This story will make more sense if you read part one first. All characters and names are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people is just a coincidence. This is a work of fiction, so please don’t both to complain that something described in the story is unrealistic.
School was still out for semester break, so the next morning Keisha went to the store with Lisa. She was glad that Lisa didn’t put her on the leash or make her wear the wrist cuffs, but she worried that people would make comments about her collar. While a few customers looked askance at her because of it, no one said anything and the day passed uneventfully. At five o’clock they closed the store and returned to Lisa’s home. As before, Keisha had to prepare dinner and clean up the kitchen afterward. Then Lisa announced that they were going to go to a private club. She selected a light blue shift dress with a neckline that plunged all the way to the wait for Keisha to wear, and stand watching as Keisha took off her top and pants. As she started to put on the dress, Lisa said, “No—take off your bra and panties too.” Reluctantly, Keisha took them off.
After pulling the dress on over her head, Keisha looked in the mirror and her stomach felt like it flipped over. The deeply cut neckline allowed the sides of her ample breasts to show, and she knew that there was a good chance that one or both of them would pop out of the dress when she moved. In addition, the dress was extremely short on her, falling just above the middle of her thigh. That means that her rear end was barely covered, not to mention her crotch. Keisha’s stomach did another flip when Lisa put the leather belt and wrist cuffs on her, and then secured her wrists to the belt. That means she wouldn’t be able to do anything to protect her modesty, and she was almost certain her body would be publicly displayed again at some point in the evening.
That point arrived sooner than Keisha had hoped. Having attached the leash to the collar, Lisa led Keisha out to the elevator, where another resident was waiting for the next car. He looked Keisha up and down, smiled and said to Lisa “So you’re taking your pet for a walk?”
Lisa just laughed, said “Something like that”, and then they all got on as the elevator arrived. When they reached the lobby the man held the door for them and Lisa stepped out. As Keisha Followed she caught her heel between the elevator car and lobby floor, and stumbled forward. The sudden, jerking movement caused her right breast to flop out of the dress, and Keisha could do nothing about it. To her great shade and embarrassment, the man stared and whistled as Lisa led her towards the exit with her exposed breast swaying back and forth.
After driving for about 30 minutes, Lisa pulled up in Front of a non-descript building in an area of the city Keisha wasn’t familiar with. As they got out of the car she was hoping that Lisa would push her breast back inside her dress, but Lisa simply started walking towards a door in the building, leading Keisha by the leash. Keisha noticed there was no sign on the building or on the door, and she began to suspect that this was not going to be a typical nightclub. Lisa rang a doorbell, and a moment later the heavy door was opened by a large, well-dressed man. After Lisa spoke to him briefly and showed him a card, he let them in. To Keisha’s Surprise, he barely glanced at her exposed breast as she walked past him and paid no attention to the leash.
It took a moment for Keisha’s eyes to adjust to the lighting, which was fairly bright in some areas and more subdued in others. She saw a large room with a bar area along one wall, and comfortable looking chairs and loveseats scattered about. There were quite a few people million around, but it Didn’t seem crowded due to the size of the room. As Lisa led her forward, Keisha suddenly realized that a lot of the people were either partially or totally naked, andlike her, were wearing collars. Many of them were also on a leash, as she was. Stunned by the surreal scene, Keisha asked, “Ma’am, what is this place?”
“It’s a private club for slave owners.” The term “slave owners” sent a chill through Keisha, and she was stunned to see so many people like her—people who were apparently owned by someone. She had no idea until now that slavery like this Still existed. Most of the slaves were White women, but there were a few Blacks and Asians, and a number of men. Keisha couldn’t help but notice that the cocks of all the male slaves she saw were somewhat erect. Lisa stepped closer to Keisha and said, “I think you should show both of those nice tits”. As she said this, she reached inside Keisha’s dress, seized her nipple and used it to pull her left breast out of the dress. Keisha grunted in surprise and pain from having her nipple used as a handle. “Come on, there’s something I want you to see.”
Lisa tugged on the leash and started workingHer way across the room, stopping occasionally to talk with someone. Each time she did, as she convinced she casually stroked one of Keisha’s breasts and absently played with the nipple, sometimes strumming it and other times pinching it. While trying not to embarrass herself by moaning, Keisha had the thought that it was as if Lisa was petting her dog while talking to a friend. Keisha was experiencing the by-now familiar mix of feelings: shame, embarrassment, humiliation—and arousal. She didn’t understand why, but having her body exposed in public definitely turned her on.
