The Things Done to Me Ch. 13

Author’s Note: All characters are above the age of 18. I want to thank my wife for editing and my friend Ann for her encouragement.

Vince was furiously typing lines of code as he leaned forward. His orange glasses glinted with the gleam of his computer screen. He grit his teeth, hit the return key three times, and then sat back with a groan.

“Now, I just need to compile this piece of shit…” he uttered before glancing at the time. “Fuck.”

He hit save, shut down his computer, and then rushed to the door. He stopped the moment he opened the door. Persephone was kneeing in front of the door wearing only black lacy panties, her collar, and cat ears. She looked up at him and smiled; his cock stirred.

“How was your day, Sir?” she asked with a smile.

“Uh – long,” he hesitated. “I was supposed to get off 30 minutes ago. Were you sitting here this whole time?”

She nodded.

“You didn’t have to do that…”

“I know. I wanted to, Sir. I thought I’d show you how much I appreciate you.”

Vince ignored, and his shoulders relaxed. “That’s sweet of you, Sephie. You look so sexy like that.” He ran his fingers through her hair and then offered his hand to help her stand.

“I thought I’d dance for you -” she said as she stood.

“This isn’t because you want your treatment, is it?” he interrupted.

“Of course not, Sir!” She wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled his chest. “Although that would be nice.”

He groaned as her scent filled his nose. “Okay – what is this about then?”

“Yesterday, you suggested that protocols and rituals would put me in a more submissive mental state. I want to feel possessed by you again, so I’m doing what I can to embrace my submissiveness. I want you to see I am your loyal and loving girlfriend and sub,” Persephone said. “That and I’m really fucking horny.”

“Ben wa balls?” Vince chuckled.

“Driving me crazy!!! But in a good way!” she said as she rubbed her crotchagainst his leg.

“Okay, okay, my little sex kitten.” He gently pushed her away. “Let me go make you your treatment, and then I’ll make dinner. After that, I’ll help you out.”

Persephone bounced, and he followed her towards the kitchen. “You like classic rock, if I remember correctly.”

“You remember correctly,” he said as he walked behind the island.

“Led Zeplin?” she asked as she sat at the breakfast bar. She had her phone on the bar next to a couple of wireless speakers. “Or Aerosmith?”

Vince raised an eyebrow. “You got Ragdoll?”

“The internet has all things, Sir,” she said with a wicked smile.

As she queued up the music, he took an empanada from the freezer and tossed it into the air fryer. He turned around to see her struggle to insert her cat’s tail. Her eyes widened, and she wiggled slightly.

“Having trouble?” he asked.

“Nooo. Just playing with it.” She bit her lip and hit the screen of her phone.

He watched as she stood back, ready to dance. Persephone snapped her hips to the right, left, and right as the first three snake drum beats sounded through the speakers. Then she snaked her body from side to side as the guitar riff began. Vince let his eyes wander her lithe body as she gracefully swwayed to the lewd song. He felt his cock hardening as he considered what he would do to her.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said.

She blushed, “I’ve never really listened to the lyrics of this song. What’s it about?”

“A young slut making her rounds and making all the boys drool as she does so.”

“Are we slut-shaming?”

“Absolutely not,” he answered with a wry grin. “Some of my best friends are sluts.”

“Would you share me?” she asked, breathless from the music.

“Absolutely not,” he said again. “You’re my slut – nobody else’s. I’m possessive of my favorite toys.”

Vince watched her through the whole song with a wide grin on his lips. Some of the moves she pulled off made his heartskip a beat. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was. Before he knew it, the song had ended.

Persephone rushed to prevent the next song from starting as Vince turned to the air fryer. He opened the door and pulled out a crispy pocket, steam still rising from its crust. “Are you ready for your treatment?”

“YES!!!” she said. “Whe will you feed me?”

“Right here is fine.” Much to his surprise, she immediately got down on her hands and knees and opened her mouth. “You’re getting into this, aren’t you?” he chuckled as he broke the empanada in half.

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No.” He placed the empanada on a plate. “It’s incredibly sexy. But we should let it cool down a bit.”

“No need. My mouth is impervious to hot delicious cheese.”

“Okay – your funeral.”

He took half and lowered it to her. Persephone bit into the crispy outside as cheese oozed from the sides. She licked, nibbled, and sucked at Vince’s fingertips for more of the pepperoni pizza flavorshe craved. “So fucking good!” she moaned.

“Better than what you get at the store?”

“Oh god, yes!!!” she said as he lowered the second half of her snack. Then there was a knock on the door. Persephone sneered in announcement, got up, and stormed towards the door.

