The Things Done to Me Ch. 12

Author’s Note: All characters are above the age of 18. I want to thank my wife for editing and my friend Ann for her encouragement.

Persephone held a rolled blanket as she walked beside Vince. He carried a picnic basket and looked around the park grounds. Persephone saw her before he did. She pointed to a pair of trees that were about 7 feet apart. Under one of the trees was a statusesque African American woman wearing a light yellow sundress.

“Why are we having a picnic with Kassandra again?” Persephone asked.

“Because it’s good to get you out in public. Because we both need the fresh air. Because it’s a beautiful day,” he answered.

“Yes but, why HER?” she retreated.

“Because it was her idea, Sephie!” Vince whispered with a smile as they got within earshot of Kassandra.

Kassandra stood up. “Lovely day for a socially distanced picnic,” she said with a painful smile.

“Good spot you picked out!” Vince said.

“I thought it was perfect,” Kassandra said as she sat back down.

“That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing,” Persephone observed with a polite smile. She spread out their blanket under the tree next to where Kassandra was sitting.

“Thank you, but honestly, I’ve had this for years,” Kassandra said.

“You forget that I work in the fashion industry. I saw that dress on the catwalk just six months before COVID hit; it must have set you back three hundred dollars,” Persephone smiled. “False modesty isn’t virtuous.”

Vince sat down on the blanket and opened his picnic basket.

“Three hundred and sixty. We don’t all dress for comfort,” Kassandra said as her eyes scanned Persephone.

Persephone was wearing sandals, jeans, and a pink t-shirt embroidered with black rhinestones in the shape of a cat’s face. Underneath it read ‘Bad Kitty’ in cursive lettering. Persephone sat down on the blanket next to Vince.

“It’s occasion appropriate,” she shot back at Kassandra. “The shirt is a gift Vince got me. It’s an inside joke.” Persephone smiled at Kassandra. “I don’t suppose you had any of those when you dated Vince…”

“Do I have to remind the two of you that we’re on friendly terms?” Vince chided.

“She started it,” Kassandra snapped.

“I did not,” Persephone said.

“Are these two women I’m speaking to, or have they both regressed to middle school girls?” he asked.

Persephone felt the weight of Vince’s judgment on her. “I find false modesty annoying,” she argued. “If she would have been honest, I wouldn’t have pointed it out.”

“I’m sorry I lied. I’m used to telling little white lies to make it in the business world. It’s become a habit,” Kassandra said with a frown.

“I’m sorry for the jab about Your relationship with Vince,” Persephone said. “That was unfair of me.”

Vince shook his head. “Yes, Persephone, we had inside jokes,” he said as he took out a container of macaroni salad.

“Still eating junk food, I see,” Kassandrateased.

“This is picnic food,” Vince shot back. “I’ve also got homemade potato salad, homemade coleslaw, and sandwich fixings. You’re welcome to have some if you’d like.”

“No, thank you. I’ve got a salad of my own,” Kassandra said as she pulled out a kale and spinach salad from her bag.

“Still eating like a rabbit, I see,” Vince mocked.

“Okay – could we not criticalize each other’s food choices?” Persephone asked.

“Sorry. I get crranky when I get hungry,” Kassandra admitted.

“Given how she eats, that’s all the time…” Vince said under his breath.

“I heard that…”

“You were just admonishing us both for being catty,” Persephone pointed out. “You should take your own advice, Sir.”

Vince rolled his eyes and glared at Persephone.

“It’s an old argument,” Kassandra explained. She poured balsamic vinaigrette onto her salad. “He always wanted me to eat more, and I was always more concerned about my girl figure.”

“Pizza. Lots ofpizza,” Persephone said.

“What?” Kassandra asked.

“Uh, nothing. What are you doing these days? Still in finance?” she asked.

“Yes, actually, although I don’t know how much longer that will be,” Kassandra admitted. “The current CEO of my firm was caught money laundering for a ring of human traffickers. The FBI is tearing apart our records for evidence of other collaborators and state-side clients.”

Persephone and Vince glanced at each other.

“Apparently, someone from Teleigence brought them to the attention of law enforcement,” Kassandra continued. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you, Vince?”

“Yeah, you could say that,” he said with a painful smile.

“You?” she asked.

Vince nodded. “They were digging their claws into someone I held dear; I had to stop them.”

Persephone looked away and prepared to be more interested in making herself a sandwich.

