Author’s Note: The following story contains themes of mind control, incest (cousin, non-blood related), and nonconsent. All characters are above the age of 18. I want to thank my wife for editing and my friend Ann for her encouragement.
“Fuck!” Persephone cursed as she heard the knock at her apartment door. “ONE MINUTE!” she yelled out as she ran to her bedroom. She pulled out pajama bottoms and a top from her dresser, then pulled them over her body. She also grabbed a dark gray scarf and wrapped it around her mouth. She ran from her bedroom to the door and then opened the door and peeked out with her good eye while concealing her burn scar from sight.
“Sorry,” she said, muffled beneath the scarf. The delivery man at the door had a long thin box – her new television – and held a clipboard in one hand. “Do I need to sign?” she asked.
“Uh, we’ve eliminated the need for signatures,” the delivery man said beneath his black mask. “COVID precaution.”
“Okay.Thank you,” she said. “Just leave the box.”
“Have a great day, ma’am,” the delivery man said with a curious look on his face. He hesitated for a moment, then turn and walk away as she stood at her cracked door. When he was finally out of view, she opened the door and dragged the box into the living room.
Persephone closed the door and continued to drag the box to her bedroom, where she laid the box down and opened it. She pulled its contents out; a 36-inch flat-screen television, wires and cables, and an installation booklet. She glanced at the booklet and throw it aside. “I don’t feel like doing this,” she told.
She picked herself up off the floor and checked her laptop on the bed – still logged into Sluttube. A direct message showed on her profile dashboard. Her heart leaped. She wasn’t sure why, but she was hesitant to open the message.
Her finger hovered over the mouse button for a few moments before she clicked.
Hello SkardGRL2020,
I would be happy to answer any questions you have.
I’m assuming you’ve already watched my introduction video, so I will not be revisiting that information. My real name is Dr. Petro Krysolov; you can look me up online to check my credentials as a psychologist in good standing.
I must note that my BDSM training program is in no way meant to treat mental illness or psychological disorders. I also should tell you that your experience with this program may be different than those who have completed it. Your results will depend mainly on your adherence to the program and your psychological makeup. I do encourage strict adherence to the training.
The first half of the training will be provided in installations at no cost to you. After you have completed that half, you will be allowed to pay for the second half. I also, upon graduation, provide connections within your local community to BDSM Doms who might wish to take you under their wing. Whetheryou pursue a relationship with one of these Doms is entirely up to you.
I hope this information satisfyes some of your questions. If you can think of any more questions or wish to proceed with the program, please contact me.
Master Krysolov.
“Huh,” she said to herself. She read over the message again, trying to think of any more questions she might have. Then she switched to another browser tab and searched for Dr. Petro Krysolov. She found a picture of an older man with a bald head and full bear on a Ukrainian language website. She used an auto-translator and, from what she could tell, it described him as a certified psychologist specializing in behavioral therapy, with offices both in Ukraine and Germany, just as Dr. Krysolov stated in his introduction video.
Persephone wrote back:
Hey Dr. Krysolov,
You’ve pretty much answered all my questions. I’m interested in starting the program. My name is Persephone, by the way. Nice to meet you.
She stared at the screen for a few moments and sent when nothing changed. She was about to set it aside when a message appeared.
Hello Persephone,
Nice to meet you as well. Please call me Master Krysolov; I find that it puts trainees in the right frame of mind. If you email me at the address below, I will send you the link to the first lesson and further instructions.
Master Krysolov.
“Okay Master Krysolov,” she mocked. She didn’t feel that he had done anything to earn the honorific of ‘Master’ and chafed under his investigation. She clicked over to her email account and shot off a quick email, ensuring to refer to him as ‘Master Krysolov,’ then turned her attention back to the installation of her new television. She looked around for the installation manual but realized she throw it under her bed.
Just then, her phone rang. She grabbed her phone; it was anumber she didn’t recognize. She swiped to answer it. “Hello?”
“Sephie, it’s your Aunt Billie!” The voice was familiar, but it had been such a long time since Persephone had heard it. “Did Vince tell you I might call?” she asked.
“Oh! Uh, yes! How are you, Aunt Billie?” Persephone falsetered.