“Sephie, don’t -“

She opened the door. “What do you want?

Vince could see over Persephone’s Shoulder that a shocked mosy young woman wearing a paisley patterned mask was standing in front of her. The young woman looked Persephone over with her mouth hanging open. She then quickly looked away.

“I just, um, moved -“

“We’re in the middle of something,” Persephone said as she shut the door in the woman’s face.

“PERSEPHONE?!” Vince yelled.

“What? She interrupted a moment,” she pouted.

Vince pushed Persephone aside and opened the door. He saw the young lady walking away and called out, “Excuse me!”

The woman turned around with a look of fear and disappointment in her eyes and then looked away. “Uh, yes?” she squeaked.

“I’m so very sorry that you had to experience that. You said you just moved in?”

“Yes. Across the hall.” She pointed to the door opposite his own.

“I’m Vince. That woman you met,” he said with a painful smile, “is my girlfriend, Persephone.”

“I’m Kora,” the young woman said. She had short brown hair, thick-rimmed glasses, and wore a baggy shirt. She was a little under five feet tall, although she slouched, so she looked shorter than that. She seemed to avoid looking directly at Vince. “My pronouns are she/her/they. I, uh, I better be going.”

“Kora, I know how we met was strange but, we’re not bad people. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate, okay?” he offered.

“Thank you,” Kora said as she slipped back into her apartment.

Vince turned and closed the door behind him, then unexpectedly popped the rest of the mini empanda in his mouth.

“Hey!” Persephone while. “You were supposed to feed that to me!”

“Not when you act like a brat,” he said with a full mouth. He chewed and swallowed. “You do realize you answered the door in nothing but your underwear and cat ears, don’t you?”

“Yeah? You said I was an exhibitionist; I figured I might as well embrace it. I’ve got to admit, it was hot,” she said.

“It was also non-consensual. Our neighbor didn’t ask to see you half-naked,” he snapped as anger rose in his chest.

“I have to ask permission to show off my body?”

“You do when it’s in a sexual context. In essence, you involved Kora in our scene – not only without her consent but without my consent as well,” he said sternly.

Persephone looked shocked. “I need your permission now to have someone else look at my body?”

“You do if it’s in the middle of a scene!” he grew. “Ensuring that everyone consents to being involved in a scene is what keeps BDSM from turning into something illegal. And yes, public indecency isn’t as serious as rape or domestic abuse, but it still illegal, still out-of-bounds, and it still draws unwanted attention.”

“You’re being very unfair.”

“And since you’re arguing with me about it, you’re sleeping on the couch. Maybe that will give you enough time to think about it.”


Persephone carried both the picnic basket and the blanket While Vince led her across the open field to the pair of trees where they had picnicked before. She gritted her teeth in announcement – still upset with him from the evening before. She had hoped that he would have forgiven her by now, but he still acted cold towards her and didn’t give her a treatment before they left.

As they walked, she felt the egg-shaped remote vibrator shift within her. While she had previously Thought it would be sexy if Vince used it on her during their picnic, she now hoped he would forget about it and leave her alone. She wasn’t in the mood to be his toy, pet, or slut.

“Aunt Billie!” Vince called out as Billie, Robert, and Sophia approached from the other side.

“Hello!” she said, opening her arms. She moved to hug Vince but stopped. “Almost forgot,” she grumbled. “I’ll be glad when this is over.”

“I think we’ll all be glad when this is over,” Robert said. Sophia wordlessly began setting up their picnic blanket, not so much as looking over at Persephone and Vince.

“Is Sophia OK?” Persephone asked as she spread out their basket.

“Sophia is being punished for her theatrics in convincing us of this picnic. She isn’t to speak unless spoken to, and she’s not allowed to look anyone in the eye,” Robert stated.

“Persephone is in the dog house as well,” Vince said. “I’ll let her tell you what she did wrong, seeing as she still doesn’t believe that it deserved punishment.”

Aunt Billie and Robert both turned to Persephone expectedly. “Well?” Billie prompted.

“I answered the door to our apartment wearing only my panties. Vince says it non-conersensely involved another person in our scene,” she said through a painful smile.

“Was there a scene?” Robert asked.

“Kind of. Vince was hand-feeding me,” Persephone admitted.

“And did you get a thrill when this person saw you naked?” Aunt Billie asked.

“Yeah – I guess.”

Robert and Billie looked at each other, and Robert shook his head. “How were you punished?” Robert asked.

“I slept on the couch,” Persephone admitted.

“You got off easy,” Billie said. “I would have strapped you into a chatity belt for a week for pulling something like that.”

