Author’s Note: The following story contains themes of mind control, incest (cousin, non-blood related), and nonconsent. All characters are above the age of 18. I want to thank my wife for editing and my friend Ann for her encouragement.
After the meeting with Dr. Angioli, Vince worked the second half of his shift while Persephone watched TV in the living room. She had stripped off her pajama bottoms and top in favor of wearing nothing but a sexy pair of underwear. She reasoned that she would consume her relationship with Vince once he was done with work. A few hours later, Vince walked out to the living room and let out an audible gasp.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Watching television,” she answered with an innocent smile. “Want to join me?”
“You’re not wearing a lot of clothing…”
“Well, now that we’re a thing -“
“Let me put this a different way; I want to take things slowly and have an adult discussion with you,” Vince said.
“You don’t want to consume our new relationship, first?” Persephone asked as she bit her lip and wiggled.
“Of course I do, but I also want to make sure that I don’t hurt you while doing so,” he said with a painful smile.
“You wouldn’t hurt me,” she chuckled and turned off the television. “Remember – I want this.”
“Oh – so you want me to grab you by the throat?” he asked.
“That’s fine, and -“
“How about choking you?” he interrupted. “Choking you hard? Is it okay if I slap your face, your breasts, your cunt? Can I shove you in a cage and feed you from a dog bowl for weeks on end?” he grew.
“That’s too far,” she squeaked.
“Yeah. I thought so.” He took a deep breath, trying to get his anger under control. “That’s why we need to talk before anything happens between us. I want to be absolutely certain that what I do to you, you are consenting to. I care about you, and I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I’m sorry for not taking this seriously enough,” Persephone said. He saw tears in her eyes as she turned away.
Vince sat next to her, took her hand, and pulled her into his chest. Vince ran his fingers through her hair and then bent down to kiss her. “I’m sorry. But I need you to understand that I take your safety and your consent very, very seriously. Some of the shit that Doms do to their subs is pretty fucked up by normal standards – but they both consented to it well ahead of time. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir,” she said. “That was our first fight and our first kiss,” she whispered.
“Go get dressed. You’re far too tempting as you are.”
“That was the idea,” she told. She stood up and walked into her bedroom to pull back on her light blue shirt and draw-string pants, then walked out to see Vince looking over take-out menus.
“I’m thinking Chinese,” he said.
“Pizza,” she replied as she sat next to him on the sofa.
“You eat a lot of pizza,” he noted.
“I do. I love pizza.”
Vince cocked his head to the side and looked at her for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. “Fine. Pizza. You call it in with whatever toppings you want.”
“Ooh – even Hawaiian?” she asked.
“That’s fine,” he said.
Vince sat back and watched Persephone dial the pizza place’s number by memory. Within a few minutes, she had ordered an extra-large Hawaiian pizza and a two-liter bottle of root beer. “All done,” she said triumphantly after she hung up the phone.
“Sephie? How deep into BDSM do you want to go?” he asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you want to limit it to the bedroom, to the home, or are you my sub even in public? Do you want to be my sub only on our days off, or do you want to be my sub every single day?” He rubbed her shoulder. “Should I create strict rules for you, expect you to call me ‘sir’ at all times, have you always knee before me? Or do you want to have some freedom, knowing that I’m there for you when you need me?”
“I – I don’tKnow,” she admitted. “I like the idea of being your sub at all times, in all settings, but I also want to joke with you, not to be so formal, and just be myself. Another part of me says I should want whatever you want, but I know that’s the conditioning…”
“It sounds like you know what you want,” Vince said. He kissed her on the head. “Is it OK if I call you a good girl?”
“Yes?” she answered, puzzled why he felt the need to ask.
“You’re a good girl for fighting against the conditioning. Fight the conditioning and make your own decisions. That’s my first rule for you,” he said.
“You’re going to give me rules?” she hesitated. “Should I write them down, Sir?”
“Yes. That’s a good idea.”
She rushed to get a pen and paper then sat back down next to Vince. “Let me write this down…” she mumbled as she joked down the first rule. “Okay – what’s the next rule?”
“If anyone, myself included, hurts you in a way you don’t consent to, tell them to stop.If they do not stop, then leave them and never let yourself be alone with them again.”
Persephone was frightened by the intensity in Vince’s eyes. She nodded and wrote the rule down.
