Author’s Note: All characters are above the age of 18. I want to thank my wife for editing and my friend Ann for her encouragement.
All yesterday, I tried to console Vince. I know I fucked up, but at that moment, I was angry and wanted to show my father that I wasn’t his little girl anymore. I’m a grown woman, and I can make my own decisions. And I don’t give a damn About an inheritance from two grandparents that did nothing but look down on me from the day I was born. Let my cousins have my portion of the estate – I don’t care. I’m not going to sell my soul just for money.
Of course, my righteous indignation didn’t make things any easier with Vince. He’s afraid that his mother, Aunt Isabella, will be disappointed in him. She always had a religious streak and didn’t approve of anything too sexual or promiscuous. Yet she watches soap operas and telenovelas more often than she prayed.
Still, she’s his mother. He loves her extensively; he’s very attached to bothof his parents. It’s one of his endearing qualities. The thought of what she might say regarding his involvement in BDSM has him sick to his stomach. While he swears he’s not punishing me for this mistake, it certainly feels like a punishment.
Beyond short hugs and brief kisses, he hasn’t touched me since Friday. He hasn’t talked much to me either. Standing three feet away from him might as well be three miles, with how distant he seems. He says he’s just worried and doesn’t feel up to anything right now, but there are things I can do to make him feel better. I can hold him, listen to him, serve him, and if it makes him feel better, he can take his frustrations out on me.
I told him this, and he said that a Dom should never initiate a scene in anger. He seemed pissed that I would Even suggest that he flog me for outing him. And I get it – it was a stupid suggestion – but I trust him, which is why I was willing to let him do that to me. Anything so that he would let me helpand stop shutting me out.
I tried to reach out to Sophia or Aunt Billie, but they didn’t answer. Maybe Vince told them of what I’ve done, and they’re punishing me too. The conditioning is pushing back, telling me that I deserve it. I feel that Friday’s scene with Vince had done a lot to help me conquer my conditioning, but now I feel like I’ve taken a step backward. If I just had someone to talk to, I’m sure I’d be alright.
Vince sat in the living room with a bored look on his face as he played an old video game. His character died. He flopped back into the sofa and tossed his controller to the side.
“Fuck it,” he murmured. He closed his eyes and breathed a heavy sight.
“Sir?” Persephone’s voice ticked his ear, and a pang of guilt shot through his chest.
“Yes, Sephie?” he groaned.
“You’re not even going to look at me now?”
He turned his head and looked at her. She was dressed only in a pair of panties. He was getting used to her inclination towards nudity – even enjoyed it – but it wasn’t appropriate at this very moment. He just wanted her to go away.
“Yes, Sephie?” he repeated.
“You’re punishing me,” she said with a frown.
“I’ve told you, I’m not punishing you,” he responded.
“You may not mean to punish me, but that’s exactly what you’re doing.”
“I just – I can’t be around you right now!” he said.
“You said that if you wanted to inflict real punishment on me, you’d ignore me, you wouldn’t speak to me, you wouldn’t touch me -“
“I kissed you this morning!” he protested.
“You know what I mean, Vince!” Persephone raised her voice.
“What do you want me to do?!” he yelled.
“Talk to me. Yell at me. Tell me how disappointed you are in me – how you wish you’d never met me. Anything is better than silence,” she pleased. “I just want to help you, and it’s killing me that you won’t let me.”
“Sephie, I… I don’t know -“
The phone interrupted Vince. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out. His heart jumped into his throat when he looked at the screen. “Mama,” he uttered.
“Hey, Mama! How was church this morning?” he said.
“Oh, it was nice. The sermon was about honesty and trust,” Isabella said. “Vince – I have something to tell you, but I wanted to tell you face to face. Could you walk me Through that video thing you can do? I don’t know quite how it works.”
“Absolutely, Mama. Let me get a camera, and I’ll set it up here in the living room,” he said. He turned to Persephone and mouthed the words Get Dressed.
While Persephone throw on some clothes, Vince set up video conferencing on his side and walked his mother through the process of setting it up on Her side. Persephone walked back into the living room wearing a simple green blouse and sat down on the sofa just as Vince finished up.
Minutes later, the image of Isabelle blinked onto the screen. She was a darker-skinned woman with black hair tied into a bun. Strands of silver weaved their way through her hair. Wrinkles from a life time of smiles and tears created the corner of her eyes and mouth.
“Oh! I can see you now. Can you see me?” she asked.
“I can see you fine, Mama,” Vince said as he took a seat next to Persephone.