“You?” Kassandra asked as she pointed to Persephone.

Persephone glanced at Kassandra and then quickly looked away in shame.

“But I heard they were using BDSM as a front to lure impressionable women into becoming sex slaves,” Kassandra said. “I wouldn’t expect that of you, Persephone.”

“Yeah. There’s a lot people don’t expect of me,” she answered bitterly as she piled lettuce onto her sandwich.

“You’re not really into that BDSM shit, are you? I mean – that’s some fucked up misogynist shit right there,” Kassandra said. “A little kinkiness is one thing, but the whole submissive thing…”

“Shut up,” Persephone snapped. “You have no idea what you’re talking about – no idea what it’s like.”

“Oh my God. Vince – I just realized she called you ‘Sir.’ You’re not both really into this shit, are you?”

Vince clenched his jaw. “You know, you’re becoming awfully judgy.”

“Vince – I didn’t take you for being sexist!” Kassandra said with an amused smile.

“He’s not,” Persephone said. “And seeing as you act like Domme too, I can’t see how you can call it sexist.”

“I am no such thing,” she protected.

Vince looked at Persephone and back at Kassandra as if he had an epiphany. “She’s right – you probably are some dominant type,” he said. “That explains so much. Like why we could never get along and why you were so tempted to have sex with Ken. He was submissive, and you were dominant.”

“This is ridiculous!” Kassandra exclaimed. “I’m not interested in whips and chains or tying people -“

“You don’t have to be,” Persephone interrupted. “Dominance and submission have more to do with the attitude of the people involved. Ken submitted to your every whim – both sexually and otherwise. You were effectively his Domme.”

“And you can’t say you weren’t sadistic,” Vince added. “You loved to dig your nails into my scrotum when you gave me a blow job.”

“You liked that!” Kassandra argued.

“No. I really didn’t,” he said.

“I wish I didn’t hear that,” Persephone mumbled. “The point is, you have more in common with Vince than you realize. Vince is probably the biggest feminist I’ve ever met. He calls me ‘slut’ because he knows I like it.”

“That makes no sense to me,” Kassandra countered.

“Think of it this way,” Vince said, “Feminism without sexual liberation is incomplete. We can’t say we’re sexually liberated unless all forms of female sexuality are afforded in a healthy way. Sephie’s consensual submission to me and my domination of her is the sexual dynamic that forms the basis of our health and loving relationship.”

“Right. I want to be bound. I want to be flogged. I want to be fucked senseless. I want to be humiliated. It’s my choice, and Vince makes sure that he does it safely with my consent,” Persephone said. “The fact that I can trust him to do these things to me is an expression of my love for him.”

“I know it’s Sunday, but I’ve already attended church service, thank you,” Kassandra sassed. “I guess maybe you havea point, but I still think you’re way off base in saying I’m a Dominatrix.”

“Sexy clothes. You use your clothes choices as a weapon,” Vince observed. “I think you’d like some of the outfits I’ve seen other female Dommes wear. They can be quite provocative.”

“I… can’t deny that I use my good looks to my advantage, and kinky clothes does hold a certain appeal,” she admitted.

“Just let me know if you ever need guidance,” Vince said.

“You? Guide me?” Kassandra scoffed.

“No,” Persephone said. “My Aunt Billie. She taught Vince how to be a Dom.”

“You two are all sorts of incestuous,” she said as she shook her head.

“It’s not like that,” Vince grew.

Kassandra rolled her eyes. “Sorry. Fine. I’ll think about it.”


“That was an interesting lunch,” Persephone said as she entered the apartment. She was soaked. Rain weighed down her pink ‘Bad Kitty” t-shirt, outlining her breasts.

“Surprise downpours – gotta love them,” Vince smiled. He immediately striped off his wet t-shirt then closed the door behind him.

Persephone turned around and looked over his well-toned torso. “Are you trying to start something, Sir?” She bit her lip and pulled her shirt over her head.

Vince smiled and shook his head as he admired her. “I just don’t like being in wet clothing.”

“That’s disappointing,” Persephone remarked as she followed him into the bedroom. She kicked off her sandals and undid her pants.

“I figured that we could do some reverse conditioning today,” he said as he walked to the dirty clothes hamper.


“Yes. I have finally finished creating one that’ll suppress your visions of Mark and any subconscious desire you may have for him to abuse you.”

“GREAT!” Persephone said with a vindictive smile. “Let’s drive that motherfucker out of my head once and for all.”

