She took her time drying herself, then dried her hair. She examined herself in the mirror. She was everything that modern society told men they should be attracted to. She was blonde with big tits. She was lean where she was supposed to be and curvy in all the right places. That is to say that her abs were toned and her hip flare was dramatic. She did not have the flat white girl’s ass. Her ass was rounded, firm, a bubble butt with little to no jiggle.
This was all by design. She worked hard at maintaining a body that made most men accessible to her. She knew that would be important her entire life. Her mother was much prettier than her father was handsome. Initially she learned the value of money in that her father’s wealth afforded him the luxury of marrying a woman whose physical appearance should be out of his reach. Then, later in life, she realized it was her mother who married above her station. She had her looks to thank for that.
These were observations, and resulting conclusions, that she arrived at before she was ten years old. The examples that her parents gave her were reinforced in many examples throughout society. She knew she needed to have money in order to not have to settle for an ugly rich man, or men. She knew she needed to be pretty in order to not have to be tempted by a handsome poor man. Both were equally important and now she had both; she didn’t need to settle in either direction.
She had examples of both extremes under one roof she realized as she examined herself in the mirror. Ben was the ugly rich man, and Diego was the handsome poor man. Ben wasn’t ugly, exactly, but he should be in her eyes. Life was easier for her when she had him bundled snugly in the ugly box her whole life. Not her whole life. He wasn’t ugly to her when she was a child. He was a male figure in her life that she didn’t both to category by appearance. He was invisible to her in that way.
It wasn’t until he forced her to consider him that way that she decided he was ugly. She was comfortable hating him for that. She was uncomfortable being attracted to him now, but there was no denying it. She wanted to fuck him and knew that she just couldn’t. It was a self-imposed restriction. Fucking him blurred too many lines, it changed too much shit, and it rewarded him for being awful.
It was awful, right? Assuming things about her without verifying their validity with her before acting on them. What he did, trying to seduce her when there was such a disparity in their ages was awful according to everything she was ever taught. Implying that her acquisitions to his desires might, somehow, help her career in his firm was super-douchey. Not stopping when she made it clear to him that she did not want him; that was, or should be, the text book definition of unforgivable. Was that what she was doing? Was she forgiving him? Was two years under her thumb all the punishment his offenses merited?
She didn’t know the answerrs to those questions. She knew she wanted to fuck him and that until she did, the thought of fucking him was going to interfere with all her other thoughts. He should be out there now, naked, waiting for her in the living room. She let him go off alone without the chatity device on. Did he have time to crane one out and shake. Would his dick still be hard when she went out there?
There was one way to find out. She brushed out the last of her long blonde hair. She slip her finger through the wetness between her pussy lips and smelled it. She liked her smell. It was not pungent like some girls she had been with in her life. She was earthy, sweet, her glistening finger diplomad into her mouth and she sucked her juices off. There was barely a taste. The trace of flavor was hard to describe. It was good though. She could wait no longer.
He was in the living room as she ordered. He was on his knees with his hands behind his back. He was looking at the floor. His cock and balls were bare of hair. The thick patch above them was trimmed down to a manageable length. Short enough that she could see the tight pale skin underneath. There was a vein that ran down from his abdominals and faded into his pubis. That was hot.
His cock had lost some of it’s belly slapping splendor since she last saw it. That was to be expected. The last time she saw it was a very sexually charged time. It still looked heavy, swollen, but hung down between his legs. His bare nuts were big, not doorknobs, but not grabs either. Golf balls, maybe a touch bigger, both hung heavily on either side of his fat dick. The weight of his soft dick forced them, in their now smooth bag, to balloon out to the sides slightly.
“Cut yourself?” she asked and forced a smile.
“No Lady Rachel,” he replied without looking up.
“What you said on the way home today is fucking with my head. You saw how I turned on Diego?”
“I did Lady Rachel. I apologize.”