“Persephone – is that really you?”
Vince saw Persephone look down self-consciously. “Yes. I can leave if you’d rather just speak to Vince,” she offered.
“No – please stay. I don’t mean to be, uh, too personal but, does it still hurt?” Isabella asked.
“Sometimes, ma’am,” she mumbled.
“Can you come closer so I can see?” Isabella asked.
“Mama, that’s -“
“No,” Persephone interrupted Vince. “That’s OK.” She stood from the sofa and walked closer to the camera but looked away from it. “Is this close enough?”
“Look at me,” she said. Persephone looked at the camera. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there after the crash. Your mother told me you didn’t want to see anybody.”
Persephone’s eyes teared up. “The people I wanted to see didn’t come, and I was too afraid to be seen by anyone else,” she admitted. “I’m sorry, Aunt Isabella.”
“Don’t be. You were in pain and needed what you needed. I’m just sorry that you didn’t get it.” Isabella shifted in her seat. “I just want to thank you for taking my Vincent in. I know you didn’t have to do that.”
“He’s been great,” Persephone said.
“So, I’ve heard…” Isabella said darkly. “You can sit back down. I want to see both of you.”
Persephone sat back down next to Vince and took his hand. He glanced over at her, and she looked nervously back at him.
“Now, there is something I want to tell you, Vince, and something you need to tell me. I already know what it is you need to tell me, but I want to hear it from you – not from your Aunt Debbie,” his mother explained.
“Jeremiah has all but told me that I’m not to consider them my aunt and uncle anymore,” he replied.
“Jerry’s an ass. Debbie disagrees with him; she’s just afraid to contradict him,” Isabella said. “That’s not what I’m calling about.”
“You wanted to tell me something?” Vince asked.
“And I wanted you to explain to me what Debbie told me yesterday. I admit I was a little angle with you when I first heard it but then I prayed about it.” Isabella frowned and sat back as if holding court. “The sermon this morning answered my prayers. The pastor said that we could not expect others to tell us the truth if we’re unwilling to hear it. The only reason I could think you would hide this from me is that I made it hard for you to tell me. Is that true?”
“You’re not exactly open-minded about sex, Mama,” he said.
Isabella regard Vince carefully; her eyes squinted at him as if examining something alien. “I think I’m very open-minded,” she asserted. Then her expression relaxed. “But if you don’t think I am, I suppose you might be right.” She shrugged. “This whole thing doesn’t sound Godly at all, but it’s not for me to judge. I would never turn you away, no matter how much I disapprove of what you do. You’ll always be my son,” Isabella said.
Vince nodded. “I understand. I’m sorry I wasn’t more open with you; I just – Aunt Billie was ostracized from the family for the same reason, and I couldn’t take that chance.”
“Well, we don’t need to worry about that anymore, do we?” Isabella smiled.
“I suppose not,” he said.
“Aunt Isabella?” Persephone interjected.
“Yes, Sephie?”
“Do I still call you ‘Aunt?’” she asked.
“That’s fine. But when you marry Vince, I expect you to call me Mama, and after all of this, I demand grandchildren – three at least. It’s shameful dragging my Vince into this sadistic bondage thing. I’m disappointed in you. I love you, but I’m disappointed,” Isabella reprimanded.
“Mama, she didn’t drag me into anyth-“
“Don’t try to protect her, and don’t think I’m not disappointed in youas well,” she said. “Tying girls up and whipping them… I don’t understand it.”
Persephone frowned and looked away.
“Persephone Anastasia. If you have something to say, you should say it,” Isabella demanded.
She looked up at Isabella and surprised. “It doesn’t matter if you understand it or not, Auntie. We’re both consenting adults. I love your son, and I love you like family. Shouldn’t that be enough?”
“No,” Isabella snapped. “Only two things will make this right.”
“Grandchildren?” Vince asked.
“And marriage,” Isabella added as she pointed to Persephone.
“Yes, ma’am,” she responded.
“And what about your news?” Vince asked.
“Uh, well, your father and I are talking again. We’ve been talking daily ever since last Thanksgiving. I learned that he lost his job due to COVID last week. His landlord found out and used it as an excuse to evict him. So I’ve invited Ben to live with me for a while,” Isabel explained.
“You’re going to be living with Dad?” Vince’s eyes widened in shock.
“Oh, don’t give me that look. Ben’s worked through his anger issues and PTSD -“
“I know,” Vince interrupted, “I told you that several years ago.“
Isabella shot Vince a glare. “I don’t want you to think this means I’m getting back together with your father,” she insisted.