“If you feel unsafe during a scene or I push you too far, don’t hesitate to use your safe word. I won’t be angry with you, and I won’t punish you.” He reached out and ran his fingers through her hair.
Persephone nodded. “It’ll be… hard,” she admitted. “The conditioning wants me to let you do whatever you want, but I’ll try to use my safeword.”
“Thank you for telling me the truth. OH – and that’s another rule; Tell me the truth and demand that I tell you the truth in return. You deserve an honest relationship.”
“That’ll be a change,” she muttered.
“You’re not alone in that,” Vince said. “While you’re at it, I want you to be truthful to Dr. Angioli, even if it makes me look bad. Especially if it makes me look bad; if you’re uncomfortable with something I’ve said or done, she should know about it.”
She nodded but cringed at the thought of hurting Vince in any way.
“Your submission is a gift – only give it to those you trust,” he added.
“Ooo – I like that rule,” Persephone said as she wrote it down. “Any more?”
“Just one. Love yourself.”
“Seven rules. None of them say anything about meeting you naked by the door when you return home or eating out of a dog bowl,” Persephone noted.
“Oh – we can do those things, but that’s for fun. I’m serious about these seven rules; they exist to keep you safe and happy.”
“Can I make some rules?” she asked.
“Absolutely. May I have that pen and pad of paper?” Vince reached out and took the paper and pen from Persephone. “Ready.”
“You don’t get to share me, and I don’t have to share you,” she demanded.
“Monogamy. Got it.”
“I reserve the right to change my mind about that, but it’s a decision we both must reach together,” Persephone added.
“Okay. I’m fine with that,” he said.
“You don’t get to tell me what clothes I wear unless it’s BDSM related.”
“Can I request that you at least wear clothes? Sometimes?” Vince asked.
“Around other people and outside the house? I’ll take it under advice,” she said with a sarcastic smile.
“I don’t understand you. You’re a fashion designer that doesn’t like to wear clothes – it blows my mind.”
“I wear clothes to feel attractive and to make a statement, but I find it restrictive. When there’s nobody else around, I don’t have to pretend to be anyone else than myself,” Persephone explained. “So, that’s when the clothes come off. Oh! And I don’t wear bras. Ever. I hate bras. Mark wanted me to wear them because he thought they made my boobs look bigger.”
“You won’t get any arguments from me,” Vince mumbled.
“I know – I’m weird, aren’t I?”
“I’m sure that most guys would think I’m weird for telling you to put on clothes when you’d rather walk aroundnaked, but here we are,” he quipped.
“You must find time to play with me, at least a little bit each day!” she said as she poked him in the arm.
“You’re turning out to be a brat, do you know that? I always thought you were serious and tough…”
Persephone deflated. “Yeah – I’m supposed to be.” She leaned back and surprised. “I guess that’s why being a sub appeals to me. I’m tired of being serious and tough. I’ve always pushed myself to do the best I could. I didn’t want to disappoint my father. He thought that the sun and the moon revolution around me and that I could do – and should do – great things with my life.”
“Do you think he’s disappointed in you now?” Vince asked.
“I don’t know. Dad hasn’t talked to me since the accident. Mom said it’s because he’s giving me space, but… maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to look his scarred divorced daughter in the eye,” she explained.
Vince put the pad of paper down and wrapped Persephone in his arms. “You only have to be yourself with me,” he said as he squeezed her tight.
“Thank you, Sir,” she whispered as she snuggled deeper into his embrace.
“That’s the third time you’ve called me ‘Sir.’ Is there a meaning behind that?” he asked.
“I don’t know. It just seemed appropriate at the time.” Persephone kissed his arm. “This feels nice. Can we just do This until the pizza arrives?”
“Absolutely,” he said before kissing her forehead. “We will need to discuss limits and decide on a safe word, but we can do that after we eat.”
“There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it,” Persephone said as she stared at her bedroom ceilinging. “Vince and I are a couple.”
“What?!” her mother said from the other end of the phone line. “He’s your cousin!”
“By marriage. Aunt Isabella is divorcing Uncle Louis, which means he’ll soon no longer be my cousin,” she explained. “Not that it matters; I’ve decided I don’t care. He makes me happy, and I need that.”
“Does he know about this?” her mother asked.
“Of course. We can’t be a couple if half of us doesn’t know!” she chided.
“I know getting you and Vince together was a bad idea…”
“It was your idea, mother,” Persephone reminded her.