They eventually reached the other side of the room and passed through a door. Keisha saw that they were now in a smaller room that had soft lighting except for three spotlights. Once again, she was shocked when she realized what she was seeing. As she tried to take it in, Lisa said, “This is the punishment room, where owners punishment slaves that have displeased them.”
One spotlight was shining on somethingg Keisha thought was called a “pillory”. She had seen a picture of one in a history book, but she didn’t think they existed anymore. It was a large wooden device with a wide base and a plan running between the legs. This plan had cutouts in it for a person’s neck and wrists, and once a person was in place, a second plan with matching cutouts was lowered and fastened in place, so that the person’s head and hands were trapped on one side of the device and the rest of their body was on the other. The height of the device was such that a person had to bend forward from the wait to put their head and hands in the cutouts, putting their body in the shape of an upside down “L”.
Keisha was disturbed to see that there was a naked woman in the pillory. She appeared to be in her thirties, with long dark hair, wide hips and a large rear end. Because of her olive-toned skin Keisha thought she might be a Latina. As Keisha watched in fascinated horror, a blonde woman fucked the Latina’s asswith a large stick-on cock. The blonde’s lips were pulled back in a cruel smile as she pulled the plastic cock almost all the way out and then slammed it forward, driving it deep into the poor woman’s ass. She did this in a steady rhythm, and each time she drove the cock forward the Latina howled—whether in pain or pleasure, Keisha couldn’t tell. In any event, her cries were muffled by the cock of a man fucking her mouth. Like the blonde, he would pull almost all the way out and then thrust his cock all the way back in. They seemed to try to time their thrusts so that they both drove forward at the same time, maximizing the Latina’s disappoint.
As Lisa led her closer to the pillory, over the woman’s grunts and cries Keisha thought she heard another sound. Then she noticed the woman’s large breasts. Someone had added to her torque by putting thumbscrews on her nipples and then tying string to each thumbscrew, with cow bells attached to the other end of the string. Her breasts swung back and forth, causing the bells to clang as she was fucked at both ends of her body. Staring at the woman’s full, dangling breasts, Keisha shuddered as she suddenly recognized the symbolism of the cow bells.
Lisa pushed Keisha forward and whispered in her ear, “Take a good look.” Standing only a foot or so to the right of the man, Keisha saw that a sign, reading “Cum Bucket”, had been hung Around the woman’s neck. She watched as the man pulled his cock back slowly and then slammed it back into the Latina’s mouth, drawing a loud, guttural grunt from her. The girl of his cock was bigger than any Keisha had seen, and the woman’s mouth was stretched wide to accept it. Her large, dark eyes were open but had a glazed look to them, and spottle dribbled out of her mouth and ran down her chin until it dropped to the floor. There were specles of cum all over the Latina’s face, which means the man currently enjoying her mouth wasn’t the first. Keisha then realized there was a shortline of people, both men and women, standing behind the man, waiting for their turn. Just then a glob of cum slid down the woman’s forehead and ran into her right eye. She blinked but couldn’t clear it. Keisha wanted to reach out and wipe it away for her, but she was afraid to help her and in any event, her hands were still fastened to her belt.
Completely powerless, the woman grunted and moaned over and over as she was pounded from both ends. Keisha thought the woman’s pulse was the most horrifying…and erotic…thing she had ever seen. Suddenly the man cried out as he thrust forward and didn’t pull back. Keisha knew the man had emptied his balls; she could see the Latina’s throat working as she swallowed his seed.
The man pulled his cock out, wiped it on the woman’s face and then walked away smiling with satisfaction. Another man immediately took his place, grabbed the Latina by her ears, and used them to guide her mouth to his stiff cock. He made her lick the pre-cum moisture from the tip of his penis, and then slowly pushed his cock into her mouth and began to fuck it.
Meanwhile, the woman at the Latina’s ass pulled out one last time and walked away. A man stepped forward and began spanking the Latina’s big ass with his hand. She began to wiggle her bottom in pain, but that seemed to entire him more and he spanked her harder, until her entire rear end was bright red. Then he stepped behind her, fingered her sex for a moment and then began pinching her clip as he shoved his cock into her pussy. He continued to pinch as he began to fuck her, and over the clang of the cow bells Keisha could hear the practical sounds the hapless woman made.