“Of course not,” Persephone said with a smile. “You’re still a married woman, technically, and would never… Well, maybe, seeing as he was your husband originally.”
Isabella scoffed. “Watch it… or you won’t be enjoying your usual Christmas gift next year.”
“You would withhold your white chocolate peppermint-stick fudge from me?” Persephone looked horrified. “I’m sorry, Aunt Isabella, I don’t know what came over me.”
Isabella smiled. “Now that’s settled, I’m going to try to connect with Father Cleary. Our church is starting a video-only service next week, and I want to be able to attend.”
“You’re welcome, mother,” Vince said sardonically.
“Thank you, Vincent,” she responded. “Take care of him, Persephone, and if he gives you any trouble, just let me know. Love you both.”
Isabella disconnected the call, and Vince let out a heavy sight in response.
“That could have gone much worse,” Persephone said as she ran her fingers through her hair.
“Yes, it could have,” he admitted.
“You still punished me,” she reminded him. “You shut me out, and that hurt.”
“Sephie – I was angry, and I didn’t want to take that anger out on you,” he explained.
“I would have rather you be angry with me,” Persephone said. She stood up and looked directly into his eyes. “That’s a new rule – no matter what you’re feeling, you don’t shut me out. Not unless you want me to leave.”
Vince looked at her in frustration. Then guilt crept into his heart. “You’re one pushy sub,” he remarked with a smile.
“You’re the one who told me that I’m strong enough to fight the conditioning. If I had listened to the conditioning, I would have said nothing,” she said as her eyes brimmed with tears. “I don’t deserve to be ignored.”
“You’re right; you didn’t deserve that.” He stood and embedded her, pulled her head to his chest, and kissed her forehead. “I’m not used to leaning on others and afraid of becoming like my father.”
“You’re father is a good man,” Persephone said as she snuggled deeper into his chest. “He was just sick… a lot like I am.”
Vince hauled the sizable black trunk into Persephone’s bedroom and sat it down at the end of the bed. He looked around the room. The little bit of furniture he had brought with him now resided in Persephone’s more spatial bedroom. His personal items were on his dresser, which stood next to hers. While the bedroom looked fuller, the walls were still barren.
“Well, it’s officially ‘our’ bedroom,” Persephone said.
Vince took a moment to appreciate Persephone’s beauty and body. She was kneeling on the bed, wearing a lacy blue pair of panties. He was beginning to associate her lack of clothing as a sign of her submission. Intellectually, he knew it was entirely her idea, but the predator within found the thought exclusive.
Persephone’s breasts were perky and just a little less than a handful, but they perfectly fit her petite frame. Her torso was slim but not overly skinny. Although being a full head shorter than Vince, her legs were long and muscle from a lifetime of gymnastics. A teardrop-shaped ass cheek sat above each leg, begging to be distributed by hand, paddle, or riding crop. Vince loved every inch of her.
“Are you going to show me how to open that?” she asked as she pointed to the black trunk. “Or are you going to stare at me all day?”
Vince shook himself from his reverie. “Uh, nope. All your toys are going in here as well. Locked up nice and tight,” Vince said as he patted the trunk.
“What?! I bought those toys with my own money. You can’tdo that!” she protested as she hoped off the bed.
“I can and I will,” he stated. “I’ll decide when you can access them, and I’ll be the one to use them on you.”
“That’s not fair!” Persephone raised her voice.
“Who did you say owns your body?” Vince asked.
She bit her lip and stomped her left foot. “Damn it. You do.”
“That’s right. If you’re going to make me your Master, I’m going to start treating you like a slave. Slaves don’t own property; they are property,” he explained.
“I never said I wanted to be a slave,” she said.
“You said I owned you – body, mind, and heart. I’m just claiming what is mine. Of course, if you don’t want this to be a full-time arrangement, we can change the terms of our agreement,” Vince offered.
Persephone dropped her head and frowned. “No. This is what I want,” she mumbled.
“Do you? You don’t seem too convincing to me,” he taunted.
She bit her lip and looked directly into Vince’s eyes. Persephone knelt on the ground while keeping both eyes on Vince. Her gaze filled with delicious devotion, which made Vince feel powerful. A rush of adrenaline pulsed through Vince’s veins, awakening the predator that he hid from the rest of the world.
“I allow this, I choose this, I want this, and I trust you,” Persephone stated clearly.
