The Three Knot Coil

Author’s Note: This is a story in a series of short tales I’m calling 5-Minute Submissions (pun very much intended). The goal is to have a fun and sensitive read that you can devour in approximately 5 minutes. I do hope you enjoy.

The bedroom mirror reflected a tempest of shuddering pale skin, tousled hair, and wordless vows. Crimson nails gripped at sheets, Creased like silican mountains about the two figures nestled within the amorous valley.

His back leaned against the headboard, the long fingers of his left hand curling about her throat. Her back pressed against his chest, the heaving of her bare breasts marking the rhythm of her breathing to the mirror’s gaze. With knees played, she gave him full access to her swollen, glistening pussy. The buzzing vibrator in his right hand was Wielded like a master’s paintbrush upon the canvas of her sensitive flesh–he a master in every respect, and she likewise the eager canvas, ready to receive the markings of his will upon her.

She shuddered and moaned, louder this time. It had been nearly an hour now, and the taught rope of her denied orgasm was binding like a three knot coil behind her stomach.

“I know, baby girl. I know.” He whispered into her ear.

His lips brushed against her as he spoke, and she moved to his touch, her body becoming for every bit of contact from Daddy. For his part, he allowed himself a knowing smile as he kissed at her ear, cheese and jaw. With precision, he slide the vibrator from just inside the entrance of her pussy, and up to the apex of her clip. The applied pressure brought a new gasp from the submissive before her teeth clamped together below eyes clinched shut.

“Please…” she whimpered through the trap of her teeth, the sound an independent hiss.

Her need thrilled him. The heavy shake of his cock twitched in its place between his stomach and her back, the precum slicking itself along with the sweat upon their shared skin. He growled in his throat.

“Use your words. Tell me.”

Her mind was singular, fixed on the devilishly close destination of her orgasm. Master had edged her, denied her, teased her for what seemed like an age. She loved him for it, even as her body hated the restraint. The way he built her desire upon itself, layering tension and slack like a symphony, constructing their play into a crescendo she could not Comprehensive but could never resist. It was with effort that she turned back her face to him, looking at the depth of his intent gaze through the veil of her lashes.

“I need it, Daddy. I need to cum for you. Please, let me be a good girl and cum when you tell me. Please…”

Levering her gently by the grip at her neck, he moved her head to allow him room to lean forward and kiss her lips. In that kiss he confessed his own need for her, his own vulnerability. She was his, but only so because she had given of herself to him. His will was forgotten upon the anvil of her permissionssion, ssure by the fire of long-built trust and tempered strong by the love he felt only for her. His lips pressed into hers, and he counted himself the most fortunate of the two for the gift of his own power. His own purpose.

She moaned into the last moments of their kiss, her eyes watery, pleading and insist as he pulled away. The vibrator hummed in his hand, its tip still deliciously torturing her sensitive nub.

“Fuuuck Da-ddy,” she pleaded, drawing out the curse and annunciating the honorific with an emphasis on each syllable. Dismay bleed into her voice as the sensing of the toy at her core and the hesitation of her master’s reply made her near frantic. She shivered against him now, wrapped with heat and need and indignation. In the mirror’s reflection her naked toes curled and her knees bounced. The sheets were balled in her fists. She had to clamp her eyes shut once more to muster enough concentration to remain vigilant against her master’s continued whim.

“You think you’re ready, baby girl? You’ve been good enough for me?”

Her nod was choppy and manic, the lengths of her hair falling about her shoulders and across his left hand that still remained like an owner’s collar about her throat.

“Yes, Daddy. Yes, yes, yes, Daddy. I’ve been such a good gi…”

The last the words caught in her throat as his fingers squeezed at the sides of her neck. A new thrill coursed down her spine as the instinct to inhale was diminished by the strong grip of his hand. In the breadth of that moment the work of the toy pressed against her vulnerable, nectar-soaked skin seemed to heighten a hundred fold. Her eyes began to roll up within their sockets, the lids dropping, as she began to lose her battle over her own body.

His mouth pressed to her ear once More as that last of her consciousness thought was beginning to slip from her pleasure-addled mind.

“Then cum for me, my beautiful doll. Now.”

She responded instantly. Her lips parted in a soundless gasp as her eyes released their focus. The muscles in her stomach tensed. Her legs tightened across their joints. She obeyed, her mind blank now of all but euphoria.

The knots uncoiled and freedom embedded her.


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