Keisha was glad when Lisa led her away, towards another device that had a spotlight on it. This one was a large wooden “X” that had a large, wooden pole running vertically through the center of the “X”. A young woman with natural red hair and pale skin, naked except for a red leather collar and a red ball gag in her mouth, was tied to the “X”, so that she was spread-eagled in a standing position. As Keisha got closer she saw that the woman had small breasts and from what Keisha could see, very pink nipples. However, each nipple was partially obscured by a clamp, and a heavy chain connecting the clamps pulled her nipples down. Keisha winced, thinking of how that must feel. Then she noticed movement a couple of feet below the woman’s crotch, and watched mesmerized as a dildo, which appeared to be about eight inches in length, moved straight up and disappeared inside the woman’s vagina. As it did, the woman throw her head back and let out a muffled cry.
Once again Lisa pushed Keisha forward until she was close to the woman. She then could see that the woman’s public area was bald, and her labia were stretched and held apart by clamps tied to Her tights. The dildo was on a pole attached to a small motor, and Keisha watched as it moved up again and, with the redhead’s labia out of the way, penetrated her easily. The woman let out a loud groan. Then a man whom Keisha assumed was her owner stepped forward and pressed a button on the motor. The pole with the dildo mounted on it began to move faster, plowing the dildo into the woman, reversing until the dildo was out and then quickly sliding it back up into her its full length. The woman began panting and then cried out, her hips jerking, as she obviously had an orgasm. As the dildo was thrust into the woman again, Keisha noticed that it had a small attachment that pressed and rubbed her clip while it was inside her. After the orgasm her clip was especially sensitive, and having it rubbed was painful—Keisha knew from experience. As the woman screamed through the ball gag in ago, her owner reached out and pulled on the chain hanging from her nipples. She screamed louder and then, as the dildo was driven into her again, she failed. The motor was still left running, so the unconscious woman’s pussy continued to be violentd by the dildo every few seconds. Keisha thought to herself, “She’ll be sore for days” and turned away, shaken.
“Have you seen enough?” Lisa asked. Keisha nodded her head with a struggle look on her face. Lisa decided she didn’t need to show Keisha the woman under the third spotlight, who was tied to a gynecological examination type of chair and had vibrators in both her ass and pussy, forcing her to cum repeatedly.
As Lisa began to lead her back toward the main room, Keisha said, “Please don’t ever punish me here, Ma’am!”
“That’s entirely up to you, Slave.” Keisha understands what Lisa means, and vowed to herself that she would do nothing that would cause Lisa to be unhappy with her.
They went back into the main room and then to the bar, where Lisa ordered them wine. When they sat down Keisha’s short dress rode up, leaving her pussy partially exposed. With her hands fastened to the belt, she couldn’t do anything about it, but Keisha realized with a shock that she wasn’t very concerned about it. Was she getting used to being exposed in public, or was it that after what she had seen, it just didn’t seem so bad, she wondered.
Lisa took a sip of wine from her glass and then held Keisha’s glass to her mouth and let her sip. She enjoyed having such control, but just as important, she knew that this type of act along with others would help make Keisha psychologically dependent on her.
They sat like that for several minutes, just sipping their wine and observing the people in the room. Then a woman with should-length dark hair flecked with gray and leading a male slave by a lean approached them. Keisha thought she looked like she was going horseback riding—she was dressed in tight, short pants, tall boots, a black wait coat and a white blouse. Her slave was wearing Only a tight-fitting top that ended at his waist, which drew attention to his large, semi-erect cock that waved back and forth as he walked. There was something familiar about the woman, but Keisha didn’t realize who she was until she spoke.
“Well, Miss Wilson, what a surprise to see you here. I didn’t know you were a slave.” Keisha’s heart almost stopped. The woman was her English professor, Ms. Weatherly. Keisha hadn’t recognized her because at school she always dressed in dark, conservative clothing and wore her hair in a bun. She was mortified for one of her professors to know that she was a slave, and to see her sitting here with her breasts and a bit of her pussy exposed. At the same time, she was shocked to see that Ms. Weatherly herself had a slave.