“It’s not without its dangers, Sephie,” Vince warned.

“What dangers?” she asked. Her smilee faded as she stripped off her jeans.

“I don’t know. I tried unraveling the subliminal messaging in the original conditioning videos, and from what I can tell, the conditioning was designed to resist being reversed,” Vince said. “The visions you’re experiencing now are a direct result of the progress that we’ve already made. I’m afraid of what might happen.”

She took a deep breath and looked down. “What do you think will happen?” she asked.

“I could replace Mark in your nightmarish visions.”

“How likely is that?”

Vince shook his head. “I’m honestly not sure but, if your subconscious replaced the person in your visions, it’s only logical that the replacement would be me.”

Persephone smiled. “Because of this conditioning, you own my body, my mind, and my heart. Because you love me, you’ve given me the ability to take back ownership of my body, my mind, and my heart – just by commanding it. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that we can defeat this conditioning together.”

He stepped towards her and caressed her cheek. “It amazes me how much faith you have in me.”

“You haven’t let me down yet,” she whispered to him.

She leaned in and kissed him gently. He responded by pulling her in tightly, crushing her breasts against his chest, and slipping his tongue deep into her mouth. She moaned as his tongue circular hers – dominating her even When they kissed.

Vince broke the kiss, and Persephone gave a breathy sigh as she relaxed into his arms. “I’m going to flog your back tonight. Do you think you can handle that?” he asked as he ran his fingers through her hair.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. Strip off those panties and take a hot shower. Relax and clear your mind. I’ll get everything ready for you,” he said.

She nodded but then caught a glance at a metal hook installed into the ceiling just above the bed. “What is that?” she asked as a wave of anxiety and excitement caused her heart to skip a beat.

“Alittle something I’ve installed. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed it sooner. Go take your shower, and then I’ll show you how I intend on using it.”

She nodded and peeled off her panties before heading into the shower. Her mind buzzed with nervous thoughts – fears that she would encounter another vision of Mark during her session. Alongside those fears was a low-level excitement for what Vince was going to do to her.

With a heavy sight, she turned on the shower to the hottest temperature she could stand and let the water beat into her muscles. She focused on the sound of water flowing over her body, the heaviness of the steam in her lungs, and the intricate pattern of tiles on the shower stall floor. Her heart yearned for peace – to finally shake loose from the tendrils of conditioning.

Persephone left the shower with a clear mind and relaxed body. Although it felt like hours since she stepped into the shower, it had only been thirty minutes. Vince stood on one side ofthe bed, test swinging a flog. Hanging from the hook above her bed were two equal lengths of rope.

“Whoa. That looks like scary fun,” she said with a nervous laugh.

He smiled. “I haven’t even gotten out the toys I’m going to use on you.”

“A little mystery can be fun, too,” she sung.

“Up. On the bed!”

Vince had her knee on the bed and then fit a spreader bar just above her knees. He smiled as he tied her hands together with the rope that hung above her.

“You want my arms raised?” she asked, bemused.

“Not just your arms,” ​​he grunted. He pulled the rope tight, forcing Persephone off her haunches.

“Oh. I see,” Persephone said as she bit her lip.

“More to flog,” he pointed out as he circled to the toy chest.

“Yeah, I gather that. The last time you flogged me, I was sore for three days.”

“I’m using a soft flog this time because I’ll be flogging you for longer,” he explained. Vince tossed out a wand vibrator, a silicane buttplug, and two bullet vibrators. “This will be at least an hour-long session – maybe longer, depending on how you hold up.”

“How I hold up?” She blinked.

“What is your safeword?” he asked.

“Redrum. But do you think -“

“This is nothing outside of what we’ve already agreed on,” he interrupted.

Persephone huffed in frustration. She watched as Vince strapped the wand to her thigh so that its head pressed right against her clip. Then he taped the bullet vibrators to her nipples and lubed up the button. Finally, he eased the plug into her and pressed a button on its end so that it would begin to vibrate.

She gasped as the plug buzzed within her. “You know, it’s going to be very -“

“Hush,” he interrupted. “Unless I say otherwise, the only word you can use is your safeword.”

“Permission to speak,” she blurted out.

He gave her an incredulous look. “Fine. You can say one last thing before we begin.”

“I love you,” she said.

“That’s what you wanted to say?” he asked with a smile.