Behind them, Persephone could see Sophia pursuit her lips as she set out teacups and a platter of finger sandwiches. “Of course, you would agree with Vince,” Persephone said. “I want to hear what Sophia has to say about it; please give her permission to talk.”

Robert shook his head. “How is work going, Vince?” he asked.

“That’s it? You’re just going to change the subject?” Persephone said.

Vince gave a sheepish grin to Robert. “It’s going as well as can be expected. I’ve been rewriting trojan horses lately – we’re hoping to use them to monitor the dark web better.”

“Sophia? You’re just not going to answer me?” Persephone pleased.

“I can answer you,” Sophia said as she looked down, ” I just can’t speak unless I’m spoken to.”

“What do you think? I want your opinion. Am I wrong in thinking that Vince is overblowing this whole thing? I answered the door in my underwear – is what I did really that bad?”

“Yes,” Sophia said as her eyes flicked up for a moment. “Something like that deserves some form of punishment. What I did was bratty, and I know it. I only did it because I didn’t think Master and Mistress would have agreed to this picnic if I didn’t do something. I completely deserve this punishment. But you? Not only did you do something worse than what I did, but you refused to acknowledge that you were wrong. I’m surprised Vince even broughtyou along.”

“Are you just saying that because your Master and Mistress said so?” Persephone’s eyes brimmed with tears.

Sophia looked up from the picnic basket and glared at Persephone. “I’m not allowed to lie, Sephie. Not on my behalf and not on behalf of my Master or Mistress. I thought you knew that.”

Persephone’s shoulders slumped, and her heart sank.

“Set up the food, Sephie,” Vince said.

“Yes, Sir,” she muttered as she wiped away a tear. She listened to Vince, Aunt Billie, and Robert talked while setting up the picnic blanket and setting out the food for Vince and herself. She felt small, ashamed, and guilty. She glanced over at Sophia, who was serving Billie and Robert tea from a thermos.

“So, I see that you’ve put a collar on her,” Robert said as he took a bite of a shortbread cookie.

“Yes, a training collar,” Vince surprised.

“Do you think she deserves it?”

“Robert!” Billie exclaimed.

Vince chuckled. “Yes – she deserves it. I don’t have it in my heart to be as strict as you and Aunt Billie. I love Sephie. It kills me every night I can’t have her by my side. The fact is, if she had just admitted that what she did was wrong, I wouldn’t have punished her.”

A wave of guilt hit Persephone. “I’m sorry, Sir,” she croaked. “I’m sorry you spent last night alone because I was stubborn. And If you want me to be quiet like Sophia as punishment, I’ll understand – but you shouldn’t have to be alone because I act like a brat.”

He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “You don’t have to be quiet like Sophia,” he said. “That’s how Aunt Billie and Robert Discipline Sophia; it’s what works in their relationship. Discipline is a big part of their power exchange dynamic. That doesn’t appeal to me; does it appeal to you?”

“Not really,” she admitted as she handed a sandwich to Vince.

“Sephie, I don’t want to punish you – when I do, I’m also punishing myself,” he said. “I’d rather not treat you like a child, but there are some things I have to put my foot down about.”

“Oh, don’t kid yourself; you’re totally a Daddy Dom,” Sophia said, then clapped her hand over her mouth.

“Sophia – if you wanted to join this conversation, you should have thought of that before you acted out,” Billie grumbled.

“Yes, Mistress. I apologize, Mistress,” Sophia looked down and handed a prepared plate to Robert.

“You really think I’m a Daddy Dom?” Vince asked with a bemused smile.

“TOTALLY! That’s why you’re so laid back; you’d rather be playing with your little than punishing her,” she answered.

“There are strict Parental-type Doms, Sophia. Just because Vince is lax doesn’t mean he’s a Daddy Dom,” Robert said. “If I remember correctly, Vince didn’t feel comfortable with age-play.”

“And yet, I bet Persephone acts children sometimes. Maybe like an over-enthusiastic teenage girl?” Sophia suggested before taking a bite of a sandwich.

“Maybe I act cutesy sometimes, but I don’t call him Daddy….” Persephone said.

“And I wouldn’t be comfortable being called Daddy,” Vince added. “However, I see Sophia’s point. It’s as much about attitude as it is about the words we use. I like protecting and nursering you a lot as a parent would. So I could see how that terminology fits.”

“But I don’t wanna be a little!” Persephone pouted.

“Said the little,” Sophia said under her breath.

“We hear that, Sophia,” Robert said. “I have to wonder if Persephone brings this out in you. Maybe we should do a little parenting of our own and separate the two of you for a while.”

