bit down again with another violent squeeze of my cock. Over the next 5-10 minutes, she covered every inch of my cock with viciously deep bites, and only stopped for a few minutes to admit the purple and red indentations in my cock where her teeth had made their mark. Another blood vessel had broken, and my cock was tied so tight it looked like it would burst – felt like it too.
“Open your mouth.” I tilted my head back and did, and as I did sobs ran out from my lips. She had mounted my cock and put in her pussy; it hurt like hell to be squeezed by the tiny little pussy of her tight 5’3” 105 pound body. She looked in at the sperm in my mouth, as I cried. “Good. Not a drop lost. Now shut your mouth hard, look at me and don’t look away…or else.”
Whack! Her right hand to my face. Whack! The left. Whack! Whack! Whack! She slapped my face repeatedly, and when I flinched, “Look at me!! And don’t spill that cum,” followed by more slapses. Then just as quickly as she hoped on my cock, she hoped off. Her right hand grabbed my cock and her left hand cupped my balls.
“Look at me, Fon.”
Then squeezed hard with both hands, as I struggled to hold her gaze. I was crying openly now, tears streaming down my face and was in terrible age. She let go after a few minutes of pumping both with terrible effect on my body.
“Look at your cock, Fon. Remember the no scratching rule? Fuck it, I’m going to scratch your cock, Fon. I told you I wanted to make you suffer, now watch me scratch theshit out of your cock.”
She slowly put all ten of her finger nails of different parts of my cock. “Watch this, Fon, AND DON’T LOOK AWAY!!”
Then her nails dug into my cock skin, and my body jumped as much as it could be tied down. Shrieks were coming from my throat and the tears were freely flowing down my face now. Then she started dragging her nails up and down my cock, and I couldn’t bear it anymore and closed my eyes. Whack!
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