“I’m fine, dear. I know it’s odd hearing from me after all this time. It’s just that, being that I’m getting older now, I’m feeling the weight of mortality, if you know what I mean. I just wanted to reach out and reestablish some old family ties – at least with my nieces and nephews.”
“Sure. I mean, we can talk. Any problems you have with the rest of the family is between you and them, as far as I’m concerned.”
“Good to hear it. Vince told me that you’ve been through a lot recently but wouldn’t tell me what was wrong,” Aunt Billie said. “He said it would be better if it came from you.”
“Well, to be honest, I really would rather not talk about it, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course I mind. I’ve missed out on so much of your life these past ten years, and it hurts to know that the sweet girl I know can’t share her burdens with me. Please, Sephie, just let this old woman listen to your problems. I promise I don’t bite.”
“Fine,” she said. “A few months ago, my husband – now ex-husband – Mark, came back from one of his many business trips to California and asked that I met him at a restaurant. I didn’t think anything of it; he had been away for over a week, and I thought he probably just wanted to apologize for the argument we had before he had left.”
Persephone took a deep, bitter breath. “Instead, he told me he was divorcing me. He served the paperwork to me right there and gave me a week to get out of the house so that he could sell it. So I left. I raced down the highway, so fucking upset that I couldn’t see the road. I drove the Porsche, which he had bought me, into an oncoming oil truck, which then burst into flames.”
“Ohmy God,” Aunt Billie murmured.
“So, I survived,” Persephone continued, ignoring Billie. “Burned half my face to shit. He didn’t come to see me in the hospital. I don’t know why that should be a surprise, but I had hoped that he had some love left for me. During the dividend hearings, I learned that his business trips to California weren’t always business. He had a girl who lived There, and I don’t use the word girl just because I don’t like her. She’s 19 – not even old enough to drink in most states.”
“I’m so sorry, dear.”
“You know, I know that he was vain and superficial when I married him, but I thought I was enough for him. I thought I was beautiful and sexy – that he wouldn’t need to look anywhere else. I was so fucking stupid,” Persephone spat. “Now, I couldn’t compete with her even if I wanted to; half of my face looks like an H.R. Giger painting.”
“So that’s the whole story?” Billie asked.
“Isn’t that enough?” Persephone retorted.
“No,that’s more than enough, dear,” she said. “I’m sorry you went through all of that. Have you given any thought to reconstructive surgery?”
“It would be extensive. Honestly, I don’t want to spend any more time in the hospital than I already have,” Persephone said.
“I can understand that,” Aunt Billie replied. “What about therapy?”
“As in psychotherapy?”
“I don’t need therapy,” Persephone stated. “I don’t need to relive that night over and over again just so a stranger can dissect my feelings. No, thank you.”
“The whole point is to get you to the point where it no longer hurts to talk about it. The more you talk about it, the less painful it becomes,” Billie advised. “Trust me – I know what I’m talking about, Sephie.”
“I – I’ll think about it,” she replied reluctantly.
Persephone twisted in her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open to see her angry red digital clock read 3:12 pm. She looked up at the wall-mounted flat-screen television across from her bed. The same porno she watched before falling asleep was paused on the screen. Her laptop was still on the bed, connected to the television through wires that stretched across the room.
She collapsed back onto the bed and took a deep breath. The room smelled like her sweat, and cum, and body odor. Persephone stared at the ceiling as she tried to remember if she had taken a shower that morning. “Probably not,” she muttered to herself.
Then she felt it; her bed sheets were wet. She realized it was from masturbating before falling asleep. Persephone propped herself up on her elbows and looked over to her laptop. The image of a woman being fucked while restrained to a square block of old wood made Persephone wet. She wanted to be that woman, held down and fucked like an animal. Yet part of her was disgusted with herself.
The video began with the woman, then clothed and sitting on a sofa, speaking directly to the camera. She described what was going to be done to her and said that it was consensual. All the while, she smiled and joked with the man behind the camera. And yet, part of Persephone questioned whether the woman was coerced, damaged to the point of agreeing to anything.