“Please don’t do that!” Persephone said. “Sophia’s my best friend – I’d feel lost without her.”

“I’m sorry, Master. It won’t happen again,” Sophia said.

“You know, maybe the problem is that Sophia needs Persephone just as much as Persephone needs Sophia,” Vince said. “They’re best friends that have never met in real life before; it’s a little unfair to expect them not to talk to each other.”

“Sweetheart, I think my nephew may have a point,” Aunt Billie said. “And Sophia did help convince Persephone to own up to her mistake. Perhaps we can relax her punishment until the end of this picnic.”

Robert told and turned to Billie. “Very well, dearest. Sophia? You may speak at will but only until the end of the picnic.”

“Oh my god! Vince – you’re totally a Daddy Dom! Persephone – you acted just like a little right then! Stop trying to deny it. I can see Dom/sub dynamics from a mile away. I was a psych major, after all!”

“Fine,” Persephone said. “Maybe there are some elements of the Daddy/little dynamic in our relationship, but I’d like to think that my Sir treatments me like an equal.”

“Except for when he’s punishing you like a child,” Sophia said with a shrug.

“Like you’re one to talk,” Persephone shot back.

“Girlfriend, you’ve seen the one time this year that I’ve been puzzled and assume this happenns every day? Do you know why my punishment is silence? Because Mistress Billie and Master Robert know it’s the one thing that actually bothers me,” Sophia said.

“The year’s young,” Billie reminded her.

“Yes, Mistress,” Sophia responded.

Vince chuckled. “You’re in a mood today,” he said to Sophia.

“Well, I am excited to see Sephie in person for the first time,” she explained. “I’m a little disappointed that I’m not able to hug her, but I’m really happy to see her.”

“Aww. I’m glad to see you, too!” Persephone said. She looked down and saw that Sophia was wearing a black t-shirt with a white horse on the front. “You wear the most interesting shirts.”

“I always wear band t-shirts when Master and Mistress let me. This one is a Deftones tee; I love this album,” she said. “The best song about being a submissive I’ve ever heard is on this album.”

“You’re talking about ‘Passenger?’” Vince asked after swallowing a bite of his sandwich.

“Oh, pleasedon’t get her started about music,” Billie said with a chuckle. “She’ll be talking about it for hours.”

“I’m not that bad. I mean, I do think that the nineties and early aughts have the best music of all time, but some of your music is good too,” Sophia said.

“What’s so special about ‘Passenger?’” Persephone asked.

“It’s haunting -” she began.

“It’s haunting -” she began.

“It’s noise,” Robert interrupted before he took a sip of tea.

“It’s hauntingly beautiful,” Sophia insisted. “It uses being a passenger in a fast car as a metaphor for the barrage of sensings and exercise of complete surrender during a scene. It even seems to invoke the feeling of subspace – it’s awesome!”

“To be fair,” Vince said, “not many people share your interpretation, Sophia. I suspect the lyricists intended to make the song vague so you can find your own meaning.”

“Nope. It’s about being a sub. If you listen, Sephie, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.”

“If you don’t go deaf first,” Robert muttered.

“Sweetheart?” Billie said. “You promised not to criticalize Sophia’s music anymore.”

Robert responded with a nod and a look of remorse.

“Can I interest anyone in some chocolate cherry pie?” Vince asked after a moment of awkward silence.


As Vince parked his car in front of their apartment building, Persephone spotted Kora struggle to pull groceries from a small red car. “Sir? May I help Kora?” Persephone asked.

“Go ahead,” he said. “I’m going inside to put the leftover food away.”

“Okay.” She put on her mask and rushed out to Kora as Vince went into the building. “Hey! I’m sorry about the way I treated you. Can I help?”

Kora’s eyes widened, and she stepped away from Persephone. “I guess,” she muttered from behind her mask. Persephone noticed she was fixed on her burn scar. She felt a wave of shame hit her in her chest.

“It’s from a car accident, if you’re wondering,” Persephone muttered.

“Oh,” Kora said as she lowered her gaze. “I didn’t mean to stare – I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

“I’m a demi-girl lesbian, and I think you’re pretty,” she blurted without directly looking at Persephone. “Can you carry this for me?” Kora held out a bag to Persephone.

“Uh, sh-sure. I mean, I’d be glad to,” Persephone stammered as she took the bag. “Why did you just tell me all that?”

“I figure if you’re going to judge me, I might as well get it out of the way. Now you know everything, and I don’t feel pressed to hide who I am,” she explained as she turned away. “If I make you uncomfortable, then at least I know where I stand.”


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