Persephone’s neck was long and delicate – he wanted to bite into it. The roundness of her face was almost angelic – he wanted to see it distorted by pain and maddening pleasure. Her eyes were the most brilliant blue but always hid a note of sadness – he wanted to replace that sadness with desire so intensity that she became for relief. And that scar, which had shattered her self-confidence and self-respect? He wanted her to embrace it and build her back up because moments like these would never have been possible if it weren’t for that scar.
Vince stepped forward and ran his fingers through Persephone’s hair, then grabbed a handful of it to pull hercloser. She whimpered and nuzzled the crotch of his jeans.
“You’re my precious pet slut,” he whispered.
“I love you, Sir,” she mewled.
“And I own you,” he grew back.
Persephone reached up and touched his belt. “May I, Sir?” she asked. Vince nodded, and she quickly unbuckled his belt, undid his jeans, and pulled down both his jeans and boxes. His cock sprang free. She nuzzled at his balls before she began licking them. Her long tongue curled around his sack.
She felt a single drop on her cheek, touched it, and looked up. Precum had dripped from the tip of his cock onto her cheek. Persephone licked the precum from her finger, then licked the underside of his cock. She took the head of his cock into her mouth and sucked on the precum leaking from Its tip. Vince moaned as her tongue swirled around the head and grown in impatience as she teased more precum from his cock.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll swear I tattooed my name inside your womb,” he snarled. “I’m going to pump so much of my cum into you that you’ll think you’re made of it. And I’m going to make you cum so hard you won’t even remember your name.”
She locked eyes with him, his cock still in her mouth. Persephone looked frightened, but her thighs quivered. She took his whole length into her mouth, her eyes still locked with his, as she forced herself down on his cock.
Vince groaned as a sudden flood of sensings overwhelmed him. His balls tightened as building tension within them threatened to exploit at any moment. Every down thrust of her mouth wound him up tighter and sent electric shocks up his spine. And she was still looking up at him, begging for him to make good on his threats. Persephone was like the deer who wanted to be caught by the wolf for the thrill of giving in, giving up, and allowing herself to be consumed whole.
Vince was that wolf; the thought of proving it sent him over the edge. He roared and grabbed her by the hair ashe forced his first spurt of cum down her throat. Then he withdraw from her throat and filled her mouth with the cum still left in his balls.
“Don’t swallow,” he grunted and released her hair. “Show me.”
Obediently, Persephone opened her mouth to show him his seed still filled it.
“Good girl,” Vince cooed. “Swallow, then remind me what does it mean when you taste my cum in the back of your throat?”
“My body is yours to play with,” her voice cracked.
“Good girl.” Vince kicked off his shoes and stripped off his clothes. Then he grabbed Persephone by the throat and gently squeezed. She flinched and squirmed as Vince lifted her to her feet. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Recite your mantra.”
Vince licked at her neck while Persephone said, “I am Master’s precious pet slut. I am loved, I am wanted, I am needed.” Her voice wavevered as if in fear.
“And which do you feel now?” he asked.
“Wanted, so badly that it scares me,” she admitted.
“Wanted, so badly that it scares me,” she admitted.
“And do you like that, slut?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl. On the bed, hands, and knees, facing the TV,” he instructed.
Persephone nodded. He released her throat and watched her scramble onto the bed. Vince circled to his black leather trunk and pressed the hidden release to open it. He pulled out a spreader bar, a chain with nipple clamps on each end, a u-shaped vibrator, and a vibrating butt plug, throwing each on the bed beside Persephone.
“That’s a lot of toys,” Persephone uttered to herself.
Vince looked down into his trunk and raised an eyebrow. “I could always use more,” he suggested.
Persephone’s eyes grew wide. “No. These are good, Sir,” she squeaked.
He smiled, then climbed behind her. Vince looked down at her and smiled. ‘So obedient,’ he thought. ‘So vulnerable.’ His cock stirred as he listened to her shallow breath quicken in anticipation.
He took the spreader bar and set it at its lowest length. Then he rarely yanked one of her arms behind her, causing her to collapse onto the bed, face first. As he placed her wrist in the restraint, Persephone offered her other arm.
“Good slut,” he purred as he took her wrist. “Eager to be used by me?”
“Yes, Sir,” she whispered. “Eager and nervous.”
Vince then slathered the vibrating butt plug with lubricant. “I thought a little extra stimulation would be fun,” he said as he patiently worked it into her. When the plug popped into place, he turned on the vibrator. She squeaked and whimpered.
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