“No, don’t do that,” shesaid as she walked around behind him. Her hand went out and cared the hard muscles of his shoulder. “I told you to speak freely and that there would be no recriminations for anything you said. So there is no need to apologize. As a matter of fact, for making me look at things in a different light, I am inclined to reward you.”
“Reward me, Lady Rachel?”
“Yeah, weird right? I have not rewarded you once, for anything, in the last two years. It never occurred to me. I thought I would abuse you until one day you ran away, or killed yourself, or fucked up so bad I turned over all the evidence I have to the police.”
He didn’t have a response to that. Or he didn’t have one he dared to utter. She considered letting him speak freely again but thought better of it. She wanted to know his thoughts, his real thoughts, but right now, she wanted something else more.
“So how should I reward you?”
“Whatever you deem appropriate Lady Rachel.”
“On your back then,” she said and she forced a little steel into her voice.
He quickly compiled and when he settled on his back his fat cock, it rolled on his thigh up toward his abdomen all on its own. Goddamn that was sexy and she felt her core heat up and secret. She went and placed her feet on each side of his face.
“I think I will start your reward by letting you eat my ass. You did a very good job When you were cleaning me up earlier. I think I will have you doing that much more in the future.”
“As you wish Lady Rachel,” he said and his voice changed. It was less the submissive weak voice he faked and more the deeper, more assured, voice that came naturally to him when he was speaking freely.
She felt the familiar muscles flex as she squatted down over him. She did it slowly While reaching back and spreading her ass cheats. She felt his nose first as it touched the crack of her ass, then his lips as she settle her asshole on them. She let out a groan as he pushed his tongue upinto her.
“Oh, that’s nice,” she said. “You do a good job and maybe I’ll touch your dick.”
He did not reply because he had a mouthful of her ass. She felt him swirling his tongue around her pumped hole and it was exhaust. Diego had done this for her from time to time over the years but this was better. This was a grown man, a self-made millionaire, and he was licking her ass at her command.
She wanted to draw this out, but time was a consideration. Diego probably just arrived at the Lucky Wok. Hopefully he didn’t think to phone in the order and now had to place it and wait. If he did phone it in though, he just had to pick it up and head back. She had maybe half an hour to do what she wanted with Ben before Diego came back.
Why did that matter? Why did she care if Diego knew? It wasn’t like she was cheating on him by doing this. She didn’t want to answer his questions. He knew why she hated Ben. Like a good friend, he joined her in hating him for the same rEasons. She did not want to explain to Diego why that was changing. She did not want to admit to anybody that she was weakening. What she was doing now would have been unthinkable yesterday. Sure, Ben was eating her asshole for her pleasure, but she also knew he was enjoying it too.
The evidence of that filled with blood and strained against his abdomen right before her eyes. She wanted to touch it but she could not reach it from her squatting position. To reach it she would need to fall forward onto her knees and get into the sixty-nine position over Ben. It would put her little rosebud out of the reach of his tongue and he would then have to eat her pussy. Would that be so bad?
“Pussy,” she said to him.
She dropped to her knees and her pussy rotated into position above his lips. There was no hesitation on his part and she immediately felt his tongue split her labia and stroke down to her clip. It went back up and explored the entrance to her vagina. It swirled in the wetness. It was just long enough to penetrate her extremely. She lowered her head and moaned. As the breath left her mouth she realized she was now face to face with Ben’s big dick. The warmth of her breath as she gasped over him was bathing his dick. This was new territory for both of them. In the last two years his cock was never this close to her mouth. She felt his hands come up on each side and grap her ass cheats and squeeze them in his big hands.
She hugged his thighs and breathed more forcefully towards his dick. She felt his abdominals contract beneath her breasts. She wanted him in her mouth, she desperately wanted this, but she did not want to abandon herself to her desires and give him too much of a reward. He was still a dirty old man, a rapist, a man to be hated, who deserved no reward. She wanted to reward him.
Like it’s some magic hole to be worshiped; the untouchable Rachel pussy. He said it with so much venom. He said it to hurt her. He said it like heThought her pussy was not a reward. Her pussy was a reward. It was blessing from on high to every man and women she ever shared it with. He was the only man who ever took it against her will, and now she desperately wanted him to have it again. Did that lower its value? Did he, with that comment, lower the value of her pussy in her own eyes.