“It’s the most important part of what I wanted to say,” she admitted. “I wanted to say more, but you won’t let me.”

“I love you, too, my precious sweet slut.” He reached out to her and cupped her cheek. “I want you to focus and clear your mind. That means no more questions, no more comments, no more thoughts. Just feel for me and do as I tell you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He clicked a single-button remote, and the bullet vibrators on her nipples began to buzz. Then he plugged in the wand vibrator and set the TV to display the blank opening screen.

“You will say the words on the screen,” Vince instructed as he picked up a headset. “You will speak them into this microphone and hear them echoed back to you. You may also hear other things – focus on speaking the words on the screen.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said as he placed the headset on her and then climbed on the bed behind her.

All was silent. Persephone couldn’t even hear the buzz of the toys on her body, although she definitely could feel them. Without warning, the wand vibrator began to buzz against her. It took just a moment of the combined sensings for her to get wet. The vibrating in her ass and against her sex seemed to reverberate against each other. They sent shockwaves through her body that caused her skin to tingle. Her nipples were already at attention when Vince attached the bullet vibrators, but now they achieved against the constant stimulation of the tiny motors held within the pill-shaped toys.

Then the words appeared.

“I allow this, I choose this, I want this, and I trust you,” Persephone spoke. She repeated it, but this time she heard her voice repeat it with her. I allow this, I choose this, I want this, and I trust you. The voice sounded exactly the same as she heard her own voice. I allow this, I choose this, I want this, and I trust you. Yet another iteration of her voice spoke withher. Again, she repeated the mantra, layering her words on the building chorus ringing in her ears.

As she repeated the mantra, she felt her heart beat faster, her skin tingle from excitement, and heat build between her legs. A trickle of her juices snaked its way down her leg. Her voice began to crack as she spoke the mantra, and she could hear those cracks echoed back to her in the chorus. Suddenly, all voices stopped.

“When I cum, I accept this truth. If not true, I will say my word.”


The words flashed in the familiar colors of red and cyan, yellow and blue, then magenta and green. Vince’s voice whispered, “You Are Mine!” in her ear as her orgasm rolled through her like boiling water. Pleasure seen up from her core and bubbled over her body. Her body compromised and jerked as she cried out. Her stomach clenched in time with her pelvic floor, causing her to pull against the rope that bound her.

Her mind blanked. She could almost makeout words flashing in front of the word CUM, but her mind was not focused enough for it to really register – and so they sank deep into her subconscious mind. Then the cat-o’-nine-tails sharpened her senses. Dull singing pain prickled her back as familiar words appeared on the screen.

“Open Mind, Willing Body, Obedient Heart.”

She felt the things of the cat punctuate every sylable of the words she spoke. They worked their way down her back, buttocks, tighs, and then back up as she continued to chant the words.

Open Mind, Willing Body, Obedient Heart.

The chorus of voices built, although each iteration of her spoken words was punctuated at the very moment when Vince would land a blow on her body. Her mind was blank. Open. Her body was absorbing – embracing – the pain and pleasure it was dealt. Her heart soared with love for Vince. He was her beloved villain and the wolf at her neck.

Open Mind, Willing Body, Obedient Heart.

She repeated the mantra again and again. Her back, ass, and thighs burned with heat that increased with every impact of the cat. The bullets buzzing on her nipples had numbered them to the point of discomfort. The vibrating plug and the wand pressed into her sex continued to drive her towards another orgasmic abyss.

Open Mind, Willing Body, Obedient Heart.

“When I cum, I accept this truth. If not true, I will say my word,” Persephone uttered.


As before, she heard Vince’s voice whisper, “You Are Mine!” and a tidal wave of ecstasy crashed down upon her. She whimpered as her sore muscles convulsed, her toes curled, and her nails dug into the palms of her hands. Her cum trickled down her thighs as she felt her wave after wave of rapture pulse through her body.

Vince pressed his body behind hers and pulled her knees up to her chest. While she quivered, helpless in his arms, his cock found its home in her sex. He tore off her headset and fucked her hard as a new set of words appeared on the screen.

“My submission must be earned. My submission must be cherished. My submission must be respected. I choose my Master,” she repeated. Without prompting, she added, “You are my Master.”

“Good Slut,” he grew behind her.

“My body must be earned. My body must be cherished. My body must be respected. I chose my Master. You are my Master!” she cried.

“I love you so fucking much,” Vince said through clenched teeth.


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