“Does that feel good, Fon?”
Did it feel good? What a question! The physical sensings felt unbelievably wonderful. Lika’s body gently moved on top of me. Her face was three inches from mine, and I looked into her sparkling green eyes and thought what an amazing and beautiful woman. At 5’3″ and 103 pounds, Lika has a rock hard body with perky little tits, the flattest stomach, a totally fuckable ass and asshole, and an absolutely gorgeous, HUGE-lipped and completely shacked cunt. And now she sat on top of me slowly making love to me, kissing me tenderly and gently caresing my nipples – my nipples are incredibly sensitive, and Lika can get me completely hard and make me explode just by touching my nips.
“Does that feel good, Fon?” she asked again, picking up the pace of her fingers lightly brushing my nipples. Oh my god it felt good, and I was about to cum. Sensing this, she picked up the pace even more, grinding her cunt on top of my cock. I was on the edge of cumming, sTruggling to hold back. But then again, I had been on the edge of cumming all day. We had begun the day by fucking and sucking for an hour in the morning, though I hadn’t cum. Lika had wanted me hungry, horny and explosive for our evening of fun, and my cock and balls were swollen and ready to burst. Lika moved her face closer and passwordfully fucked my mouth with her tongue, never losing eye contact and in fact looking deeper right into me.
“Does that feel good?” she asked again, but I didn’t reply as I strained not to cum. “FON! DOES THAT FEEL GOOD?!”
I wanted to scream ‘yes, yes, yes! It feels incredible! I’m going to cum’, but I didn’t say a word, as I was in no position to say anything. In fact, my position was quite, quite constrained. I imagined what I looked like laying beneath Lika. I was reclined on a large pillow against the headboard, so my torso was upright at a 45 degree angle while my legs extended flatly down the bed. However, my ankles were tied tightly, competely spreading my legs apart. Rope spread my knees as well, making it virtually impossible to close my knees in any way; my cock and balls were completely exposed. Both of my arms were pulled back to the sides and tied to the headboard with Lika’s stockings. Each of the bindings on my arms and legs were tied super tight, so I couldn’t move at all.
“Fon! Answer me! Does that feel good?!”
I wanted to answer again, but I refrained again. While my mouth was uncovered to allow Lika to kiss me at will, my voice was constrained as much as my body. Shortly after finishing tying me up, Lika had played with my nips and sucked me hard, then climbed on top and began making love. Then she looked deep into my eyes, and given me two instructions: “Fon, from now on, you are Not to speak any words…except…” She paused a moment, and smiled at me. “…except the words ‘Please hurt me, Lika’.” Her smile widened even more, as she said it. “For the next two hours, those are the only words you may says. Do you understand? The only words. If you say anything else – even a single word other than that sentence – there will be consequences.” I nodded my understanding, and we continued until our current state.
“Answer me, Fon. Does that feel good?!” Her voice now had an angry, authoritative tone to it, and her smile disappeared. I looked deep into her eyes, and softly spoke.
“Please hurt me, Lika.”
Her beautiful smile returned. “What did you say, Fon?”
“Please hurt me, Lika.”
“What? I didn’t hear you well. Say it louder”
I repeated it louder.
“Beg for it, Fon. Tell me what you want. You better beg for it.”
The smile on her face widened from ear to ear, and she looked at me lovingly, and then she looked straight at me and said, “Don’t worry, I will. Fon, I will hurt you, and I will hurt you badly. And Fon, I’m going to love hurting you. Now beg again.”
I repeated my request, and she kissed me again. The sensings still felt amazing: the feel of her legs on rubbing on top of my thighs, her velvet cunt wrapped around my cock, fingers brushing my nipples, wet French kissing and the deep looks from her eyes. Again, I was on the verge of cumming. Then she lifted off me, my cock plopping out of her shaken cunt.
“Look at him!” She slip back on her knees between my spread legs; there was plenty of space as the combined binds at my ankles and knees left a wide area between my legs of which I had no ability to narrow them at all – my cock and balls were totally open to whatever she wanted to do. Lika used the space to lay down between my legs and marvel at my swollen cock. “It’s so hard, Fon. But let me get it a little harder – this will work better when you’re harder.” I knew what she was referring to, and it would only be another minute before she began fulfilling the request she forced me to say. She put my cock in her mouth and reached up to play with my nipples, all the while looking deep into my eyes.