These thoughts were fucking with her ability to focus on the delicious Sensations he was causing to emanate from her magic hole to be worshiped. He was doing the worshiping and he was an adept cleric, the poppe of her pussy at the moment. She rose up and looked down between her breasts and tighs and saw that his nose, cheeses, lips, and chin were shiny with her juices. She quickly dropped back down onto her elbows and his hard cock brushed her cheese.
She reached over his thigh and gathered up his heavy nuts in her left hand. She was about to take his cock in her right when it twitched violently and an impossible thick gout of heavy white cock sauce blew out of it. It hit her on the neck, just below her chin, and the force of the impact made it explode into a mist that specked her and him with tiny lakes of jizz. She watched in amazement as his dick, untouched by her or him, throbbed and another massive load lurched from it. She felt it his her shoulder and the ricochet streaked down her back and hit her ass. It spasmed again and another jolt caught her on the chin. Half splashed up into her mouth and nose and the other half splashed down to add to her already come covered neck and cleavage.
He was not done and she was too amazing to be angry about his premature ejaculation. It occurred to her to start counting and six more copious ropes of thick white cream shot out of his twitching fat cock before his discharges reduced to a steady drool. She let go of his nuts and rose up off him After the third shot and the next ones hit her square between her tits, then coated her belly, then the last couple sent streaks upHis muscled torso. She noticed at this point, because up until then she was wholly focused on his cock, that his entire body was shaking and twitching. Every muscle was flexed. His toes were curled and his fingers were digging, almost painfully, into the flesh of her ass and hips. He was wailing into her pussy, and had been for several seconds, and he was still trying to lick and suck at her all the while he waited.
“Holly fucking shit,” she said and she tapped him on the chest.
“I am sorry Lady Rachel,” he wailed into her pussy and resumed eating her in a frenzy.
“Stop, stop,” she said and pulled her leg over so she was kneeing next to him and looking down into his shiny handsome face. Handsome? Yeah, he looked good. Manly good. “Relax, catch your breath, that was amazing. I have never seen anything like that.”
“I did all I could to stop it, I just couldn’t. I am sorry.” He had his eyes pinched closed and he was gasping for breath.
It tracked. When he took her against her wishes he was done mere seconds after his cock entered her. Now after two years of not being able to even masturbate it exploded without ever being touched. She was surprised he was able to hold out as long as he did when she thought about it. She could not be mad at him for it but she was disappointed because she wanted to do more. He was older and older men were not known for rapid recovery rates. Then again, he hadn’t had any for two years.
“It’s okay, I should have known. What man could go without sex for two whole years and do any better?” Why the fuck was she speaking so affectionately to him? Her tone was off, it was gentle and soothing, trying to make him not feel bad about what just happened. Both her tone and her words dropped out of her mind and mouth completely unbidden by her. “But I am not done rewarding you.” She cringed inwardly as she said it.
She dropped forward and took his still twitching cock into her mouth and he moaned loudly. She swung her leg over his head and straddled his face again. His cock was both fat and rigid in her mouth. She could taste his come, as it was slathered in it, and still drooling more. As she lay her breasts and belly against his torso where his copious come made their skin slippery. She massed his balls and shoved his dick in and out of her mouth approaching her throat. He ticckled her gag reflex and she fought it but it filled her mouth with saliva and made her eyes water. She continued to go deeper until she felt her bottom lip press against the bare base of his dick.
His was not the biggest dick she ever had. There were scores of men, a parade of freaks as he called them, in the last two years. A couple, maybe three, were bigger than his. She could take them all the way down and she was proud of the accomplishment. She worked the base of his dick with her lips, the shake with her tongue, and the head with her throat. The goal here was to keep him hard. He showed no signs of softening but she wanted to be sure. In a minute she was going to turn around and get this thing into her pussy.
