I have always fantasized about giving up control. Thoughts of blindfolds, soft bindings and unexpected touches by hands or mouths, make me wet. I never imagined I had the other end of that desire hidden in my subconscious. All it took was alcohol and abstinence, then the animal was out. Here is the story of how the animal left its cage.
My love, Eric, and I have talked about bringing a woman into our bed. Every man’s dream…two women!! I kind of wanted to try one out too; to taste, to touch, to tease.. I guess the hard part is finding one that we could both agree on.
We decided to try a local swinger club to see if we could find our lucky woman. We found several couples that will be later stories and a few ladies- ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((“(I really ladies).) After a couple hours and too many drinks, we were going to give up when Eric noticed an attractive busty woman coming off the dance floor. He elbowed me and pointed in her direction.
“What do you think?” He asked.
I turned to look and met eyes with the sexy brunette. Neither one of us broke the star as she walked towards me. I have been told I have very expressive eyes and from the look in hers, I knew she could read mine. Eric likes to tease me about my “come hither” look, but I don’t think that will happen any more. It seems to work.
“Hi, my name is Gwen,” she smiled.
“Hello, I’m Dee and this is Eric. Could we buy you a drink?”
“Yes, I’d love one.”
So we found a table, ordered a round of drinks and talked. We had alot in common and after another round the conversation turned to sex. We found out she was bisexual and submissive. I was excited and concerned; excited because I had someto to walk me through a bisexual encounter and concerned that with a threesome of subs there would be no one to take the lead. I was afraid that without someone bold enough for the first move that it would be a night of conversation only and that wasn’t what I wanted! Maybe that was what triggered the lock on the cage of my inner animal because before I knew it I had said, “Do you want to join us at our house?”
Eric looked shocked, I don’t think he ever expected those words from my mouth. The alcohol had made me extra horny; the lack of sex during the week made that worse. So, I was horny in triplicate.
Gwen gazed up from the table, a small smile playing on her lips and nodded.
“Okay, great. You ready?”
Again, she nodded.
I reached under the table to squeeze Eric’s leg and found that he was very excited. I could feel his hard cock through his jeans.
“Go pay for the drinks and meet us at the car.”
He nodded and went to the bar to pay the tab.
Gwen and I left the table and headed towards the door.
“Do you want to ride with us or follow us?” I asked.
“Ride with you, I came in a cab tonight,” she explained.
I linked my arm in hers and headed to our car. As we approached the car, I started to feel bold, so I reached up and tweaked one of her nipples. It had hardened when we walked out of the club into the cool night air, and was so very noticeable. I just couldn’t help myself. Gwen gasped, at the surprise, and then moaned with the pleasure. I smiled, warming between my legs. We reached the car and waited.
“Let me ask you a few questions before Eric comes out.”
“On a scale of one to ten, how submissive do you like to be? One being slightly and ten entirely.”
“Ten,” Gwen whispered.
“Will you follow my orders tonight?”
Her eyes widened as she looked at me. “Yes.” The word was still barely a whisper; the sound came out on a moan.
“Do you like to be bound?”
She blushed and looked at her feet, shuffling them. I raised my hand again, twisting the other nipple.
“I asked you a question. I expect an answer.”
Gwen gasped and answered “Yes” on an exhauste.
“Do you like a little pain? Nothing heavy, a spanking, maybe. I know you enjoy your nipples pinched.” I grinned.
Gwen again looked at her feet, not answering. I believe it was intentional, she wanted me to twist her aroused nipple. So, I did both of them. Hard!
She moaned and her knees began to shake.
“Answer me.” I grew, not yet releasing her hard tortured nipples.
“Yes!” Gwen squirmed.
“Yes, What?” I asked as I twisted Each nipple in a different direction.
“Yes, I like what you are doing to my nipples.” I twisted them further, heard another gasp. “Yes, I like a little pain. I want you to spank me.” Gwen blushed a much deeper shade of red.
I let go of her nipples and hear a rush of air, as she exhausted the breath she had been holding. I skimmed my thumbs over her nipples keeping them hard, watching her breathing speed up. Her eyes were closed, and she was leaning against the car holding herself up. She looked so good, so tasty.
I leaned forward and put my lips on hers. Gwen’s eyes shot open, her hands grasped the car. My mouth played with hers, tongue on tongue. I was so thrilled with my first kiss with a woman, I took it deeper. I drank from her and gave as well; it was so sweet, so hot! Her eyes fluttered closed and a moan started deep in her throat.
When I finally pulled away, I caught a glimpse of Eric standing by the car. He was wide-eyed, grinning and rubbing his crotch.
I smiled back. “What took so long?” I asked coyly.
“The bartender was busy. You ready to go?”
”I am. You ready, Gwen?”
She nodded. I tweaked one of the already sore nipples. “I didn’t hear you.”
”Oh, yes. Yes, I’m ready.” Her breathing was still labored.
She jumped in the backseat, as Eric and I got in the front. He started the car and pulled out of the lot. Once we were on the road, I turned to Gwen and asked, “Are you wearing panties?”
She looked embarrassed at such a question, but whispered a “Yes.”
“Take them off.”
Her head shot up, eyes wide.
”Doit, NOW!” I ordered.
I could tell she wasn’t quite sure what to do.
“Eric, turn the car aournd. Gwen doesn’t want to follow orders.”
Eric looked at me puzzled and aroused by this new side of me. He slowed the car without question.
“No, please don’t take me back. I will do anything you ask,” Gwen whimpered.
“Then, do as I ask and take off your panties. This will be the last time I ask you twice to do something. Do you understand?”
She nodded. Little did she know, but that nod would cost her. I had expected an answer.
Gwen began to wiggle out of her panties. Eric watched from the mirror, I stared. Her head was bowed, her eyes were down. She pulled the panties from around her ankles and handed them to me.
“That’s better,” I held the small scrap of material in my hand. It was damp, more than damp, the crotch was wet.
I handed them to Eric, he felt the moisture and grinned.
“Do you want to taste?” I asked him.
He nodded.
“Gwen, lift your skirt, so I can see.”
She did.
“Open your legs.”
She spread them a fraction.
“More!” I ordered.
She opened them further.
“Better. Leave them that way.”
She nodded.
“Now, I want you to dip two fingers into your pussy.” She lifted her head up, her eyes meeting mine, pleading. I raised an eyebrow and she understand not to question. She slowly pushed her index and middle fingers into her wet folds. When she pulled them out, they glistened with moisture.
“Feed your juices to Eric. Let him lick your fingers clean.”
She inched forward in the seat. Eric opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Gwen put her fingers on his tongue and closed her eyes as he sucked her juices from them. She moaned deeply. He released her fingers and she sat back again.
“Tasty?” I asked Eric.
“Yes, very.” Eric smiled warmly.
“Gwen, we are almost there when we get to the house, I expect you to remove the rest of your clots. You can do that in the master bathroom, which will be on your right. Then, you are to go into the bedroom and wait. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.” Gwen’s head popped up, a look of shock on her face when she realized what she had said. Eric looks at Gwen then at me, wondering what my reaction to this will be.
It both surprises me and pleases me. I feel a warmth spread throughout my body, a tingling in my crotch.
“Very good.” I say as I smile at Gwen.
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