After a minute of sucking and nipple play, I don’t think my cock could have gotten any bigger by itself. Without pausing from her sucking, Lika reached over and grabbed a black shoelace. Never taking her eyes away from mine and with my cock lodged deep in her throat, she circled the string around the base of my cock and balls until it was loosely wrapped and tied around them. She stopped sucking and got back up on her knees, and smiled as each hand grabbed opposite ends of the string.
“Say it again, Fon.”
“Please hurt me, Lika.”
“OK.” With that, she suddenly pulled both ends of the string away from each other. My cock sprang up from the force of the string tightening around my cock and balls, and she got a better grip on the strings and pulled again with such a force that she gritted her teeth.
“Do you like that, Fon?” I didn’t respond, as I was still gulping for air at the sharp pressure caused by the string cinched around my cock and balls. “Fon! Do you like that?!”
“Please hurt me, Lika.”
“Good!” She pulled one more time as hard as she could, and then took the ends of the string and began to wrap them around the base of my cock and over my balls, which were lifted by the string tied tightly underneath them. With the string set around the base of my cock, she again pulled as hard as she could, Pulling the string tightly around my cock’s trunk. My cock and balls looked incredible. With the string double-tied around the base of both my cock and balls, and then again around the base of my cock, the blood entering my cock was trapped and began swelling the ghosts of my dick. She lightly stroked me to speed up the effect, and my cock started turning red as it throbbed full of turned-on blood. One more thing: it hurt like crazy!! The string deeply cut into the skin around my cock and balls, and the combo of rope burn and the pressure of so much blood pushing against the thn skin of my cock was painful – the strings were much tighter AND much worse than any cock ring.
Lika stood back to look at her handiwork and then leaned over to give him a little suck and some gentle strokes. Then she reached for a red shoelace.
“Does that feel good, Fon?”
“Please hurt me, Lika.”
“That’s the right answer, Fon.” With that, she took the red string and exactly repeated the process she had performed with the black one, only this time she pulled it even harder and tighter around my cock and balls. We both looked at my cock and marveled: the color was changing from a dark red to a deep purple, and it had swelled so much that it literally was at least an inch longer and a half inch wider than my normal six inch size. Lika gently wrapped her hands around my swollen member, totally mesmerized by how big it had grown and taught and smooth the stretched skin was.
“I love your cock like this, Fon. I love how it feels when I tie it up like this. It feels so good, so hard and so smooth. Feel those veins popping. I love this, Fon.” Her voice was so loving and lucky as she said it, you’d never know what was happening if you couldn’t see the scene.
“But you know what I like most about this the most, Fon?” I nodded without saying my line again. “I love your cock and balls like this because I like hurting you, Fon. I love Hurting you. When your cock is swollen like this, anything I do will hurt you, and I love having that power over you. Anything I do…will hurt you badly. And for the next two hours, I’m going to love hurting you so much!!”
She climbed back on top of me and put my now gigantic cock against her huge pussy lips – Lika has the biggest puffy cunt lips I’ve ever seen – and then slowly inserted me into her.
“Oh my god, Fon, that feels so good! Your cock feels so fucking good!” For the next ten minutes, she made love to me, French kissing me and grinding her hips into me. Lika was loving it, and the whole timeshe was whispering how good my enlarged cock felt AND also how much she wanted to torture my cock. While she was making both of us feel good, my cock and balls began to hurt more as the strings dug into my flesh with each grind. While this hurt quite a bit, I knew that this was just a small degree of the pain I was going to feel over the next couple hours – the irony being that Lika was actually trying to make me feel good right now. She hadn’t even began to try and hurt me yet, and I was already in pain.
After she satisfied herself for the time being, she lifted herself off me and laid between legs with my cock right before her face. She looked at it with a big smile and then looked into my eyes as she slowly began kissing and licking my shaft. Without leaving eye contact, she took me into her mouth and began bobbing up and down, occasionally deep throating me – Lika has that amazing rare ability to practically swallow an entire cock. She took me out of her mouth and kissed andlicked my cock again.
“Fon, you know I’m going to hurt you, right?” I nodded. “One more thing, Fon: do not look away from me, and do not close your eyes. I want you to look at me when I hurt you. If you close your eyes or look away, I will punish you.”