Turning to Lisa, the professor said, “Hello, I’m Patricia Weatherly, one of Miss Wilson’s professors. Please call me Pat.” Lisa smiled, introduced herself and invited the professor to join them. When she accepted the offer, Lisa directed Keisha to give up her seat and to sit on the floor next to her. Unable to use her hands, Keisha struggled to get up. Professor Weatherly said, “James, help Miss Wilson up.” The male slave stepped forward, took Keisha’s arm and lifted her out of the chair. As he did so he managed to brush his hand against her bare breast while he smiled at her. She immediately got a bad feeling about him, but she focused on trying to drop to her knees and then drawing her legs up under her as gracefully and modestly as she could. Despite her efforts, the short dress rode up her tights and remained there. Judging by the way both Professor Weatherly and James stared at her crotch, she was pretty sure they could see her pussy.
When Professor Weatherly sat down in the chair which Keisha had vacated, James sat on the floor next to her, facing Keisha. He stared at her, altering his gaze between her breasts and her crotch, as he touched his cock. When he slowly began licking his lips she looked away, thinking what a creep he was.
Lisa and Professor Weatherly chatted, getting to know each other, with Lisa telling the Professor about her store andthat Keisha worked there. The Professor in turn explained that James was one of her graduate students, and he was interested in writing about BDSM relationships. He had become a slave to get first-hand experience. As they talked Lisa occasionally gave Keisha sips of wine. She also casually stroked Keisha’s breast and played with her nipple, without looking at her, as she chatted with the Professor. Keisha was embarrassed to be treated like a pet in front of her teacher, but at the same time it took a lot of willpower not to moan in response to Lisa’s gentle touch, which would have been more than embarrassing.
Eventually Professor Weatherly and James left, with the Professor saying that she would visit the store. Lisa and Keisha left the club a short time later. They went to bed almost immediately upon returning to Lisa’s place, and Keisha thought her long day was over. However, Lisa stretched out on her back, opened her legs and told Keisha to eat her. Keisha was tired, not in the mood and still feel like it was wrong to have sex with a woman. But remembering the punishment room at the club, she dutifully got between Lisa’s legs, leaned down and began to lick and nibble at her lips and pussy. After several minutes, with Lisa’s moans getting louder and her hips starting to roll, Keisha blew softly on her clip and then squeezed it firmly between her lips while she sucked at the stress little nub. Lisa’s body rose up and then jerked twice before relaxing as Lisa uttered a quiet “Ahhh…yesss” Then she patted Keisha on the head and said, “Good girl”, rolled over and was sleep in two minutes.
Keisha laid there for some time as the taste of Lisa lingered in her mouth, just thinking of all she had seen and experienced that day, and of how she was changing.
Still on semister break, Keisha’s life settled into a pattern. Each morning she put on the clothes Lisa chose for her, and then the two of them worked at the store all day. In the evening they returnedto Lisa’s home, where Keisha would cook dinner and do any other chores Lisa gave her. Most evenings Lisa would then make Keisha take off all of her clothes, get on her knees between Lisa’s legs and eat her pussy while Lisa watched television. Lisa enjoyed having the pretty young Black woman in such a demeaning state—naked and with her face pressed into Lisa’s crotch—as much as she did the orgasms Keisha gave her. For her part, Keisha still felt ashamed and humiliated, but accepted everything Lisa made her do as just her lot in life now. The worst thing for her was acknowledging that despite the shade and humiliation, she enjoyed the sex and took satisfaction from giving Lisa orgasms.
On the last Friday before school would resume, Lisa said to Keisha, “I want you to move in with me. You can keep going to school, but I don’t want you living in the dorms any longer. I expect you to keep your grades up, but you’ll keep working at the store and you’ll work for me at home. You can moveYour stuff in this weekend.” Feeling she had no choice, Keisha agreed.
That afternoon Keisha was in the store, putting new inventory out. At Lisa’s direction she was wearing one of the new dresses they had received, and nothing else. The dress was short, and had a zipper that ran from her navel up to the neckline, but Lisa wouldn’t let her raise the zipper past the middle of her chest. Consequently, she was Very self-conscious about her breasts showing as she moved about. She was mildly surprised when she saw Professor Weatherly and her slave, James, come in. Lisa greeted her (ignoring James, Keisha noted) and the two of them talked for a moment. Then Lisa called Keisha over, told her that Professor Weatherly was looking for a new blouse and skirt, and that Keisha was to help her.
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