She rolled over in the bed, out from under the sheet away that covered her naked body, and looked up the actress’s name, ‘Demi Tanzer.’ She found that Demi had retired from pornography ten years ago and was now happily married to a retired minor league baseball player. Demi had two children and was working as a fetish-wear designer out of New York City.
“Well, shit,” she said to herself, “I wish I had her life! Designing fetish-wear sounds more interesting than wedding dresses.”
She checked her email. Nothing from Master Krysolov. She shrugged, Pulled herself out of bed, and sauntered into the bathroom, naked.
The bathroom was large, with a sizable walk-in shower, a double vanity, and a separate water closet with a bidet. The bathroom’s size and configuration was one of the most significant selling points of the apartment – well worth the extra $350.00 over other apartments in the area. The fact that Persephone could enter the bathroom from the kitchen and both bedrooms was also helpful. She realized that she would have to talk to Vince about sharing the bathroom – among other things.
She got into the shower, turned on the water, and closed her eyes as it washed over her. The bathroom quickly became steamy as flashes of porn scenes played in her mind. She didn’t know if this was healthy – suspected it wasn’t – but didn’t care.
Persephone washed her hair and body while contemplating what exactly about these videos appealed to her. She needed to feel safe to be small and vulnerable. Her sex became slick with excitement at the thought of being possessed so completely. She was so tired of trying to be strong – she just wanted to give in.
Her left hand wandered down to her sex as her right hand tweaked her nipples to attention. She took a deep breath and allowed the steam to fill her lungs. Her muscles relaxed in the heat and pulsating rhythm of the showerhead.
In her fantasy, her face was as flawless as it was before the accident. She felt no inhibitions – no reason to hold back. Her Dom – a dark, handsome man with a well-toned body – was as kind as he was stern, as trustworthy as he was frightening. Her heart raced at the thought of what he might do to her.
She knelt before him, patiently waiting for him to approach her. He would take her by her chin and lift her gaze to his eyes. He would then say something about how beautiful and sexy she looked and would look with his hard cock in her mouth.
Her knees grew weak as she braced herself against the shower wall. She wanted to feel her Dom’s Girl between her lips – taste his salty precum in the back of her throat. Persephone’s imagination was hurtling her to release…
… When the phone rang,interrupting her fantasy.
“Fuck!” Persephone grew in announcement. She quickly turned the water off, grabbed a towel, and marched into her bedroom as the offending cell phone rang for the third time. She grabbed the phone and swiped to answer just before it went to voicemail. “Yes?!” she snapped.
“Hey, cuz… Did I interrupt something?” Vince asked.
“I was, uh, just in the shower,” she admitted.
“Oh – I’m sorry. I can call back…”
“No – It’s okay. What’s up?”
“There’s a problem,” he said with a sight. “Due to an argument I had with my former rooms, I need to move out immediately.”
“What happened?” she asked.
“I set up a gaming computer in the common area last year. I purchased it with my own money so that I could game and still be available to my rooms if they needed me for something,”
Vince explained. “When I wasn’t using it, my rooms used it – and that was fine by me. First, they claimed that they purchased it and hadno right to take it with me. I calmly explained that I still had the receipts for warranty purposes and could prove that it was my purchase.”
“That should have solved the argument right there,” Persephone remarked.
“You would think,” he said. “Then my rooms tried to say that I had bought it as a gift. Fine – they can keep it, I said. I was done arguing about it and was willing to let it go for one week of peace. But they decided that, just for questioning them, I had to leave immediately… so now I have to pack everything tonight and leave tomorrow morning.”
She could hear in Vince’s voice that he was barely holding his anger in check. She cringed at the thought of losing her privacy but wasn’t going to turn him away. “Okay – no problem,” she told. “I’m sorry to hear that Your former rooms are shitting on you like that – they have no right… but I have to ask; you are taking the gaming computer, right?”
“Hell yes, I am. They just don’t know ityet.”
She could hear the smile in his voice. “That’s the Vince I know and love,” she chuckled. “I’ve got to do something before you arrive, so I’m going to let you go. I’ll see you tomorrow then, nerd.”
“Tomorrow then,” he said before he hung up.