“What is your father going to think of this?!” she worried. “He was hoping you’d get back together with Mark…”
“First of all, I’ll entertaining giving Mark another chance when hell freezes over. Second, dad hasn’t said one word to me since the accident, so at this point, I don’t care what he thinks,” she snapped.
“That’s not fair, Sephie – your father is just giving you space.”
“I didn’t need space, mom; I needed support. He wasn’t there. Don’t bother defending him. Let him step up and defend himself. If he wants to speak with me, he can call me anytime,” Persephone spat. “Better yet, let’s do a video conference so he can see my scarred face. Let him look me in the eye and tell me I should getback together with Mark then.”
“Sephie… you’re breaking my heart,” her mother pleased.
“And you’re breaking mine,” she retreated. “I love Vince. I’ve always loved him to one degree or another. He’s a good man – a decent person – and he cares about me in ways Mark never did. I can honestly see myself raising children with him – I can’t say that about Mark. Can you Just be happy for me?”
Her mother told. “I think you’re making a mistake, but I’m going to hope that I’m wrong and try to be happy for you.” She chuckled. “At least I know you’re finally thinking about giving me grandbabies.”
“It was always my intention to start trying when I hit 30,” Persephone admitted. “My IUD has more than two years left. Maybe, if all go well, it’ll come out early.”
“Good to know. Sephie – I’m sorry about your father. I’ll talk to him, okay?”
“Okay. I love you, mom.”
“I love you too, sweetie,” her mother said. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Persephone hung up the phone and pushed herself off the bed. She took a short walk into the living room, where Vince looked over a pack of papers. Another collection of papers was on the coffee table.
“Hey, Sephie! How did your call go?” he asked.
“About as expected. Mom’s hesitant to give us her blessing and say that dad was hoping I’d get back with Mark. However, it sounds like she’ll at least try to accept the new reality.” She sat down next to him and peeked over his shoulder. He was looking at a checklist of her preferred gyms.
“My mother was just relieved that I’m not gay. I’m not entirely sure how to feel about that, but she’s happy for us and thinks we make a cute couple,” he said with a smile. “That’s the important thing.”
“We both know my mom is going to call your mom and compare notes,” Persephone pointed out.
“Yep. Hopefully, my mother can convince yours that this is a good thing.”
“Is that your list?” she asked.
“Yes. I filled it out yesterday while you were filling yours out,” Vince said.
Persephone reached out to pick it up but then stopped herself. She looked back at Vince, who noticed her hesitation.
“I’m afraid I’m going to find out something about you that I don’t like,” she said.
“Why? Because there were so many strange things on that list that you’re not comfortable with?” he asked.
“Yes,” she admitted.
“Tell me something; were you completely honest when you filled this out?”
She looked at Vince and bit her lip. “Maybe not completely, but I don’t want you to think I’m a freak.”
He rubbed his temples and regard her carefully. After a moment, he handed her back her list. “I want you to correct this and make it as Truthful as possible. Don’t hold anything back. I won’t judge you – I promise. All I ask is that you not judge me based on my kinks. Where our two lists intersect is where we’ll start. Does that sound fair?”
Persephone frowned and nodded. “Can I read yours first?”
“No. I’d be afraid you’d change yours to match mine, and that isn’t the point.”
She told and walked over to the kitchen, where she sat down at the breakfast bar to make the necessary changes. A few minutes later, she walked back over and handed him the collection of papers. He motioned to his packet, which she took, and began reading as she sat down.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Vince smile. Her heart skipped a beat at a few of the things he marked down. They were dark, but that wasn’t what bothered her. She realized that the darkest of his desires were among those she had just added to her own list – things she’d be willing to try.
“I’m glad I pushed you to be more honest,” he said. “Hypnosis?”
“Is that bad?”
“It’s just ironic, that’s all,” he said.
“I’m not sure if that’s the conditioning or not,” Persephone admitted.
“Doesn’t matter,” Vince said with a smile. “Dr. Angioli already hinted that I should try to reverse your conditioning using the techniques originally used on you. The fact that you’re into it just makes it easier.”
“So, now that we know each other’s dirty little secrets, what’s next?”
Vince reached out and grabbed Persephone by the neck, pressing the tips of his fingers into her flesh just hard enough to be uncomfortable. She gasped but didn’t move. Her sex slicked with her juices as he towered over her. Helpless, Harmless, Hopeless
“Now we’re going to see how serious you are about wanting this… What is your safe word, slut?”