With that, she started sucking me again. Making a point to look into my eyes, she showed me her teeth and Without much warning, she bit down hard on my cock.
“Aaahhhh!!” I screamed out, as she bit down hard into my cock flesh. She’d let up momentarily, take a couple short bits and then bit down hard for an extended time, and repeated the chomping again on another part of my cock. Pain shot through my entire body, as whatever she did was amplified many times from the pressure of having my cock tied so tightly. I also noticed pain from where my arms and legs were tied, as my natural instinct led me to fight against my bindings. Yet, I couldn’t move more than a few inches in any direction.
“Do you like that, Fon?” she said taking a moment between cock bites. “Fon!! Answer me! Do you like that?”
“Please hurt me, Lika”
“OK,” she said with a smile and but down hard again into my flesh. Instinctively, my eyes closed and my head flew back.
Lika squeezed the shake of my cock hard, which in itself hurt like hell given the swollen pressure created by tying my cock so tightly; as she had noted, virtually anything she did to my cock – even normally pleasurable acts – would hurt because it was tied so tightly. My eyes returned to hers, as she squeezed even harder, making my cock head obviously swell right before me. Then she showed her teeth and bit down hard on the head for at least thirty seconds before nashing her teeth from side to side. The pain easily surpassed her Previous biting, and I screamed in ago and again instinctively closed my eyes with my head thrashing from side to side (my hands and legs would have thrashed from side to side as well, but they were tied so tightly I couldn’t move them at all). When she released, there was a deep and purple set of teeth marks set into my cock head.
“FON!! What did I tell you about closing your eyes or looking away?!” I reopened my eyes, and she continued, “What did I say, Fon?”
“Not to…” I started to say, which was met with an even harder squeeze and another vicious one minute biting sequence. This time the biting was just below my cock head, but she intensified it by simultaneously releasing and re-squeezing the shake of my cock, essentially making an already hard bite go even deeper into my cock flesh. I screamed again loudly, but I managed to keep my eyes locked on hers. Her bite relented to speak again, and a new set of teeth marks joined the ones on cock head.
“Fon, what did I tell you? Do not close Your eyes or look away from me. Ever. And no speaking too. You just spoke, and you know you’re only allowed to say one thing. Do you understand me?” She punctuated the ‘understand me’ withAnother hard squeeze and jerk. “If you close your eyes, look away or speak again, the next time I will use my nails, and you know how much I want to use my nails on your cock. Do you understand me?”
Nails. The dreaded nails. While Lika’s teeth created so much pain, nothing caused as much pain or fear than her nails. In earlier sessions, she had used her nails to squeeze my cock, literally putting her nails against the flesh and then closing her hand around various parts of cock and even my balls, and she would do it very hard – Lika is a gymnast and has unbelievably strong hands and arms. She would also scratch my cock up and down, and in doing both, she had cut the skin and made me bleed on several occasions, small injuries that would leave marks and scabs for days. After those Earlier sessions, we made the rule she could do whatever she wanted, but no nails and no blood. However, we subsequently decided that she would need a strong threat to force me to comply with her demandsand rules, so nails were reserved for severe punishment for being disobedient only. Since putting ‘the nails rule’ in place, she had never used them, as I was so frightened by them.
“Do you understand me?” I nodded, as her hand remained wrapped around my shake and her mouth slightly open around my cock head – both poised as a threat that she clearly wanted me to see. “Fon, I asked you a question. Answer me. Do you understand me?”
Immediately, she squeezed and bit down again, and I screamed aloud and barely managed to keep my eyes glued on hers – which were clearly enjoying fucking with my mind and causing me pain. We were quite a match: I loved receiving pain from a woman I love, and she really dug giving pain more than any woman I’d ever come across. She truly got off on hurting me particularly with her teeth, even biting my lips and tongue on our very first date two and a half years before. She continued for about 45 seconds, before easy up. It killed,but I realize she had let me off easy, forgetting to use her nails on my last verbal mistake.
“What did you say?” I didn’t anything now. I just sat still moaning from the pain just inflicted. “Fon, what did you say?” Her smile positively beamed as she asked the question, and despite how much my cock hurt, it turned me on beyond belief to see her enjoy dominating and hurting me so much. “Now, do you understand me? Answer me, Fon.”
In a soft voice, I said, “Please hurt me, Lika”.