Persephone leaned up against the wall and touched the side of her face. Her heart raced at the thought of him seeing her so badly scarred. Tears started to form in her eyes as she realized the real reason she didn’t want him to see her; she didn’t want him to forget that she was once beautiful.
The alarm clock rang out angrily, waking Persephone. She turned over and slapped the alarm clock, which read in raging red numbers 6:30 am. “Holy crap, I slept more than four hours!” She groaned as she Pulled herself up and then glanced at her computer, sitting on her desk. She bit her lip and pushed herself out of bed towards her desk, wearing a tank top and panties.
She flipped open her laptop, whichh sprang to life, then browser over to her email account. She had a reply from Master Krysolov.
The first link below is to the initial training video. This video is a mantra spelled out in white lettering against a black background. You should watch the video and say the mantra in time with the video for approximately 15 minutes or more each day until otherwise instructed. You should be naked and masturbating while chanting this mantra, using either a dildo, vibrator, or your fingers.
I will also require an audio recording of you chanting the mantra several times over. I would prefer an audio file but will accept a voicemail recording. The telephone number is listed below. Also, send links to 7 or more pornographic videos that you enjoy. Once I receive this recording and the links, I will send you an updated file within 2 to 3 days.
It is also highly recommended that you purchase the following items: a vibrator wand, a large dildo, several sizes of buttplugs, silicone lubricant, nipple clamps, ben wa balls, anal beads, a cat-o-nine-tails, high-quality headphones, and a webcam with a microphone. There are links below to recommended products. If you use the links below, I will receive a small commission for recommending these products. However, you do not have to get these exact products, and there is no pressure to use these links.
Please let me know if any instruction is unclear.
Master Krysolov
She raised an eyebrow. “Huh…” She reread the email, examining every detail. “This is… weird.” Something turned in the pit of her stomach, telling her this was disturbing, but her sex tingled at the thought of how wrong it was. ‘It’s weird because it’s kinky. It’s fine,’ she told herself. Although her self-assurance, she felt uneasy.
She never used sex toys before, so Persephone wasn’t sure if she even knew what she would purchase other than what was recommended. She onlyreally listened to music in the car – she was never that serious about music – so she didn’t own a pair of headphones. And while her laptop had a small camera, she had taped over it and was sure the resolution was crappy. “That’s a lot of money to drop on a free program,” she concluded.
She picked up her phone and dialed Vince’s number. The phone rang a couple of times and then picked up.
“Hey, Vince. It’s Sephie,” she said.
“Hey, cuz – what’s up?” Vince responded.
“I was just wondering how things are moving along and when I can expect you today,” she said.
“Oh, they’re moving right along. I don’t live near you, so it’s going to take me a few hours. I can arrive later if you want,” he offered, “but ten is the soonest I can be There.”
“That’s fine. That gives me more than enough time. I hope your former rooms aren’t giving you too much grief…”
“HA! Yeah, I don’t know whether I’m coming or going with those two,” he scoffed. “Yesterday, theywere insisting that I leave this morning, now they’re acting as if they don’t want me to leave – saying they’ll miss me. I’m not waiting around for them to change their mind again.”
“They sound more than a little confused. Both of them are acting the same way towards you?” Persephone asked.
“It’s like they’re psychologically linked,” Vince explained. “Hey – I’ve got to go. One of them is walking up to me right now. I’ll talk to you soon, cuz.”
“See you soon.” Persephone hung up the phone. She immediately looked over to her laptop, and a devilish smile spread across her face. “Okay, Master Krysolov – let’s see what you have in store for me.”
Persephone connected her laptop to the TV. Her desktop blinked into view on the screen. She knelt on her bed Facing the television and clicked the link. A video popped up in her browser, and she hit play.
Open Mind
“Open Mind,” she mimicked. The words appeared on the screen, and a white ball bounced betwe the sylables.
Willing Body
“Willing Body,” she said.
Obedient Heart
“Obedient Heart.”
Open Mind, Willing Body, Obedient Heart. Persephone stated the words again in the same slow cadence while considering each in turn.
Open Mind. ‘Open to the training?’ she asked herself. ‘Open to be conditioned…’
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