She felt him reach up and palm both of her butt cheeses again. His head raised and his tongue delved into the folds of her pussy, swirled, found the juicy center, and penetrated. It felt so good she could let him do it all day. Not today, Diego was probably fifteen minutes out, but one day soon she would sit on this talented old man’s face for as long as she could stand it.
She sucked him until she was fairly sure he was up, and would stay up, at least until he came again, and she lifted her pussy off his lips with some regret. She turned around and looked down at his face. It was shiny with their combined juices because as she rode his face some of the come he had shot onto her chest and abdomen slide down onto her pubis and puss. She eased her other leg over him slowly. He wanted him to anticipate this and wonder if she was really going to do it. As she slowly movedher leg over him, the effort made all the muscles in her thigh, hip, and calm jump out in contoured definition. Finally she completed the move and straddled his hips so she was facing him.
She felt his dick under her pussy, rigid and tight against his belly. She eased her hips forward so it slide between her pussy lips. Her pussy was so sensitive she could feel every bump and vein on his dick as she slide her wet pussy back and forth on it. It was shiny with her spit and pussy juice now. He was trembling beneath her. The tough talker from this afternoon was gone and the old man was reduced to a being with only one desperate hope in the world.
She wanted it as bad as he did but that was her most closely guarded secret. It horrified her that he might already be guessing at it but that was a problem for later. He just had his first orgasm in two years without his dick even being touched; it would not be wise to tease him, or her, much longer.”
“You fight it mother fucker,”she said as she reached down and took his dick in her fist at the base of it. Her fingers could not reach all the way around it. She pulled all the excess skin towards the base so the tip was as hard as possible.
This was not necessary, he was hard as a diamond, but she liked the way dicks looked when she pulled all the skin away from the head. She wouldn’t mind sucking it some more but right now this had to happen. She placed the straining head of his dick at the opening to her pussy and spread her legs just a tick so it lowered onto it. The tight entrance of her pussy was now stretched around the top half of his knob. She bounced on it a couple times to seat it then spread her legs a little wider and his whole mushroom head popped into her.
He squeaked and she took her eyes off their now combined crotches and looked at his face. It was red and trembling. He was holding his breath and his eyes looked frantic. He was trying not to come again so soon. She needed him to be successful.
“Breathe asshole,” she said and he sucked in a lungful of air then held it again. “Don’t you dare come yet,” she said and he made a face like her telling him not to come was not helping him not to come.
She rolled her eyes and pulled her pussy off his dick and swung her leg back over him so she was kneeing next to him again. She watched him understand and tremble in his efforts to hold back his second premature orgasm in about two minutes. She reached over and grabbed his dick harshly by the base and held it so it was standing straight up. With her other hand she smoked the shit out of it, hard, as hard as she could. He groaned with pain and surprise. She smoked it again. The top of his shake was red with four finger shaped stripes across it. She smoked it again and he jumped but stayed silent. She then punched him in the ball sack with her closed fist as hard as she could. It was solid, she felt the skin of the ball sack flip up and try to envelop her fist and the two balls squish beneath her knuckles. He groaned loudly, his feet and hands were pulled towards his crotch protectedly and he rolled over onto his side in the fetal position.
“There there Ben, still feel on the verge?”
He Shook his head no with a whimper.
“Good, now lay back on your back and let’s start again. You have control now, stay in control. If you fuck this up for me I am going to spend the rest of the night shoving random household items Diego selects up your ass.”
“Yes Lady Rachel, thank you,” he said and let his hands fall to his side and his legs extend.
She wasted no time this time and throw her leg over him again and this time she grabbed his hard cock, jammed the head into her, then settled on it and felt the tingles as it slid all the way up into her. Her orgasm started almost immediately as she started stroke her pussy all the way up then all the way down. His dick was a roller coaster of girls stimulus. It was fat and bulbous at thehead, thinner right underneath the ridge for about an inch and a half, then it fattened, and got fatter, and thicker, until her tightly gripping pussy reached maximum stretch at the base.
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