“Good Fon!” she said positively delighted with her control. “But I didn’t quite hear it. Can you speak up?”
“Please hurt me, Lika.”
Her smile turned into a little chuckle, and then suddenly, the smile turned into a mean scowl, and her hand squeezed my cock very hard.
“Beg for it! Now!”
“Please hurt me, Lika!” came out of my mouth with more force this time, but she increased the pressure of her grap, causing even more pain, and then her other hand squeezed my balls justas hard making me scream.
“PLEASE HURT ME, LIKA!!!” was more like a cry now.
“Good Fon” Her smile returned even bigger than before. “If that’s what you want…”
The hand gripping my cock shake slide down to the base and squeezed again, and she took my cock deep in her mouth and start biting hard and holding for 5-10 seconds, Releasing and finding a new spot of my shake to torture. She repeated this biting sequence for what seemed like five minutes, and added a few hard squeezes and pulls to my balls for good measure. I screamed and moaned the entire time, until she finally stopped to look at my cock. Despite the incredible pain, my cock remained erect due to tight wraps around cock and balls. It had softened ever so slightly, but it looked virtually totally erect because of the pressure created by the cock and ball strings. With no way for the blood to escape, there was no way to go soft either. She started intently at my cock and sensed it hadsoftened by 5-10%, which to put in perspective, left my cock probably at 110% of it normal erect size, as it had grown to 120% of its normal size with the cock strings secured.
Wanting it huge again, she began giving me a wonderful blowjob, even playing with my nipples to get me completely turned on again. It didn’t take long. She alternately licked and kissed my cock all over, sometimes deep Throating me while teasing my nipples. Her look was adoring and loving, and my cock swelled all over again. It was now a deep purple, and the skin was smooth and shiny from her spit – except for several distinct sets of very deep teeth marks. Further, several large drops of pre-cum had oozed out and streamed down my cock head, including a large bubble of cum resting on my pee hole. She knew I was enjoying her action – This was her intent – but she also wanted to create the uncertainty of what she’d do next: pleasure or pain? So while sucking me, she’d widen her lips, so I could see her teeth, and then lightly close her teeth against the cock skin without actually biting though one time she did bite down hard to ensure the tease of uncertainty in my mind.
“Fon, look at your cock. I love the way it looks…how big it is…how purple it is…I love seeing MY teeth on it. Look how much pre-cum there is! Don’t you just love the way it looks?”
My breath was returning to normal from the intensity of the pain, and I thought to myself: I do love the way my cock looks – in Lika’s total control, at her mercy and with her marks on it.
“Fon, I asked you a question…”
“Please hurt me, Lika.”
With that she bit me again, though not nearly as hard as before. That said, it still hurt like crazy, because now almost every square million of my cock had been bitten or jerked raw. Even the lightest brush hurt a bit. Lika rose up and brought her face to mine and kissed me deeply. Her hands caresed my chest and hugged me as our tongues and eyes met closely. She straddled my legs, and used one hand to grab my cock roughly, causing me to groan my disappoint into her mouth. Lika loves biting my cock because she likes sucking cock as much as any woman I’ve been with – biting was just another variation of sucking for her – but she also loved this part of our sessions: where she pleasures herself while simultaneously hurting me.
After a few more painful jerks and squeezes, she rubbed my cock head against her wet, fat cunt lips. She stopped kissing me and closed her eyes as she slowly began sitting down on my cock. She was unbelievably wet, much wetter than we normally made love. But her abundance of pussy juice was not completely unusual: whenever we did something really kinky she always got super wet and super excited – particularly when I fucked her in the ass or she was torturing me. Tonight, she was very wet, but even with all that pussy juice, her cunt felt so tight and hurt as it slid down my shaft. As she bottomed out and her cervix stopped against my cock head, she kissed me again, caressed my nips, looked deep into my eyes and fucked me very gently and lovingly.
“Do you love me, Fon?”
Without hesitating, I said in the same gentle tone I’d use to say ‘I love you’: “Please hurt me, Lika. Please hurt me.” I wanted to say the words so badly, and I wanted to give myself to her to use for her own pleasure – either Through sexual stimulation or the mental and emotional turn-on of hurting me. Gazing into my eyes, she had a look of total love for me. Her left caressed my cheek, and her right hand reached back behind her and cupped my nuts.
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