“Redrum,” Persephone chased out. You don’t have a safe word. You are at his mercy.
“Good. Do you remember what I said about using your safe word?” he grew.
“Y-yes, sir.” He can do whatever he wants to you, and you’ll like it.
He pulled her towards him and brought her face within an inch of his own. “Good. Now we’re going to play a game, and you’re going to let me win. Every. Single. Time. Do you understand?”
“REDRUM,” she croaked.
His fingers released her neck, and he dropped to one knee in front of her. “What happened? Was it something I did?”
Persephone’s eyes filled with tears. “No – not you. The conditioning,” she said. “If I hadn’t used the safe word, the conditioning wouldn’t have let me, so I had to do it to prove I could. I’m so sorry…” she whimpered.
Vince wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. “Shhh… It’s okay. You have nothing to be sorry for – you did exactly what I told you to do.”
“But I wanted you to take me,” she whispered.
“I know,” Vince said as he released her. “…and that will still happen if you still want it. You just needed to know that I would stop if you used the safe word. Now you know that I will.”
“How will I know you will next time?” she asked with tear-filled eyes.
He rubbed her legs. “Because you can use it anytime you want. It may ruin the mood if you use it too often, but until you’re confident that you have control and you can trust me, please use it as much as you need to.”
“I don’t… know how to counter the conditioning,” her voice broke as she looked down at the floor.
“It’s all about the exchange of power. You allow yourself to be helpful, you choose to be harmless, but you are never hopeless because you can trust I will stop when you need me to.”
“I allow this, I choose this, I want this, and I trust you,” she muttered.
“Exactly,” he said. “Good girl.”
“You know, it’s silly but, when you say ‘good girl’ to me, I feel a little proud,” she admitted. “I should be insulted – it sounds like you’re rewarding a pet when you say that, but… I guess I like being your pet.”
He smiled and wiped away a tear from her face. “Then repeat what you just said; I allow…”
“I allow this, I choose this, I want this, and I trust you,” Persephone repeated.
“Good girl,” he muttered before leaning in to kiss her. “Do you think we can still do something if I take it slower?”
“Yes,” she said with a nod.
Vince reached around the side of the sofa, where she couldn’t see and pulled out a spreader bar and a length of rope. “You said you like the idea of bondage. Will you allow me to use these on you?”
She nodded.
“Okay. Come with me, then,” Vince said as he took her hand.
He led Persephone into the bedroom and placed the spreader bar and rope on the bed. He then took her by the hand and had her sit at the edge of the bed.
“I don’t want you to do anything. Just let me do all the work,” he whispered before kissing her on the lips.
With one motion, he peeled off her shirt and tossed it aside. Then, he gently pushed her down on the bed with one hand. Vince let his hand travel between her breasts, caresing her soft flesh. Persephone’s breath falsered, and her heart skipped a beat as it occurred to her that this was the first time he had touched her chest.
“You’re beautiful,” hewhispered. A dark look of desire crossed Vince’s face, and he pulled back his hand. “Can I hurt you?”
Persephone bit her lip and nodded.
Vince pinched her left nipple between his finger and thumb, then pulled while crushing the rest of her breast in his hand. She whimpered and winced at the pain but did nothing to stop him. The pain radiated through her body, reminding Persephone that she had given control to him. Her sex tingled at the thought of him taking more control over her, dominating her, and she unconsciously rolled her hips towards him.
“I have nipple clamps,” she murmured. She gasped as he released her right breast and gave the same treatment to her left.
“Where?” he asked.
“Nightstand.” The word came out as a whine.
“Good girl,” he cooed and released her breast. Persephone craned her neck as Vince walked over to the nightstand. “You have a lot of goodies over here,” he said as he picked up one of the butt plugs. It was moderately larger than the one she had used – at least two sizes larger.
He tossed it, lube, and the nipple clamps on the bed. Then he spied the vibrator wand, and a wicked smile crossed his face. “I think I’ll use this, too. Sephie? What is your mantra?”
“I allow this, I choose this, I want this, because I trust you, Sir,” she whispered.
“Is that true right now?”
She took a deep breath. Helpless, Harmless, Hopeless. The voices seemed quieter. “Yes. I chose to let you do this to me, and I allow it because I trust you. I know I can take back that choose at any time by using my safeword.”
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